Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Joe1966 (1452 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
2056 Gunboat Milano ClassicMilan Won 92 1092
2159 Sacrebleu! ClassicFog Drawn 22 1114
2190 The Origin of Democracy GreekDip Defeated -32 1082
1934 Another Opium War Colonial Won 80 1162
2202 Italian wars 2 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1162
2272 America Empire4 Defeated -45 1117
2937 Operation Secret 2 ClassicFvA Won 8 1125
2844 The Kings ClassicCrowded Drawn 26 1151
2764 MODERN GUNBOAT-2 Modern2 Survived 0 1151
2986 Panic of 1880 Classic1880 Drawn 13 1164
2963 Money!!! ClassicEconomic Survived 2 1166
3309 Balkan guncart BalkanWarsVI Won 65 1231
3502 Kaiser Vs Tzar ClassicGvR Survived -10 1221
3504 Tzar Vs Kaiser ClassicGvR Won 6 1227
3527 i Centi Hundred Survived -17 1210
3585 Karibik-2 Karibik Won 90 1300
3256 Brave New Gunboat-2 Modern2 Drawn 7 1307
3842 Island Warfare ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 3 1310
3837 SilentDutch DutchRevolt Drawn 10 1320
3551 Diplomacy in Japan! Sengoku5 Defeated -37 1283
2813 here's gunpowder in your rye ClassicEconomic Defeated -36 1247
3980 USA USA! USofA Drawn 44 1291
2997 El gameo ClassicEconomic Won 42 1333
4555 Viking Gunboat-2 Viking Survived -32 1301
4531 Imperium-3 Imperium Survived 1 1302
4259 war in 2020-3 War2020 Drawn 22 1324
5044 Old Skool Gunboat Classic Survived 23 1347
4436 see your way through glass and krystal ClassicEconomic Defeated -34 1313
4182 Mappa Mundi KnownWorld_901 Drawn 119 1432
5710 Had a lot of fun with this variant once. Karibik Survived -30 1402
5490 The Bauhaus Abstraction3 Survived -36 1366
7012 What the Fog ClassicFog Survived -46 1320
5965 First Try at American Conflict AmericanConflict Survived 2 1322
7601 TotalKrieg ClassicFog Won 59 1381
6433 First Try at Europe 1939 Europe1939 Won 70 1451
8672 fog gunboat-3 ClassicFog Defeated -35 1416
8641 Haven't played gunboat in a while... Maharajah Drawn 31 1447
7925 First Try IotGL GreatLakes Won 85 1532
8932 Jolly Roger Clemens Pirates Drawn 66 1598
9716 FoW gunboat, your land is my land ClassicFog Defeated -49 1549
10273 More than a day long phases are gay! AnarchyInTheUK Won 64 1613
9686 We Support States Rights! YoungstownRedux Won 44 1657
10101 Modern Times -2 Modern2 Won 115 1772
9435 A Panic in 1880 Classic1880 Drawn 24 1796
10822 Celtic! CelticBritain Survived 4 1800
11142 The Enlightening Enlightenment Defeated -57 1743
10971 Africa! Africa Drawn 29 1772
10967 FAmE Empire4 Defeated -52 1720
11402 The Colonial world -2 Imperial2 Drawn 10 1730
11870 one-3 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -51 1679
11219 The Great Storm Enlightenment Drawn 47 1726
12469 Soft Apocalypse Classic1897 Survived -51 1675
12271 YAY Crowded Diplo Game. ClassicCrowded Defeated -54 1621
12333 Haven't the Foggiest ClassicFog Drawn 21 1642
12105 America -3 Empire4 Drawn 47 1689
13338 /b/ring it newfags ClassicSevenIslands Survived -6 1683
13038 Let the war begin WWII Drawn 9 1692
13961 fogboat-9 ClassicFog Survived -6 1686
14112 Bacon-4 ClassicCrowded Survived 12 1698
13383 world at war 1861 Imperial2 Defeated -32 1666
14558 Grover Cleveland's non-consecutive terms Colonial1885 Drawn 56 1722
15198 Plain Dark, nothing special DarkAges Survived -46 1676
15009 The Great Screwjob ClassicCrowded Survived -5 1671
14874 Hillary Clinton on a T-Rex Imperial2 Drawn 45 1716
15952 Hep HeptarchyIV Drawn 10 1726
16087 dark times AberrationV Drawn 32 1758
15857 Trionfo e Tormento Rinascimento Drawn 0 1758
16436 Tornado Enlightenment Defeated -59 1699
17274 Fog of War-7 ClassicFog Defeated -51 1648
17639 crusades-2 FirstCrusade Survived -35 1613
18608 Take Me To God FirstCrusade Drawn 22 1635
17936 Marquess Queensberry Rules GobbleEarth Drawn 39 1674
20007 Classic Fast Classic Drawn 28 1702
19936 ready quickly when you can ClassicFog Defeated -28 1674
17755 lol this is random WWIV_V6 Defeated -49 1625
20582 Scalphunter! GreatLakes Defeated -37 1588
16774 Shadow of a doubt WWIV_V6 Defeated -43 1545
24281 War again WWII Survived -37 1508
24205 Aberrational AberrationV Drawn 9 1517
24578 Brothers on the Slide BuildAnywhere Defeated -39 1478
24125 Quiet Isle ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -30 1448
24658 Hyperion ClassicFog Drawn 30 1478
26332 FogOfWar short gunboat ClassicFog Survived -8 1470
24828 Perestroika Modern2 Defeated -25 1445
26319 NMS war let's try this again. AberrationV Won 75 1520
26198 Brands Hatch ClassicFog Defeated -30 1490
26536 Glasnost War2020 Drawn 58 1548
24961 1600! Europe1600 Defeated -38 1510
26356 NMS fantasy Haven Drawn 77 1587
27092 Twisted Cross-Kneelock Wishbone Gut-Buster Europe1600 Defeated -30 1557
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Defeated -43 1514
27671 Win this! Classic Survived -31 1483
27698 machiavellian Rinascimento Drawn 0 1483
28011 Sack of Siena Rinascimento Defeated 0 1483
28275 Huron Wars GreatLakes Drawn 50 1533
28624 Kingdom of Heaven FirstCrusade Defeated -39 1494
28592 Guns, boats, and 901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 125 1619
27887 Rapid Double-Fisted Nine-Mead Faceplanter KnownWorld_901 Defeated -40 1579
29520 The Great War of 1901 ClassicMilan Drawn 25 1604
29321 foggy XXII ClassicFog Survived -16 1588
29856 Brexit Fallout AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 12 1600
29391 Hep Cats HeptarchyIV Drawn 16 1616
30051 WWII could have been so different WWII Survived 7 1623
30359 Balkan Wars BalkanWarsVI Drawn 22 1645
28589 No idea! ClassicFog Defeated -51 1594
30192 Your Choice GL ClassicFog Drawn 39 1633
30358 Africa-15 Africa Defeated -42 1591
30945 2017happy Germany1648 Survived -42 1549
30651 Easy Rider 4 Colonial Drawn 7 1556
31203 Zeus vult! Zeus5 Defeated -41 1515
31391 F O G G Y ClassicFog Defeated -38 1477
31558 The Quiet Crusade FirstCrusade Survived -22 1455
31274 Less chat, more splat Colonial1885 Drawn 23 1478
31679 Spinning Viking Blood Eagle Freefall-2 Viking Drawn 2 1480
32727 atl AtlanticColonies Survived -1 1479
32886 foggy 51 ClassicFog Drawn 37 1516
32227 The Great Conspiracy CelticBritain Defeated -35 1481
30508 WWIV Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated -42 1439
32601 Imperial Ambition Napoleonic Defeated -37 1402
33028 The Shogun's Banner Sengoku6 Drawn 7 1409
33136 Clash of the Holy Rollers Germany1648 Drawn 40 1449
33378 Spirit of '97 Classic1897 Survived -31 1418
32997 1600 with perfectly divisible pot if we don't draw Europe1600 Defeated -19 1399
33649 Emperor of the Western World WesternWorld_901 Defeated -34 1365
33540 Eleven's a Crowd ClassicCrowded Defeated -22 1343
33918 No chat just fun 14 Classic Drawn 3 1346
34255 Twilight of the Medieval World Renaissance1453 Drawn 10 1356
33926 Napoleonic Dynamite II Napoleonic Drawn 48 1404
33969 Please help new players grow 4 ClassicFog Survived -47 1357
33953 Something Different - 12 DarkAges Survived -31 1326
34006 Fog 37 ClassicFog Defeated -15 1311
34505 All in, no clue. Edwardian Drawn 0 1311
34466 Half-Twist Double-Edged Bayonet Violator Napoleonic Drawn 26 1337
34426 It is better to be feared than loved Machiavelli Defeated -43 1294
34563 War of Austrian Succession gunboat AustrianSuccession Defeated -29 1265
35040 1201 Crusades1201 Won 338 1603
35558 Just Some Greek Diplomacy GreekDip Drawn 0 1603
35586 foggy 82 ClassicFog Survived 2 1605
35327 Upside Down Crucifix Triple Cranial-Shift Takedown Crusades1201 Defeated -39 1566
35781 Risorgimento Rinascimento Drawn 0 1566
36384 Foggy Public Press I ClassicFog Drawn 6 1572
36356 The Italian Job Machiavelli Drawn 33 1605
36036 Diploduct KnownWorld_901 Survived -32 1573
36214 The Devil's Favourite EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -37 1536
36658 Colonial1885-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 26 1562
36944 HAPPY 2019 Enlightenment Defeated -38 1524
36987 Europe is Not Enough ClassicOctopus Drawn 15 1539
37380 Bonanza AberrationV Defeated -46 1493
37486 The big Weekend Fun ;) ClassicFog Survived -43 1450
37586 Minor Changes ClassicBrazilian Survived -24 1426
37665 The big Weekend Fun :)) ClassicFog Defeated -34 1392
37787 Anyone Want Algonquin? GreatLakes Drawn 18 1410
38219 Gogogo 4 ClassicFog Defeated -35 1375
38036 Green button ClassicFog Survived -20 1355
38397 Classic - Build anywhere BuildAnywhere Drawn 46 1401
37577 Ridgy-Didge Ratbag Smackdown Walkabout MateAgainstMate Drawn 39 1440
38740 American Destination ManifestDestiny Survived -20 1420
38742 Loneliness Classic1898 Drawn 22 1442
38743 Alone in the darkness Classic1898Fog Survived -40 1402
38968 Decompressive Bilateral Backseat Orchidectomy Habelya Drawn 19 1421
39315 Foggy 1898-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -34 1387
39928 Under Siege Imperium Defeated -7 1380
40005 Foggy 1898-8 Classic1898Fog Defeated -47 1333
40084 VIKING WORLD! Viking Drawn 23 1356
40350 Interesting bidding GreekDip Won 98 1454
40101 African Gunboat-2 Africa Defeated -32 1422
40004 foggy 123 ClassicFog Defeated -39 1383
40468 Dock of the Bay SpiceIslands Won 55 1438
40555 Fate of Europe ClassicFlorence Survived 0 1438
40613 Foggy Gunboat VIII ClassicFog Drawn 25 1463
40212 What If... ? AberrationV Defeated -27 1436
40892 Greek-3 GreekDip Survived -28 1408
40889 More Coffee and More... Diamonds! Africa Drawn 27 1435
40876 Is there anybody out there?-2 ClassicFog Drawn 66 1501
40612 Good Job Kurt! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -33 1468
41149 Niebla Classic1898Fog Defeated -43 1425
41101 WW2 (GRIFE) ClassicVS Drawn 8 1433
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated -20 1413
41146 More Coffee and More... Ivory! Africa Drawn 18 1431
40878 foggy 128 ClassicFog Defeated -30 1401
41326 Islands fun ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 16 1417
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -56 1361
41478 More Coffee and More... Gold!!! Africa Survived -22 1339
38797 Silent Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated -28 1311
41350 Mongols Galore MongolianEmpire Defeated -36 1275
42837 Island Dreams ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 20 1295
43237 Scottish Gunboat Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -16 1279
43595 English and French and Burgundians, Oh My! WesternEurope1300 Drawn 20 1299
42866 Colonial Gunboat II Colonial Defeated -29 1270
41545 No chat just fun 68 Classic1913 Defeated -28 1242
42790 Jeg er Hungary for Turkey Balkans1860 Defeated -34 1208
43041 More Coffee and More... Wisdom!!! Africa Drawn 10 1218
41125 So long, my son KnownWorld_901 Drawn 151 1369
44535 1v1-318 ColdWar Defeated -7 1362
41006 Fake NewsLeak Interference Democalypse World10 Defeated -11 1351
44513 Fog of War-25 ClassicFog Drawn 20 1371
44237 No chat just fun 79 Classic1898 Defeated -35 1336
43942 13th century lockdown MongolianEmpire Defeated -46 1290
43872 To the victor go the spoils Africa Drawn 80 1370
44682 Quite the Front Edwardian3 Drawn 24 1394
45367 Bonnie Scotland Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 16 1410
45122 Gunboat Africa! 102 Africa Defeated -34 1376
45701 Fog of War - The Abyss Classic1898Fog Drawn 8 1384
44951 No chat just fun 85 Classic1880 Defeated -39 1345
45369 the virgin PPSC vs the chad WTA Habelya Drawn 62 1407
46096 Time............,... ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -37 1370
46164 Ahstrahliah MateAgainstMate Drawn 30 1400
46644 No idle chit chat SpiceIslands Defeated -45 1355
46437 Easy...... fow wta ClassicFog Drawn 12 1367
46626 Asiatic Canton Drawn 56 1423
46971 FoW gunboat WTA ClassicFog Drawn 50 1473
45252 Meji Colonial1885 Defeated -28 1445
47152 foggy 146 ClassicFog Survived -27 1418
46975 X - MAS special 23% off Classic1913 Won 65 1483
47471 Gunboat - 14 SC for the victory Classic1898 Survived 4 1487
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Drawn 71 1558
47643 Powder Keg of Europe BalkanWarsVI Drawn 28 1586
47602 We were young and wild and free ClassicEgypt Drawn 7 1593
47935 UK 2033 AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 18 1611
48071 FoW gunboat - slow role II Classic1898Fog Survived -20 1591
48197 funGoat 13 CustomStart Survived -23 1568
48401 No idle chit chat for us-2 EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 31 1599
48400 No idle chit chat for us ever ClassicCataclysm Defeated -30 1569
48746 Infidel FirstCrusade Defeated -35 1534
49119 Dominate the Daimyo! Sengoku5 Drawn 18 1552
48109 foggy 152-2 ClassicFog Won 86 1638
49598 Das foggy gunboat Classic1898Fog Won 156 1794
49878 A Country Of Our Own Caucasia Drawn 11 1805
49594 Africa 2 Africa Defeated -48 1757
50024 Spiel (GOB) ClassicVS Defeated -55 1702
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Defeated -42 1660
50035 The Silent Majority KnownWorld_901 Defeated -43 1617
50321 Cantonization Canton Drawn 22 1639
50834 Gunboat-13 Classic Survived -36 1603
49955 1885-3 Colonial1885 Survived -43 1560
50369 1885 Gunboat-4 Colonial1885 Survived -9 1551
51208 Foggy Days VII ClassicFog Survived -39 1512
51266 Dragon-Slayer -2 FantasyWorld Defeated -30 1482
51490 sacas el ele Enlightenment Drawn 87 1569
51472 Free Weekends-2 ClassicFog Drawn 35 1604
51836 Friend or Enemy in the Fog ClassicFog Defeated -54 1550
52358 A Strange Land Mars Survived -38 1512
52252 Jock vs Jock Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived 29 1541
52125 1 Bourbon, 1 Habsburg & 1 Beer AustrianSuccession Drawn 18 1559
52716 Heptarchy Gunboat 2 HeptarchyIV Survived -54 1505
52558 Speculation and Theory Edwardian3 Defeated -22 1483
53179 Celtics vs Vikings DarkAges Drawn 30 1513
52745 Merciless Triple Noogie Indian Burn Europe1939 Drawn 46 1559
53390 Unrelenting Torch & Pitchfork Barrage Classic1898Fog Drawn 8 1567
53527 Epic game of coolness #2 Enlightenment Drawn 69 1636
53754 98FOW-GB-WTA #03 Classic1898Fog Survived -45 1591
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 Defeated 2 1593
53308 world gunboat World10 Defeated -28 1565
54018 98FOW-GB-WTA #06: Moscow! Classic1898Fog Defeated -21 1544
54101 Anonymous classic Classic Survived -54 1490
53320 Imperatores totius Mundi Imperial2 Drawn 43 1533
54547 Classic 1898 -2 Classic1898 Drawn 58 1591
54292 It’s Lyin’ Time Again! ClassicGreyPress Survived -15 1576
54784 Gunboat 1489-2 Abstraction3 Defeated -26 1550
55141 Black Mamba and Diesel Classic1913 Drawn 43 1593
55143 Matilda ClassicBritain Defeated -35 1558
55704 Spicy-3 SpiceIslands Defeated -49 1509
55165 Fantasy Rulebook FantasyWorld Defeated -29 1480
55854 Unpopular 3 MachiavelliTTR Survived -31 1449
55674 All the Nations MongolianEmpire Defeated -3 1446
54785 Gunboat 1494 AberrationV Defeated -26 1420
56221 Crowded House Classic Drawn 59 1479
56234 Fog of War-29 ClassicFog -28 1451
56652 Match Day AnarchyInTheUK Survived -43 1408
56640 Fast Africa Africa Defeated -31 1377
56410 Asian Attack EastIndies Drawn 65 1442
57271 1898Fog-2 Classic1898Fog Drawn 48 1490
57084 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 675 Colonial1885 Drawn 30 1520
57410 See you in Zagreb ClassicCroatia Drawn 32 1552
57540 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 2) Iberia1065 Drawn 61 1613
56210 Samoan Molly-Go-Round Dropslam Head Drag World10 Defeated -20 1593
57743 Home of the Brave VIII Empire4 Survived -13 1580
58372 1v1 - American Secession War-161 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1577
58171 Viking Gunboat-11 Viking Defeated -52 1525
58598 Gunboat-22 Classic Defeated -34 1491
57966 It’s No Game EastIndies Defeated -23 1468
59008 Go on in it's only a fiver Edwardian3 Survived 2 1470
58768 No whispers in Europe Classic Survived -51 1419
59359 Aոother classic game Classic Drawn 15 1434
59593 (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ AncMed Defeated -32 1402
59646 Classic Egypt Gunboat ClassicEgypt Defeated -30 1372
59832 genshin-op-4 PunicWars Won 66 1438
59787 Scottish Diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -37 1401
60007 Where's Waldo? ClassicFog Survived -28 1373
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -20 1353
60196 FoggyGunboat-4 Classic1898Fog Defeated -12 1341
60172 BritishGunboat ClassicBritain Defeated -24 1317
60521 1898-2 Classic1898 Drawn 49 1366
59842 colonial 1885 4 Colonial1885 Defeated 0 1366
60014 Daily Known world 901 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1366
60814 Classic-24 Classic Drawn 62 1428
60911 Socrates, is that you? AgeOfPericles Drawn 38 1466
61180 1897 gunboat-2 Classic1897 Defeated -29 1437
61310 Hey 1600 Gunboat Europe1600 Drawn 64 1501
61567 98-fowgb-16: Sevastopol Classic1898Fog Defeated -49 1452
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 1452
61666 France vs Ausria vs Germany ClassicFGA Survived 0 1452