Finished: 08 PM Mon 28 Apr 14 UTC
... and I will stand by you
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 160 D - Spring, 1996, Finished
Mate Against Mate, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game drawn

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Chat archive


02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (FolliesOfSpain): Good luck, kangaroos, dingos and koalas!
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (Hirnsaege): ... and snakes, spiders, scorpions, platypus ... did i miss somthing poisoneous down under?
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (FolliesOfSpain): Corals, lots of f*cking corals.
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (Hirnsaege): true ... and jellyfish and octopi
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (FolliesOfSpain): Australia is really scary D:
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (Emperor): probably that's why it takes so much to get the players rolling.
02 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: (Hirnsaege): just advertised in the forum again.
if you have active games, you could advertise them there too ... please just avoid pseudo-meta-gaming by inviting close allies as predestined partners in this game.
03 Jan 14 UTC Spring, 1973: 40ºC? I'll take the coat.

26 Feb 14 UTC Spring, 1983: GameMaster: New Zealand voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: some thoughts (no plan yet):
– south, i'm thinking about to keep SM protected for this turn, while i move HV to BM ... from there i could get Syd and/or Wol.
– northeast can somehow be handled while i push more fleets east.

my build centers are MtIsa (worthless), Cairns (not very useful now but if there is a build, it's there) and Brisbane (occupied and i think i can not vacate it this turn for another build). --> so question is how to go on with exchanging centers etc ...
i'll have potentially a loss coming from CWPO movint to either PM or NewCaledonia (as i want to defend SWPO first with Bri+CH+SWPO, i only have Coral Sea to guess where he will go and try to block that ... it's a 50:50 chance that this works).
i can compensate that loss either with taking Bali from you if you are okay with that ... if i don't lose PM/NewCal, i can build in Cai. If i lose though, i'll have that fleet sitting bali, not being very useful.
the alternative to this is that you actively attack Bali with Jak+NIO, destroying my fleet and i can either rebuild it in the east, or disband it as the loss coming from tasman ... i kind of like that option actually, except you say you can easily spare that loss for you.

then there is the question of CP yet, but i think i will not move there, as Eyre is usful in the south yet.
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: as said, this is no plan yet, thoughts are welcome :)
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: first impressions are:
*North East
I have considered quite a few options there. The best one is a move CS>CWPO and Torres>CS. That assures you the take of either PM or NC in Spring. The lose of a SC is not a major problem now.
Disbanding Bali is 100% the best option.
Take ET, that gives you an extra buid in Cai.
I do agree with you the take of CP is not needed so far.
That damned corner is a mess..hahaha...I dunno know what the hell can you do there...let me think about it a bit more...
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: You could draw in 1 turn !
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: sure thing :)
but drawing is boring if there is still movement
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: aw :P
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: i can hear voices from the damned corner of mess ...
16 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: lol
17 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: lol
17 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: Draw?
17 Mar 14 UTC Autumn, 1986: sure thing :)
but drawing is boring if there is still movement