Finished: 06 PM Mon 05 Feb 24 UTC
Frigid Fight
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1963, Finished
Cold War, Public messaging only, WTA, ChooseYourCountry
0 excused NMR / regain after 5 turn(s) / extend never
Game won by JustAGuyNamedWill (1060 D)

< Return

Chat archive


04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Info: This is a choose your country game.
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Hello! Glhf!
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Communism shall prevail!
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Good luck! I am practicing NATO play, so sorry if you wanted to be Nato :(
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1960: Long Live Democratic nations! And Philippines (but we don’t talk about the Philippines)
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1960: Sounds great! Nope I’m happy to be COMINTERN
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1960: Albania is my version of the Philippines, and you can have it
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1961: Tradesies! Philippines is all yours XD
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1961: Oh goodness… perhaps a poor trade…
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1961: Wow. I got extremely lucky
04 Feb 24 UTC Spring, 1962: Nah you aren’t missing a beat!
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1962: The USSR strikes back with well played moves! Egad!
04 Feb 24 UTC Autumn, 1962: NATO is still purposely acquiring supply centers- inevitable!
04 Feb 24 UTC Good game, man! It was fun!
04 Feb 24 UTC Gg! A well played and brutal campaign!
04 Feb 24 UTC Thanks. Have a good day!
04 Feb 24 UTC You too!