Finished: 05 AM Tue 29 May 12 UTC
1 day, 12 hours /phase
Pot: 5 D - Autumn, 1907, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game drawn

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20 May 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: You are all against me. I can't believe anybody.
21 May 12 UTC Autumn, 1904: Russia, would you help me keep Italy from soloing?
Italy, would you help me keep Russia from soloing?
Russia and Italy: 3 way draw?
24 May 12 UTC Spring, 1906: GameMaster: England voted for a Draw. If everyone votes Draw the game will end and the points are split equally among all the surviving players, regardless of how many supply centers each player has.
24 May 12 UTC Spring, 1906: :)
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: GameMaster: England voted for a Pause. If everyone votes Pause the game stop and wait till everybody votes Unpause. Please consider backing this.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Would you please pause for a few days?
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: It's quite unfair to vote for a (indefinite) pause when you are in a situation like this. I'll vote only for an extend.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Or you can search for a sitter.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: An extend would be great.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: GameMaster: England voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Do you really need an extend to move 1 unit?
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Yes i do.
26 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: I need time so the mods can check your atypical behavior and determine if you two (Russia and Italy) are cheaters or just bad players...
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: That's riducolous.
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: I don't think so.
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Why Russia dont want to win? You barely trade 2 words in game and Russia gives up a certain win to eliminate us...
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: I think you England are right. Their behavior is not normal.
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Excuse me you all, but I don't understand this situation. The game is clearly over; you both (England and Germany) have only one movement to do (& only two choices). Really do you need a pause of four days (to do a thing that nothing will change) while you are writting here spending time?

I you ask me again to pause the game I'll do it. But for me this game will be finish in this moment and I'll leave this board.
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Does that mean that Russia will support you against me?? Beacuse that's not normal, if that occurs Russia is a very bad player for leting you win or you are cheaters. I hope Russia will take London and fight becasue he could win some movements ago because he can defeat you very easy in the East.
27 May 12 UTC Spring, 1907: Dear England, when you proposed a 3-way draw, I and Italy agreed on a 2-way draw, is this cheating, or appreciating and recognizing the value of the other player? Of course I could easily win but, even if the game is what it is, there is still a little place for honour and trust. Anyhow, I have nothing to hide and to fear and the mod will surely and easily prove this.