A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Battalion (2386 D)
21 Oct 13 UTC
Capture Your Capital
I once saw someone refer to a modern map game whereby everyone was given a target on the other side of the map that they had to get to and hold. Does anyone know how this was set up (e.g. which did each country have to aim for?) and would anyone be interested in trying to set a game of it up?
70 replies
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
14 Nov 13 UTC
Banned from the Traditional Catholic Forum for Being Too Traditionally Catholic
Can you believe this? This is an outrage.
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gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Nov 13 UTC
response to kaner
I was really tempted to join the first new WWIV game but I figured my return should not be anon. But now I am left thinking that I should hold out for Russian Revolution.
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sbyvl36 (1009 D)
10 Nov 13 UTC
A Capitalist Plan for a Capitalist Country: Sbyvonomics
I for one am sick and tired of “moderate” and “compassionate conservative” politicians. None of these individuals are willing to make the tough choices necessary for getting America out of the hole. However, I’d like to make a few suggestions in order to stir the pot a bit. Here are five steps the federal government can take to fix the economic situation in the United States right now:
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fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
"You hopefully do realize that the US has a import/export deficit of around 800 billion dollars? You are dependent on these exports"
While I agree with what you're saying. Economists are debating about revising the way trade deficits are calculated due to the misconception that America has a trade deficit.

American firms investing in Chinese manufacturing creates a trade deficit for America when in reality America benefits more then China from the investment.

The easiest example is every iPad Apple sells, increases America's trade deficit based on current calculations by ~$400+ (depending on how many GB you get the price would vary).

The iPad is made from raw materials that are mined in India and the Congo, manufactured in Taiwan and Korea, before being put together in China and being shipped to the US to be sold to US consumers. Yet the whole the process adds at trade deficit solely to China, as they we're the last country where value was added too the good.

Many Economists are advocating for revising the way our trade deficit is calculated, and in reality it should be about 20 billion lower then it actually is (It is currently 60 billion, not sure where you got your 800 billion from).

I'm not advocating for an increase in tariffs, I want to point out the stark irony of the fact that American firms and American consumers would get hurt more then anyone else from tariffs in America.

I hope that is something that sbyvl understands.
steephie22 (933 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
I can confirm that that is something sbyvl does NOT understand. We've explained this over at webdip as well.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
12 Nov 13 UTC
sbyvl, could you please name me example where a massive deflation lead to a economy boost?
(except after a massive inflation of course)
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
@fasces: Just stop taking things from other countries. Make what we need here.

@Blasphemy: Forbes thinks it works:

And besides, we are in a massive inflation right now, so...
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
12 Nov 13 UTC
nah, by massive inflation i meant something like Germany in the just have a quite "normal" inflation right now...and the guy in the article didn't talk about putting a moratorium on printing money...
sbyvl36 (1009 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
I don't want that either. A gold standard would do perfectly.
GOD (1830 D Mod (B))
12 Nov 13 UTC
But gold has no constant value...quite the opposite is the case.

@fasces: is it possible that you have your number according to the last month, and i have it per year?
fasces349 (1007 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
Deflation worked really well for Japan from 1992-2011 #sarcasm
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Nov 13 UTC
There is not much reason why either inflation or deflation would be either good or bad unless it was unexpected. It is harder to get wild deflation than it is to get wild inflation. I'm in the minority here, but I tend to mark Japan's problems down to the fact that their laborforce was shrinking from 1991 onward. Taiwan had an equally large asset bubble with a much more horrific crash at the exact same moment as Japan and recovered relatively quickly. I would not wager money on it but it would seem that these two data points lean towards either "demographics are destiny" or "it is better to have a big crash than a slow leaking balloon".

Gold has tended to maintain its purchasing power in terms of bread over the millenia, which is to say it is a terrible "investment".

To all people putting links to Forbes, the website is just a clearing house for bloggers it has no editorial content and does not represent any endorsed opinion. There are complete whackjobs on both sides on the site. Please link to James Grant if you want an argument for a gold standard.

A historical point worth making about Germany is that Germany actually had two hyperinflations. Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Poland all had a hyperinflation right after the war due to the massive disruptions caused by the collapse of the economic networks in the Central Europe and the Allies effectively starving Germany by maintaining the blockade after the war ended to extract Germany's gold reserves and merchant marine before reparations were even negotiated. Germany paid more money on net for food in the Winter of 1918-1919 than they actually paid on reparations from 1923 to 1933. Then Germany recognized the Soviet Union as a diplomatic ploy while arguing over reparations and the French and Belgians invade the Ruhr Valley. Fully half of the Germany GDP passed through the Ruhr, and as the German economy shut down, the Reichsbank printed money on a massive scale causing a second hyperinflation after the first one had ended everywhere else. The Reichsbank bought in the entire German National Debt for around $500,000 after it was over. Hugo Stinnes and the various inflation koenigs of Mitteleuropa are some interesting history. Boris Berezovsky credited a communist propaganda book about the evils of capitalism centered on Hugo Stinnes that he was forced to read in school for making him a billionaire during the post-Soviet hyperinflation.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
13 Nov 13 UTC
I don't claim to understand how monetary policy works in any sort of deep way. It is very, very hard to fit money into a seriously constructed, theoretically grounded, structural model of the macroeconomy in a realistic way.
myLAAN (1109 D)
14 Nov 13 UTC
"American firms investing in Chinese manufacturing creates a trade deficit for America when in reality America benefits more then China from the investment."

Actually, investing in China has 0 initial impact on balance of trade. It has, however, a debit impact on the financial account, since dollars are leaving the US as investment. An investment nevertheless implies an implicit return on it, which will be recorded as a credit on the financial account when you repatriate the profit. The fact that importing the profit-generating product to your domicile would result in a trade deficit is largely irrelevant, since the profit from it would be a counterbalancing item in the balance of payments. Unless your country is the sole importer of said product, you will hardly run a balance of payment deficit due to such business arrangement,

Of course this whole argument is rather moot if we're specifically talking about the US. Pretty much all macroeconomic schools since the mercantilists have recommended some sort of positive balance of payments as a sign of successful governance. When all countries strive for positive balance of payments, there is naturally quite a shortage for countries with negative BoP to offset the positives - the accountancy is a zero-sum game after all. Apart from countries that failed in this global race (Greece), the only natural country to run a gigantic BoP deficit today is the US, home of the USD, the reserve currency of the world. As long as the USD is the reserve currency, BoP deficits are of little worry to the US, although it must be noted that the structure of the BoP deficit has been increasingly deteriorating since the moment Ronald Reagan assumed the office of POTUS. The previously healthy deficit consisting of exporting investment and capital in general (which, as mentioned, intrinsically imply a reverse inflow of profit sometime in the future) has been replaced with rather mundane import of consumer goods (which imply nothing of the sort). So the BoP deficit starts to lack natural negative feedback mechanisms that would keep it in check from possibly running rampant in case the USD uses its dominating position in the world economy. But as of now, this vulnerability does not bear any negative influence on the health of US economy. Really, the too-narrow-to-give-an-accurate-picture balance of trade deficit is usually used as a scapegoat for some other economic problem. Or rather, it is used to push agenda that is close to one's heart - protectionism, returning unviable jobs home, you pick your poison.

101 replies
Retillion (2304 D (B))
13 Nov 13 UTC
High quality game with the World War IV (Version 6.2) Variant.
After a three-month break from vdiplomacy, I would like to play Diplomacy again here on this great site. I have just created a new WWIV (V6.2) game.
12 replies
KaiserQuebec (951 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
how about a low stakes series of games?
I have seen the uber big pots come and go for a while but haven't really seen a quality low stakes game series. Maybe I am not looking hard enough?

Any thoughts?
1 reply
Hypoguy (1613 D)
12 Nov 13 UTC
New game: Conquer the North Sea
Want to try a small quicky for 4?
NorthSeaWars for 4
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Anon (?? D)
11 Nov 13 UTC
Try out the brand new earth map.
There's a brand new gigantic earth map for 36 players.
Wanna try it out?
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Anon (?? D)
11 Nov 13 UTC
Big Ole Game
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Anon (?? D)
06 Nov 13 UTC
first world war four version 6.2 game!!
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Argotitan (1182 D)
08 Nov 13 UTC
Zeus 5 - Does UK Automatically Beat USA?
Say I'm playing as UK and decide to fight USA.
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Anon (?? D)
09 Nov 13 UTC
need new england
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Anon (?? D)
28 Oct 13 UTC
Enlightenment & Succession
Anonymous Enlightenment Era variant openings
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shiazure (917 D X)
08 Nov 13 UTC
BUG! SC: 7 Units: 6 No orders for Build phase.
What the subject says. What's up with this?
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Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Nov 13 UTC
Thanks vDippers...
...For being such an easy community to Moderate. Webdip is awful :(
40 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
05 Nov 13 UTC
Bounce question
I really should know this, but thought I'd double check.

Let's say I have an SC that I want to build in. I move a unit out.I then send 2 units to both "attack" that SC. Now let's say one of my opponents attack the SC too, but support it. Now a straight 2 vs 2 results in a bounce, but what about a 2 vs 1 vs 1?
6 replies
Mercy (2131 D)
05 Nov 13 UTC
Question about breaking support
I have a question. Does anyone know what will happen in the following situation:
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rifo roberto (993 D)
03 Nov 13 UTC
Gunboat (phase 5 minutes)
1 reply
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
29 Oct 13 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy Variant Broken
Hi all,
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Argotitan (1182 D)
24 Oct 13 UTC
Support Rules and Dislodgings
I'm guessing you guys play by strange rules. I've never seen this not happen outside of here: One, if a force gets dislodged, the move cuts supports/convoys. Two, to cut a support/convoy, it has to get moved towards. The supporting or convoying unit doesn't have to actually get dislodged.
19 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
29 Aug 13 UTC
Fogboat invitational: type your daily memories
Classic - Fog of War gunboats are pretty popular here…
63 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
13 Oct 13 UTC
Is Diplomacy Ultimately About Luck
Years ago when I first bought the board game for a group of friends, some of them didn't want to play because they saw the game was all about luck. That idea still rings in my mind from time to time.
190 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
17 Oct 13 UTC
Is Norway Undervalued in 1066?
Something I notice when playing 1066 (v2) is that England and Normandy always do battle, and Norway usually has a lot of leeway to mop things up. I guess the larger size of the North Sea spaces give the illusion that Norway is farther away, but in reality, it's just two spaces away just like Normandy.
4 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
17 Oct 13 UTC
Looking For Replacement

Germany still has over 20 SCs, and Italy looks like it's going to overrun. We could use a German player to keep things balanced.
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
11 Oct 13 UTC
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin gameID=16203
I am Tecumseh, the great Pawnee warrior and I come to your tribe with an important message. Please read below...
2 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
12 Oct 13 UTC
Rational Moves Test
You guys could really use some sort of test to license people to play games in. It's annoying when irrational players ruin the game for rational players by allowing third players to win after overrunning them.
22 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Oct 13 UTC
0 replies
Argotitan (1182 D)
05 Oct 13 UTC
Does Drawing in WTA Backfire?
I was wondering if the logic behind WTA draws isn't necessarily reliable. Draws allow people to make alliances, and instead of drawing against the solo winner, they simply draw among themselves instead of pursuing a solo victory. Is there a way to disable drawing so this doesn't happen?
14 replies
Tomahaha (1170 D)
07 Oct 13 UTC
Is anyone interested in a CRAZY and HUGE world variant?
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KICEMEN17 (1075 D)
06 Oct 13 UTC
Risk to Diplomacy
Has anyone ever tried converting a Risk board to be a diplomacy board? If so, how did you do this?
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