A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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drano019 (2710 D Mod)
17 Feb 17 UTC
NWO Game Replacement Recruitment
NWO game in progress is seeking a pool of interested replacement players for potential nation takeover in the event of CD. Currently, one nation is needing to be replaced. The game is about 70% complete. We would need some players who love the game of Diplomacy to fill in for a few weeks.Email if you're interested in being added to the pool. Thanks!
0 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
15 Feb 17 UTC
Online Diplomacy Champhionship - Round 1 Deadline SOON
Read here:
2 replies
nesthocker97 (969 D)
10 Feb 17 UTC
I need someone who manages my account for the next two weeks
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Murcanic (1453 D)
08 Feb 17 UTC
Who is the best multi-tasker!
I'm just wondering how many games everyone has played all at once and how many people are currently playing?
19 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Jan 17 UTC
The Online Diplomacy Championship 2017
Some of you may have participated in ODC 2015, the tournament run on webDiplomacy in which players from all sites competed for the title of Online Diplomacy Champion. It was won by webDiplomacy player Octavious.
22 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
25 Jan 17 UTC
Dip Directions?
In episode 11 of the Diplomacy Games podcast Kaner and I discussed longevity aspects and risk management of sites like vDip and webDip to ensure they grow and reduce the chances of going down (either technically speaking or perceptions of IP infringement). We said we'd create a thread for this for others to contribute. What do you reckon?
8 replies
Nemesis17 (1709 D)
11 Nov 16 UTC
Haven't played in a while, looking to get back into the game but pretty much all the games are password protected. Is there a thread with protected games? Or should i just start a new game?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
15 Aug 16 UTC
Thoughts on improving vDip
As mentioned in another thread, I thought I'd summarise here my thoughts on the idea of vDip "dying". Please feel free to add your perspectives on avoiding this to the mix.
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RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
18 Aug 16 UTC
A big part of the reason I went into a Dip coma was the dubious behavior of some players and the lack of action taken by the community against it. I've been chastised by the moderators for my views on this subject because apparently we're not allowed to say the word cheating for fear of offending someone. Believe it or not I do understand the need to reign in allegations of cheating and the damage that can be caused by false accusations. At the same time the moderators alone cannot provide protection from all forms of cheating. It's extremely difficult to prove, and only the most clumsy attempts are actually caught and punished. I think this stems from an attitude that cheating will only be recognized as such with absolute proof. I'm actually okay with that, but I also think that the moderators need to counsel players who behave in ways that give cause for suspicion. It really shouldn't even fall to the moderators as an official duty, but when incidents arise, their intervention would help. I am still of the opinion, one based upon two decades of experience, that the best safeguard against cheating in Diplomacy is the community policing itself. In the various communities that I've played Diplomacy (Cat 23, Apolyton, Redscape, Dipworld, The Academy, Worldmasters Championships, and countless others) cheating was so rare that you could almost say that it did not exist simply because no one would dare risk their reputation in the community to engage in it. There were no rigid rules. There was no banning players. It just did not happen. Now because most of these games were email based with human GMs, it was a lot easier to police, and much more difficult to pull off. At the same time you had GMs with house rules that specifically defined, detailed, and forbade cheating. This is something that VDiplomacy lacks. The rules are loosey goosey about what is and what is not appropriate. For example, there is no specific rule about waging grudges or continuous alliances across games here. There is some lip service paid to it, but it's really not sufficiently explained that this behavior is improper.

Now with that said I think that most players try to come at each game as a new event and leave the past in the past. And the waters get muddy when we learn one another's styles and react to them accordingly. Sometimes this gives the appearance of running feuds and alliances simply because that's what happens when certain styles interact. The *only* solution to this is a personal commitment form everyone to behave ethically. And the best way to do this is for the community (players and moderators) to be witness to this. As has been mentioned many times in the past the moderators cannot look into every esoteric incident, and are limited in the tools at their disposal. That is why we as players must enforce this upon ourselves. For example, if I write to Dr. Recommended that I'm all in to kill Lief Siverson because that bastard stabbed me two games ago, I expect to be called on it by Dr. and told that's not appropriate. Of if I ask Doctor R. to help me take down Cypeg because he resides above me on the Elo ratings, I would again expect to be rejected and frowned upon. And if I continue to behave this way, then Dr. Recommended should simply say, I'm not going to play in games with you anymore because that's not ethical. It's really that simple. If we all engage this way, cheating will virtually disappear except for the most clumsy cases that the moderators are very good at enforcing.

Unfortunately there has been no appetite for this, and moderators of the past have stamped out any such talk, claiming that they have total control in the same breath where they admit that they cannot control it. We don't need the moderators to control it. We as the players can control our own behavior, and there are clearly enough players posting in this thread who get it enough to be a part of the fix.
"For example, there is no specific rule about waging grudges or continuous alliances across games here. There is some lip service paid to it, but it's really not sufficiently explained that this behavior is improper."

But there is it's called metagaming and if you ever experienced a post like you describe (help me kill X for reasons outside the game) then reporting it to the mods should get it handled - be it a firat time offender warning or a continuous repeat offender banning.
Devonian (1887 D)
18 Aug 16 UTC
Ruffhaus, everything you described is banned and would be frowned by the community. If some of the examples you stated actually did occur, I am confident that serious measures would be taken against the players.

Perhaps the difference is that the Mods want us to report it to them rather than wage accusations in the forum. I will agree that it might be preferable to allow cheating accusations to be discussed in the forums. But I don't think it is ignored or not taken seriously.
Devonian (1887 D)
18 Aug 16 UTC
The advantages of allowing cheating accusations to be discussed in the forums would be:
1. It would educate new players on what is acceptable and unacceptable.
2. It would allow better clarity of the issues.
3. Cheating accusations can be very colorful, and would increase participation in the forums. An active forum means a healthy web site.
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
18 Aug 16 UTC
The only cheating that really concerns me is the full blown multi-accounting that makes me feel like I've wasted a bunch of my life on here because a whole game was a scam from the start (exaggeration, perhaps). If you are playing in a non-anonymous game with players that you know well or moderately well, it is a fact that players know what other players will do.

It might be nice if the player whose back is still sore from the stabbing I administered would forget about it, but it isn't human nature. Not only do I accept that it is coming, but I expect it. I don't see how, in a non-anonymous game, that can be avoided.

Maybe we just all relax and don't get so worked up about ratings? This isn't chess and sometimes you will be ganged up on. It isn't fair but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. Perhaps more of a focus on just having fun and enjoying the quality of the game and not the quantity of points?

On a vaguely related note, discussions of cheating might scare off cheats. Of course, it might also give them insights on evading cheating detection. In the past, the mods have been very responsive to the evidence that I provided about cheaters and many have been banned. It is a tough job that they have to do. I'm pretty sure that they are doing their best.
Late arrival I haven't read many posts, but one point I could make is not being allowed to retreat to an opponents territory, especially an SC. It really annoys me, don't know about anyone else. Is it feasible?
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
18 Aug 16 UTC
one is allowed to retreat there, if there is room to move. That means if there was no (failed or intentionally bounced) attack on that territory that turn, or if the attack on you was actually coming from that very territory. or in other words, you can retreat to an enemy center, if it was not actively covered somehow in the attack turn – often these gaps are overseen in a over-rushed offensive, allowing to counter and stop it in the retreats phase.

besides that – i think we are not discussing the main diplomacy rules here, they are defacto set as-is (and good as they are). it's more about how ot make the platform(!) more attractive, not the game.
Yeah, that would alter the rules of a game. That would be like saying the queen can't move all 8 spaces if they are open in chess.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Aug 16 UTC
If/when needed to adjust, I can offer help with the math behind the V-points algorithm.
I just have to find some files about the matter, used during the V-point system forging... Early 2013 if I remember correctly
Has anyone heard much from Oli lately on whether he thinks he'll be in a position to help with the site in the foreseeable future, or whether he's open to delegating some further responsibilities?
Decima Legio (1987 D)
19 Aug 16 UTC

here's my 2 cents. Just a point of view from a not-so-active-anymore v-dip "veteran".

This place has always been a monarchy. Discussions have always been welcome, but the decisions have always been a matter of the King. Everything concerning site management/site changes/variants had to undergo his approval.
Now the King's missing from several months... I'm not saying that the site is in a status of anarchy, but a point of reference is missing.

I'm asking because I don't really know and I did not follow closely the website evolution in the last year:
Who's in charge now?
Is there an admin substituting Oli temporarily? Did Oli assign some of his functions to someone before missing from here?
Who's the current mod team?

Somehow I did assume that you were some kind of deputy of Oli, Ambassador, but apparently I was wrong
Enriador (1507 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
I have been playing the hobby for a couple of months by now... tried Backstabbr, Playdiplomacy and webDiplomacy, but this one shines out from the rest.

Maybe a mobile app could help gather more people? Android has just Droidippy and iOS just "The Game of Diplomacy". It's quite a huge market and, though the negotiation aspect goes down a bit on mobile while we have more NMRs, everybody has a smartphone nearby to play. That's how I first met Diplomacy, and fell in love with the game. Well, just a newbie's suggestion!

About the Rinascimento: man, that variant is a chore. I like to play underdogs (Italy being my favorite nation) but Pisa, Ferrara, France and Siena are almost unplayable; one needs a good deal of luck while being a master diplomat to just survive. Venice meanwhile steamrolls every game, in just a few occasions falling to a coalition but almost always in the winning alliance or soloing. The Machiavelli map is much better when the matter is balance.
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
I hope Oli is ok.
Octavious (0 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
I'm confused by the mobile app concept. Yes, everyone has a smartphone nearby to play with, but doesn't everyone (or at leave a lot of us) already do just that via the traditional websites? It's a long time since I've played a game of diplomacy solely on a computer.

What do apps add that we don't already have?
Strider (1604 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
true, appart from sucking at typing on a pho e (didn't correct that!) I play almost exclusively on my phone. I lean to gunboat too as a result. Big map games or having 30 units is order is a chore.

Email alerts is the only feature I can think of and belive its in the works I currently look for.

@Decima - a deputy of the king, does that mean a prince? Alas no, I was a Mod a while back but handed in my responsibilities to others when I knew I didn't have the time to commit to that.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
@Enriador, Octavius and Strider:
That's what i tried to sideway speak about further above ... an App i think would not add much over a mobile-ready web interface for the existing players, exept better notifications (but it may be a disadvantage then to classic players who don't get reminders or message notifications, making them slower). But an App could draw new folks that don't look for games on the internet anymore, but on the app stores. Hard to make that all practically happen though with the ressources available.

Anyway, a web interface that actually behaves well on mobiles would be a big step. Currently it's scaling, zooming, scrolling etc. That's doable for players highly involved who want not to miss a turn while on the move, but it's all but attractive for new players to start. Saying you have to use a real computer to really play the game just scares them away too – the negotiations part that is a primary aspect of this game is hard enough on a mobile (but improving too), the rest should not.

Even not considering proper mobile browsers support, the interface and design on a classic computers, while it is functional and totally okay to regular players, it is not appealing to new folks. Filling out forms in browser games is so year 2000, it aestetically looks like Web 1.0, and the whole interface is not very intuitive to new players. I tried to recruit some people over the years to join the game that i enjoy to play that much – with some i succeeded, but some just didn't overcome the first impression and problems they had.
I completely understand it's a grown interface that was extended with features now and then, and that's totally okay, but there's missing an overal concept of information and fucntions hierachy and bunding, questioning features, re-thinking features, add features, etc.
That should not sound destructive, i can for myself go on and play with that interface for many years without pain, but with a professional perspective of an interface designer, and also from a perspective of a newcomer to play on the platform, there are severe user experience problems and hurdles put in the way of players interested to play this great game. This also is not specific to vdiplomacy, it's the same for webdiplomacy and other forks too (i don't know any other platforms and how they are better or worse).

Again, question is what can be done and who is in power to do it ... i can provide thoughts, advise and web frontend code if wanted, but as this is lots of work to do when done right, the organisational structure of such a project would have to be defined. It's more than just fiddling around with ideas like in the link above.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
20 Aug 16 UTC
<ugh> for a mabole 'app' (FUCK I hate that term) I can only imagine a series of drop down menus. something like:

Hi <name> do you want to <ally / DMZ / attack> <country>?


You are attacking me would you like to <stop / rethink / DMZ>? If so <repeat earlier entry field>.


I hear what you are saying, but I hate having to access my games via a iPad or on my phone because I simply cannot write complex information in that media. Personally I think that if people can't be arsed to access via a media that allows complex communication - then they should stick with Flappy Bird or Candy Crush. Yes new players should be welcomed to the hobby, and yes there are ways to make the interface more 'friendly' but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water, Diplomacy at the end of the day is all about communication and if the contemporary experience of games is minimal communication then I would prefer then not to have them play the game with me.
Hirnsaege (1903 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
:) what formalized diplomacy talks actually mean, i think most of us know from Civilization 2 days ... worst part of that game for sure.

Yes, communication is a primary part of this game and can't and should not be changed (crippled if formalized) of course.
But the rest has room for improvement, presenting all information and options to act in more structured and intuitive ways, with correct grouping and focus where needed, and adjusted to small, medium and big screens alike. As a side effect, the desktop version would benefit largely too for all those who still primarily play there (like me). That does not have to be a "revolution" – just a fresh look, cleaning up and and modernize the browser frontend code output.

No "App" needed for all that. The only real advantage of that would be to bring the game into another distribution channel.

(last message about interface from me in this threat, not to hijack)
Decima Legio (1987 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
Mobile phones already own the technology to have a speech translated into text (provided a proper pronunciation). This technology is supposed to overcome the problem of typing medium/long negotiation via mobile phone.
Perhaps Hirnsaege wanted to suggest something similar in order to attract more mobile-gamers.

About orders: IIRC many variant support the interactive poin&click interface for orders submitting. Not all though.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
20 Aug 16 UTC
However, I may not be shocked if in terms of 5 years, some Diplomacy sites (or apps or whatever you want to call them) will use vocal files instead of text for negotiation purposes.
As same as happens with chats via WhatsApp or similar services.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Aug 16 UTC
To answer some of the questions here:

Oli is fine, I've talked to him via email fairly recently. He really hasn't had time to deal with vDip and this has been an issue for some time, but he's still around.

The current mod team consists of myself, Leif_Syverson, Tobi1, GOD, and jmo1121109. While I am the head of the team, I've also been on a fairly long hiatus from the site so haven't really been fufilling my duties as admin. The other mods have all had on-and-off activity, so while some issues have been dealt with, there is a significant backlog in the moderation queue. I'll try to clean it up when I have the chance.

Speaking of which, if anyone is interesting in helping moderating the site, please PM me.

With regard to variant development - while he hasn't announced it, Oli has essentially closed down the lab. He had to carefully check any changes made to any variant, because mistakes there could bring the main site down, and he doesn't have time to do that anymore. I've spoken to him about setting up a new site, separate to vDip, specifically for the purpose of developing and testing variants before they are ported across to vDip - it's likely that this will go ahead and if it does, it will be up sometime in October or November. However, it will be limited to map-change only variants until I'm better at using PHP, since I'm not skilled enough with it (yet, at least) to code extra rules.

If anyone has any more questions, feel free to ask me here or via PM.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
20 Aug 16 UTC
A few more things:

I should say that player numbers on all Diplomacy sites tend to oscillate over the course of the year, so a decrease in active players is not all that concerning by itself.

I think the idea that the site is dying is much more down to big forum personalities and tournament directors leaving, and new players not really interacting on the forum very much.

The concerns on the vDip ranking are all well-founded (I know how it feels to drop significantly from a high rating on that) but I don't think Oli will get to that soon. I will bring it up with him anyhow.

I'll echo bo in that vDip and webDip will never actually be merged, but I'm pretty sure neither site would be averse to including a 'Partnered with webDip/vDip' note somewhere. Again, something I'll mention to Oli (and our friends at webDip).
Thanks Captain for the update. Not everything I'd ideally love to hear, but some good tidbits there. And hey, this is Dip so we're all accustomed to not getting our way perfectly every time!

Enriador (1507 D)
22 Aug 16 UTC
I thought v(ariant) was the place for, you know, testing variants for Diplomacy. Happy to see another site is coming up; I wonder if it will follow the same style of webDiplomacy?
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
23 Aug 16 UTC
It goes even deeper than that, Enriador...

It goes even deeper than that.
I would say vdip is for playing variants that have already had some testing done in the lab.
<Spoiler alert!>

A new offering for Diplomacy nuts is just around the corner...
I'm not sure that qualifies as a spoiler ;)
Looking forward to whatever it is...
Enriador (1507 D)
01 Sep 16 UTC
You got me excited there! Can't wait for news

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Flame (1073 D)
25 Jan 17 UTC
For Russian-speaking players
I still want to remind that russian-speaking players are also welcomed to Diplomail.Ru webdiplomacy server.
0 replies
Mephisto (1462 D)
23 Jan 17 UTC
FtF in Germany (Hannover)
From 12.05.2017 - 14.05.2017 there will be some FtF-gaming in Germany (Hannover). Perhaps someone is interested.
Details you can see here:
0 replies
Carebear (1000 D)
23 Jan 17 UTC
Cross-site Diplomacy Tournament is hosting a cross-site Diplomacy tournament. We have *eliminated* the paid premium membership requirement to allow us to invite members from other sites. vDiplopmacy players with strong reliability ratings and ratings in the top 10%+/- on this site are invited to participate in this event .
1 reply
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
05 Jan 17 UTC
Return to Vdip
Hi All!

After a nearly 2.5 year hiatus from playing here, I thought it might be a good time to stop back over and take a peek at what's going on. I've missed some of the variants here, and am hoping to be able to gather up a solid group of players to play a few games (not all at once necessarily) and give me that variant "fix" I've been missing. Anyone interested in some top notch play?
61 replies
dachi (1415 D)
13 Jan 17 UTC
Fall of the American Empire

Is there a reason I can't host this variant? I've played in before on this server, and I'd really like to try it again, but I can't find it in the drop down menu for hosting new games.
5 replies
e (1000 D)
05 Jan 17 UTC
High School and College Diplomacy Clubs
Hello everyone! Are you in a high school or college Diplomacy Club? I'm trying to compile a list of schools that currently have Diplomacy Clubs, so it would be great if you could post here if you know of any or are part of one! School name, location, and a contact email would be great. Thanks!
2 replies
Peace be with you
The Machiavelli variant of diplomacy is very interesting. I would suggest you add it to your list of variants in this website.
4 replies
Peace be with you
The Machiavelli variant of diplomacy is very interesting. I would suggest you add it to your list of variants in this website.
2 replies
Ikaneko (832 D)
22 Dec 16 UTC
Arctic warfare variant. What do you think?
I'm making a new variant, Arctic Warfare, featuring Scandinavia, Canada and Russia scrambling to control the Arctic. This is very early WIP, but here it is nevertheless.
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Anon (?? D)
07 Jan 17 UTC
gameID=29599 125 bet WTA Classic Anon Gunboat 2 day phases

No riff raff.
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Mikey99 (1441 D)
10 Jan 17 UTC
Cannot join new game because "having trouble keeping up with the ones I'm in"
oops... just posted this in a current thread, sorry - lol - Does anyone kindly have a view. I'm in four games, with a couple about to close and I decided to join a new one... only to be told that I can't. I have a reliability rating of over 99%. What other factor may be affecting this please?
1 reply
Mikey99 (1441 D)
05 Jan 17 UTC
Cannot join new game because "having trouble keeping up with the ones I'm in"
oops... just posted this in a current thread, sorry - lol - Does anyone kindly have a view. I'm in four games, with a couple about to close and I decided to join a new one... only to be told that I can't. I have a reliability rating of over 99%. What other factor may be affecting this please?
11 replies
SLOTerp (0 D)
04 Jan 17 UTC
NWO goes MAD
The current NWO game being run at Redscape incorporated new experimental rules for the nukes: MAD (nuclear strikes can trigger automatic nuclear response). Spring 2005 sees 9 nukes trigger 3 nukes which begat another 3 nukes. Yikes!
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
04 Jan 17 UTC
Please join the game!

We need quite a few people, so join up, please!
0 replies
mariscal (1582 D)
31 Dec 16 UTC
is there a dip-variant as game of thrones / ringwars similar or not to the respective boardgames? maybe under another name, sorry my ignorance. if not, what tools, or site do you recommend me, to try to make a map? thxs all, happy new year
2 replies
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
30 Dec 16 UTC
FvA Double Elim Tournament on WebDip
Since webDip *finally* got those variants ported across, I'm running a 1v1 tournament over there.

Info here if anyone is interested:
11 replies
mace (1287 D)
21 Nov 16 UTC
search for live 1 on 1
hey anybody interested in an live 1 on 1?
if so please send me a private message.

looking forward to some nice challenges
2 replies
Diplomacy Simulator
Hi! I'm new here and I don't know if it was already discussed, but it would be nice to have some sort of simulator to test out moves. Sometimes the rules aren't that easy to apply and it's hard to understand what would happen in a very tricky and unique situation...
6 replies
Flame (1073 D)
20 Dec 16 UTC
4th & 5th diplomacy rules revisions difference
Please remember me what is the differences between 4th & 5th rules revisions?
2 replies
LovelyPinkEgg (1449 D)
18 Dec 16 UTC
Europe I600 tournament
Hello, I would like to start a tournament at map Europe 1600.
Games will be anonymous and it will be message all. Or would you like to Public Press or Gunboat?
My capacity of points is low, so eveeygame will be for 2 Dpoints.
Who join?
12 replies
zurn (1178 D)
17 Dec 16 UTC down? used to be the centre of the online Diplomacy community. Even long past its prime it held tons of interesting resources, variant files, articles, etc. For the last few weeks I haven't had any luck loading the site. Does anybody have any idea what's up?

Luckily, most of it is backed up by the Wayback Machine, hopefully that never disappears:
3 replies
Some of the variants don't tell you much...
Classic Cataclysm, for instance. It has a home page in Russian and our variant page says nothing. Some one want to enlighten?
4 replies
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