Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Hominidae (725 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
4321 Fogern warfare 3 :) ClassicFog Survived -12 988
4228 Fog of Death ClassicFog Defeated -15 973
3539 Age of Technology WWIV Defeated -6 967
4707 The Next America Empire4 Drawn 63 1030
5174 The New Europe-2 Modern2 Defeated -35 995
4644 The New Europe Modern2 Defeated -26 969
4511 Slow Holiday Season Game (Viking) Viking Defeated -18 951
5486 Haven! Haven Defeated -28 923
6012 America!-2 AmericanConflict Defeated -22 901
4761 Conquer Afro-Eurasia! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -19 882
5942 Conquer the Greater Caribbean. Karibik Defeated -30 852
4734 2.86% chance WWIV Defeated -27 825
6149 Zeus 5 - 2day Zeus5 Survived -10 815
5940 Europe 1994 Modern2 Defeated -37 778
5649 Whittle Down Tournament game 1 WWIV Drawn 35 813
6064 A New World-3 WWIV Defeated -21 792
7157 Millennium Challange YoungstownRedux Defeated -18 774
7433 34 Bastards ClassicChaos Defeated -25 749
6186 Australia! MateAgainstMate Resigned -9 740
6575 America-2 Empire4 Defeated -15 725
5771 A New World-2 WWIV Defeated -20 705
7079 Arrr, Mateys! Pirates Defeated -7 698
5941 The Known World! KnownWorld_901 Defeated -15 683
7273 Fanfare I WWIV Defeated -19 664
6379 Haven Game Haven Defeated -6 658
11756 World Diplomacy FAST World Defeated -9 649
12232 Old War in Europe Enlightenment Defeated -16 633
12226 Africa-variant Africa Survived 6 639
12538 India Maharajah Defeated -12 627
12115 Utter Chaos ClassicChaos Defeated -17 610
12235 War in the colonies Imperial2 Defeated -3 607
12223 New War in Europe Modern2 Defeated -6 601
17688 Colonial 1 day Colonial Defeated 0 601
17749 Excuse me, is it Europe? AberrationV Survived 1 602
18060 Alternate Europe AberrationV Drawn 148 750
18151 Fog-5 ClassicFog Defeated -30 720
18428 So when's the next Apocalypse? WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 720
17933 A New Twist on Old School GobbleEarth Drawn 116 836
17855 Imperial Diplomacy II Imperial2 Defeated 1 837
14684 Super Africa War Africa Defeated 5 842
24933 Everything Happens in South America SouthAmerica4 Survived -15 827
31935 No quarter will be given Pirates Drawn 128 955
32167 AP Euro 2 Europe1600 Defeated -22 933
31952 Mr. Crowley's ClassicCrowded Drawn 57 990
32293 Balkans! Balkans1860 Defeated -29 961
32011 Historical war WWII Defeated -10 951
32378 Back to the Basics-2 Classic Defeated -31 920
32153 foggy XXXXIX ClassicFog Survived 4 924
31919 known world-4 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 908
32139 How different would your world be? Colonial1885 Drawn 26 934
31786 You Win or You Die WWIV_V6 Defeated 0 934
38629 Something Different - 20 Caucasia Drawn 33 967
38445 All Fronts YoungstownRedux Defeated -4 963
38408 Breath Mint KnownWorld_901 Defeated -2 961
38598 Calica CelticBritain Defeated -15 946
38860 If you see something, say nothing ClassicFog -16 930
38789 Know the World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 905
38795 1444 All DLC Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 880
43526 Time4This? ColdWar Defeated 0 880
43881 Western Europe 1300 re-match WesternEurope1300 Drawn 9 889
44036 An army in the mist ClassicFog Defeated -25 864
43216 More Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -15 849
43097 A Modern Gunboat A_Modern_Europe Defeated -1 848
43892 World War 0 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -21 827
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Defeated -6 821
42227 Sticks and Stones WWIVsealanes Defeated -24 797
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Defeated -16 781
57660 Aberrant Gunboat AberrationV Defeated -5 776
57743 Home of the Brave VIII Empire4 Defeated -2 774
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio Defeated -21 753
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Defeated -12 741
58525 Is this world any better? World10 Defeated -15 726
57451 Gumby the gloomy guillotine Europa_Renovatio Defeated -1 725