Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for d.a.barchipelago (1474 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
38898 Lets take our time Classic Survived -11 989
39587 Ig-3 ClassicGvI Defeated -3 986
39591 FvA-86 ClassicFvA Won 10 996
39468 Diplomacy 1900 Baron1900 Defeated -19 977
39503 Caribbean gunboat Karibik Defeated -30 947
39485 Homer J. Simpson Enlightenment Defeated -35 912
39301 Play fast and gentle 4 Classic Defeated -4 908
39502 Layered gunboat-2 ClassicLayered Survived -22 886
39223 Take no Prisoners ManifestDestiny Defeated -3 883
39993 To the holy lands on a boat Crusades1201 Survived -15 868
39457 Malcka KnownWorld_901 Defeated -22 846
39986 No Neutrals!! ClassicNoNeutrals Survived -15 831
39267 World Peace Simulator-2 World Defeated 0 831
39900 Foggy 1898-6 Classic1898Fog Defeated -14 817
40350 Interesting bidding GreekDip Defeated -14 803
40324 Gunboat spice SpiceIslands Defeated -21 782
39992 Coalition Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Survived -22 760
40649 Not this daisho II Sengoku5 Survived -14 746
39664 JoJo KnownWorld_901 -8 738
40279 Baritone KnownWorld_901 Defeated -6 732
40793 Inherency KnownWorld_901 Drawn 119 851
38379 The Joys of Federalism Divided_States Defeated 0 851
41115 A boat to the holy land FirstCrusade Drawn 25 876
39415 A gentleman's pace - ready builds and retreats! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -11 865
42294 No chat just fun 70 - WTA Classic Drawn 17 882
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio Defeated -16 866
41948 Keep It Dark, Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 866
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 866
41481 Walk the line KnownWorld_901 Drawn 151 1017
44040 Western Quintuple WesternEurope1300 Drawn 25 1042
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Drawn 936 1978
40323 Modi Maharajah Defeated -47 1931
44843 Pistols-1 AnarchyInTheUK Won 79 2010
45694 Caribbean Gunboat -2 Karibik -55 1955
41041 Europa Gazette Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1955
41201 European Vacation Europa_Renovatio -50 1905
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1905
52714 The Great Game-7 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1905
52957 Epic world diplomacy Imperial2 Defeated 0 1905
53394 Jupiter V Zeus5 -42 1863
53308 world gunboat World10 -89 1774
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes -42 1732
51725 The 26704th Europa Renovatio Gunboat Game Europa_Renovatio -6 1726
61075 Cold war-268 ColdWar Won 1 1727
61096 Cold war-269 ColdWar Won 2 1729
59853 The new era A_Modern_Europe Defeated 0 1729
61115 Cold War-270 ColdWar Won 3 1732
61121 Playing through all the variants #22: Caucasia Caucasia Defeated 0 1732
61007 Bid for starting centres GreekDip Won 73 1805
61150 Caribbean Gunboat -3 Karibik Drawn 9 1814
60971 African Gunboat-14 Africa Defeated -27 1787
61041 Modern Diplomacy Club Modern2 -40 1747
61194 Finkelboat-88 Chromatic -45 1702
61228 Bananaskin Classic -22 1680
61196 Finkelboat-90 Chromatic -25 1655
61350 Caribbean Gunboat -4 Karibik -63 1592
61255 Modern Gunboat-9 Modern2 -23 1569
61296 Africa for ever Africa -28 1541
61112 World Diplomacy Gunboat (never say you're sorry!) World10 -67 1474