A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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babaelvis (1000 D X)
06 Aug 21 UTC
100% Great Kingdom Of Illuminati Structures For Wealth +27839387284
100% Great Kingdom Of Illuminati Structures For Wealth +27839387284 to Make You Rich on Website: and Email: in Durban for Money +27839387284, Fame And Power in South Africa, Join illuminati in Swaziland +27839387284, Join illuminati in Brunei, Norway, Canada, Join illuminati in Kuwait +27839387284, San Francisco, Trinidad and Tobago
1 reply
babaelvis (1000 D X)
06 Aug 21 UTC
HAIL ILLUMINATI Secret Organization For LUCIFER +27787917167
HAIL ILLUMINATI Secret Organization For LUCIFER +27787917167 @Website: in South Africa, Join illuminati in Bristol, Boston, Birmingham, London and Join on this number +27787917167 for more information Call Priest on this number to join illuminati Kingdom +27787917167 in Lithuania
0 replies
babaelvis (1000 D X)
06 Aug 21 UTC
@UGANDA Join Great Rituals Of ILLUMINATI Organization +27839387284 For Money and Wealth
@UGANDA Join Great Rituals Of ILLUMINATI Organization +27839387284 For Money and Wealth @Website: and Email: in Klerksdorp, Mafikeng, Potchefstrom, Ventersdorp, Adamayview, Boetrand, Collerville, De Clerqville, Doringkruin, Elandia
1 reply
babaelvis (1000 D X)
06 Aug 21 UTC
How to Bring Your Lost Lover Back +27787917167
@Denmark Consult And Follow Step By Step On How to Bring Your Lost Lover Back +27787917167.
For More Love Spells and Tips.
1 reply
babaelvis (1000 D X)
06 Aug 21 UTC
Call For Money Spell Caster +27787917167 To Bring You Money
Call For Money Spell Caster +27787917167 To Bring You Money in Your House Or in Your Account in USA, New York, Florida, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, Austin, Seattle, Philadelphia, Denver, Houston, San Diego, New Orleans, San Antonio.

Strong Money Spells to solve Financial Problem Contact Baba Elvis on +27787917167 or Email:
1 reply
Heer Alvaro (1000 D)
21 Jul 21 UTC
Create a new Variant
Hi guys! In case I want to create a new variant. WHO is the person I would ask for?

8 replies
CCR (1957 D)
19 Jul 21 UTC
Any Mod around?
Looking for you for some time now.
Touch me in Pvt or through the
ModForum ;) *grin*
4 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
17 Jul 21 UTC
I am looking for a collaborator for a variant I am developing.
3 replies
David Hood (976 D)
17 Jul 21 UTC
July 2021 Deadline News Is Out
Features a panel discussion of European players, tournament news, and a report on a college course about Diplomacy being offered at the University of the West Indies.
0 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
12 Jul 21 UTC
Cross Community Mafia Event
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
webdiplomacy, playdiplomacy and vdiplomacy have long stood as the pillars of the finest diplomacy experience on the web. And now a rare event has come which pits all the finest dip players together in Mafia!
4 replies
CrimiClown (969 D)
08 Jul 21 UTC
Change username
Hey everyone, stupid question perhaps, but can I change my username on this website? Or do I need to make a new account?

3 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Jul 21 UTC
WW2 Game
Join our WW2 Game!
9 of us know each other in real life, pass is elliott.
0 replies
Caustic (827 D)
23 Jun 21 UTC
New King of England?
Can the players from europe tell me what's going on with this? Google and youtube seamed to have filtered out anything about this. Is it true?
Battalion (2326 D)
23 Jun 21 UTC
Eh? If you're asking whether the Queen has died, there's nothing in the news here
Do you mean Joeseph Gregory Hallett?
Do you use Bing as your search engine lol?
actually I'm more of an AskJeeves type :D:D:D
Caustic (827 D)
23 Jun 21 UTC
I use brave and as search engines and sometimes google.

Idk. My mother had came over talking about a new rightfull blood heir to the thrown, having documents to prove it threw out the queen (she cant be found) and was claiming that all signs pointed to him being the anti christ.... It was crazy to hear but there was a couple of youtube videos in google searches when she was telling me about it but couldnt view them and then everything was gone next day. All seams very nuts and i must find out what the hell
Brianthethompson (1781 D)
23 Jun 21 UTC
Bruh if you believe anything about an antichrist seizing the English throne idk how to help you
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
23 Jun 21 UTC
a_mercurial_git (1142 D)
24 Jun 21 UTC
If the Queen had actually been deposed, it'd be front page news on every newspaper, for weeks on end, across the globe. Well, the Anglosphere at least.

I don't want to insult your mother, so I won't, but suffice it to say she's mistaken. The Internet is so vast, so complete, that you can search for any claim and find people claiming to have proof. For example, on a whim I just searched "Jeff bezos is a lizard proof" and was served a bunch of links asserting they had proof that Jeff Bezos is a lizard person.

Jeff Bezos is not a lizard person.

The Internet does not serve up merely the truth. It serves you literally every possible opinion, literally every possible hot take, because in a world of seven billion people, no idea, no theory about the well known people of the world, is new or unique.

Everything you could think about any household name has already been thought before, and someone has cared deeply enough about that thought to rant about it on YouTube. This is especially true for the world's longest serving monarch, a woman old enough to have watched the world go through entire eras, a woman powerful enough to be on the currencies of people that don't even speak her language (probably, I don't care enough to check).
lambda.nrx (1491 D)
24 Jun 21 UTC
Sounds like some Q-Anon-Bullshit. Qtards still haven't figured out that the whole Q thing was a massive psyop and the things they claim become more and more absurd. I know a guy who literally claims Elivs is Q and Biden is already dead and just a hologram. They already claimed the queen has died some years ago. (Even if there was somebody who would be the real heir to the throne it wouldn't matter as the queen was ritually crowned and nobody cares about the real line of sucession anyway)
KingOfSwords (1497 D)
24 Jun 21 UTC
Please, people, let's not take vDip down into the muck that dominates so much of the internet. This is a site for playing the game of Diplomacy. The web is filled with other places for political discussion.
Hector (1343 D)
24 Jun 21 UTC
Yes, it is QAnon nonsense, taking over Canada. Disregard it will all due haste.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
25 Jun 21 UTC
I'm with KingOfSwords
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
27 Jun 21 UTC
I, for one, welcome our new lizard and holographic overlords.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Jun 21 UTC
Have you said it before and will you say it again, "Democracy simply doesn't work"?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
27 Jun 21 UTC
Would you like to reaffirm your allegiance to this country and its human President?
SimonPeterWatson (1464 D)
28 Jun 21 UTC
“Human” President? We’re being a bit presumptuous, aren’t we?
JECE (1534 D)
28 Jun 21 UTC
Cue documentary voice:
"Human Presidents, one of the greatest mysteries of humankind: human Presidents were invented by the ancients in 9143 BC. . . ."
Mikey99 (1441 D)
29 Jun 21 UTC
If Jeff Bezos isn't a lizard person, he might as well be.

And he does kinda look like one...
Caustic (827 D)
29 Jun 21 UTC
LMAO yall are too much
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Jun 21 UTC
Don't be ridiculous. Jeff Bezos is not a lizard person. He does not look anything like a lizard person.
(Many machines on Ix. New machines. Better than those of Richese.)
Mikey99 (1441 D)
30 Jun 21 UTC
Jeff Bezos is an alien - it says so on the Internet -
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
30 Jun 21 UTC
I just notice that there is a clip in there of Bezos being interviewed by Henry Blodget.

Does it seem interesting to anyone else that a man acknowledged to be a fraud, who as a legal matter has admitted to being a fundamentally dishonest person, is barred for life from working in finance services, cannot sit for the Bar exam in any state, cannot sit for a CPA exam in any state, cannot work as an insurance agent in any state and could not get a realtors license in any state has seemingly become a prominent and respected journalist in our society?
Mikey99 (1441 D)
30 Jun 21 UTC
I never heard of the guy so I just googled him. His wiki pages mentions his being barred from working in securities but nothing more than that. And it seems he has been a finance writer most of his career. Lizard-man Bezos owns a stake in Blodget's company.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Jul 21 UTC
A convicted fraudster cannot become a lawyer. All of those professions involve fiduciary obligations to other people. Those who are established fraudsters cannot be employed in those professions.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
01 Jul 21 UTC
But my point was that someone broadly known for personal dishonesty naturally becomes a journalist.
JECE (1534 D)
01 Jul 21 UTC
The king is dead. Long live the king!

Dishonesty at its finest.
Pledge allegiance to Baby George, poor peasants!

27 replies
Two Chaos Games!
Looking for more players for two chaos games, one of which is public press.
4 replies
Looking For Chaos
Hi, looking for more players for a chaos game
1 reply
Aang (883 D)
20 Jun 21 UTC
Looking for someone to replace me
Hello, I recently joined a Europa Renovatio as Sweden but recently I’ve been losing interest in it and don’t really feel like playing it al that much anymore but I also don’t want to hold up the game by not putting in my orders so I was wondering if anyone would like to replace me? We’re only at around the 3rd diplomacy game and you should be able to view it by clicking on my profile
1 reply
Fake Al (1673 D)
03 Jun 21 UTC
Listing pronouns
One of the pitfalls of online Diplomacy I fall into is that I often don't know the genders of my fellow players and get the pronouns wrong. As far as I'm aware, the site doesn't yet have a feature for us to list the pronouns we use. Maybe we could all start listing the pronouns we use in our profile quotes to cut down on the confusion and ambiguity? I went ahead and put mine there.
119 replies
Chuttbugger (2579 D)
17 Jun 21 UTC
Profile Page Statistics
I have a few questions regarding profile page statistics that I'm hoping someone can answer.
10 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Jun 21 UTC
June 2021 Deadline Just Dropped from DBN
1 reply
Rhaga (1000 D)
14 Jun 21 UTC
Question about NMR and Civil Disorder
I don't really understand how the NMR and Civil Disorder mechanics work here on vdip. We're playing a casual unrated game with a group, but one of the players wants out for personal reasons.
8 replies
NickArrow (1000 D)
12 Jun 21 UTC
Escalation Variant
I was wondering if anybody knows if it is possible to play the escalation variant on here? Ideally, Escalation can be played with less than seven players, or possibly more than seven players. But I am not seeing any sort of option to play Escalation, does anybody know if that is possible?
5 replies
Standardized Diplo-Language?
I was wondering if anyone has ever come up with a standard language of diplomacy commands so as to maintain anonymity while playing an anon game among friends. If you're playing with friends, you can tell who is who by how they write. Thanks for any comments or ideas.
14 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
21 May 21 UTC
Anyone play EU4?
Wondering if some people would like to do some multiplayer games sometime of EU4 or other paradox games in a discord server im in
12 replies
Mikey99 (1441 D)
22 May 21 UTC
Random Idea for variant
I guess this would be tricky to code, but how is this idea for vDip?

During a build phase and where a power has available build capacity, any unit sitting in a supply centre may be boosted by a power of 1, ie, doubled. This unit will require twice the normal ongoing supply maintenance.
13 replies
DaveSpermbank (1026 D)
23 May 21 UTC
Replacement player
Life has gotten busy and I do not have the time to play anymore. Can I have a country switch replacement for Tlemcen in gameID=47238?
2 replies
Mikey99 (1441 D)
13 May 21 UTC
Kinda curious on VP... I understand that the gains are lesser as one gets higher, but how does one player (for example) get to over 2000 with under 12 total games and only 1 win? I know its not that consequential in the grand scheme of things. but as I get to a moderately respectable total, the vp gains from a win or draw seem trivial and disproportionate to lost vp when losing. How does VP calculations actually work?
6 replies
Anon (?? D)
18 May 21 UTC
A Modern Europe Game --> Need players! :D
The massive map of europe with 20 countries. only 7/20 filled up
1 reply
umbletheheep (1023 D)
18 May 21 UTC
Diplomacy Board Game Giveaway
The Briefing is giving away a free Diplomacy board game. Here's how to win it:
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pcrowther (1364 D)
15 May 21 UTC
Trying to post in mod forum
I’m trying to post in the mod forum but it doesn’t look like it’s saving/posting the thread. Am I doing something wrong?
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
14 May 21 UTC
May 2021 Deadline News is Out!
Enjoy the Dixiecon news, the panel discussion with Jordan Connors (Conq), Katie Gray and Jason Mastbaum, and headlines from around the world of Diplomacy:

David Hood
0 replies
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