A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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peterlund (1080 D)
05 Jul 16 UTC
Paktarna (svenska)
En tråd för svenskar som spelar i serien Paktarna.
43 replies
faded box (1101 D)
31 Jul 16 UTC
Need one more
4 replies
Soccer/football fans! Chat here!
There has been some soccer talk at times in other threads. Here is a thread to chat about soccer/football.
4 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
06 Aug 16 UTC
Cartographical Collaborator Needed
Hello everyone. I am looking for someone willing to collaborate with me to create a new map for a variant I am designing. I can devise maps which are legible and useful for play but artistry and more complex techniques are beyond me.
4 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
03 Aug 16 UTC
vDip points X webDip points
Hey guys! I went through the FAQ, but I couldn't find an answer. So, whats the difference between the vDiplomacy Points (who show in the top of the site screen), and the webDiplomacy Points that the FAQ speaks of (and seems to be the de facto currency for games and bets)? The former starts in 1000, and the latter with 100.

Thanks in advance!
3 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
27 Jul 16 UTC
What if vDip decided the US president?
We all love a bit of strategy and fun here. So what would happen if ONLY the good people of vDip decided the American president? Read on...
7 replies
DogsRule11 (866 D)
13 May 16 UTC
Advertise your non-live games here!
As the old thread seems to be gone, here's a new one! I'll kick it off with a PPSC, betsize 5 game:
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bugzduck (869 D)
13 May 16 UTC
Was it deleted?
DogsRule11 (866 D)
13 May 16 UTC
I don't know.
DogsRule11 (866 D)
17 May 16 UTC
Please join my new game Greasy Greece! PPSC, betsize 5.
Anon (?? D)
17 May 16 UTC

ANCIENT WARFARE 3 point buy in 1 and 1/2 day phases ANON join NOW
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
17 May 16 UTC
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
17 May 16 UTC
It was just four threads below this post, sometimes you just need to scroll a bit ;)
DogsRule11 (866 D)
19 May 16 UTC
Please join Lemurs are Fuzzy! It is a PPSC, betsize 5 game.
Anon (?? D)
19 May 16 UTC

Come play a fun Haven game! The betsize is 10 and it is public. We need 16 more players.
DogsRule11 (866 D)
20 May 16 UTC
Please join Modern Diplo 2! PPSC, betsize 5. It'll be fun!
DogsRule11 (866 D)
20 May 16 UTC
Never mind.
Chumbles (1380 D)
20 May 16 UTC
For dejected denizens of ancient Greece:
DogsRule11 (866 D)
23 May 16 UTC
Can we do a... World War 4 game? Let's try the impossible! PPSC, and a nice small betsize of 2
This would be AWESOME if everyone joined, so please do!
Anon (?? D)
23 May 16 UTC
Great fantasy world map.
I just joined.
Anon (?? D)
24 May 16 UTC
bugzduck (869 D)
24 May 16 UTC

Only three spots left in Diplomacy 1600!
bugzduck (869 D)
25 May 16 UTC

little italy
DogsRule11 (866 D)
26 May 16 UTC
There's are still 8 spots left in Can we do this? Join up now!
Anon (?? D)
27 May 16 UTC

Unrated 7 islands join now
Anon (?? D)
03 Jun 16 UTC
Colonial map, WTA, betsize 3. Please join!
Join war in isenguard!!
War in Isenguard link is below. Betsize 4, PPSC.
DogsRule11 (866 D)
03 Jun 16 UTC
Ooh! Finally a creative name!
Yes dogs! I thought of the song...
DogsRule11 (866 D)
05 Jun 16 UTC
A cool map, and unrated so we can all have some fun! Joining is appreciated!
DogsRule11 (866 D)
05 Jun 16 UTC
DogsRule11 (866 D)
05 Jun 16 UTC
Here's the right link:
Great Europe 1939 map

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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
06 May 16 UTC
The Gleick Model of political warefare
Imagine you are Putin and want to create a narrative of corruption in the broader world, what happens if you leak Russian intelligence hacks on the Clinton server with a handful of well crafted forgeries added in? With the server wiped clean, forgeries could not be batted down within a mass document dump. The Gleick model would be incredibly hard to counter, especially if executed with an amount of competence the original could not summon.
9 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jul 16 UTC
Cheating in gameID 27387
I wish to ask the moderators and anyone else that wishes to take a look at game ID 27387
Russia and Turkey are cheating?
Is that possible that a player support another player to move to his own SC without previous conversations?
Are Russia and Turkey the same player?
0 replies
BosonSuprème (1002 D)
17 Jul 16 UTC
Possibility to modified the time of a tour?
Hello! It is possible to modified the time of a tour? For example remplace 2 days by 1 week after created the game?
Thank you!
2 replies
icevolcano (1391 D)
17 Jul 16 UTC
IDS Draw?
This game is going nowhere after 23 game years. Russia, can you please vote for the DRAW? Thx
4 replies
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
15 Dec 15 UTC
WWII Gunboat Series
See below...
50 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
12 Jul 16 UTC
Murdoch explains Australia
2 replies
LLGeorge (1410 D)
13 Jul 16 UTC
country switch
want to make some vacation. can anyone take my games?
0 replies
Hi, new guy here. Are they Vpoints and what are they for? If they're not Vpoints what are they?
5 replies
Gadewch i ni chwarae gêm Cymreig .
Aut Latin ludum .
28 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Jun 16 UTC
Anyone interested in taking over for me in a Haven variant

I'm in a pretty good position. Since it's an anonymous game, I don't know if I can say here which country I am.
2 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
08 Jul 16 UTC
Just tried joining a game to find out a player had blocked me. <shakes head> I kinda expected no one would do that to little Ol' me.

Share your blocked experiences here.
1 reply
Deinodon (1179 D)
01 Jul 16 UTC
Can someone explain the what I am missing about inactivity?
Vision ORCUTT 7x7 2014 ~
Due to inactivity the game was abandoned and removed. Better luck next time!
One player missed the first build phase, it gave us another phase to find a new player. He signed in shortly after and entered his build order. Then the game had us all on Ready or Save status. When the next deadline rolled around, it canceled the game. Is it supposed to work this way?
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
25 Jun 16 UTC
Country switch
Hi all,

because I'm leaving at the start of July and probably won't have many possibilities to connect on vdip, I'm offering a game to anyone I play. This game surely won't end in June, so any interested player is supposed to write me PM, I'll give it to the first one through country switch. It is this game: gameID=25970, I'm England.
2 replies
WyattS14 (1101 D)
27 Jun 16 UTC
Different Diplomacy Sites
I have an account on WebDiplomacy and (of course) VDiplomacy, but I've heard about yet another Diplomacy site when one player commented on how he missed his phase because he "forgot about VDip" because he's been on 'Playdiplomacy' so much. It is In fact a real site, so how many different Diplomacy sites ARE there? And how old/popular are they?
1 reply
Laughterofgods (1000 D)
25 Jun 16 UTC
This is my first time using vDiplomacy so I apologize if this question is answered somewhere else. I am running a workplace game, both players that tried to convoy in 1901 failed (UK and Italy). It shows the X in the middle of the red line showing cut or failed, but no one was there to mess with it. Is there a special way they need to enter convoy orders?
3 replies
DogsRule11 (866 D)
03 May 16 UTC
Please like this post if you like PUPPIES!
8 replies
WyattS14 (1101 D)
19 Jun 16 UTC
back stabbing too soon?
So I've noticed an increasing amount of players become angered at me for backstabbing "way too soon in the game." It's not just the players being stabbed, but also the rest of the members of the game objecting to the stab. Here is a link to one Africa varient map that I stabbed South Africa early on....
12 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
22 Jun 16 UTC
Rule Variant, Supply Lines
I was thinking about the notion that all armies and fleets in the real world have to have some way to resupply. Without changing existing mechanics, would it be possible to introduce a rule that an army in the field has to be able to connect to a supply center in order to be alive.
4 replies
TheatreVarus (874 D)
17 Jun 16 UTC
WWIV v6.2 UN Rule
Here's the UN Rule for the World War Four variant in a readable format.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
15 Jun 16 UTC
gameID=27204 48 hour phases, WTA, anon Gunboat, Classic Dip, 350 pt buy in...
0 replies
McSwagger (992 D)
13 Jun 16 UTC
live game need players
0 replies
Pontus! (1143 D)
11 Jun 16 UTC
Help, how do you leave a game? Also how do you get another player to take your spot?
I'm playing a game and Britain is unable to keep playing due to exams. He want to leave so someone can take his spot. How does he do that?
2 replies
English Muffins (591 D)
02 Jun 16 UTC
Advertising games and chat forum
This is for advertising and chatting for vdip users.
23 replies
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