Finished: 03 PM Mon 29 Apr 13 UTC
Medieval Wars in the Known World
1 day /phase
Pot: 300 D - Spring, 920, Finished
Known World 901, PPSC, EoG: 56 SCs
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend never
Game drawn

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10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (crixno): I have played this map a couple of times but never got what the Armies and fleets that have Blue circles around them. What are they?
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (Retillion): A Fleet can transform into an Army (and vice versa) if :
1° it is on a coastal SC ;
2° it is ordered to transform (the unit does not move) ;
3° it is not attacked.
-> If those 3 conditions are simultaneously met, the transformation succeeds and you see a blue circle around the unit.
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (Murcanic): hello everyone :)
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (Retillion): Hello Murcanic :) Hello everyone :)
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (Geronimo): Hi all, good luck & enjoy!
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (Raro): Hello everybody, let's have a good game!
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (crixno): Ok thank you Retillion!
10 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: (crixno): Good game to all!
11 Feb 13 UTC Spring, 901: good luck have fun :)
19 Feb 13 UTC Autumn, 903: GameMaster: Srivijaya voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes Concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Conceede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.
19 Feb 13 UTC Autumn, 903: [Srivijaya]:Sorry, accidentally clicked concede.
23 Feb 13 UTC Autumn, 904: [Denmark]:sorry everyone for missing my turn
23 Feb 13 UTC Autumn, 904: [France]:As long as you're back =)
17 Mar 13 UTC Autumn, 909: [Khazaria]:NMR'd myself into oblivion.. My apologies to all who cheered (or despised) my continued presence this game. Couldn't get back to a computer yesterday and didn't pry myself awake and back to enter orders in time this morning.

Good luck to the rest of you!
17 Mar 13 UTC Autumn, 909: [Spain]:@ Khazaria : Thank you for playing this game with us :)
20 Mar 13 UTC Spring, 910: [Russia]:Oops! missed a second deadline, sorry folks.
26 Mar 13 UTC Spring, 911: [Spain]:Dear Geronimo,

I would really like to cooperate with you.
The only real question is : what are you and I trying to achieve in this game ?

It is I, and only I, who have created the alliance Denmark + France + Spain + Egypt + Wagadu. My goal was to share a final Draw with ALL my allies and to see as many countries as possible eliminated. That's the worst/funniest/most ridiculous part of all this : France was afraid of a danger that did not exist ! By the way, congratulations to you for having convinced France to attack me !

Srivijaya has of course already reached what I call "the usual Srivijaya' stalemate line" and will survive this game. By the way, I love this Known World variant, except that ridiculous Srivijaya's stalemate line that guarantees every minimally competent player at least a very easy survive :(
Turan and Arabia will obviously be eliminated.

So, yes : my ambition was to eliminate the Russian giant. I am very sorry that it was you. Yes, you can call that very ambitious to try to see you off.
I suppose that your ambition was to survive.

Good job ! You will survive because, after France's stab, my goals have totally changed now !

Your are requiring some territories. I am sorry but I ALWAYS fail to understand when players require territories, especially SCs. In my opinion, either players are allied and then they can ask - but not require - something, either they are enemies and then, what is the point if requiring something ?
As you know French is my native language. In French, the difference between asking and requiring is that when you ask, you can accept a refusal ; when you require, you do not tolerate a refusal. Is it the same nuance in English, please ?
So you are asking (or requiring ? I don't know : you tell me) some territories like Thrace that you "need" (your exact word). Well, I do NEED Thrace RIGHT NOW : that difference of 1 SC will allow me to start building a defense in Spain ! You have mentioned that "I have 5 Armies on what you would consider to be your territories." (your exact words) ! Well; I wonder which 5 (!) territories you are talking about. You have even additionally mentioned Constantinople which you have never controlled and which I have captured from Byzantium !

Geronimo, please, let's both be reasonable gentlemen : we won't reach any agreement if one of us REQUIRES things from the other one.

If you are playing for a solo, I can't give you anything that you would require.
If "you intend to be a part in the final draw" (your exact words), then, you shouldn't care if you control such or such precise territory like Thrace, for example. As you can see, I haven't played this game for a solo victory (I would have stabbed France ages ago if I had ever been considering a solo). As can also see, I am a VERY faithful ally and you shouldn't fear anything from me if you and I agree to be allies.

So my question is : what goal would you like to achieve ? If you really want to intend to be a part in the final Draw, would that be acceptable for you to share the final Draw with :
1° Me : of course, if you and I are ally.
2° & 3° Egypt & Wagadu : they both have been my faithful allies since very early in the game and I wouldn't want to stab them.
4° Denmark : he has been my number 1 ally since the very beginning of the game and, again, I wouldn't want to stab him. Should you decide to destroy him, I wouldn't help you at all but I couldn't prevent it, could I ?
5° Srivijaya : I really don't care about Srivijaya but he is invincible behind his " usual Srivijaya's stalemate line" : Srivijya will survive this game :(

-> That would mean a 6- (or 5- if you take out Denmark) way Draw. Is that acceptable for you ?

If the answer is yes, please Geronimo, let's both be reasonable, let's not argue about some territories : each of you and I keeps what he has right now. We both had to fight hard to have what we have now and none of us could feel well by surrendering territories. Let's please play it a friendly and gentlemen's way. Let's be nice enough to respect our territories as they are right now.

If you agree with a 6- (or 5-) way Draw, this game will be finished VERY quickly.

What do you think about it ?
26 Mar 13 UTC Spring, 911: [Spain]:I have sent my previous message here in the Global Press by mistake !

That is because I could see that the last person to have written something here was Russia and also it is here 5:20 am and I am too tired right now.

Please accept my apologies for this mistake and try to ignore that message.
26 Mar 13 UTC Spring, 911: [Arabia]::(
26 Mar 13 UTC Spring, 911: [Denmark]:I feel like I've been sold to Humble Pie for 50 bucks and a case of beer.