A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Mittag (1396 D)
09 Jun 18 UTC
Does anyone know any good adjudicator, online of for Mac, that I could use for playing around with positions?
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Caerus (1470 D)
04 Jun 18 UTC
Clock Watching - Sniping the NMRs
I am unaware of the actual term, but is it considered bad form here on vDip to change your orders in anticipation of an opponent's upcoming NMR?
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Ghastly (968 D)
07 Jun 18 UTC
Would appreciate a replacement for 1800 variant Prussia
I have no motivation to keep playing turns, so I figure I could give my only game to someone who does. Sorry for making a new thread, I couldn't find the game-sitters thread.
2 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
03 Jun 18 UTC
[New Variant] Scramble
Play as an European colonial power during the Scramble for Africa! Based on @Tristan's 'Africa' variant.

Soon on vDip:
13 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
30 May 17 UTC
1900 for vDip: Progress Report (ongoing)
As mentioned in another thread, I've been working on the code and assets necessary to port Baron M. Powell's variant 1900 to vDip and/or webDip.

In order to keep myself accountable in some fashion to actually complete this task, and not just talk about it, I've created a small project plan where I can mark my progress.
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Jun 18 UTC
[Variant] Nautical
The Classic map, but with bigger sea territories!

16 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
28 May 18 UTC
Taking over Civil Disorders should be free of charge
Reasoning: the player who takes over a Civil Disorder is not just putting themself in a precarious position (as they must evaluate everybody's styles and strategies) but they are also saving the game's balance and fun.

In order to reward/incentive people to take more CDs, I believe that making it free of charge (rather than current 50% discount) would be for the best. Thoughts?
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d-ice (1969 D)
16 May 18 UTC
Variants as maps, rules and tweaks
I’d like to propose a variant system that could lead to a significant increase in flexibility of testing out new variants.
12 replies
Imp. Dipl.: urgent replacement for Prussia required
For following game as Prussia:
Post your user ID/send it
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00matthew2000 (2409 D)
29 May 18 UTC
New Imperial Diplomacy Game, Players Wanted
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David E. Cohen (1000 D)
24 Jan 18 UTC
New Variant: Dawn of the Enlightenment
It is on a temporary homepage,, since I am having a bit of trouble editing my main website. Please take a look. I would love to get comments, suggestions and criticism.
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
26 May 18 UTC
A suggested change
It would be nice if eliminated players would be displayed in the order they were eliminated in, not alphabetically.
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Flame (1073 D)
09 Jan 18 UTC
Western Known World 901
Please join the testgame
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Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
17 Jan 18 UTC
Cold War Tournament
I am looking to start a rated Cold War tournament consisting of group and knockout stages. Groups of 4 will face each other twice, once as each country. The top two (or three, pending interest) from each group will move on to the knockout stage, with each matchup lasting two games. Users will play as each country once. If tied 1-1, an additional two games are played until a winner is determined.
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vixol (1774 D)
26 May 18 UTC
Hi, if I use countryswitch in a non anonymous game, will the temporary players ID be visible instead of mine? The question in another way: will the other players see that the owner is temporarily another player?
1 reply
Enriador (1507 D)
05 Mar 18 UTC
Soon on vDiplomacy: Canton Diplomacy
After trying three excruciatingly long games of Colonial Diplomacy and seeing its annoying lack of balance by myself, I decided to revive Paul Webb's 'Canton Diplomacy' from the depths of the internet. With Oli's help and blessing we'll be playing it quite soon!
39 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
24 May 18 UTC
[New Variant] Legacy of Versailles
Here's a new variant I have been cooking up for some time. It's set in 1939, right before war blows in Europe once again
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Enriador (1507 D)
28 Apr 18 UTC
New Variant: Spice Islands
David Cohen's 'Spice Islands' will be coming to vDip! Here's a preview of the variant:

Available soonTM.
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The Modern UN Tournament
Information below
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pancake (934 D)
18 May 18 UTC
east asia map!!!
i think that should exist with a small advantage to china but a unified korea an an i india to balance that up.
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GetDoneSon (967 D X)
16 May 18 UTC
Feature Request: Friends List
Similar to how the site already has functionality for muting and blocking other players, we should be able to add them to a friends list so that tracking them down to send PMs is more convenient. It would also make hosting games with players you know you enjoy playing with much easier. I don’t believe that this feature is currently in the issue tracker, and it seems like it would be very easy to implement given the current muting and blocking features already in place.
6 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
10 Apr 18 UTC
New Variant: 'Napoleonic: Empires & Coalitions'
Oli has locked me in his basement and only gives me food when I port a new variant. Send help.
14 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
12 May 18 UTC
[New Variant] Caucasus
I was contacted by user @vixol a few weeks ago, who showed me his awesome variant set in post-Soviet Caucasus. I hope you guys like it!

9 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
07 Apr 18 UTC
New Variant: Manifest Destiny III
Hail diplomats,

Yet another variant is coming: Manifest Destiny III. It's set in North America during the conquest of the Wild West.
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Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
Variant Tournaments
I've really enjoyed playing variant-specific tournaments such as the Known World 15x15 currently underway.
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Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
I've also played WWII and Ancient Med 5x5, and a World DiplomacyIX 17x17 on WebDip. If you're not familiar with the format, we select a variant and each player plays each nation once.

I'm looking for players interested in joining a couple of these. Here are my requirements, though I'll be willing to consider changes based on needs and preferences of others:

All games gunboat
At least 10 entry bid per game, depending on consensus.
Hidden draw votes
2-day phases with an agreement to ready early whenever possible

Reliability is the number one criteria, but I will give priority to ranking as well. Scoring will be as follows, with N = number of players in the variant, and D = number of players in a draw:

Solo: N/2
Draw: (N-D)/D

The number of concurrent games will be 5, or N/2 if the variant calls for more than 5 players. In the case of odd numbers the extra will be played in the first group. If enough players are interested that a variant of more than 10 is required, we can run N/3 games at once.

Extends granted upon reasonable request and player consensus, anything longer than the standard 4 days will require a sitter.

Some of the variants I'm interested in using for this:

Dutch Revolt (5)
Mars (6)
Youngstown WWII (6)
American Conflict (6)
Colonial (7)
Abstraction III (7)
Classic Fog of War (7)
Sengoku (8)
USA (8)
Europe 1939 (8)
Aberration V (9)
Hussite Wars (9)
Youngstown Redux (10)
Fall of the American Empire (10)
And of course WWIV, but that will never happen :)

I can commit to doing 2, maybe 3 of these at once. Please let me know if you're interested and we'll go from there. Maybe we can work our way through several and keep a running score over time.

Yes, I am a Diplomacy junkie.
El Cremoso (1728 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
i'd be interested, but depending on the map.

Dr. Rec
El Crem
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
Definately depends on the map, but count me in.
Great, thanks kaner. What are some maps you guys would like or not like to use?

Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
By the way, my phone autocorrect wants to change "kaner" to Janet. It kind of cracks me up a little bit every time.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
For me:

Mars (6)
Youngstown WWII (6)
American Conflict (6)
Colonial (7)
Abstraction III (7)
Sengoku (8)
USA (8)
Europe 1939 (8)
Aberration V (9)
Fall of the American Empire (10)
Decima Legio (1987 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
I've played Sengoku once or twice in the past.
It's a very underrated variant, and it's designed incredibly well,

Count me in if we reach consensus on that variant.
Mercy (2131 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
@Dr. Recommended. Could you explain why you choose this particular scoring system?

By the way - I would be interested in a mini-tournament on Treaty of Verdun, a 3-player map. The tournament could be organised as follows: 7 players can take part in the tournament; there will be played exactly 7 games, of which each player takes part in 3; each player will play each nation once and each player will play against each of the other 6 players exactly once. I verified that this can be done.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
Solo: N/2
Draw: (N-D)/D

This seems like a weird way of scoring. A 2-way draw is worth (N-2)/2 = (N/2) - 1, but N/2 for a solo. 1 point doesn't seem like enough of a difference considering one is a win and the other is a draw...

Why not N points for a solo?
tantrumizer (1557 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
I would play any variant 10 players or less. Except Chromatic! I don't like playing unbalanced variants in normally but no problem in a tournament. Someone recently suggested 1600 which I think is a good one too.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
Age of Pericles too.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
@ Dr. Recommended :

The larger N is, the more (N-2)/2 tends to be equal to N/2.
In other words, with the scoring system that you propose, there is not much difference between the points awarded for a solo and the points awarded for a 2-way draw.

For example, a 2-way draw in the variant Fall of the American Empire IV (which includes 10 players) would reward 4 D to each of the 2 drawing players, while a solo in that variant would reward only 5 D !

I know that 2-way draws are not frequent, especially in Gunboat games but the same reasoning can be made with a 3-way draw : the larger N is, the more (N-3)/3 tends to be equal to 1/3, etc.
Let me please rephrase it :
With the scoring system that you propose,
• in each game drawn, a total of N-D points is awarded ;
• in each soloed game, a total of N/2 D is awarded, which is always less that N-D (in the case of a solo, D=1), as soon as N>2 (which is always the case in a Diplomacy game).
As a conclusion, the proposed scoring system does not reward enough solos.
May I please suggest, as a solution, that the scoring system should simply always reward (N-D)/D to every player that finishes the game without being eliminated, which would reward N-1 D for a solo.
Another possibility is to encourage even more solos by giving N points to the winning player in case of a solo.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
NOTE : the autocorrect of vdip automatically changed the word points (that I wrote) into the sign "D points", which is not what I meant.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
I just see now that Captainmeme also wrote a note about the scoring system : we wrote simulatenously.
Samj (1766 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
If my ranking is good enough, I'll be happy to join
First off, thanks everyone for the interest and feedback. I'll read through again with more time, but for now, in short: I wanted a system that would keep scores relatively low and close through the tournament and even across variants as more are played. SoS would not work across variants of different sizes. Yes, a 2-way draw would be worth close to a solo. I want to put emphasis on narrowing draws as much as possible, to make the endgame less about holding and mopping up a final elimination and increase the chances of late stabs and taking risks to gain extra points.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
24 Dec 16 UTC
I'd join
Samj (1766 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
I'm in it for the competition, points aren't my focus
Eki83 (2150 D)
24 Dec 16 UTC
I'm interested to play if variant is Sengoku.
Please put your name on the list if you are interested in playing. From this point forward, I will assume that posting in this thread indicates interest.


That's 8, enough for Sengoku. I'll start games later today, and PM links to the above players. If any do not want to play this variant, I'll move their name to a different variant list and replace them. If your name is not on the list, it's because you did not say you were actually interested in playing.

I'll take additions to the interested players list for the next variant, to be determined:

1) Dr Rec
Now, back to the scoring. Let's walk it through, with a few scenarios.

Fall of the American Empire (10):
Solo = 5
2-way = 4
3-way = 2.33
4-way = 1.5
5-way = 1

Sengoku (8):
Solo = 4
2-way = 3
3-way = 1.67
4-way = 1
5-way = 0.6

Dutch (5):
Solo = 2.5
2-way = 1.5
3-way = .67
4-way = 0.25

I'm good with that. I don't disagree that the system rewards 2-way draws very close to solos. However, I like the pressure that adds for players to consider continuing to reduce the draw, weighing whether to go for those extra points against the risk that doing so will result in a solo for someone else. I do not think there will be a lot of 2-way draws, and I think it more likely will lead to an extra solo or tow here and there. One important consideration is that there are some variants out there in which half-plus-one is not the victory condition. I don't want any 2-way draw to be risk-free, and for the purposes of this tournament the VCs will be adjusted as needed to maximize that risk.
Well, we run right into that with Sengoku, don't we? 25/37 required for solo, which really opens the door for safe 2-way draws. Reducing the VC to 19 increases solo chances but also the number of players likely to be remaining when it's time to stop the leader from soloing. I'm actually OK with that in the context of an 8-game tournament, and interested in seeing what happens. Among the 8 players I've listed for this, are there any strenuous objections?
mouse (1776 D)
25 Dec 16 UTC
I'd be up for Dutch, Mars, Fog, Sengoku, Aberration or American Empire, if any of those are next map chosen. Or for filling a gap in the current Sengoku field if someone pulls out.

Slight preference to the games themselves being unrated, and only the out-of-game scoring being used, but really I just want to play games.
These will all be rated as per opening post. Thanks for joining, mouse!

1) Dr Rec
2) mouse
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
25 Dec 16 UTC
Mercy, I don't want to let your post fall through the cracks. If you organize such a tournament I will be interested in playing, however I don't want to go below 5-player variants in this one.
Mapu (2086 D (B))
25 Dec 16 UTC
Dearest Doctor, would you be kind enough to prescribe unrated for this tournament? If so, you have another patient.
tantrumizer (1557 D)
25 Dec 16 UTC
I have never played Sengoku before, so it should be daunting!
Mapu we can do one with unrated-only players, and I'll play in it - but generally I want these rated.

1) Dr Rec
2) mouse

Unrated only:
1) mapu
2) Dr Rec
I'll join the unrated tourney...

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Enriador (1507 D)
10 May 18 UTC
[Variant] Florence Diplomacy
What happens when you move two little dots around?
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 May 18 UTC
Server not processing games.
I've gone ahead and added 24 hours to all games, to avoid any problems preemptively.
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GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
16 Apr 18 UTC
Hello everyone, If like to host a special rules game, if we could find enough players interested:
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fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Dec 10 UTC
Advertise live games here
Like in webdiplo, this thread will be used to help people find live games
3618 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
29 Apr 18 UTC
Help needed: Our 4 press-types.
Hi everybody.
I'm working on a rules-page about our 4 press-types.
Someone willing to submit some guide what these different press-types are, and what these mean for playing the game?
34 replies
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