Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for erikip107 (2537 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
38626 THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE GAME, SUCKS! Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1000
39389 I can see you trembling in antici........ Duo Survived 0 1000
39767 Mennenites ClassicEvT Won 0 1000
39768 Mennenites 2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 0 1000
39781 Dark Box ClassicFvA Won 8 1008
39782 Mudkip Duo Won 8 1016
39579 From Claire to Here USofA Drawn 30 1046
39319 Renaissauce Rinascimento Defeated 0 1046
39412 Come At Me, Bro-3 Colonial1885 Survived -17 1029
39617 domination Xl WorldAtWar1937 Defeated -12 1017
39999 Mudkip-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 0 1017
39519 War council AgeOfPericles Drawn 30 1047
39712 Join me brotha SouthAmerica5 Survived -31 1016
40157 1v1v1-14 ClassicIER Survived -18 998
39228 Smith and Wesson Classic1898 Survived -27 971
40167 A Classic Game Classic Drawn 78 1049
40015 Classical gunboat-3 Classic Survived -1 1048
39992 Coalition Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Survived 0 1048
40099 African Diplomacy-2 Africa Drawn 102 1150
40494 Let's spice things up! SpiceIslands Drawn 60 1210
40446 Classic-11 Classic Defeated -41 1169
40153 Rinascimento Oct19 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1169
39950 Peter is in this one Viking Survived -31 1138
39949 Peter isn't playing Crusades1201 Defeated -30 1108
40760 Greece-5 GreekDip Drawn 28 1136
40253 Megalomaniacs-3 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -39 1097
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 1081
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1081
40480 Small World! Colonial1885 Drawn 78 1159
40728 Foggy 1898 - 14 WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -39 1120
40732 Heptarchy IV HeptarchyIV Drawn 59 1179
40842 To koinon AgeOfPericles Drawn 44 1223
40888 Colonialism Sucks but Kevin Likes This Map Colonial1885 Drawn 3 1226
40841 Черт с ними! AustrianSuccession Defeated 0 1226
41036 WWII-24 WWII Drawn 13 1239
41068 A Hollander is not a Highlander DutchRevolt Drawn 16 1255
41081 Phileas Fogg Redux ClassicFog Defeated -31 1224
40727 Foggy 1898 - 13 Classic1898Fog Defeated -25 1199
40452 The Epic of Theseus Haven Defeated -25 1174
40907 Classic-12 Classic Won 242 1416
41105 It's Trump's fault War2020 Drawn 63 1479
41277 Zoos Zeus5 Drawn 2 1481
41169 Bronze and Blood AncMed Drawn 18 1499
41083 Oh sweet colonies Colonial1885 Defeated -28 1471
40650 Europ3 A_Modern_Europe Survived -13 1458
41341 WWII gunboat! Stab away all day! YoungstownWWII Won 127 1585
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 116 1701
40714 Brexit War Modern2 Drawn 40 1741
41037 Foggy 1898 - 18 Classic1898Fog Survived 40 1781
41351 Pax Mongolica MongolianEmpire Drawn 39 1820
39837 Divided We Fall-2 Divided_States Drawn 106 1926
42891 Big in Japan Sengoku5 Defeated -53 1873
42241 Colonial Fun Colonial1885 Drawn 24 1897
43245 Misty Mornings Classic1898Fog Drawn 17 1914
43242 Guerra dos clãs de Mandalorian Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 5 1919
42789 Saxofón AustrianSuccession Defeated -62 1857
42630 World of Gunboats World10 Drawn 49 1906
42527 Colonial 1885-6 Colonial1885 Defeated -57 1849
43879 1937 Gunboat!-3 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 7 1856
44512 Just a Game-3 Classic Drawn 15 1871
44489 African Gunboat 101 Africa Defeated -36 1835
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Defeated -60 1775
44515 ch Colonial1885 Won 39 1814
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated -54 1760
43306 Simpp Parrot Colonial1885 Defeated -44 1716
45457 The Fall Of Ashikaga Sengoku5 Defeated 0 1716
45349 The European Dingleberry Classic Drawn 42 1758
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1710
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Drawn 27 1737
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio Survived 137 1874
45880 Classic Diplomacy-7 Classic Defeated -50 1824
45372 Cabombaceae Colonial1885 Defeated -46 1778
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated -58 1720
45373 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-6 Colonial1885 Survived 49 1769
46117 Easy.....,.... ClassicCrowded Defeated -53 1716
44996 Full-Frontal Scrotal Lobotomy A_Modern_Europe Defeated -40 1676
46164 Ahstrahliah MateAgainstMate Drawn 18 1694
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated -58 1636
44844 Eye of the storm Europa_Renovatio Drawn 106 1742
46176 Liberate Michigan? Say What? GreatLakes Drawn 17 1759
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Drawn 281 2040
45252 Meji Colonial1885 Drawn 49 2089
46690 El Cid KnownWorld_901 Drawn 63 2152
45215 Europapa Europa_Renovatio Drawn 44 2196
48029 Errare Humanum Est AtlanticColonies Survived 2 2198
47551 LaLaLa-4 Colonial1885 Drawn 22 2220
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -71 2149
48862 GB 3 DarkAges Drawn 4 2153
48976 If you want something done, do it yourself Classic Drawn 5 2158
47238 Europe en flamme Europa_Renovatio Drawn 23 2181
48886 Don't get Turkey! Colonial1885 Drawn 19 2200
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Drawn 103 2303
49871 2nd Try Sengoku5 Drawn 7 2310
49822 Save Turkey! Colonial1885 Won 19 2329
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated -63 2266
50805 Stalemates 101 Colonial1885 Drawn 23 2289
48542 Renaissance Rumble Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 2289
51462 Foggy Gunboat-6 Classic1898Fog Survived 0 2289
51428 Classic-17 Classic Drawn 13 2302
49570 36-4-All Europa_Renovatio Drawn 137 2439
51642 Not All Who Wander Are Lost Colonial1885 Drawn 2 2441
52166 War? Again BalkanWarsVI Drawn 3 2444
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Defeated -73 2371
52353 Not Colonial 1885 Imperial2 Drawn 21 2392
52352 Stop Britain! (or not, idk) Colonial1885 Survived 6 2398
49314 EU4 Roleplay Europa_Renovatio Drawn 44 2442
52734 Remember when I said I'd make this game "soon" GreekDip Survived -55 2387
51906 Global WWIVsealanes Defeated -70 2317
52928 Colonial forever Colonial1885 Drawn 2 2319
53031 1885 Gunboat - stab while you can! Colonial1885 Survived 28 2347
53541 LUCKY SEVENS GUNBOAT EX Classic Survived -57 2290
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Drawn 54 2344
53691 We didn’t start the ???? Classic Drawn 21 2365
53764 A Saint Helena Kind of Feeling EmpiresCoalitions Survived -51 2314
54033 mooook Colonial1885 Drawn 20 2334
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Drawn 54 2388
53898 1937 Gunboat WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 20 2408
54819 Double Gut-Punch Powerbomb Chokeslam KnownWorld_901 Drawn 42 2450
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 45 2495
56935 32r2dfe Classic Drawn 8 2503
54838 Kings and Generals -2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 41 2544
56210 Samoan Molly-Go-Round Dropslam Head Drag World10 Drawn 50 2594
57226 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-10 Colonial1885 Drawn 1 2595
57373 Zu heiß für Edelweiß KnownWorld_901 Drawn 10 2605
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Survived 0 2605
58307 Win Condition 48 Colonial1885 Drawn 3 2608
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Defeated -69 2539
58764 1885 Gunboat-19 Colonial1885 Drawn 4 2543
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio Drawn 41 2584
58996 Us and Them A_Modern_Europe Defeated -65 2519
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated -72 2447
58442 EU4 Roleplay-3 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 44 2491
60364 Crash, Bang, Smash ‘Em Up ClassicCrowded Defeated -56 2435
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Drawn 102 2537
59651 El Mundo Gunboat-2 WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 2537