A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Grahamso1 (1912 D)
10 May 19 UTC
Two winners in a game?
What happens if a game is set with winning conditions lower than 50% of all SCs and two players reach that goal in the same season? Is it a tie? Does the game continue until one has more?
3 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
10 May 19 UTC
Can you build in your main SC if you moved out of it in autumn?
2 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
08 May 19 UTC
Illogical Rating Assignments
Take a look at the following link:

Now, you can see the "brains" of the rating system. As you can see, the system deducts less from a player who CD'd than a player who kept playing and survived. Why? Shouldn't players be held accountable for their CDs?
2 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
07 May 19 UTC
Ready Button Retreat Bug
I'm Britain in this game:

I have a retreat due. There is only one valid retreat location. I click the "Ready" button, but it's not saving the retreat. We're playing with rulebook press, so there is no "save" button currently.
2 replies
Zybque (1000 D)
07 May 19 UTC
Nexus Tournament final is about to start
Hi all.

You might or might not have been aware of the tournament going on discord. (Here is a website: I saw some of you in there. But nobody made it to the finals I think.
2 replies
Dingus Supremus (934 D)
03 May 19 UTC
Rip Chewbacca
The voice of Chewbacca Peter Mayhew passed away April 30 at the age of 74. Press F to pay respects
13 replies
Dingus Supremus (934 D)
18 Apr 19 UTC
Bone related things
This is for bone related things
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Carlo (1099 D)
23 Apr 19 UTC

Does anybody whether you can move with an army from Morocco to Gibraltar in variant World War II?
9 replies
Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
Classic 1898 & Classic 1898 FoW
Classic 1898 & Classic 1898 FoW -
Start with one unit for each power. Very interesting and dinamic variants.New variants are already installed at Webdiplomacy.Ru.
If VDip community wanna try them I will send you the files...
2 replies
vixol (1774 D)
10 Apr 19 UTC
I think the variant Caucasia would benefit from being played with a set end year and winner takes all. One could think of Caucasia as a tight C-diplo scoring variant.
22 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
07 Apr 19 UTC
Site has new PHP stuff
...that I'm still getting used to. For example, the font is now Trebuchet MS, the forum has gotten a renovation, etc.
49 replies
My friend group and I have decided to shift all of our games from WebDiplomacy to VDiplomacy after the "Incident". Apologies for all of our bone games that will cloud up the search bar. However feel free to join any of them that you want, the password will always be the same, bone (unless we actually want it to be just us, in which case the password would be something else). Language may be offensive because some of my friends don't understand common decency.
58 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
10 Apr 19 UTC
Block/unblock a player
How would you go about blocking or unblocking a player in the new site setup? The button seems to be gone.
15 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
Newspaper Game
A while ago, some players in threadID=80668 discussed playing another Newspaper game. Meanwhile, more than 7 players have shown their interest to participate in it, but no consensus on the specific settings of the game has been reached yet. I have created this thread to set up the next Newspaper game and discuss its settings.
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Mercy (2131 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
The Newspaper game will be an anonymous Public Press game and will be played on the map Classic - GreyPress (variantID=50). We will make an agreement that players will only send grey press, and all the press will be in the form of newspaper articles. This will result in all players having to rely on newspaper letters from anonymous, unverifiable sources for all of their information. See threadID=62070 and gameID=24273 for an example of the last Newspaper game played.

It has been suggested by @kaner406 to add Fog of War to the game. Unfortunately, no variant with both Fog of War and GreyPress exists. In order to add the Fog of War element, we would have to create two games: one gunboat Classic - Fog of War and one public press Classic- GreyPress game. The GreyPress game would be unrated and paused immediately, and be used for communication only. The Fog of War game would be used for moves only.

If you want to participate in the game, please let know any preferences for settings like scoring system, phase lengths, and whether or not you like kaner's suggestion about the addition of the Fog of War element, and add yourself to the list. The reason I haven't added everyone from the old thread is because I would end up with more than seven people.

1. Mercy (No preference regarding Fog of War, WTA, phases > 1 day)
ingebot (1922 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
2. Ingebot (Prefer Fog of War, WTA, phases > 1.5 day)
kevdog8 (1780 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
3. kevdog8 (Prefer Fog of War, WTA, phases > 1 day)
BBQSauce123321 (Prefer Fog of War, PPSC, phases > 1.5 day)
bsiper (1281 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
5. bsiper (that fog of war idea is great, unrated, phases > 1.5 day)
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
6. ubercacher16 (prefer Fog of War, Unrated before WTA, HDV, phases > 2 days[will not play 1 day])
G-Man (2466 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
7. G-Man (would play either, but though a hassle, Newspaper Fog would be so great, I'd prefer that -- let's be the 1st!; WTA; 3-day phases since the spotlight is on communication and the deciphering of it)
Temasek22 (980 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Sub: Temasek22 (Slightly prefer fog, WTA/Unrated, >1.5 day)
Mercy (2131 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
So we have:

1. Mercy
2. Ingebot
3. kevdog8
4. BBQSauce123321
5. bsiper
6. ubercacher16
7. G-Man
8. Temasek22

It seems like the preferred settings would be: Fog of War, WTA, Hidden draw votes, 3 day/phase. I saw one person in favor of Hidden draw votes and no one against it. Personally I'd like Hidden draw votes too, since it fits with the general theme of having uncertainty about everything. Also, no one gave an upper bound to the phase length, hence why I would go with the 3 day/phase that G-Man preferred.

Temasek, I am not sure if it is fair to let you be a sub just because you saw this thread at a later point in time. I know that there were two other people - Caerus and kaner406 - in the other thread who said they wanted to play this game, too, and if they sign in, I think it would be certainly unfair to let them just be subs. I am not sure what we should do though with the excess of signups, any ideas? If Caerus and kaner sign up, we would have 10 people.

Also, what bet sizes would people prefer? I see that most people could afford quite a large bet.
kevdog8 (1780 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Perhaps Temasek22 could organize a second game if there are already 3 interested? And personally I would probably prefer a smaller bet size because of all the unknown components of this game. It's really a trial run, so I don't want too much at stake.
Mercy (2131 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Out of interest, do bsiper, BBQSauce123321 and you know each other IRL? You three played quite some private games together.
We do, but we always make sure to uphold the integrity of the game if we happen to play each other
Mercy (2131 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Don't you think it will be easy for you to identify the others based on press and playstyle?
No different than for you and your experience with a lot of other veterans of the game
But if you do have worries about this, I'm willing to not play. In anon games though, I have never tried to ID players based upon play style, though because I feel that breaks the meta (And honestly, makes it more fun if you don't)
bsiper (1281 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Likewise to the point above, if there are concerns, I don't want to play and make people worried about meta. I have faith that a Newspaper game will be different in tone anyway due to the writing style, but that's ok
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
If no one can agree on bet size, how about unrated? I have no preference on the bet size itself, but maybe unrated would be better considering it is a trial run.
G-Man (2466 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Open to bet size, but I don’t think the game is so far out of normal bounds that it should be untated. Let’s have a little skin in the game!
G-Man (2466 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
And thanks for facilitating this Mercy.
Caerus (1470 D)
01 Nov 18 UTC
Oh no.... The list is so full! This is great and terrible. Well. I hope it goes well. I am looking forward to the results and I will wait patiently for the next game!
ingebot (1922 D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
Actually, I forgot the draw vote preference. I would like draw votes to be visisble
ingebot (1922 D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
Perhaps anyone else interested could also express it here and we can see if we can get a second game going? Maybe if it doesn't get to 14 people, we can have people play in both games?
Titus (1572 D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
Sub: Titus (prefer Fog, WTA; 3-day phases)
bsiper (1281 D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
I'll move over to the potential second game @Caerus
kevdog8 (1780 D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
Game rosters:
Game 1:

Game 2:
Anon (?? D)
02 Nov 18 UTC
Thank you, bsiper. That is very generous of you. Also, after reading your posts, I have no worries (anymore) of possible meta between you, kevdog and BBQSauce.

Kevdog8, that sounds about right. However, for the first game, I'd like to swap Temasek with Caerus, if he wants to play, for two reasons. The first reason is that Caerus' RR is way higher than that of Temasek, and secondly, Caerus expressed interest in this game before Temasek did so in the other thread this game mode was first discussed in.

That would come down to a first game between the following seven players:
- Mercy
- ingebot
- kevdog8
- BBQSauce123321
- ubercacher16
- G-Man
- Caerus

In fact, I have just created the games.
Press game: gameID=36414
Board game: gameID=36415

The settings are: WTA, 50 bet, Hidden draw votes, 3 day/phases.
I saw one person object to HDV and two persons in favor, that is why it is HDV.
Also, as soon as anyone forgets to enter orders, that person will be sent into Civil Disorder but the phase will be extended, allowing that person to come back and enter orders. That should prevent any NMRs from occurring.

The password will be sent to every participant.

If you have any objections, please let them know.


Once gameID=36414 starts, please pause the game immediately. All of your press in this game should start with 'grey:', without the quotation marks. This will make your press anonymous. All of your press should in principle be as if written by a newspaper. See gameID=24273 for some examples.
bsiper (1281 D)
03 Nov 18 UTC
For everyone who is spectating, I suggest only spectating the press game for some fun
FafevPlinskv (1039 D)
03 Nov 18 UTC
@Anon Fine with that :). Will spectate with interest
FafevPlinskv (1039 D)
03 Nov 18 UTC
Oops @bsiper
kevdog8 (1780 D)
03 Nov 18 UTC
The game is underway- don't forget to cast your pause votes in the Press game @Caerus @Mercy @ubercacher16 @G-Man @BBQSauce123321 @ingebot

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68 replies
limited number of games
I can only be in 2 games at once since I'm a new player on vdiplomacy, however I've played a lot of diplomacy and know how to play the game. It should include the number phases you have taken on normal diplomacy while determining how many games you can be in.
35 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
03 Apr 19 UTC
World war IV Sealanes Match Open!
We need 33 more players
2 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
29 Mar 19 UTC
Game number 28
I've been analyzing the ratings of some players recently (Yoshimon, ksindelar, and I), and I've noticed a really odd pattern. In each of our 28th games, we've suffered a major drop in rating, but our ratings quickly bounded up in the 29th game. Is this a coincidence?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
26 Mar 19 UTC
I last played, like... 10 years ago. Was watching D&D video where the guy talked about this game, and I remembered, "hey, yea, that was a lot of fun. I remember kicking ass with California!" Not sure how many people still play this? Started up a new game to go fetch some of that nostalgia.
1 reply
OrangeNoble (705 D)
26 Mar 19 UTC
Cant join games?
It says that i can join or create an additional 2 games, but I cant join any games? Can anyone help?
1 reply
Country Allocation
The last 7 games I’ve joined, I have been assigned England/Britain in every damned one of them. I’m ready for a Diplomacy Brexit. Anyone else have this happen?
5 replies
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 Feb 19 UTC
Imperium Tournament: Official Thread
Tournament rules below.
47 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
26 Mar 18 UTC
vDip Google Map...
Where is it again? I tried finding it referenced in old forum threads but as search is non-existent, lucked out.
29 replies
Evariate (1000 D)
05 Mar 19 UTC
Custom Variants
Is there a way to create custom variants, maybe with custom, fictional maps, in a game? Because I want to do a little something for me frends aaand idk seemed fitting
61 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
To whomever is playing Kansas in this game (gameID=35242), congrats for being the first country on vDip to pass 100 SCs (I think).
58 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
15 Mar 19 UTC
Fancy Search module
I don't know why I haven't ever seen this before, but there's a search tab up at the top between New game and Settings. It's really helpful.
10 replies
kejariwal (1000 D)
15 Mar 19 UTC
What's NMR, CD, turns and delay?
I am new here. Can someone explain clearly to me NMR, CD, turns and delays are?
3 replies
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
11 Mar 19 UTC
Daylight Saving Time
Is there a problem with the countdown timer, now that we've transitioned to Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.? The clock setting for deadlines and the countdown timer seem to be an hour out of sync.
12 replies
Morgannwg (833 D)
10 Mar 19 UTC
Why many players choose not to Ready?
I have seen many players never Ready even they were playing gunboat, and even in retreat/build turns. Why people do so?
4 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
09 Mar 19 UTC
Thread for CountrySwitch
Need a player to sub in for CountrySwitch in one of your games? Advertise here!
1 reply
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
03 Mar 19 UTC
Additions to New Game Rules?
I've been noticing that Oli has been more active recently so I wanted to bring this idea up again. People were wondering if variants such as Grey Press or Fog of War could become rules that are applicable to to all game modes rather than just the classic map. This could be done by adding them as options when creating a New Game. It would make for some very very interesting games in my opinion
10 replies
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