Finished: 06 PM Sun 26 Feb 23 UTC
Youngstown WWII Gunboat -6
1 day /phase
Pot: 30 D - Autumn, 1960, Finished
Youngstown World War II, No messaging, Anon, PPSC
1 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend always
Game won by rannjohnson (1812 D)

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09 Feb 23 UTC Spring, 1949: GameMaster: Italian Empire voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
25 Feb 23 UTC GG everyone. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to win this game. Germany was gaining a lot on Italy and I was just rushing to keep Italy alive and to keep Geramny from 40 SC. Then I saw I was in a position to take a lot of Italy's centers and I went for it.

I'm genuinely surprised Germany never put a draw vote in. The turn I stabbed Italy I had had my drawn vote in for quite a while. I of course withdrew mine but surprised Germany didn't submit one. I assume you were just playing for PPSC?
25 Feb 23 UTC Ah right, I did forget about PPSC making this a favorable situation for Germany. My lategame strategy was to balance between the two, which I did fail, but turns out Germany didn't have much reason to assist in the balancing.

I'm pretty sure I had a forced draw ready after I took Morocco from France (necessary to reinforce the blockade against Japan), unfortunately that led to them losing hope and taking revenge...
25 Feb 23 UTC Spring 1950 was the fateful moment
25 Feb 23 UTC The issue is that there's no combination that can protect Persia-ArabianSea-WestIndianOcean against every combination of Japanese attacks if they get all fleets along the coast.
25 Feb 23 UTC I can protect Persia/WestIndianOcean, but eventually I lose Arabian Sea which loses me WestIndian which loses me the game.
25 Feb 23 UTC I'm glad Trieste-Greece-Istanbul held though, that was a pretty critical spot for the whole game.
25 Feb 23 UTC Indeed I didn’t accept the draw because of PPSC. Even with Japan soloing I’d gain more then from a draw. When Japan stabbed Italy I hoped to gain an extra SC or two. It took some time to get all those fleets over land to the Mediterranean. And I misjudged the situation at Morocco which I could’ve taken. Anyway, good game! We’ll played!
25 Feb 23 UTC Oh no I did the math wrong, I did not need to stab France, the German blockade holds if I don't take Morocco T_T
25 Feb 23 UTC (that is, it holds even if I withdraw Westmed/Morocco for Italian front, albeit that would take some time and Japan might figure it out before then.
25 Feb 23 UTC (*Japanese front)
25 Feb 23 UTC Good game everyone. Sorry for throwing you under the bus midway through Soviet Union, but I saw that you were in a weakening state and I had to choose to continue allying with either Japan or you. In retrospect, as a mainly naval nation I probably should not have chosen to ally with the other naval nation, since we'd inevitably have probably fought even if Italy didn't attack me. Not my best play.
I think that there were two things that made me lose in this game; I neglected the area around GB too much so there was always an open sea tile or two there, and I gave up Africa too easily to the Italians so they were able to concentrate on me while my attention was divided across the map.
Really fun overall for my first time on this gamemode though, GGs.
25 Feb 23 UTC Personally I'd rather have the game go down as a draw on my record than gain extra V points. But I understand everyone is different. Fun game nonetheless.
25 Feb 23 UTC Taking Morocco meant that I had no defensive line that I could establish, Italy. Suiciding was my only alternative. I was bound to lose all of my centers and there was nothing I could do about it. There was no way for me to both defend Pic/Bur AND the MAO.