Game | Name | Variant | Status | Change | Total |
45814 | Shipshooters | Classic | Defeated | 0 | 1000 |
45608 | Russ reconnects with his homeland | Germany1648 | Defeated | 0 | 1000 |
45952 | Speedboat Africana | Africa | Defeated | 0 | 1000 |
45472 | Abstraction-4 | Abstraction3 | Defeated | 0 | 1000 |
45922 | Crowds in 2020 | ClassicCrowded | Survived | 0 | 1000 |
45828 | classic but epic | ClassicBritain | Survived | 0 | 1000 |
45543 | Civilisation Excoriation | WesternWorld_901 | Defeated | 0 | 1000 |
45932 | Die happy VIII - FoW | Classic1898Fog | -19 | 981 | |
46368 | Das U-boat | YoungstownWWII | -13 | 968 | |
46231 | Africa G-Boat | Africa | -17 | 951 | |
43656 | (En)Joy Division | Europa_Renovatio | Defeated | 0 | 951 |
46070 | In Europe we are all brothers | A_Modern_Europe | -31 | 920 | |
41151 | On the Origin of Feces | WWIVsealanes | Defeated | 0 | 920 |
45215 | Europapa | Europa_Renovatio | Defeated | 0 | 920 |