Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for aztecknight (934 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
5007 Civil War Duel Empire1on1 Won 5 1005
4140 Haven Gunboat !!! Haven Survived 36 1041
4644 The New Europe Modern2 Defeated -22 1019
6936 Brazil kicks butt!!!-6 SouthAmerica4 Defeated -24 995
7658 One-on-one-5 ClassicGvI Survived -3 992
6971 fogboat-4 ClassicFog Survived -4 988
4734 2.86% chance WWIV Defeated -20 968
6149 Zeus 5 - 2day Zeus5 Defeated -27 941
7354 The Great Game YoungstownRedux Defeated -11 930
7731 America-5 AmericanConflict Survived 13 943
6433 First Try at Europe 1939 Europe1939 Defeated -26 917
8144 Fast Bidding GreekDip Defeated -16 901
7934 WWII-2 Europe1939 Defeated -28 873
8527 Which Sea is this? NorthSeaWars Drawn 10 883
8639 Imperium Romanum Imperium Defeated -25 858
8333 A New World Order Modern2 Drawn 70 928
8870 Join :)-2 ClassicFog Defeated -6 922
9119 Let's Play! AmericanConflict Resigned -26 896
9044 Eco Warfare I ClassicEconomic Survived 8 904
8522 WhyTelltheFool? KnownWorld_901 -23 881
9455 Split Kingdom AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -28 853
9273 Maharaja? Maharajah Defeated -9 844
7883 War is Hell WWIV Defeated -7 837
9171 Greece is gone Modern2 -28 809
10004 Bozo (F) v Alcuin (A) ClassicFvA Won 0 809
9619 Canada/Upper Midwest GreatLakes Defeated -23 786
9706 A Game of Catan NorthSeaWars Survived 16 802
9686 We Support States Rights! YoungstownRedux Defeated -4 798
6867 Flush on the footlocker Zeus5 Survived -10 788
10181 STFU CustomStart Defeated -18 770
10444 Greek Diplomacy-3 GreekDip Survived 33 803
10944 Asia is MINE Colonial Survived 14 817
10293 Surrounded by Glory-2 AgeOfPericles Defeated -11 806
10870 Low bet, average length, new variant CelticBritain Survived 41 847
11032 WW The second Europe1939 Drawn 19 866
11007 Africa-2 Africa Defeated -8 858
11728 Open Renaissance Rinascimento Defeated 0 858
11893 know world KnownWorld_901 Defeated -30 828
12242 Caledonia CelticBritain Drawn 39 867
11399 This was before inflation... Imperial2 Defeated -15 852
13008 Awesome play AmericanConflict Survived 38 890
11858 Reign of the Anti-Pope Rinascimento Survived 0 890
13071 WWII-5 WWII Survived -5 885
13646 NOOBz-2 Duo Defeated -5 880
13596 Your Mama BuildAnywhere Survived -22 858
13567 Crisis of 1880 Classic1880 Defeated -24 834
13301 Dobroslav Jevđević ClassicFog Defeated -3 831
14287 1897gunboat-2 Classic1897 Resigned -3 828
14112 Bacon-4 ClassicCrowded -5 823
13902 KRONIK Africa Defeated -7 816
14991 oto-49 ClassicEvT Survived -6 810
15059 iTouch ClassicTouchy Drawn 13 823
15045 Fall gelb WWII Defeated -12 811
14839 1885 GB Colonial1885 -21 790
15699 Spartan's Summer Fun- Classic Layered ClassicLayered Defeated -16 774
14579 First Try-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 60 834
16646 Let's try Maharajah GB again Maharajah Defeated -3 831
16672 DIp-2 CustomStart -19 812
14433 WTF Fubar Survived -9 803
17803 The Diplomacy of WWII WWII Drawn 9 812
16944 Allience forger ClassicMilan Defeated -9 803
35462 Don't turn around - 2 Classic1913 Defeated -22 781
35058 Colonial 1885-4 Colonial1885 Survived -16 765
35729 Civil War 08182018 Empire1on1 Defeated -4 761
35741 1066.3-4 TenSixtySix_V3 Defeated -12 749
35626 Not So British Isles CelticBritain Defeated -12 737
34637 Embassy Cable GobbleEarth Drawn 115 852
35917 Classic Gunboat-6 Classic Defeated -11 841
36362 Age of Pericles! AgeOfPericles Defeated -28 813
36626 If Germany Didn't Exist (TEA FIR) ClassicVS -25 788
36668 America!-3 Karibik Drawn 20 808
36634 Machiavelli-3 Machiavelli Defeated -23 785
36358 Fantasy-2 FantasyWorld Defeated -23 762
35475 Odd Future WWIV_V6 Defeated -15 747
36950 Imperial Hubris Canton Survived -12 735
37224 The last war WWII Survived -8 727
36861 foggy 97 ClassicFog Won 133 860
37436 Classic Spin Baron1900 -2 858
37066 something different-3 Empire4 Defeated -30 828
37507 An Army Marches on its Stomach Napoleonic Survived -6 822
37999 Gogogo-3 ClassicFog Survived -27 795
37886 Apocolypse Later ManifestDestiny Drawn 51 846
38530 Manifest Destiny ManifestDestiny Survived 10 856
38411 We need a Crusade Crusades1201 Defeated -25 831
38454 Fog of War-21 ClassicFog -24 807
38544 Green button IV ClassicFog -8 799
38878 Memes of Mars Mars -3 796
39409 South American Supremacy match (again) SouthAmerica8 Defeated -21 775
39630 European Conquest III Europe1939 Defeated -5 770
40754 I am Italy - spoiler ;)) Classic1898Fog Survived 0 770
39884 Patience Classic1897 Defeated -16 754
40873 Goomy classic Classic Drawn 252 1006
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe -21 985
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated 0 985
41123 Hugh Jassoll's Gunboat-2 ManifestDestiny Survived 2 987
41177 Foggy communications ClassicFog Defeated -20 967
42543 Cold Disagreement ColdWar Defeated -4 963
42286 Quarantine II: Classic Classic Defeated -16 947
41662 Just in Time III Classic1897 Defeated -15 932
41743 Just in Time VI - WTA ClassicFog Defeated -18 914
42866 Colonial Gunboat II Colonial -19 895
43852 Mount Olympus Zeus5 Survived -8 887
44795 1v1-354 ColdWar Survived -4 883
44936 FvA-90 ClassicFvA Won 11 894
45016 Mutually Assured Destruction IX ColdWar Defeated -4 890
45048 'Murica-2 Empire1on1 Defeated -2 888
44805 Cool Gunboat 01 Classic Defeated -18 870
45104 Mutually Assured Destruction XI ColdWar Defeated -3 867
45139 Amer Ica Empire1on1 Defeated -1 866
45258 Mutually Assured Destruction XVIII ColdWar Defeated -3 863
45269 FvA-100 ClassicFvA Defeated -3 860
45336 CW-24 ColdWar Won 12 872
45390 TwoPlayerAction ClassicEvT Won 9 881
45454 Lets play-6 ClassicFvA Defeated -2 879
45491 Combo Nations 2 player ClassicFGvsRT Won 12 891
45522 Silent three way ClassicFGA Survived -16 875
45196 Foggy 1898 II Classic1898Fog Survived -10 865
45701 Fog of War - The Abyss Classic1898Fog Defeated -22 843
45304 What to do during Covid ManifestDestiny Defeated -20 823
45644 Gunboat Aberration V AberrationV -16 807
41051 Once you go great you never go good, you never go Europa_Renovatio -17 790
44951 No chat just fun 85 Classic1880 Survived 68 858
45478 bear and badger 2 Classic Defeated 0 858
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Defeated -7 851
46155 I like 3 ways ClassicIER Survived 8 859
46331 IG-12 ClassicGvI Survived -2 857
45828 classic but epic ClassicBritain Survived -28 829
37407 American Funboat Divided_States -12 817
46561 21 ClassicEvT Won 12 829
46623 Kaiser vs Czar ClassicGvR Won 7 836
46303 No chat just fun 92-2 Classic1880 Defeated -8 828
46651 Threes ClassicIER Won 16 844
46522 Game of Wit and Skill 8, Murica Edition ManifestDestiny Drawn 11 855
46308 foggy 141 ClassicFog Survived 57 912
46432 Easy....,. Classic1897 Defeated -12 900
47132 Old War-2 ColdWar Defeated -4 896
46845 central ClassicFGA Drawn 0 896
45801 Indian Tribal Warfun GreatLakes Defeated -28 868
45918 Fog of War - Slow Classic1898Fog Defeated -15 853
47048 Chewsday AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -24 829
47357 Three times the fun ClassicIER Survived -6 823
47616 Crawdad vs rock-lobster Duo Won 5 828
47742 Heroic age of exploration ClassicGvR Defeated -9 819
47811 EvT #04 ClassicEvT Won 10 829
47879 Another three way ClassicIER Drawn 0 829
47528 Washington Post FleetRome Defeated -18 811
48114 The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway-2 ColdWar Defeated -5 806
46969 X - MAS special 24% off Classic1913 Survived 39 845
47359 Slavik Junge WTA Classic1898 Defeated -6 839
48240 Three Central ClassicFGA Survived -5 834
47784 1898 FoW again Classic1898Fog Survived 7 841
46417 Water Goblins Imperial2 Defeated 7 848
48387 Into the breach ClassicFvA Defeated -3 845
48293 Another three way-2 ClassicIER Survived -14 831
47969 Gunboat WTA - 16 SC for the victory Classic1898 Defeated -8 823
48512 Random 4 (ATRE) ClassicVS Defeated -7 816
48198 funGoat 14 GreekDip Survived 4 820
48811 GvI-113 ClassicGvI Defeated -3 817
48733 Octopus 3 ClassicOctopus -15 802
48935 The real roman ClassicGvI Defeated -5 797
48422 Libertas quæ sera tamen-8 SpiceIslands Defeated 0 797
48201 funGoat 17 YoungstownWWII Survived -25 772
48825 Game Name 4 AncMed -16 756
49562 1v1 American Secession War-3 Empire1on1 Won 3 759
49904 bored on the couch ClassicFGvsRT Won 10 769
49789 CvWr Empire1on1 Won 7 776
49598 Das foggy gunboat Classic1898Fog Survived -8 768
50026 Two Biggies ClassicFGvsRT Won 10 778
48301 Hamburger A_Modern_Europe Drawn 217 995
50038 going to australia to see a kangaroo ColdWar Defeated -5 990
50073 Three Spots for 21 ClassicIER Survived -5 985
50078 B-5 Empire1on1 Survived -8 977
50218 Another 3 ClassicFGA Survived -1 976
50048 ZeusBattle Zeus5 Defeated -24 952
50512 Cold war-193 ColdWar Defeated -6 946
48750 Elves in armored bras Haven Defeated 0 946
50308 Use_The_Fog² ClassicFog Survived -14 932
50826 1v1 - American Secession War-7 Empire1on1 Won 6 938
50055 Give Peace a Chance (Gunboat) Modern2 Defeated -10 928
50902 unCIVIL WAR-5 Empire1on1 Defeated -4 924
51030 mr oizo Empire1on1 Defeated 0 924
51087 1066 V3-2 TenSixtySix_V3 Survived 0 924
50528 Not colonization Africa Defeated -19 905
50047 Coalition Janus EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 97 1002
50952 Classic Gunboat-33 Classic Survived -24 978
51593 Italy, England, and Russia ClassicIER Survived -5 973
51509 Das Gunboat-8 WWII -23 950
51420 New year. New game. Alacavre -19 931
51407 The Dastardly Duvalls_2 Pirates Defeated -1 930
50817 Gobble Up GobbleEarth Defeated 0 930
51569 1900 Variant Baron1900 Defeated -19 911
51918 Mákosguba AtlanticColonies Defeated -11 900
52084 African Gunboat-6 Africa -32 868
51941 1885 Gunboat-8 Colonial1885 Defeated 3 871
51960 Somebody open a window (gunboat) ClassicCrowded Drawn 110 981
52682 BlackJack ClassicFGA Drawn 9 990
52232 World at War 1937 - Gunboat!-2 WorldAtWar1937 -10 980
52873 Another 3-2 ClassicIER Survived 2 982
52558 Speculation and Theory Edwardian3 Defeated -10 972
51802 Colonization-2 Imperial2 Defeated -8 964
53130 4 Player 16 to win (EFTR) ClassicVS Survived -10 954
53123 Classic Fogboat-6 Classic1898Fog Defeated -28 926
53432 1v1-406 ColdWar Defeated -4 922
53367 Post Pennsic 49 ClassicFGA Survived 16 938
53525 Rematch-27 ClassicFGA Survived -2 936
51286 Renaissance-4 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 936
53774 Live-30 ClassicFvA Won 5 941
53426 Youngstown Gunboat -8 YoungstownRedux Defeated 0 941
53517 Ergh AmericanConflict Drawn 39 980
54191 hiljafr ColdWar Survived -7 973
53545 369 Africa Defeated -19 954
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 3 957
54211 GB-3 Colonial1885 Defeated -20 937
54706 BIood for Luxury ClassicEconomic Survived -19 918
55688 Classic France vs. Austria-44 ClassicFvA Defeated 0 918
53649 Helikopter Classic Survived 0 918
55138 Uncle Drew and Luca Magic Classic1897 Defeated -17 901
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -8 893
55635 I can see everything Classic1898Fog -21 872
55727 Aberration V GUNBOAT AberrationV -19 853
53985 El Mundo Gunboat WWIV_V6 Defeated 17 870
61126 1v1 - American Secession War-195 Empire1on1 Defeated -1 869
61129 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-106 ClassicGvI Won 12 881
61168 1v1 Oct15 ClassicEvT Won 9 890
61241 3 is 3 ClassicIER Won 12 902
60974 Youngstown Gunboat-11 YoungstownWWII Defeated 0 902
61310 Hey 1600 Gunboat Europe1600 -12 890
61649 Three way stand off-2 ClassicIER Survived -10 880
61163 Ursula ClassicOctopus Defeated 4 884
61907 Duel-98 ClassicFvA Won 11 895
61715 98-fowgb-33: Prague Classic1898Fog -15 880
62027 Center 3 ClassicFGA Won 54 934