Finished: 02 PM Sat 22 Dec 12 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 105 D - Autumn, 2014, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by siameseneko (1055 D)

< Return

Chat archive


14 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: (ctrlaltdelete): I am going to delete the rest of you by just pushing a few buttons
14 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: (Obama): I would vote for Mr. Alt if he ran for president
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Russia. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Ukraine. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Turkey. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Germany. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Egypt. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Poland. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: NMR from Spain. Send the country in CD.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: Missing orders for Spring, 1994 (Diplomacy). Extending phase.The game will continue after this phase even if you do not find a replacement.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: Britain voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
15 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1994: GameMaster: ayaulymk has taken over Egypt replacing "Obama". Reconsider your alliances.
19 Oct 12 UTC Spring, 1995: YEAHH BUDDY!
24 Oct 12 UTC Autumn, 1996: Mr.Alt is winning!! lets take him down people!! ><
24 Oct 12 UTC Autumn, 1996: Taking over the World one student at a time
24 Oct 12 UTC Autumn, 1996: Mr.Alt is winning!! lets take him down people!! ><
27 Oct 12 UTC Autumn, 1997: Winning from America!!!
06 Nov 12 UTC Spring, 2000: not so fast ^^
06 Nov 12 UTC Spring, 2000: ain't going down without a fight :D
07 Nov 12 UTC Spring, 2000: ROAR!! LET'S TAKE HIM DOWN!! XD