Finished: 09 PM Fri 04 Mar 22 UTC
1v1 - Italy and Germany-7
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1904, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by lambda.nrx (1503 D)

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03 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1901: Hello here too.
03 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1903: Pretty similar principles apply to this variant. Try to get to the front line as quickly as possibly. Taking St. Petersburg with a fleet from the south is a total waste of units, you can take it later and with an army. You would need your fleets at the front, which is in Spain! Moving to the North sea is also a bad choice. What do you want to take? Norway? An English Center? All those are behind your home centers, I will never reach them. Only take this centers when you have enough units at the front. You coud have taken Belgium in year 1, Brest in year 2 and now bounce me in Spain in year 2. I am behind the great stalemate line in the sea and have reached it on the continent.
03 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1903: My principles on those 1v1 maps: Get as far as possible as quickly as possible, if you could take more centers than you would be able to build troops, don't go for the centers but rather for a better position, leave centers close to your home and on your side of the map empty for later. In the later phase of the game you will have many units at the front, newly built ones won't get there in time, so those spare units can collect the last centers then.
03 Mar 22 UTC Spring, 1903: Berlin to Holland was also unneccecary, Holland can be taken very late into the game. Berlin would have been much more usefull in Warsaw for you.
03 Mar 22 UTC GameMaster: Germany voted for a Concede. If everyone (but one) votes concede the game will end and the player _not_ voting Concede will get all the points. Everybody else will get a defeat.