A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
10 May 19 UTC
Can you build in your main SC if you moved out of it in autumn?
2 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
08 May 19 UTC
Illogical Rating Assignments
Take a look at the following link:

Now, you can see the "brains" of the rating system. As you can see, the system deducts less from a player who CD'd than a player who kept playing and survived. Why? Shouldn't players be held accountable for their CDs?
2 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
07 May 19 UTC
Ready Button Retreat Bug
I'm Britain in this game:

I have a retreat due. There is only one valid retreat location. I click the "Ready" button, but it's not saving the retreat. We're playing with rulebook press, so there is no "save" button currently.
2 replies
Zybque (1000 D)
07 May 19 UTC
Nexus Tournament final is about to start
Hi all.

You might or might not have been aware of the tournament going on discord. (Here is a website: I saw some of you in there. But nobody made it to the finals I think.
2 replies
Dingus Supremus (934 D)
03 May 19 UTC
Rip Chewbacca
The voice of Chewbacca Peter Mayhew passed away April 30 at the age of 74. Press F to pay respects
13 replies
Dingus Supremus (934 D)
18 Apr 19 UTC
Bone related things
This is for bone related things
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Carlo (1109 D)
23 Apr 19 UTC

Does anybody whether you can move with an army from Morocco to Gibraltar in variant World War II?
9 replies
Flame (1073 D)
24 Apr 19 UTC
Classic 1898 & Classic 1898 FoW
Classic 1898 & Classic 1898 FoW -
Start with one unit for each power. Very interesting and dinamic variants.New variants are already installed at Webdiplomacy.Ru.
If VDip community wanna try them I will send you the files...
2 replies
vixol (1774 D)
10 Apr 19 UTC
I think the variant Caucasia would benefit from being played with a set end year and winner takes all. One could think of Caucasia as a tight C-diplo scoring variant.
22 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
07 Apr 19 UTC
Site has new PHP stuff
...that I'm still getting used to. For example, the font is now Trebuchet MS, the forum has gotten a renovation, etc.
49 replies
My friend group and I have decided to shift all of our games from WebDiplomacy to VDiplomacy after the "Incident". Apologies for all of our bone games that will cloud up the search bar. However feel free to join any of them that you want, the password will always be the same, bone (unless we actually want it to be just us, in which case the password would be something else). Language may be offensive because some of my friends don't understand common decency.
58 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
10 Apr 19 UTC
Block/unblock a player
How would you go about blocking or unblocking a player in the new site setup? The button seems to be gone.
15 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
31 Oct 18 UTC
Newspaper Game
A while ago, some players in threadID=80668 discussed playing another Newspaper game. Meanwhile, more than 7 players have shown their interest to participate in it, but no consensus on the specific settings of the game has been reached yet. I have created this thread to set up the next Newspaper game and discuss its settings.
68 replies
limited number of games
I can only be in 2 games at once since I'm a new player on vdiplomacy, however I've played a lot of diplomacy and know how to play the game. It should include the number phases you have taken on normal diplomacy while determining how many games you can be in.
35 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
03 Apr 19 UTC
World war IV Sealanes Match Open!
We need 33 more players
2 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
29 Mar 19 UTC
Game number 28
I've been analyzing the ratings of some players recently (Yoshimon, ksindelar, and I), and I've noticed a really odd pattern. In each of our 28th games, we've suffered a major drop in rating, but our ratings quickly bounded up in the 29th game. Is this a coincidence?
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
26 Mar 19 UTC
I last played, like... 10 years ago. Was watching D&D video where the guy talked about this game, and I remembered, "hey, yea, that was a lot of fun. I remember kicking ass with California!" Not sure how many people still play this? Started up a new game to go fetch some of that nostalgia.
1 reply
OrangeNoble (705 D)
26 Mar 19 UTC
Cant join games?
It says that i can join or create an additional 2 games, but I cant join any games? Can anyone help?
1 reply
Country Allocation
The last 7 games I’ve joined, I have been assigned England/Britain in every damned one of them. I’m ready for a Diplomacy Brexit. Anyone else have this happen?
5 replies
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
22 Feb 19 UTC
Imperium Tournament: Official Thread
Tournament rules below.
47 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
26 Mar 18 UTC
vDip Google Map...
Where is it again? I tried finding it referenced in old forum threads but as search is non-existent, lucked out.
29 replies
Evariate (1000 D)
05 Mar 19 UTC
Custom Variants
Is there a way to create custom variants, maybe with custom, fictional maps, in a game? Because I want to do a little something for me frends aaand idk seemed fitting
61 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
To whomever is playing Kansas in this game (gameID=35242), congrats for being the first country on vDip to pass 100 SCs (I think).
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tantrumizer (1557 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
I was curious about this and found a couple of others.

Still huge!
tantrumizer (1557 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
One of those games possibly suspicious if I read the comments (one of which is from me).
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
It's the first Divided States game where that happened.
Mercy (2131 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
I believe this was the first occurrence:

(The game that made cypeg jump from 2k vRating to 2k7 vRating.)
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
28 Feb 19 UTC
And led to cypeg’s leaving the site.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
28 Feb 19 UTC
@ Dr. Recommended :
Are you saying that cypeg left the site because of a question related to vdip points ?
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
Actually, that wasn't even cypeg's biggest gain, as evidenced by this:
It's actually this game: gameID=4587
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Feb 19 UTC
Goes to show how skewed some of the vDip points can be on the HOF. Take away Cypeg's 3 biggest games (772+680+191) and suddenly he drops to 976 points, below the 1000 everyone started at for baseline! Granted, he wouldn't have necessarily been zeroed out in those games, but still, just 3 games makes a player go from #1 to basically middle of the pack.

Side note: I"m sure it's been talked about before, but is there anyway to update the HOF so that people who haven't played games in years don't just sit at the top of the leaderboard forever? Kinda like webdip does with Ghostrankings?
Retillion (2304 D (B))
28 Feb 19 UTC
@ drano019 :

You wrote :

"Take away Cypeg's 3 biggest games (772+680+191) and suddenly he drops to 976 points"

That is FALSE. You are reasoning as if "ceteris paribus sic stantibus", which is a reasoning mistake applied so many times in so-called "demonstrations" in economics.
"Ceteris paribus sic stantibus" means "All other things being equal". But things never stay equal when you change one parameter in a multifactorial system. In the case of the vpoints, if cypeg had not played those three games, his other wins would have rewarded him many more vpoints and his defeats would have cost him many less vpoints.

All those who have played with him know that cypeg was one of the strongest players of this site, and he certainly deserves to be reckonned and remembered as such.

You mention the possibility to remove from the rankings players who haven't played in years. I am not sure that it is such a great idea. For example, what would happen to the scoring of a top player who has quit playing for a couple of years and who would come back again ? Would he start all the way from the bottom again ? Would he then be discouraged to ever play again here ? Do we have so many Diplomacy players (especially strong ones) that we want to discourage some of them to play here ? I do not care at all about points and I have always stated that we should get completely rid of the vpoints system. I have even advocated, before it was adopted, that we should not adopt that scoring system. However, most players care about their points, yourself included as your previous message indicates.

Anyway, if you do not take into account the biggest gain in vpoints of a player, his resulting vpoints will NOT be simply his old number of vpoints minus that gain, it would be much more.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Feb 19 UTC
@Retillion -

You are correct. I oversimplified. It is clearly much more complex than that.

That said, take away the two solos, and Cypeg's score would drop drastically. Even assuming he would have gained more points in other games, and lost less in other games, it wouldn't make up the 1400+ point gains he made in those two games. If there was some way to calculate it, I'm sure we could mathematically prove it (side note: Is this possible anyone?).

And I'm not denying Cypeg was a solid player. I'm just pointing out that 2 games (well, I said 3, but it was mostly the 2) took him directly to the top spot. Without those two games, he certainly wouldn't be in the top spot, and likely wouldn't even be in the top 10. It's well known that the big maps have the ability to drastically increase player's vDip point count since there's so many players, and usually a handful of higher rated players. Manage a solo, whether earned, or through luck of the ill-timed CD or NMRs, and you immediately look like one of the best players on the site...even if that's not the case.

As far as removing rankings - If you notice, I mentioned Ghostrankings. IIRC, you get removed from the Ghostranking list if you are inactive for awhile. But when you come back, you retain the score you had. It allows people to get back into the game without the temptation of stopping playing to enshrine your top position after a massive win.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
"But if you come back, you retain the score you had".
Maybe you have to complete a game to retain that score.
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
28 Feb 19 UTC
At the time, I believe, cypeg became the top-ranked player. He did not want to risk dropping from there and simply quit while he was ahead.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
28 Feb 19 UTC
@Sky Hopper -

I think your idea is actually how it works. I'm not 100% certain though.

@ Dr. Recommended -

Just another reason to have people go "invisible" on the rankings if they stay inactive too long.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
Or we could have a separate "top 100" of all the players currently active.
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
How do you see this list of the top players on the site? I haven't figured that out.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
"Hall of Fame" in the "Help" tab.
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
Thanks. I recognize quite a lot of the names from my long time at Redscape.
JECE (1534 D)
01 Mar 19 UTC
"3 games makes a player go from #1 to basically middle of the pack"

Just noticed: I've only played three games total, yet I rank 155th on vDip points and 122nd in webDip points. So after one more game with tough enough opposition I could enter both Halls of Fame?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
01 Mar 19 UTC
Cypeg was a bit fixated on the ratings. At the same time, he was also a very good player. Unfortunately he fell into the trap of being consumed by the ratings, and being on top. He began to play games with the sole purpose of gaining the top spot, and then fading off into the sunset. This was both because he craved the top rating spot, but also because he learned the hard way that holding such a position makes you an automatic target in every game you play in. Essentially the system is set up so that eliminating such a player is so lucrative in terms of ratings points, that players cannot pass it up. Making matters worse when you lose a game from the top position you lost exponentially more points than the 50th ranked player would. When this happens you cannot get a clean game. Even many respected players here get sucked into taking down the top guy.

The worst part about this is that we have known this for over five years, and still nothing has been done about it. I'm not a huge fan of ratings systems, but this one has been a shit show from the start. Measuring strength of opposition should matter. Losing should matter. But the negative factors being applied in this algorithm are are disaster. The problem is our good old buddy Guaroz either designed it, or blessed it off, and no one can convince Oli to revise it. So instead of playing Dip here, we're playing King of the Hill.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Mar 19 UTC
@RUFFHAUS 8: Isn't that what Anon is for?
Retillion (2304 D (B))
01 Mar 19 UTC
@ RUFFHAUS 8 : +1

@ Sky_Hopper :
There is no such a thing as anonymity here. Most players who have played with me would immediately recognize my writing and of negotiating style. That is one of the reasons why I never play anonymous games. Also, every once in while, I manage to recognize the true identity of some players thanks to what they write in the global press of anonymous games in which I am not even playing !

Because of the current rating system, I have decided that I will only play unrated games. I don't care at all about points, but I do not want to play games in which I would automatically be one of the priority targets simply because defeating a player with more vpoints rewards more vpoints.
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Mar 19 UTC
@Retillion: Is it that difficult to disguise yourself?
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
01 Mar 19 UTC
Sorry for double post: that's what anon gunboat is for.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
01 Mar 19 UTC
@Sky_Hopper -

So you're saying the solution to people targeting higher ranked people is to give up two of the things that a lot of people find to be very enjoyable about Diplomacy?

These would be:

1) Getting to know your opponents and developing real relationships and a real community feel <- I get this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but for some people, myself included, it's a big draw, and you don't get that with anonymous.

2) Giving up on the whole "Diplomacy" thing in Diplomacy. Yes, I know gunboat has its own form of "diplomacy" with reading the orders and inferring what people are trying to tell you with them. But I don't even think that gunboat advocates would claim that gunboat has the same level of Diplomacy as regular press.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
01 Mar 19 UTC
@ drano019 : +1
I too enjoy very much the social aspect of the game : getting to know my opponents and developing real relationships and a real community feel. That is one of the reasons why I am not interested in playing anonymous games.

@ Sky_Hopper : It is very easy to disguise oneself. Nonetheless, like I wrote, I manage every once in a while to recognize the true identity of some players in anonymous games in which I am not even playing.
Diplomacy is a communication and negotiation game, and, as far as I am concerned, my strength at Diplomacy comes precisely from my own communication and negotiation style.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
02 Mar 19 UTC
Skyhopper, yes, I suppose playing anonymously is an option, and it can be fun sometimes and in some circumstances. It ignores the fact that many players can easily identify players from there writing style, leaving games as anything but anonymous. That's really irrelevant though. You're sweeping aside the problem of the severely flawed rating system. Let's do nothing about it because some players can play anonymously. I'm saying this as someone who was once ranked at the top, and witnessed this behavior against me and others. I'm saying this as the top active player on that scale. Retillion and Drano are near the top too, and they both see the issues. Why would three of the top ranked players decry the very rating system that put them there? Why have Cypeg and Matthew stopped playing entirely?

I've been playing mostly anonymously or unrated games. To years ago I played in a WW4 game where at least six players actively conspired from the very start of the the game to kill me specifically and only because of the ranking boost they would get, and because my ranking would plummet dramatically. Four of them admitted it bluntly, and two others not involved cheered them on for it. I played in a special rules game which Kaner graciously devoted many hours to where one of the players openly told me that he could score more ranking points for killing me, so he refused to even talk to me anymore. He admitted this to enough people hat the game had to be scrapped.

But hey, you know better I'm sure, because we can just play anonymously.
Mercy (2131 D)
02 Mar 19 UTC
Let me start by saying that I am not against rating systems. Often, though, the implementation of rating systems has unintended consequences. They should encourage the right type of behavior and discourage the wrong type of behavior, but not everyone always manages to predict how they will affect behavior.

One aspect of vRating that I like more than the GhostRating that is used on webDiplomacy is how it treats Civil Disorders and takeovers of them. On webDiplomacy, players who care about their rating will never take over losing positions in games, but in vDiplomacy, it is safer to do so because your vRating won't be hurt as bad if you take over a position.

I do like GhostRating more than vRating, though, because of the following simple fact. Your change in GhostRating after completing a game is ONLY dependent on the following two factors:
- Your result in the game;
- How your rating compares to the other players in the game.
As such, for your GhostRating it doesn't matter if you draw with lower ranked players and eliminate higher ranked players or vice versa. For your vRating, though, it does, and I think it shouldn't.

One consequence of this is what many people in this thread are complaining about: headhunting. If you draw in a game, you get more points if the players eliminated are higher ranked players. However, I do like to point out that a reverse effect exists, too. If you are losing a game, you lose less rating the higher ranked the winner, or the drawers, of the game are. As such, if you are losing a game and care about your rating, it may be a good idea to throw all of your centers to high ranked players in the game. I have no personal experience of this happening, but neither do I have personal experience with the headhunting - I only play few games and they are all anonymous, so I don't think anyone ever knew my identity.

I read that Ruffhaus wrote: "Making matters worse when you lose a game from the top position you lost exponentially more points than the 50th ranked player would." By my understanding of vRating, it is not exponential. In the limit where your vRating goes to infinity, you only lose twice as many points as compared to someone whos rating is dead average compared to the other players in the game. However, if you win or draw a game, your gain in vRating goes exponentially down the higher your vRating already is.

This last fact can have ridiculous consequences in large games. Suppose that there are two WTA Divided States games being played. In one of the games, everyone has a vRating of 1000. In the other game, 49 players have a vRating of 1000 but one player has a vRating of 2000. Both games end in a solo; the player with an initial vRating of 2000 is one of the soloists. According to my calculations, the new vRating of the player with an initial vRating of 1000 will be equal to 3320, which is insanely high and which would make him the #1 of the site by a mile. Some other calculations tell me that the new vRating of the player with an initial vRating of 2000 will be roughly equal to 2450, which is WAY lower.

I have been thinking about solutions to improve vRating. (Disclaimer: I am not a developer, just a math student with some free time, and no one has asked me to do this.)

I think the problem I outlined in the paragraph about the Divided States solo example could be solved if the calculation of the new vRating worked in an 'incremental way'. Currently, the solo of the 1000 vRated player would be interpreted as a full, instant win against 49 opponents. You could also interpret it as a fractional win (similar to how a draw is interpreted) against 49 opponents, then calculate his new rating, then interpret it as a fractional win again, etc. Basically you are approximating an integral. Then his new vRating wouldn't be so ridiculously high, and should never get above what someone with a higher vRating would end up with.

As for implementing a system that does not encourage headhunting, I think that that is hard if you want the ratings to work across all variants. GhostRating, which does not encourage headhunting, works in an easier way than vRating and I do think it is the better rating system for webDiplomacy. I don't think that adopting GhostRating for vDiplomacy would be a good idea, though. In GhostRating, a high ranked player can lose rating in a draw if the draw is too large; he then simply has a worse result than would be expected for someone of his rating. This is a necessary requirement for a rating system that does not encourage headhunting and that works in a somewhat easy way. In vRating, this is never the case. I like GhostRating more on this front too, but I do think that vRating better translates across multiple variants. If you can lose points in a draw when the fraction of players eliminated is too small, then higher rated players who care about their rating would do better in large variants, and lower ranked players would, by symmetry, do better in small variants.

It should be possible to create a system that does not encourage headhunting and works well across all variants, though. I have some ideas in my head that may work but I haven't taken the time to work them out fully.
CCR (1957 D)
02 Mar 19 UTC
may you have the time someday, Mercy. +1 is not enough for this great, compared, illustrative and ellucidative analysis!
There are lots of people in the Hobby, me included, who have opinions of rating systems ranging from indifference to outright disgust. A minority, but a significant one.

So why, why, why are there absolutely no large, active communities (yeah, there are a couple of very small, not very active ones) that do not have rating systems?

P.S. Cat23, I mourn your passing. :(
Mercy (2131 D)
02 Mar 19 UTC
@CCR: Well thank you! :)
@David E. Cohen: If a scoring and rating system is such that any player who tries to optimize his rating, plays in a way that is in line with how most players want the game to be played, would there be a problem?

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58 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
15 Mar 19 UTC
Fancy Search module
I don't know why I haven't ever seen this before, but there's a search tab up at the top between New game and Settings. It's really helpful.
10 replies
kejariwal (1000 D)
15 Mar 19 UTC
What's NMR, CD, turns and delay?
I am new here. Can someone explain clearly to me NMR, CD, turns and delays are?
3 replies
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
11 Mar 19 UTC
Daylight Saving Time
Is there a problem with the countdown timer, now that we've transitioned to Daylight Saving Time in the U.S.? The clock setting for deadlines and the countdown timer seem to be an hour out of sync.
12 replies
Morgannwg (833 D)
10 Mar 19 UTC
Why many players choose not to Ready?
I have seen many players never Ready even they were playing gunboat, and even in retreat/build turns. Why people do so?
4 replies
Sky_Hopper (365 D)
09 Mar 19 UTC
Thread for CountrySwitch
Need a player to sub in for CountrySwitch in one of your games? Advertise here!
1 reply
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
03 Mar 19 UTC
Additions to New Game Rules?
I've been noticing that Oli has been more active recently so I wanted to bring this idea up again. People were wondering if variants such as Grey Press or Fog of War could become rules that are applicable to to all game modes rather than just the classic map. This could be done by adding them as options when creating a New Game. It would make for some very very interesting games in my opinion
10 replies
Flame (1073 D)
28 Feb 19 UTC
Diplomail.Ru -> Webdiplomacy.Ru
Russian-speaking Diplomacy Server
---- was moved to
9 replies
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