A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Morandini (1115 D)
01 Oct 14 UTC
fast game
anybody interested in a E v T 5 minutes / turn game?
1 reply
Jamie_T (895 D)
01 Oct 14 UTC
I'd like to try Fog of War
Please join me!

2 replies
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
21 Apr 14 UTC
VDip Characters in their Game of Thrones Roles
Here's a look at the VDiplomacy community if it was place in George R.R. Martin's Song of Fire and Blood series:

77 replies
EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
26 Sep 14 UTC*t
I have no free time anymore! God the act and sat are a b*tch to pass. T_T I'm retaking it Saturday...yay. I want to play diplomacy and hangout with my friends so we can post more videos but I can't.
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~ Diplomat ~ (1036 D X)
29 Sep 14 UTC
Apologies Note
I am sorry fellow players. I had two accounts on vDiplomacy. First one being "~:Prestige:~" and another one this.
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
22 Sep 14 UTC
Interactive Map Orders- Sealanes
Hey I've been in some WWIV games and I LOVE the interactive map orders. It makes entering a phone 1000 times easier. I notice this option is not available for the Sealanes WWIV map- any chance it will be in the future?
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Jamie_T (895 D)
21 Sep 14 UTC
Many of you who also play at Webdiplomacy know me there as "jamiet99uk". I've decided to come and play here as well. Hello!

(Weirdly, some other freak has already registered "jamiet99uk" here, so I can't use that username. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery though, I suppose)
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Aranith (1355 D)
23 Sep 14 UTC
Sitter needed
Hey there,I urgently need a sitter for my place in the anonymous game " lol this is random". I moved this week and wont have Internet for 2 weeks but my tiny iPhone display.
I hope you are able to help me. Just message me!
0 replies
zurn (1178 D)
29 Aug 14 UTC
Necromancer: a Lord of the Rings variant
This is a pretty interesting variant, where many of the factions have special powers. Anybody interested in playing? We have two players and a GM, need 6 more.
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Sep 14 UTC
Stepping down as a Moderator
Hi all,
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goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
16 Sep 14 UTC
I want to play a game
There are lots here whom I've enjoyed playing with (and hopefully vice versa). Anyone - old or new - up for a game? I don't have any preferences except WTA and 36 hr phases.
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
18 Sep 14 UTC
Scottish Independence - An historic act of bravery or madness?
So this time tomorrow we may have a new (old) country on that funny little island that sits of the coast of Europe. I'm interested to hear from people about what they think about this, and as it is yet to happen, what way you think they might vote...
83 replies
on +1 and vDip.
The thread and post promotion state seems heavily under utilized here. Do you not agree?
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zurn (1178 D)
13 Sep 14 UTC
The Lost Art of Reading Orders (feature request)
Because you need to click on a link to see the orders, I feel like players on this and other sites are not paying as close attention to the orders being issued. I know they're being shown graphically, but that can be ambiguous or hard to notice; reading the orders makes you notice things you might not have, like why something is failing or what another country is trying to do, or tell you (for gunboat games).

I'd suggest placing the latest set of orders just below the map.
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Synapse (814 D)
16 Sep 14 UTC
Congrats Putin33
For being the latest to be banned from webdip for annoying the mods :)
Care to join a classic game with a 70 pot?
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mfarb (1338 D)
12 Sep 14 UTC
got defeated, have to look at games until it's over
Has anyone ever requested the option to hide these?
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Anon (?? D)
14 Sep 14 UTC
1 reply
A discussion of the merits and balance of the various two player scenarios...
Also, an offer to try any of them so long as they are unrated. I don't mind a loss and consider it a challenge to hang in as long as possible in the somewhat unbalanced. Although never again will I play Russia v Germany.
52 replies
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
15 Sep 14 UTC
Well, I am done with WebDip.
The moderators are childish attention-whores who swarm that Forum EN MASSE with snarky comments and threats.
39 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
12 Sep 14 UTC
1st Spring duration
30 minutes are given to the 1st spring negotiations while 15 are given to the following turns.
This happens under the standard board game rules.
21 replies
Synapse (814 D)
15 Sep 14 UTC
Variant testing (Middle East)
Hey can I get 6 players together for a test game of Middeast?
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mfarb (1338 D)
11 Sep 14 UTC
I have a friend who has just started playing dip and would like to play a game against real competitors.

I would like to play the 4 player SA variant. country assignment would be discussed later
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EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
14 Sep 14 UTC
diplomacy civil war
Top 5 webdip players vs top 5 vdip players
map: modern diplomacy 2
what do you think guys?
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EFTBSTHGK1337 (943 D X)
14 Sep 14 UTC
And now for a classic thread.
Last person to comment wins! XP
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ggy (903 D)
12 Sep 14 UTC
Gunboat, Anon Game
Do you think that a high level of co-operation [support orders for hold/attack] between 2 players is just coincidence or is there some means of collusion?
1 reply
LLGeorge (1410 D)
12 Sep 14 UTC
join game^
i would join the anonymous game
if someone could send me the password, i am in
0 replies
I see mapleleaf is no better here than on WebDip...
This from the end of a game that he won as France.

"06:49 PM France: Thanks boys. This was kind of effortless. You SUCK, Fagnaur. "
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RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
06 Sep 14 UTC
Hey fasces, mapleleaf is completely correct on Warsaw. Looking through the game he won because he outplayed everyone else, and because STALEMATE LINES ARE FOR LOSERS. Every game I've seen you play in or comment about you preach on the fabled existence of and supreme power of stalemate lines. Defeat after defeat, you stick with this fantasy of creating the perfect stalemate line. And that's why you lose. France didn't have to do a damn thing in the south because you sat on your ass in Italy and did not do a damn thing. He must have been drooling over this game from the word go.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
06 Sep 14 UTC
I was. I appreciate the level-headed commentary.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
06 Sep 14 UTC
Yeah, my low reliability comes from getting interrupted by my family during live games. I ought not to have played so many of them.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
06 Sep 14 UTC
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
06 Sep 14 UTC
Hey everybody,
Please calm down.
It's not ok to start name calling on the forum, but it's not ok to start threads dismissing other players on the forum too.
If you do not want to play certain players you can always use the "block"-feature to keep people you can't stand out of your games.
But it's not ok to start flame-wars here on the forum. Thanks for your understanding.
We had a chance but Italy ignored my calls to kill Austria two years earlier and turn towards France and Russia was too fleet heavy in the north. He wanted me to give him an SC the turn he disbanded a fleet, saying he would build an army, but how? He would not have had a build as his net change would have been zero SCs. Italy thought I was just going to stab him, but why? I had just held back and attack by he and Austria and managed to regain ground. I was no solo threat and I'm not an idiot who is going to attack a vital ally in stopping the solo. That's why I hate anon. Anyone who knows me knows I don't attack allies on the border unless they are trying to throw the game to someone else. My biggest mistake was not either convincing Italy to take out Austria quickly or convincing Austria I'd let him live and making him a valued member of the solo stopping alliance.
And maple does deserve the win. Even without the NMR that triggered the concede, at that point he had a solid chance of getting the SCs he needed in the north as Russia refused to listen to me and just sacrifice those fleets and let France have StPete.
Let's settle this on the field of battle. Head to head game, you pick the two person scenario. No points, unrated, WTA of course, 24 hour phases. I've lifted my block to play this. What say you maple, you got the nads to take me on head to head and prove who is the better player?
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
07 Sep 14 UTC
gameID=20590 For the record, we already have settled this on the field of battle. One on one is not Diplomacy. Nevertheless, a challenge is a challenge, and as a proud Canadian I must accept. I'm the Juggernaut. You're Frankland. Good luck.
What's the password? I can't join without it. PM me the password.
Windir (1570 D)
07 Sep 14 UTC
"One on one is not Diplomacy."

Arguably neither are gunboats, but you play those anyway.
Synapse (814 D)
07 Sep 14 UTC
Please redirect all flame wars to :)
Be quiet, fool. You caused all this with your horrible play attempting to kill me rather than Italy as we agreed and forcing me to put you down like a rabid dog. :-)
The game is underway for those who wish to watch the beat down.
Already I take a 2 SC lead. Maple picked the map and the nation, so I don't want to hear him whine that he got a raw draw.
Sorry, a 1 SC lead. I took 2 more SCs than he did, but he started with one more than I did.
Now it's a 2 SC lead.
mapleleaf (1155 D X)
08 Sep 14 UTC
Typical noob, fixated on SCs in the early stages, rather than position.
Victory is mine! Bwahahaha!!!!!
That was so fun, I am making a standing offer to anyone who wishes to try an unrated head to head against me. You pick the scenario and the side. My only rule is 24-48 hour phases so I don't have to play live unless time permits as it did this evening.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
08 Sep 14 UTC
That's a pretty unbalanced 1v1. Perhaps you should go head to head with Duo?
Halt (2077 D)
08 Sep 14 UTC
^ Agreed. Victory in an unbalanced scenario is not an indicator of being more skilled than your opponent, especially if you are the favored party.
Synapse (814 D)
08 Sep 14 UTC
I told you Draugnar, I'll play Russia and you play Germany.

"You pick the scenario and the side."
It was maple's choice of scenarios *and* nations. Defend him all you like, he lost the duel with his own choice of weapons on the piece of ground of his choosing. My honor has been restored and his bragging rights revoked.
Start the game, SY. 24 hour phase minimum and PM me a game link and password. Non-rated (no need for you to lose points and stat numbers when I embarrass you).
Victory is a duel when your opponent gets to choose every aspect of the battleground is a indicator of new honor. If you two wish to try your hand against me, start a game of your choice taking the side of your choice. No points, 24 hour or longer phases. PM me the game I'd and password. Or don't you have the courage to stand by your convictions?
Synapse (814 D)
08 Sep 14 UTC
gameID=20603 hahaha
Your laughing but I am holding my own and kept you to two builds while getting two of my.own despite you having better position and more units...
Synapse (814 D)
08 Sep 14 UTC
Good game sorry but its over mate.
Yeah, it was a waste of time. There is no way Germany cam keep up with the fleet production of Russia nor does Germany have the ability to grab French or Austrian territory without exposing himself to Russia where as Russia can go for Scandinavia and Balkans, and Turkey with spare fleets and build armies to counter any German press.

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Anon (?? D)
09 Sep 14 UTC
New game - hosted by mapleleaf
gameID=20601 Smooth Operator. Classic. Full Press. 36 hour phases. 300 point buy-in. WTA.

No Riff Raff.
1 reply
Synapse (814 D)
28 Jul 14 UTC
A diplomacy Forum
I came up with this idea to help Oli with the webdip exodus as well as just in general. How would you all feel about a independant forum (like a proboards style) for online diplomacy players?
76 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
15 Aug 14 UTC
WWIV - Sealanes signup thread
Gentlemen & Ladies,
I would like to create a WWIV Sealanes game, and it seems to me that many folks are having trouble due to other players blocking them from joining same games. <more info to follow>
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