Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Finished: 07 AM Sat 19 Apr 14 UTC
minnesota swag
2 days /phase
Pot: 16 D - Autumn, 1542 BC., Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)

Player Rating Status Re Ø Rr Ø Ch
squallMed 1630 -> 1657 Won (18 SC) 82% 100% 27
therebex 1096 -> 1117 Survived (11 SC) 54% 86% 21
ZoMBi3 1078 -> 1076 Survived (1 SC) 53% 71% -2
Icefang22 704 -> 709 Resigned 31% 29% 5
Persicus 1113 -> 1106 Defeated 55% 29% -7
Broseidon 849 -> 850 Defeated 39% 29% 1
ImperialDiplomat 840 -> 818 CD 39% 0% -22
buzzsaw23 945 -> 920 CD 45% 0% -25

squallMed (Won / 18SCs / 1630->1657) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 77% 100% 23% 12% 61.12 1.61
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 78% 100% 22% 50% 61.12 6.7
Icefang22 (Resigned) 89% 100% 11% 53% 61.12 3.43
Persicus (Defeated) 77% 100% 23% 53% 61.12 7.55
Broseidon (Defeated) 86% 100% 14% 53% 61.12 4.6
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 86% 100% 14% 17% 61.12 1.42
buzzsaw23 (CD) 83% 100% 17% 17% 61.12 1.74

therebex (Survived / 11SCs / 1096->1117) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 23% 0% -23% 12% 61.12 -1.61
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 51% 100% 49% 17% 61.12 4.99
Icefang22 (Resigned) 71% 100% 29% 18% 61.12 3.23
Persicus (Defeated) 49% 100% 51% 18% 61.12 5.71
Broseidon (Defeated) 64% 100% 36% 18% 61.12 4.05
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 64% 100% 36% 9% 61.12 2.06
buzzsaw23 (CD) 59% 100% 41% 9% 61.12 2.39

ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1SCs / 1078->1077) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 22% 0% -22% 50% 61.12 -6.7
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 49% 0% -49% 17% 61.12 -4.99
Icefang22 (Resigned) 70% 100% 30% 3% 61.12 0.53
Persicus (Defeated) 48% 100% 52% 3% 61.12 0.94
Broseidon (Defeated) 63% 100% 37% 3% 61.12 0.67
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 63% 100% 37% 17% 61.12 3.73
buzzsaw23 (CD) 58% 100% 42% 17% 61.12 4.32

Icefang22 (Resigned / 4SCs / 704->709) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 11% 0% -11% 53% 61.12 -3.43
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 29% 0% -29% 18% 61.12 -3.23
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 30% 0% -30% 3% 61.12 -0.53
Persicus (Defeated) 28% 0% -28% 0% 61.12 0
Broseidon (Defeated) 42% 0% -42% 0% 61.12 0
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 42% 100% 58% 17% 61.12 5.88
buzzsaw23 (CD) 36% 100% 64% 17% 61.12 6.47

Persicus (Defeated / 0SCs / 1113->1106) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 23% 0% -23% 53% 61.12 -7.55
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 51% 0% -51% 18% 61.12 -5.71
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 52% 0% -52% 3% 61.12 -0.94
Icefang22 (Resigned) 72% 0% -72% 0% 61.12 0
Broseidon (Defeated) 65% 0% -65% 0% 61.12 0
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 65% 100% 35% 17% 61.12 3.54
buzzsaw23 (CD) 60% 100% 40% 17% 61.12 4.12

Broseidon (Defeated / 0SCs / 849->850) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 14% 0% -14% 53% 61.12 -4.6
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 18% 61.12 -4.05
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 3% 61.12 -0.67
Icefang22 (Resigned) 58% 0% -58% 0% 61.12 0
Persicus (Defeated) 35% 0% -35% 0% 61.12 0
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 51% 100% 49% 17% 61.12 5.04
buzzsaw23 (CD) 44% 100% 56% 17% 61.12 5.65

ImperialDiplomat (CD / 0SCs / 840->818) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 14% 0% -14% 17% 61.12 -1.42
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 36% 0% -36% 9% 61.12 -2.06
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 37% 0% -37% 17% 61.12 -3.73
Icefang22 (Resigned) 58% 0% -58% 17% 61.12 -5.88
Persicus (Defeated) 35% 0% -35% 17% 61.12 -3.54
Broseidon (Defeated) 49% 0% -49% 17% 61.12 -5.04
buzzsaw23 (CD) 44% 0% -44% 0% 61.12 0

buzzsaw23 (CD / 0SCs / 945->920) Re Rr Dif mV gV Ch
squallMed (Won / 18 SC ) 17% 0% -17% 17% 61.12 -1.74
therebex (Survived / 11 SC ) 41% 0% -41% 9% 61.12 -2.39
ZoMBi3 (Survived / 1 SC ) 42% 0% -42% 17% 61.12 -4.32
Icefang22 (Resigned) 64% 0% -64% 17% 61.12 -6.47
Persicus (Defeated) 40% 0% -40% 17% 61.12 -4.12
Broseidon (Defeated) 56% 0% -56% 17% 61.12 -5.65
ImperialDiplomat (CD) 56% 0% -56% 0% 61.12 0
