Finished: 06 PM Fri 10 Jul 15 UTC
Private Ben 3
2 days /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1907, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Deinodon (1179 D)

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08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Let this be your play ground, learn, attack, kill, destroy, rule the world, experiment.
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1902: did you notice that you could also build fleets? And you could have built in Trieste or Budapest as well.
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: Ooops, yeah, should have moved Galicia to Rumania.
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Hey, talk at me up here in the comments.
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: ok. i will use the comments
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: I enter orders. Hit ready and wait, and wait, and wait...
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: By the way, in this version, you need 18 centers to win, in our north american game, you need a lot more. To get the specific rules for that version, you can click the name "Fall of the American Empire IV" in the title, it will take you to the special rules page.
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: yeah, that's cause I'm taking so long! :)
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: That time it took me a long time to move
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: That time it took me a long time to move
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: That time it took me a long time to move
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Hmmmm..your units didn't move, all except Bulgaria, did you mean to do that?
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: That time it took me a long time to move
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: You know, if you enter your moves, then type something to me before you hit ready, it erases all your moves.
Maybe hit the save button everyonce in a while.
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: yes
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Also, if you play on a phone, it sometimes resends your last message everytime you refresh.
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: yes
08 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1904: I am on my brand new Lap Top. :(
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Hey, I want you to try something. Get army out of trieste, use trieste to build a navy on your next build, then take your navies to adr and ionian, then convoy an army to tunis from alb
08 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Nice support move, you forgot to move Trieste though.