Finished: 07 PM Tue 03 May 22 UTC
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1868, Finished
2 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by lambda.nrx (1501 D)

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02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: Info: This is a choose your country game.
02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: Hello!
02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1860: Gl! Hello
02 May 22 UTC Autumn, 1864: Interesting game. Your position isn't that bad in the west, but I think I'll win because I'll just prevent you from building at the east coast.
02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1865: Ya this is over, I won’t drag it out too much longer lmao
02 May 22 UTC Autumn, 1866: Would be interesting to see how ling it takes for me to reach the maximum center count. You can of course concede if you don't want to suffer through.
02 May 22 UTC Spring, 1867: I’ll keep it going lolol, tell me when you’ve had enough and I’m happy to throw in the concede
02 May 22 UTC Lmao 14 units to populate
02 May 22 UTC I’ve wondered what this map would be like if there were standing armies in Mexican and Canadian SCs and union started with 4 instead of 3
02 May 22 UTC Gg wp lambda as always
02 May 22 UTC If Union started with 4 that would be way too big an advantage. It's pretty balanced this way. Confederacy has an advantage according to the stats but I don't really know what it is.

Most of the times this game is decided by one side being blocked from building for some time or loosing the home supply centers, hardly ever are the centers conquered in the back decisive.
02 May 22 UTC Maybe expanding Chesapeake Bay so NJ can also directly go there would balance things out.
02 May 22 UTC Or removing Jacksonville as a center.
02 May 22 UTC A few days ago I played my best game on this map so far. My opponent played Union and had the unusual strategy to use fleets on the great lakes, which really changed the dynamics around Milwaukee, Chicago, Iowa. I did win at the end but it took very long. I never did that, but maybe I will try it when I'm Union the next time.
02 May 22 UTC NJ to Chesapeake would make the first year a pain in the ass, a very annoying guessing game, probably shouldn't be done. Maybe making Arkansas a center and Missouri not? But it is quite balanced the way it is, Confederacy usually does better in the west in the beginning but Union in the east.
02 May 22 UTC That was me! Lmao I had a great time that game.

I didn’t want to repeat that strategy this game, but I went in with the “agenda” of trying to get 1 or 2 units just to mop up far-away centers slowly. That plan was a bit thwarted when you got that army into Western PA. Not trying to flatter you here lmao but I think you are a better tactician than me so honestly the longer games go on I think you have the advantage

As always, enjoyed playing with you
02 May 22 UTC Oh yeah, right, it was you haha. I'll try that strategy too.
02 May 22 UTC Yeah, there were some moves where I think you made bad moves, not factoting in that I could do what I would do. I thought you would destroy my army in WP but you didn't. Leaving cape may (or east coast as Confederacy) in auntumn most of the times is a stupid decision too because it's super annoying to have an opponents fleet there. And then my convoy was a super smart move I think.
02 May 22 UTC Yes I was impressed by that convoy