A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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G-Man (2466 D)
17 Mar 18 UTC
Policy For Site Unavailability/Glitch
What do you mods think about having some kind of policy posted to address when the site goes down or is not functional in the future? You have chosen to cancel the 1st game of Divided States over this, but the last time I was involved in a game that had this happen, the last phase was replayed. So currently, the response isn't consistent.
0 replies

Go to the WWII Tournament thread for details. First come, first served.
0 replies
JECE (1534 D)
04 Mar 18 UTC
Join Team Iberia in the 2018 webDiplomacy World Cup
Iberia came 3rd in 2010, 2nd in 2012 and was absent from the 2016 edition. We're late to the party, but hopefully we can pull together quickly enough to register our team before sign-ups close. Are you ready?
The tournament is getting organized now:
4 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
03 Mar 18 UTC
[Poll] Balkan Gambit
If you are playing Austria and doing a Balkan Gambit, what orders do you give to Army Vienna?
1 reply
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
01 Mar 18 UTC
“Resigning” from a game
I would never want to do this but what does it mean when I see a player “resigned” from a game
3 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
03 Feb 18 UTC
Improvement suggestions?
I am looking to give some love to my main coding contributions to vdip, namely the interactive map and the TSR in Colonial Diplomacy. Do you have any wishes, improvement suggestions, issues or bug reports with these implementations?
11 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
25 Feb 18 UTC
[Classic] Tuscan Opening
Hello guys! I wrote an article on Forum about a "Tuscan Opening" that I will transcribe here for those who aren't members of webDip. I hope you enjoy it!
1 reply
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
13 Feb 18 UTC
New mega-variant: Divided states....
Here comes our largest variant ever: Divided States.
A variant for 50 players!! With 693 territories (270 land, 236 coast, and 187 sea territories).
44 replies
Anon (?? D)
15 Feb 18 UTC
Western World 901 Bug?
I am in a gunboat and when I try to see the past orders it tells me there is a bug.
3 replies
Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
23 Jan 18 UTC
Prove your historical knowledge!
Since some discrepancies arose from the Winning thread, (what else is new?) here we go. We start with a question, and the person that correctly answers it posts a question of their own, and it continues.
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JECE (1534 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
By driving tanks through the Forest of Spellcheck! Duh!
JECE (1534 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
Although I spelled it right on my first go. Woot!
Nuclear Surok (1362 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
I type with a phone.And I refuse to have T9 mess up and autofinish my words.
Technostar (1302 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
Germany beat the Maginot line by looking back at WW1, deciding that invading Belgium was still a good plan, and blitzing right through the weakly-defended Belgian-French border.

What ethnic groups originally colonized Madagascar?
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
25 Jan 18 UTC
Re the high jacked plane, was that the plane that was flown to Entebbe in Uganda that was stormed by Israeli commandos?
d-ice (1969 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
@ambassador: ehm, I never heard that part of the story if that’s so. But to be honest I’m not quite certain what happened after the main drama. I suspect there could be some truth to your claim as Israel is definitely a part of the story. However, I thought the plane went on to Libya afterwards but I may be mistaken on that. Regardless, it’s really the reason for the main drama that was the question. And you’ve already figured out that it’s related to an event that happened during the Olympic Games in Munich.
Hi d-ice I googled after posting, it was actually a seperate terrroist incident four years later.

I got a question - and a certain group of people... you know who you are - are not allowed to answer this as you'll know it instinctively.

What happened on this day 230 years ago?
JECE (1534 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
The sun rose.
@Ambassador I know it instinctively, therefore I'll answer it if nobody else gets it.

The answer to my previous question is Manuel Belgrano. My next question is which Turkish city was made the capital of the Ottoman Empire after being captured in 1326?
Ender (1701 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
Ender (1701 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
@Ambassador: George Washington inaugurated as first US President?
Ender, incorrect. Think northwest Turkey.
Ender (1701 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
I know it’s not Constantinople/Istanbul and would confess I need a map otherwise. Thought Edime was the original/traditional seat of the Ottomans, but obviously wrong. Clearly I should have paid more attention in history class.
mouse (1776 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
Edirne *is* northwestern Turkey :p

It was also the capital before they took Constantinople and moved it there, but if you're saying it's not the subject of the question, I'm not sure what the capital was before it. Complete guess would be Bursa? Fairly high on Civ city order, and iirc Ankara wasn't that relevant until Ataturk...

Fairly certain I'm in the 'instinctive' category for Amby's one.
Mouse, from memory you are instinctively aware.

Good try Ender, but no (Google tells me that was 30 April 1789.)
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
The plane was hijacked to demand the release of the imprisoned terrorists responsible for the massacre of Israeli athletes that happened during the Olympic Games in Munich 1972.
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Ambassador: I'm guessing it's a very significant event to the group you're referring to (which I assume includes yourself). And if I'm not mistaken from the podcast, you're Australian, no? So, perhaps it is an important event in Australia 230 years ago? I'm poor on Australian history, but I know it was "discovered" a lot earlier, so
it can't be that. Something to do with its colonial rule?
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Technostar: your question makes me aware of how little I know of African history! I blame the educational system!
vixol (1774 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Technostar Being a language nerd I think I remember that the language on madagascar is related to the oceanian languages. That would suggest that the people who settled there were from there somewhere? It seems unlikely that people from small islands like Tonga colonized Madagascar so perhaps some larger place like New Guinea?
Battalion (2386 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
I've always known that my history needs improving, but I'm still annoyed that I don't think I could have answered any so far. I'll add a Q I know the answer to - perhaps the 'instinctively know it' rule should be applied here, as it might be easy for a certain few. Then again, it might be easy for all, in which case feel free to hurl abuse.

- Who won the battle of Ethandun in 878, defeating whom?
@d-ice.... ooh you are so close!

@technostar, I don't know but think it was something like from the Maldives?

@battalion, great question but no idea!
Battalion (2386 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
I realise that the name of the event probably isn't as well known as the event itself (and I have no idea how well the event is known internationally - a clue in itself given how I spell things...) - if people aren't getting closer later, I'll give another pointer or two.

@Ambassador - As for your question, if d-ice is close then perhaps it'll be colonisation itself?
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Batallion: I've never heard of Ethandun, but the year suggests it was a battle between Vikings and the English (from watching the Vikings TV-show I assume the kingdom of Merica, which might have been led by king Alfred at the time? Or was he later?). Anyway I haven't finished watching this season yet so I don't know if the battle is actually depicted in the show, nor do I know who won that battle. I'll put my money on the English, as that would make for an interesting season finale.
fasces349 (1007 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
Ethandun was Wessex defeating the Danes
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Ambassador: On the colonization of Australia. Could it be that the Brits divided Australia into her states? I know it doesn't feel significant enough, and it doesn't rhyme very well with Victoria either, as she wasn't borne yet. But I can't think of anything else, perhaps the state had another name at the time?

Another guess would be the installment of the first British governor (or something) of Australia?
Battalion (2386 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@d-ice I'm sorry if I've spoiled the plot. Spoiler alert as I'll give a little more context below.

@fasces got it. King Alfred the great defeated Guthrum of the Danes after coming out of exile in the marshes. The victory is often attributed to the birth of England, although recently there is a lot of debate surrounding that. Either way, an important turning point in the history of our small island given that Saxon rule was all but conquered at that point, but subsequently survive until William the Conqueror in 1066...
Nuclear Surok (1362 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
Heres another question-what did Trotsky die from?
sankt (1619 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
d-ice (1969 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
@Batallion: Thanks for the spoiler alert, I'm not reading your post.
@Surok: Trostky died from an assassination. I don't know any specifics about the attack if that's what you're asking for.

New question: Which real-life monarch was the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Dracula?
sankt (1619 D)
26 Jan 18 UTC
He dies from an ice axe, by an assasssin sent from Stalin.

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michael_b (952 D)
12 Aug 17 UTC
Question: Adding Variant(s)
Please see reply.
57 replies
Halt (2077 D)
10 Feb 18 UTC
Can't send press during build phase?
Hi, during one of my games, I seem to not be able to send press during build phase? I have been away from the site for a few years, so is this a new feature/rule I'm unaware of or is there something wrong with the game I'm in?

2 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
22 Jan 18 UTC
Email notifications?
Does vDiplomacy not have an option to send email notifications upon important game events?

I just recently set up a game, then came back to check on it a couple days later only to find that I'd NMR'd it without even knowing. I couldn't find anything in my email, even in Spam or Trash.
15 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
07 Feb 18 UTC
WTA vs Draw-Disvaluated Scoring
What about adding Draw-Disvaluated Scoring to vDip?

It's a mix of Calhamer Scoring (aka Winner-Takes-All) with Draw-Zero Scoring, and has the fortunate effect of pushing players towards a solo unless a draw is absolutely necessary. Solos work like in WTA, but draws are different.
22 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
05 Feb 18 UTC
I couldn’t find the answer in Help.
I know PPSC means in a solo the points are allocated based on supply centre count while in a draw it reverts to an equal split of points like DSS/WTA
For SoS over on WebDip, in a draw the points are allocated on a sum of Squares principle. But Help section doesn’t say what happens in a solo. Same method or reverts to winner takes all? I’m assuming SoS whether draw or solo but checking
14 replies
Technostar (1302 D)
03 Sep 17 UTC
"Divided States" - New variant in progress
"Divided States" is a variant where every US state is a country. I am looking for advice about it. See reply for details.
61 replies
Greatdjenkins (927 D)
30 Jan 18 UTC
you hippies whats in da hood
come at me bro, when people see u they be like FATYYYYYYYY
7 replies
Just a heads up...
I'm headed to our cabin for a week tomorrow. I'll still get internet on the phone when we head into town for dinner each night, but my communication may be lacking in game on any press games.
5 replies
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
27 Jan 18 UTC
Looking for Callifornians
I'm currently travelling through California for a good month and wondered if there's any players out here who'd like to meet or maybe even host me?
2 replies
Greatdjenkins (927 D)
22 Jan 18 UTC
Ambassidor is a crybaby
ambassidor, and argentinaian empire looooooooooove fluttershy and dora, although i think argentianian empire might like boots ( doras pet monkey, hes a boy )
9 replies
Brenden (898 D)
25 Jan 18 UTC
call me
hey girl
2 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
19 Jan 18 UTC
Mod announcement
Please join us in welcoming gopher to our mod-team. We promise not to let him use his newfound powers to win the "winning" thread.
8 replies
Temasek22 (980 D)
18 Jan 18 UTC
I can’t login for the next few days. Would appreciate if anyone can help step in
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SKIZM (969 D)
14 Jan 18 UTC
A noob question about R###
Hey Guys, new to the site (and fairly new to diplomacy).
Next to players names are their diplomacy points, I get all that, but next to that is an R### number, I may be missing it, but I cant see this in the rules. (ie name is NAME(1000/R92). What does this number mean?
5 replies
karajandiem (1071 D)
14 Jan 18 UTC
Ancient Mediterranean
Looking for more players for a chill Ancient Med game!
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Flame (1073 D)
11 Jan 18 UTC
C. Kostick. The Art of Correspondence in the Game of Diplomacy informs:
New book about game Diplomacy is avalible on Amazon
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Greatdjenkins (927 D)
22 Dec 17 UTC
New game
if i made a new game with 36 people would anyone be interested, its a ww2 map
4 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Jan 18 UTC
Mod recruitment.
Hello all. We are currently looking for a new moderator to help out around the site.
6 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
08 Jan 18 UTC
WebDiplomacy 2018 GvI and FvA Showdowns - Signups now open!
More info (and signup form) here:
0 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
03 Jan 18 UTC
Global Admin Message for Players of Siege of the Ishiyama Honganji
Bug reported regarding last season results. Please pause.
1 reply
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