Finished: 07 PM Tue 17 Jan 12 UTC
I want to be part of the Rat Pack!
1 day /phase
Pot: 20 D - Autumn, 1910, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by mongoose998 (1344 D)

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Chat archive


20 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: OMG, was it public press?
20 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: greetings all! be prepared to get run over by the uglies :P HELLCATS, would yo ube willing to establish a mutually beneficial border? such as the middle line? we cna make I4-I6 a DMZ. Also, DEADRABBITS, would you be okay with me taking r8? seeing as you have more centers close to you it seems fair. SHIRTTAILS, hopefully we meet each other at some point :]
20 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: as do I uglies, as do i.
I hope you do not mind me posting this, just a reference sheet that could be of use: now.
Dead Rabbits, would you agree to an n4-n6 DMZ? Hellcats, what are we to do about h2?
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: @Ugly. "r8, seeing as I'D have more centres close to me'"
Well, no. I don't want to make agreements with someone who is not even able to count up to 4. It's dangerous.
May I suggest you to watch your right hand and count your fingers? Ten minutes a day doing practice should be enough. Within a month you should be able to count up to 5 and, perhaps, play the Pure map.

@Shirty. I like your proposal. Could we extend it and make n4-o6 DMZ and unpassable?
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: I was implying that the wall was included in the DMZ, but for clarification, yes, n4-o6
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Yes of Course Plug!: I shall be fine with that. try not to die by the knife-wielding people
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: RABBITS, I can count as well as you can. Maybe you should look at the three 3X3 squares around your home one. Count how many centers there are. You have four I have three. However, if you include I8, then yes we have the same amount. I was not including I8 as it is not in the nearest set of larger squares.
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: from u1: p8, p6, q1, l8. It's 4 steps.
from y7: x6, x2, s8, s4. It's 4 steps.
l8 is as close from your SC as s4 is from mine. I don't understand why you don't include it. You say you can count as well as I can. I don't know.
If you can't count, then play Pure. No SC is more far away than 1 step from yours. :D
If you can then you're greedy. That's even more dangerous.
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: Think what you will. If you are content to fight over R8, so be it. Ill give it as much of a run as I can
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: sorry guys, my orders wont let me move my units where I want them, gonna have to hold off on finalizing
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: wait a minute... can arrow rats only move 3 spaces in a straight line? IE H5 cannot move to m3 or even h9? that changes a lot
21 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1901: and nvrmnd about the not finalizing
22 Dec 11 UTC Autumn, 1901: Ugly, of course I think what I will.
I think that it's suspicious that you tried to convince me that the map was not symmetrical, that Deads had some advantage over Uglies, and therefore I had to give you a SC as a gift because it "seems fair".
Either you was trying to trick me or you believe that the Map's Creator is a stupid.
Since you didn't try to retract and change your proposal, I'd say the first.
Will you "give it as much of a run as" you can? Well, nothing new. You're doing it since the start. Good luck.
24 Dec 11 UTC Autumn, 1902: @All. What are we to do with m5? this could become a major cause of conflict if not dealt with promptly.
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: @Purple man who I think is mr. Tail, shall we agree to preempt any conflict with each other and create a civil border?
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: I would appreciate that. That could only work if you retreat your arrow
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: I would appreciate that. That could only work if you retreat your arrow
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: Double post 4 emphasis
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: will do so of course
25 Dec 11 UTC Spring, 1903: will do so of course
