Finished: 09 PM Fri 29 Jan 21 UTC
Private The First Battle of 2021
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1903, Finished
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by Stinky Will (734 D)

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26 Jan 21 UTC Autumn, 1901: So glad to have you back in the saddle!
26 Jan 21 UTC Autumn, 1901: Hell yeah - happy to be back! Missed this.
29 Jan 21 UTC I don't even know where I went wrong!... letting you into the North Sea (earlier) and not support holding Denmark (final turn) I guess?
29 Jan 21 UTC Yes I think that is accurate.

Holding Denmark would have extended the game and then it would have come down to the Italian territories, I would never have gotten back Vienna with a fleet in Trieste

My fleet in London would be knocked around for a bit