A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
06 Jan 14 UTC
Need a replacement
1 reply
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
06 Jan 14 UTC
Imperial II question
When a country goes CD and units have to be dibanded in the build phase, usually the units that are furthest away from the own HSCs are being disbanded, right?
But as you can build in every HSC you own. So what happens there?
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Jan 14 UTC
New chaos map! gameID=17570
0 replies
steephie22 (933 D)
14 Dec 13 UTC
Currency/valuta diplomacy game
I know something like this has been done before, but then there were effectively 2 games being played. I want to make it one game. The basic was that next to playing on the board you trade in valuta.
25 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Treaty Game
Hey folks. I'm trying to get a treaty game going. It's WW2 so I just need 4 more players. Rules and link will follow. PM me for password.
8 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
29 Dec 13 UTC
wwIV sealanes
I wanted to ask what people felt about including a transform option in this variant?
27 replies
Andy olla (917 D)
31 Dec 13 UTC
Andy olla
Send out your best vDiplomacy!
28 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 Dec 13 UTC
The Colonial Fight to the Death

A colonial gunboat game. Full NMR protection, need ALL SCs to win. Let's do this.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
Replacement needed. Good position.
0 replies
kikker82 (1102 D)
01 Jan 14 UTC
not Wilsonian...or is it?
I know I saw something about it in the forums a long time ago. What is the rules variant where you have to declare war before you can attack a player? I wanna say Wilsonian but I think that's gunboat. Can someone enlighten me?
5 replies
Jonathan (1002 D)
29 Dec 13 UTC
Move tester
Hi guys, does anyone know an applet/website where I can test moves to see the outcome? I am uncertain about some situations in my current game and want to find out what the best move would be.

3 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
13 Sep 13 UTC
New Variants in Development
Since some of my variants are played here, I wanted to let you all know I have another "one and a half" variants in development, the "one" being Spice Islands, (Southeast Asia and the adjacent Islands), and the "half" being East Indies (a combination of my existing Maharajah's variant with Spice Islands). Starting maps can be found at . I'd love to get comments, so I can make improvements before I finalize the maps.
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RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
I've never seen this elusive revised map that you want everyone to look at. I've never played on it because it doesn't exist here, and no one has hosted it anywhere else. So from that standpoint since no one has played on your revised map that you say corrects these problems, in reality it's never been play tested by anyone, least of all you.

Call me dumb and ignorant all you want, Tom. What you're missing is that I have first hand experience deep into the end games on this map, and I know it far better than you do. That may mess your hair up a bit to consider, but it's a fact. Perhaps you should actually PLAY a game and see where the concern comes from before declaring others ignorant and dumb. But then again your real whine here comes because we're not using the silly voting rules that allow mediocre players to "win" games in a freak show popularity contest. What VDip has discovered is that the WW4 map actually works better when played out under normal victory conditions regardless of what your intent for the map was meant to be. If you want to refine your map and play with your rules, run the game your way. Find someone to write the code for your new map, or host a game yourself.

I'm not going to stop saying that more sea zones or sea lanes or adjustments to the present map are a good idea. I think that they are a great idea, and I have extensive experience playing on the map. I know what I'm talking about, whereas you're just in uber-defensive mode because you think that we're challenging your manhood by suggesting some changes to the map for improved playability. Adding spaces is an option, just as looking a high seas type rule would be, or opening the polar regions to travel of some kind. There are many things that would enhance the playability of the map with respect to sea territories. The fact that you do not want to do it does not make it impossible. And no one is demanding or even asking that you do anything here. But if you want you name on the map so badly, you would be well served to collaborate with the potential evolution of the variant. And maybe play testing will prove you right. I doubt it since having fewer tactical stalemate lines is a good thing. The real art of the game is building diplomatic stalemate lines, and guess who does that Tommy Boy? The players. That's who the game is about.

Stalemate lines as you're defining them are for losers, and people who want to force the game to be over in the midgame. Designing maps to make them easier to establish is a bad practice, and produces far less enjoyable games. If you actually played the map, you would understand what's going on. Of course if there is some other golden child map that resolves all of these problems, please point it out. I am skeptical because your understanding of the problem as a whole is clearly not taking, as evidenced by your staunch defense of the easily constructed stalemate lines an vehement opposition to additional seas maneuverability. Furthermore the last time you made revisions to a world map (not this variant), it was a complete disaster with several unplayable nation positions when put into play, which is why play testing and experimenting is important. That's what is being discussed here, Tom. Looking at possible changes based on the feedback of those with experience playing the map. You keep telling me to consult with David Cohen for his opinion. If I was playing on Dave's maps, I would consult him and offer opinions and suggestions. I don't recall seeing Dave in an WW4 game, so I wouldn't seek his opinion on that, but I have it on the high seas concept, which I concur with and advocate as a great idea. I think that his 901 Known World Map is a great variant, and I don't have any suggestions for map redesign on it. That doesn't mean I think WW4 is trash. It's great fun too, but it's far more complex, and has seen far less play testing. One thing I do know is that Dave solicits an incorporates feedback from players into his designs. So maybe it's you that should consult with him a little on how to receive feedback, and how to grow some thick skin.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Sep 13 UTC
here is version 6.1 of the WWIV map:

There is an additional power (Arabia) and some significant changes around the borders of the sea territories.

We can implement the rule for convoying in island regions (shown in green lettering).

I've also changed some of the icons around to reflect the UN rule for this game, although there is no way that this could be programmed. This is done for:
a) people who want to play the game as a SRG using vDip to adjudicate
b) a potential retrospective hack that would allow this rule to be implemented (I wouldn't hold your breath on this though)

So Oli has said he'll upload this into the lab at some point this week, I figure that it is more important to get the current version of this awesome variant out to the community before exploring the implementations of the Sea-Lanes variant built using an out-of-date WWIV map.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Sep 13 UTC
^I've also spoken to Tom about the Arctic region, deciding to implement it as a single passable territory all year round.
Being able to enter only in Spring is a 'maybe' rule we can implement.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Ruffhaus, PLEASE stop with the random things you make up yet toss out as fact, it's quite embarrassing to see. First you claim the map is "elusive" yet it was spoken about in an earlier thread, a thread you participated in and a link was provided to it. Then you claim it has never been played!? Maybe not here but yes it has been played before on Redscape and you KNOW that, you played in several of those games yourself so please stop with made up facts that you know are not true.
The game has indeed been played several times with the latest revisions but previous revisions were also played, the map you are using here is at least 7 years old or more, there were MANY playtests done since this revision, again, some by YOU.

Further lies, you are now asking us to believe you know this map better than the person who designed it and revised it based on input over at least a decade. You have played it so you know it better? Can you explain why each center is placed where they are, can you explain game dynamics from a standpoint of starting power position and each outward level of power progression as they are expected to grow (and die)? And your insistence that we simply add more sea spaces, please please please draw up a map with some ideas for us to criticize instead of slamming my reasoning to not use your stupid suggestion. You ask for more sea zones, you insist it would be good for the game yet we have seen NOTHING from you on how it could be done. I want to see an actual plan from you instead of nothing but hot air. YOU claim to know more about the game, if you know so much, then please show us your solution instead of complaining about it! You said you know what you are talking about, adding more sea zones is a "Great" idea ..ok, so where is this "Great Idea" of yours? Until you actually come up with a real solution, you are nothing but a big bag of hot air, a blowhard who has shown tremendous arrogance and foolishness, someone NOBODY will listen to until you actually back up what you claim to know. I will wait for this wonderful new map and if you ever post one, I will evaluate it honestly and thoughtfully, let's see how you handle the criticism yourself. Until that time, you have simply made a fool of yourself as some sort of boastful know-it-all who can't prove he knows a damned thing about what he claims! ...I'm waiting
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Wow, I didn't read all of Randy's post. What the hell is he talking about "Furthermore the last time you made revisions to a world map (not this variant), it was a complete disaster with several unplayable nation positions when put into play, which is why play testing and experimenting is important." ...what??? You want to claim changes made to a completely different game somehow reflect on this game. OK, for those who don't know what he is going on about here... The changes to that "other game" were indeed made but that is the end of the truthful statement. That game he speaks about is an unbalanced game, there is nothing fair about it and most nations will get eliminated right from the get-go, it is not balanced, it is not the same game! Him saying a nation in that game is unplayable is a flat out lie, many have a slim shot at survival and that is explained from the start, because some did perish early as is designed, THAT supports his argument for this game here? And that other game, the last time it was played was canceled not because of bad design but we had a player in that game who did nothing but berate the GM over and over, that player accused the GM of cheating, he accused him of this and that every single turn, that player was warned that his behavior would not be tolerated and if continued would kill the game for all, that player continued and yes, I killed the game when Ruffhaus continued
Now trying to compare that game to this one, yet another ill thought statement.

Many of you do not know me, but I designed the WW4 variant at least ten years ago (I think it was closer to 12 now?) it was done on Redscape and after each run, I in fact sought input and made revisions based on how the game played and the input of all players. The game saw the map evolve many many many times, you guys here are playing on one of the earlier versions. Several further games were played and several maps were made since. In fact, here you discussed the stalemate problem. While I do not see this as big an issue as do some, I certainly do listen and as Kaner has linked, I posted the most current map WITH FURTHER REVISIONS BASED ON THE INPUT HERE. So this claim that I do not listen to anyone is pure baloney and an obvious LIE, how can he say this when I have proven everything he has stated to be flat out WRONG?
Please Randy, try to pay attention and don't let facts get in the way. Try the changes that had been designed (and Kaner is working on by the way) Please try to be honest with your comments, the obvious lies are making you look foolish and please, design a map with so many more added sea spaces you claim is a great idea, I eagerly await your superior design!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
For my two cents worth. First let me say thanks to all the designers because without you, we have no games.
However, your most precious information for making better variants is the feedback from the players, no better information then from boots on the ground.

To me, stalemates lines are like sc solo victory counts. A perfect example is your WWIV map, Tom. The default is 50 sc's and I hate it. I know I don't have to play the defaut but sometimes it is just hard to get 35 players here and the choice of WWIV map gameplay is limited to what you get. The problem with the 50 SC is it does cause more players drawing than should be just because you can't allow anyone to get to fifty thus not eliminating other players because not upsetting the balance of keeping the board leader in check. Also creates more survivors than should be because if someone solos there are more survivors.
Stalemate lines have the same kind of effect. If you have too many of them, everybody sets up a stalemate line and no one goes anywhere hence a premature draw of too many players. I think stalemate lines are needed but strategically placed to allow maximum potential for growth by an individual nation. I know this is easy for me to say because creating such variants is very difficult.

Diplomacy is a game that is meant to be WON, not a group hug philosophy, solos should be earned and honored, and draws the last resort. If designers can keep that in the back of their minds I think all variants created would be excellent.

Again, thanks to all the designers.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
agreed, where did I state otherwise?
Easily drawn stalemate lines are to be designed around to make them difficult. But making them IMPOSSIBLE is yet another story. If you follow the diatribe, try to pay attention to what has actually been done and not to what another is claimed to be the case.

* the map has been redrawn several times since the one you are familiar with and in fact, a few changes were added as a result of these claims. The claim that input is not listened to and valued is (obviously) nothing but a lie. ALL suggestions are however not embraced, yes, they are made with good intentions but do not always make sense...kind of like me saying you should have wings on your car so it can fly, while a cool idea, it's not practical is it?

* simply adding spaces is not wise, it suits the end game stalemate purposes but ignores all other parts of the game.

* there are ALWAYS other issues to deal with in any variant, the map is a BIG part but the ONLY part, victory conditions may need to be tweaked as well as you mention. The original game was designed to end with a coalition win, some are against that I understand but the reasoning was to avoid many of the issues brought up here, any game that goes on too long creates disinterest and more NMR's than you would like, Longer games set up stalemate lines and the game is more lifelike while adding another layer of diplomacy, a political aspect not part of the standard game. To the suggestion that too many win, that's pure garbage! You have what 35 players? Compare to the standard game that all accept as gold. 1 in 7 will win, that's about a 14% chance of any power winning. 1 in 35 is almost 3%, if you allow a 3 party victory, that's less than 9% chance of winning, Far lesser chance of winning than in a standard game. So the claim "everyone wins" "Group Hug" is yet another lie, it was simply a way to get closer to what is accepted and more enjoyable (if accepted)

* lastly, still nothing, NOTHING about land stalemate lines. Yes, we of course want to reduce the chance of stalemates, where was that ever denied by myself (or are you reading what another wants you to believe, please read what was actually SAID). Yet here we have people complaining about sea zone stalemates and nothing about land, they happen there as well and are equally bad, I have redrawn the map with those in mind as well.

Please listen to what was actually stated and not listen to another's unfounded, untrue rants and lies.

Halt (2077 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Stalemate lines are only an issue if these are "self-sufficient." That is, to say, that the number of SCs protected by a line does not exceed the number of units it takes to set one up.

There are a lot of Stalemate Lines in WW4, but most of these are not "self-sufficient", based on my study of the map. In fact, the only way I've found to be self-sufficient is if a country has conquered a significant portion of the map (around 40-60 SCs, depending on location). That is already world power status. Therefore, if my premise is right, then it follows that stalemates only arise when there are powers capable of supporting it, and the powers capable of supporting it are relatively large to begin with. That said, the ocean is by far the easiest way to stalemate someone, but again, there are creative ways to get around this. I have a few unconventional ideas in mind that I haven't tried, but I think they stand a reasonable chance of success.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
I have played alot of your WWIV games, and I am telling you as an experienced player, the 50sc count causes too many in a draw situation, irregardless of the percentage that you mentioned. Again if I play WWIV that is 50% plus 1 that does go down drastically and that should be the default. If players want the 50 sc let them have to change it.
NMR's although I hate them but they are irrelevent, you have to enter the game assuming everybody is playing and will continue to play.
Games too long, again irrelevent, then don't join, but once you are in, you are obligated to finish it or play a quicker variant.

And I know what Ruffhaus is saying and he is correct on the global scope of these games. We have played with you at Redscape, here and I played at Apolyton before Redscape, I have experience and I am telling you what I see in this game.

Tom, except for a few areas in the WWIV map, I haven't seen too many land stalemate lines, I think you have more territories to break a stalemate line. An example is Hudson bay, one naval unit, easy to keep anybody from landing forces into canada. If you were to split hudson into 3 different zones, now you make is much more dangerous(but I don't know how fair that would be, I am in the second game now where a stalemate has been set up in that area. Check Global Election-- take a look at the hudson bay area, Ruffhaus is stalemated from tying to advance those dumbass panzers any further in. Now there is the other side to this, I am expending alot of units to stop this. When you designed this, is this one of those choking points you envisioned, I only ask this because I have run into this a few times. If you are the major power in N.America, you now run to choke that area off ASAP before landings start.

If this is an older verison of WWIV, how come we are not playing the newer version?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
I think kaner406 is presently updating the WW4 map.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Here's an example of adding sea spaces being a problem, add 3 spaces to Hudson bay and suddenly it is further away from other spaces, the world becomes bigger and any hope of any sort of early attack on Canada is GONE. simple addition of spaces is a poor idea! Yes, in the late stages it can help (maybe) but you ignore the forest for the trees.
Adding spaces simply makes a convoy also less likely does it not? Now you require an additional fleet or three to pull of that convoy, now it's a heckuva lot easier to keep those panzers out isn't it?

Why you are not working with the most current map? Nobody asked for it, nobody (here) knew it was me they could have contacted. Also note the changes Kaner is working on includes a few additional sea zone changes (brand new to the newest rev) based on input made here, input never mentioned before this time and input I in fact acted upon (despite those who say otherwise). Maybe 50 supply centers is a bit too many for victory? I have not played the larger victory condition so on that, I am not speaking from experience! (but is that a possible solution?)

and I have seen several games with landings in North America from Europe, several where North America landed in Africa and many where Africa and South America attacked one another. Those are examples from much shorter games so it is certainly possible and stalemates do not always occur, again, simple facts of any and all games, the larger powers get, the more chance of stalemates forming, to expect otherwise on this map seems silly to me. Look at the standard game and how many stalemates you find when you have two huge powers squaring off, when one power starts to run away with a game you have few but when too many get too big ...stalemates! Why do you expect differently here?

Try the new version, I doubt it will solve all stalemate issues (In fact I seriously doubt it) but it may solve some and may be the fix you are looking for? Can't hurt to try, plus it does fix problems found all over the place!
DEFIANT (1311 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
I am not saying solve all stalemate issues, I think that is impossible all i am saying is don't create additional ones to change the dynamic of the game for more draws, if in your mind, statistically you have the same number of stalemate lines that you have in Classic, great no problem, that's the way it should be.

I am officially asking for the new WWIV variant, my favorite map to play and if you have an new and improved please put it out for play.

50SC solo win in WWIV, NO NO, that's not too many, I am saying it is too few, I still feel the WWIV as a default should have 50% Sc's + 1 for a solo, let a game initiator change it to 50 if they want. The 50sc is too small on that map, IMO. And I have played alot of this variant.

In Hudson, yes, that is what I said, you can add the spaces but it need more units to fill and they are drawn from somewhere else, maybe of importance. That I don't know if it is good or bad in the short or long run analysis.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Kaner is working on the new map!
as far as number of centers required for a win, I am not going to argue this as it is personal tastes and I certainly understand some would love to play on and on but I would like you to understand the game mechanics and the larger a power gets, the easier to draw a stalemate line for him. In the standard game we see it sometimes develop if we get two players at about 12 centers or so? In this game it develops a bit later but the map is also larger, it's simply something that WILL happen. You may be seeing it in sea spaces earlier but if you played to half+1 you would find it develop on land far more often as well. it's simply something that is part of diplomacy mechanics and avoiding it is very difficult to do the larger powers get. Don't get me wrong, I try to design them out as best as possible by creating spaces with lots of borders and as also mentioned earlier someone pointed out the supported stalemate areas are to be avoided and that too is pretty well avoided (Some past such situations existed on maps even older than the one you are familiar with ...gee, more such player input and play testing payed attention to) I feel your dream situation simply is unrealistic in many situations. A game can certainly be played to half+1 without stalemates but that game would almost certainly be won by a player who started to run away from all others and in that situation, playing it out is not really required is it? Do not misunderstand me and think I WANT stalemates forming, but do understand they will happen and are indeed part of the game and part of the basic mechanics of how Diplomacy is played. Some people jump to conclusions and ideas without thinking of the bigger picture, the "add more sea spaces" idea is one of them, maybe (just MAYBE?) this is yet another?
DEFIANT (1311 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
No it's not just annother one, Tom, if a nation in a 50% + 1 is getting that large, it's not his stalemate lines you have to worry about, it is the guys that oppose him if they can draw up those stalemate line in time. If he gets that big, he should have the chance to solo it and it is a real solo, the only way to stop him is if the remaining powers can do it. That's the way it should be played.

Just got done a little while ago with a 50 sc WWIV game and the end sucked. Germany stabbed Quebec who was holding up a solo contender in Mexico, stupid move, but it happened. Then some of us hit Germany because of it, but it was too late so in the end we had Mexico and Kenya running for the finish. Kenya won with 51 to 50, it kind of ruined the game because there was alot more play left and it was a fun game, but one ill-advised move by a nation and it was done. If the SC count was higher, we had time to work the game. All i am saying is let the default be 50% +1, not take away the option for 50sc game but most people starting these game don't pay attention to the fact they can change the winning conditions. And yes we don't have to join the game but like I said earlier they are tough to get going because of the 35 player requirement. I am not the only one saying the 50 sc WWIV is way too light, hits the forums about once a month or so.

Tom, don't take these suggestions as a personal hit, they are not. We play these games alot and we see first hand what is happening. I am in another game now with a 209 sc victory condition, this game is real fun and I anticipate to end in a draw but with legitimate players left, hopefully me included. But there will be no rush because of the 50. We will see how this one ends.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
18 Sep 13 UTC
Your statements are perfectly fine, no problem in the least! I take exception to those lies that were made earlier (not by yourself) and people claiming to be experts, who make complaints ...offer meaningless ways to improve the game but then can not back anything up!
I would like to offer one of the intended coalition games here, the game is not for all, I understand those who do not like it but to actually play it, some, MANY here would likely appreciate that different political aspect of the game and understand how it affects things both positively and negatively but a different game it is!

I am not a fan of huge games that take a year or more to play, not my cup of tea! That is why I devised a different victory, it allowed a closer percentage to the standard game to win (while the overwhelming majority will still fail) it allows for a more world-like situation, it helps end NMR's, it also creates a game within the game where anyone can win and hope springs eternal! How's this for complete blasphemy in diplomacy,
I once had a game where two huge powers of course took part in the win, the biggest power, the third biggest and the third member was a ONE CENTER power! He played his ally role well and drummed up votes from other small guys, but having a one center power considered equal, beating the player with the second most centers, that is horrible in some minds, but we had it happen and it was a blast (for most) It also was a way to encourage very real, very tight and sometimes very secret alliances that could last all game long! What's so bad about a game of politics inside the game of strategy, they work so well together!
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
Maybe instead of "indiscriminately" adding sea spaces that stretch out the distances between the continents we moderately increase the amount of sea spaces (make them smaller) and add a couple of water based powers (such as Oceana) in the areas that would have the increased number of spaces. Possibly give some of the nations that are by the now smaller and more numerous a fleet that starts out at sea? That would cause the now further away powers to come into contact sooner.

I admire the passion people have*. I have no idea how my idea of slightly smaller sea spaces would play out (other than it would make the standard circle the wagons around the continent stalemate less effective).

I think it would be an interesting idea to try and easier to implement than some other ideas, which seem fascinating as well.

* by "admire the passion" I mean to say that I am mildly frightened.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
I also admire passion! The idea about more sea powers could work but maybe has more problems than you think. First off, this game was originally designed to be a real world fairly accurate map, well THAT obviously went out the window fairly early. The world is broken up into nonsense countries and we are already using "stupid" supply centers at sea. So why not add more? Well, it does get even dumber for one but outside the pacific, you simply have no areas to put such Ocean powers.
But lets say we did this in the Pacific only, while you now added a new power, you put greater distance between North America and Asia, it's already far, suddenly it's even farther and interaction between the two is almost gone. The Ocean spaces a big for a reason, it is designed to promote interaction not discourage it. Again you are looking at end game strategies only while ignoring the early and especially mid game. The "circle the wagons" is now even more likely to happen... continents are farther away from each other making getting to the others all the more difficult, convoys are nearly impossible, defense is tougher yes, but so is an offensive assault!? To be honest, FEWER and LARGER spaces might be a better idea?

How did we hijack Davids thread???
His game looks real nice and suggestions were all for him until suddenly it shifted.
Look at his game, how do his sea spaces look?
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
19 Sep 13 UTC
Please don't add too many more land regions... at the moment every 255 territories need a new 'layer' in the coding process. (sea territories don't add to this total)
At the moment v. 6.1 has 209 territories on one layer and 249 territories on the 2nd layer. add more layers... ouch!
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
Tom, you admire people that kiss you ass, and nothing more. When was the last time you played a game on any global map? When was the last time you played a game on this site? The fact is that you have no idea what the frustration are. I have not advocated anything more than exploring ways to improve the play-ability of the map that we have here. This entire fiasco of your ego-driven meglomania occured because I mentioned that I like the idea of a version Cohen's 'high seas' concept in the context of global maps which while fun to play are poorly designed for the way they are being played here. This sent you into a rage as it always does, because you're incapable of realizing that you games have not been thoroughly play tested, and this is chiefly because you shout down all intelligent conversation about them.

Your claim that the ocean spaces are intentionally drawn big to promote interaction is pure backpedaling nonsense. On top of that it's just illogical. The large ocean spaces restrict movement on the seas, which is completely counter intuitive in so many ways, it's mindbogglingly. The reality is that the ocean spaces were drawn the way they were drawn, and the problems being encountered now were never uncovered because the previous playings of the game never went beyond a dozen years because of your voting based victory conditions that we don't use here. And at that point it really stops being you game that you need to worry about in so far as criticism of it. At that point it's like playing lacrosse on a soccer field. It's still a game on grass be the goals are different. Get it? It has to do with the game that many of us have been playing here, and you have not. The suggestions I'm advocating have nothing to do with you or your weaknesses or anything else about you at all. We all know that you designed the map. You us that repeatedly. You've been thanked thousands of times for this, but I'll thank you again. It's cool. I love it. That's not the point.

It was you that hijacked the thread. I did look at Cohen's game. It looks like he has great ideas that could be taken in part to other games , specifically though where the oceans spaces are drawn too large, and prevent fluid play. I guess you missed all that because it threatens your ego. I like the use of a special ocean type on Cohen's map, so much that I advocate exploring this on global maps. I have seen it used before, and it would resolve a great many of the problems and frustrations we (the players, because in the end it really is about the players and not your ego as the grand designer above any criticism) are experiencing. It shifted because you're an asshole, who cannot cope with the mere suggestion that an adaptation of his rule could be incorporated into the WW$ map, something that you have not played in years, and have never played int he context that we are now enjoying the game. You're only experience with the map is in the games you hosted and pushed to 8-10 year lifespans. The situations that are being discusssed do not arise in 8-10 years of game play, so you're simply unaware of them. The fact that we're playing the game now other than the way you wanted it to be played is not a personal indictment of you, or anything close to a suggestion that the map sucks. It's a great map, and one of the most popular maps in play. But the reality is that it is imperfect, and needs some changes.

Tomahaha (1170 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
more lies and half truths
you claim:
" I have not advocated anything more than exploring ways to improve the play-ability of the map that we have here."
No, what you actually said was:
(after calling me names) "These suggestions come from the frustration of the fact that it's far too easy to insulate a continent and stop playing the game."
But the suggestion that more sea zones would help is purely fictional and ill conceived, I pointed out how this would further insulate an area because it is now further away from any and all interaction, the idea was simply WRONG. You can't handle being wrong, you know better? I pointed out the reasons why it is wrong yet you said:
"I'm not going to stop saying that more sea zones or sea lanes or adjustments to the present map are a good idea. I think that they are a great idea, and I have extensive experience playing on the map. I know what I'm talking about"

You know what you are talking about? OK, mr know it all, why have you not yet shown us an example of this "great idea" and how it can work? I explained how it would not work, you simply stated it WOULD work yet show zero examples, we are waiting for your vast experience as a PLAYER (not a designer, as a designer you have ZERO experience and it has shown in your arrogant and silly statements of fancy)

Please show us your brilliant design ideas,
I really am waiting, instead all we get is how you know more and how I am an "asshole"

By the way, the outright LIES you are telling are accumulating to record level
*You claim I have not played the game when I have
*You claim I do not listen to input, yet I showed I have, even input from This very site
*You claim to never have seen any revised maps from the one here, yet you have played on several yourself and it was posted here in another thread
*You claim smaller and more sea spaces INCREASE interaction between players? Yet common sense pal, the farther away people are, the less interaction they have
*You claim I said the sea lane idea would not work, but what i said was it certainly might but simply adding more SPACES was a bad idea
I have not said anything ill about any others who posted ideas, I simply explained why those ideas may not work as they think, it is YOU who is the one calling names and getting excited, it is YOU who has no real ideas but claims to be an expert with brilliant ideas...lets see your brilliant ideas, until then I would ask you to stop berating me, you have proven yourself to be nothing but a complete arrogant loudmouth. You SAY you have solutions but you have yet to mention how to use them. You said yourself that adding sea zones would help the game, I said it would harm the game, I suggest you shut your mouth until you can actually PROVE you know what you are claiming to be an authority on. Adjust the map with extra spaces and post it for us to review. But before doing this, I am asking for additional spaces, NOT the sea lane idea (because that was not dismissed, your claim extra spaces are a great idea is in question here)
Please, you know everything, please dazzle us with your brilliance, post some ideas instead of simply stating you know better.

still waiting
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
Maybe we should all calm down and have a discussion about topics less likely to inflame passions. Politics or religion, perhaps?
Tomahaha (1170 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
or speak of what we know perhaps? If he knows adding spaces will work, then show us!?
simple really
I don't particularly mind the thread hijacking. Some interesting points being made, and I am ignoring the rougher stuff. I am working on some changes, based in part on comments here, and I'll start a new, name-specific thread when I have my next drafts. For those who want to know some more about my take on variant development, I direct you to a series of articles I did for the Pouch several years ago on the development of my Maharajah's variant: ; and
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
I did post ideas Tom. Specific ones. You've ignored them because any comment I make anywhere about one of your games gets mercilessly attacked and called stupid before you've actually finished reading the first paragraph and discard any context that the comments are made in. This has been going on for years. You refuse to revise your games with player feedback. Yes, yes, you revise them all the time, but not to improve them, only as a result of your own intentions to create games that are impossible to win by any conceivable standard of achievement. And then when someone else picks up one of your maps and makes it better, you get bent. Maybe you should listen to the people that play them, and take some of their ideas into account. In the 10 years that I've known you and played in your games you never taken one single suggestion that's come from anyone else when revising your games. All of your updates come from your own perspective, and anything that someone else thinks of first immediately goes in the trash bin without consideration at all by you. But you don;t empty the trash bin, You save to it be sure that any such ideas that ever come up are black listed.

The reality here is that you do not know that the suggestions being made are a bad idea any more than those making them know that they are good. This was supposed to be a discussion about things to try. Yet as soon as I said something, you rolled in, shouted it down, called it stupid, and said that I had no platform to speak to it. I've played the maps Tom. I know what I'm talking about. I've seen the frustration of you large sea spaces and small land spaces, and the continental clusterfucks that they create. I've also played on maps with the alternate sea territory types, and found that they offer an alternative to clogged maps. I aslo know that Diplomacy is specifically NOT designed to have a lot of stalemate lines. There is only ONE line one the original standard map. Were you aware of that? Now maybe a global map needs more than one, but it does not need a dozen of them. So if redrawing the sea spaces is too cumbersome, then using the high seas type Ocean spaces is a great alternative to clusterfuck maps. And why do you even care? You do not play! What difference does it make to you? I care because I play on these maps, and I've talked to dozens of frustrated players about these problems. It seems that your only stake in this is shouting down anyone that dares to change something you created.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
19 Sep 13 UTC
Specifically to the points you've mentioned and bulleted:

* where you quote my comments of: " I have not advocated anything more than exploring ways to improve the play-ability of the map that we have here." [and then say: No, what you actually said was:]
"These suggestions come from the frustration of the fact that it's far too easy to insulate a continent and stop playing the game."

Tom, are you really that dense? These comments are complimentary to one another, one giving more more detail than the other provides. Once again you have not even tried to understand what's being suggested here, nor to investigate where the concern comes from.

* More sea zones would absolutely help correct the problem. I never said that this was the best or the only way to fix things. Never. However, it is one way that might fix them map congestion, and make it more playable. More seas spaces does not mean that the players would be farther away, and being far away does not preclude anyone from interacting diplomatically. That's absurd logic, spoken by a guy who does not play. In fact more spaces, offers more movement options, which means more discussion over who will move there. You refuse to look at this at all because it threatens you somehow. That doesn't make it bad, or wrong, or anything else than different.

* You don't play. This is not a lie. It's a fact. Go ahead, Prove me wrong, Tom. When was the last time you played a game on this map? When was the last game you played at VDiplomacy? When was the last time you played on this map where the victory conditions required accumulation of supply centers? The fact that you do not have answers for these questions proves that you lack the perspective to trash the suggestions being made.

* You do not listen to input from players. You ridicule it, dismiss it, and make your own tinkerings that fail to address the very real problems. The result of this process is an even more confusing game, which abstract victory conditions that revolve more around luck and popularity than performance

* I have played on many variation of the WW4 map, yes. I'm asking you to provide the one that definitively corrects the problems that we have here. You have not done so. If such a map exists, then where is it? The maps I have played on in the past have the same difficulties that we are discussing now: too few large sea spaces, and too many small land spaces. Nothing in the other versions of your maps has addressed this. The reason you don't see it as a problem is because the game don't last more than 10-12 years, and the congestion has yet to form. We're playing a different game on the map here. Is that so hard for you to grasp?

* More spaces mean more opportunities, which equates to more discussion. It's that simple. I wouldn't expect you to know that since you don't play. If you played the game, you'd understand it.

* I never definitively advocated one solution over another. If anything I was leaning towards an adaptation of the Cohen variant's 'high seas' concept, an idea that would not necessarily involve smaller or significantly more sea spaces. You must have missed this in you zeal to attack or defend, or whatever it is you are doing.

Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 Sep 13 UTC
still waiting, where are the sea spaces to be added? Exact placement is everything. Draw up a map and we can determine if you know of what you speak. So far it's nothing but a wild conceptual idea that has not been implemented nor do we know if it CAN be done correctly. As I said before, a car with wings would be sweet, yet it's not a very plausible idea regardless of how cool it is.

and yes, you did say more spaces was a "Great" idea, so l;ets see how these added spaces affect the game but wait, "More spaces" where????
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 Sep 13 UTC
oh, and ask Kaner about how I ignore player input, yet another flat out lie.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
20 Sep 13 UTC
Map has already been drawn with the sea lanes:
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 Sep 13 UTC
I did see that sea lane idea earlier, it seems a bit too confusing to me and to be honest I still don't fully understand it. It's hard to say I like it or don't since I'm a bit confused. Please don't take this as bad criticism, I just don't fully get it.

I guess it could work but I don't see the need and ask again, why are sea spaces so different from land spaces? It just feels "wrong" to treat them so differently. If this were a fleet heavy game (maybe like David's Spice Island Map that started this?)Can you explain it more fully, I don't want to dismiss an idea I don't fully understand.
Tomahaha (1170 D)
20 Sep 13 UTC
and the sea lane idea was discussed as a possibility, the "added sea spaces" was not addressed, saying "add more spaces" is not explaining anything "specific". and Ruffhaus, I'm still waiting for your brilliant ideas, it's been a while and still NOTHING from you. Since this afternoon, Kaner and I have discussed several changes and I sent him a second revised map with those changes, but you CONTINUE to claim I don't listen to everyone, here's a hint. YOU are not EVERYONE, maybe you can take a hint from my ignoring your ideas. You can glaim I'm ignorant or you could assume your ideas stink? Prove me wrong pal, post us a revised map, email me a revised map. can't map it out? Then describe in detail where you put each new sea space. When you add your dozens more spaces, THEN we can talk about you foolish comment about how it would help interaction. Why is it Australia does not interact with the UK? Your "logic" would indicate the distance would HELP interaction but gee, that's really dumb isn't it really?

So maybe I'm confused, your brilliance simply can't be comprehended, prove me wrong, map just a small section for us to review. I promise to be honest in my review, funny thing though, I doubt we will ever see anything good or bad, NOTHING from the brilliant mind who likes to tell us just how much you know but just can't prove. So until then lets go with those who have real ideas not simply "wings on cars"

Page 2 of 3

89 replies
Sumner (1001 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Game :1914!
We need four more players to join the 1914 game.
7 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
28 Dec 13 UTC
New Year kickoff
Hey all, to get this new year started, I'd like to invite persons who would like to spend 200+ points on a classic semi-anon diplomacy game. If you are interested, please post within, nothing like a new years resolution to blow money!
1 reply
GunLoader85 (1051 D)
27 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a sub
I am looking for a sub from tomorrow until tuesday.

1 reply
~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
25 Dec 13 UTC
Any one for a live game now?
0 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
merry Christmas all :D
Thanks all vdip players for a wonderful year with lots of fun games! Thanks all and have a good time with your families :D
14 replies
Hypoguy (1613 D)
23 Dec 13 UTC
Looking for a stand-in
Looking for someone to watch over two of my games for a few days (between Christmas and NewYear). I'm happy to return the favour on another occasion next year. Anyone?
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
it's cool!!!!!!
hey guys! ROMEWARD BOUND is waiting you! it'scool, and you can amuse yourself in a map very dufferent from the classic one!

come in! we need only 6 players more among 12 to start!
3 replies
nesdunk14 (767 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
Imagonnalose second bracket
Hey all, just thought maybe more people wanted to play one on one than were able to fit in the first bracket. For all the rules, see Imagonnalose's post below. Please write here for slot requests.
0 replies
sinax (1006 D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
join us!!!!
Palimpsest needs only 2 players more to start!!!!

it's a huge and cool game: join us!!!!!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
21 Dec 13 UTC
fog of war game
Awesome mode: fog of war. Classic map, only 2 coin bet. Still need 4 people, choose your own country. First come, first serve! gameID=17370
0 replies
Imagonnalose (992 D)
18 Dec 13 UTC
Super Bowl 2014
So I've got the Seahawks winning the Super Bowl. (And before you panic, my team is the eagles...I don't predict them making it this year ..... sniff....)
30 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
13 Dec 13 UTC
Mod forced pauses/extends
See below.
86 replies
Wade (1004 D)
17 Dec 13 UTC
Name Change
I joined playing a private game with a few folks I went to High School with. I wasn't really planning on playing anymore after that. But I ended up enjoying the game. Is there a way to edit my profile name?
7 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
03 Dec 13 UTC
Death And The King's Horsemen - Game 3: Official Game Thread
This is the official game thread for Death And The The King's Horsemen - Game 3
48 replies
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
21 Oct 13 UTC
The King is Dead!
So I was just thinking about an old forum post that I read (I believe on webdip) about a variant of Diplomacy that I thought would be extremely interesting. More to follow.
290 replies
drwiggles (1582 D)
12 Dec 13 UTC
Not many WTA fans here compared to webdip, eh?
Every time I start a WTA game here, few if any players join. Most of the new games are PPSC. I'm not gonna gripe about PPSC, but where are all the WTA players?
3 replies
taylor4 (936 D)
10 Dec 13 UTC
Wargaming Theater of the Absurd
RE: - The USA's New York Times online Dec.10, 2013, & UK's Guardian day before report that so-called "stolen" files allegedly reveal purported surveillance of Video Gaming, especially Chat and Anonymity features, by civilian & Military Intelligence units. - Should they get a Life, or stick to bugging chess tournaments? Discuss
7 replies
tiger (1653 D)
06 Dec 13 UTC
RIP Nelson Mandela
You were an inspiration to many, you will be missed!
61 replies
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