Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for drano019 (2613 D Mod):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
297 Let's go! ClassicGvI Drawn 0 1000
293 Let's Talk! Classic1880 Drawn 6 1006
968 Brutal Honesty Classic Drawn 0 1006
318 First Play HAVEN Haven Defeated -40 966
323 Haven-This map is Insane but awesome Haven Drawn 172 1138
171 Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! Modern2 Drawn 62 1200
653 world war IV!!! WWIV Drawn 58 1258
1372 Brutal Honesty 4- the DOOMED game Classic Drawn 4 1262
1366 Big Stick Diplomacy Karibik Drawn 34 1296
1432 Do I hear 2 points? GreekDip Won 56 1352
1420 Hmm, Foggy Night Isn't it? ClassicFog Drawn 35 1387
648 First Masssive World IV Game (dedicated to Oli) WWIV Drawn 41 1428
2201 Italian wars 1 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1428
2838 Pick Your Hand Classic1897 Drawn 3 1431
2202 Italian wars 2 Rinascimento Drawn 0 1431
3515 Vdip mini-tourney game 3 CustomStart Won 68 1499
3879 (EAvGT) Challenge - Game 2 ClassicVS Drawn 17 1516
3864 (EAvGT) Challenge - Game 1 ClassicVS Drawn 16 1532
3699 WW4 Team Game! WWIV Drawn 7 1539
3763 The Panic of 1880 Classic1880 Drawn 4 1543
4494 VDip MiniCup Final CustomStart Defeated -37 1506
4132 Known World Second Game KnownWorld_901 Won 140 1646
6345 Extreme personalities (entertainment value only!) KnownWorld_901 Drawn 8 1654
5649 Whittle Down Tournament game 1 WWIV Drawn 11 1665
7739 Austerity Measures GreekDip Won 74 1739
8094 Whittle Down Tournament 2012 Haven Game Haven Drawn 9 1748
9302 Whittle Down Round 3 - KW901 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 1 1749
10462 Whittle-down: Crowded! (5 of 11 advance) ClassicCrowded Defeated -46 1703
11365 Whittle Down Imperium game (2 of 6 advance) Imperium Drawn 9 1712
11397 imp 2 Imperial2 Drawn 27 1739
11446 The Capitols! Enlightenment Won 41 1780
12087 Whittle Down AncMed - 2 of 5 Advance AncMed Drawn 0 1780
13466 Butterheads 3rd anniversary!!! Classic Drawn 15 1795
14619 Competitive Dip: The Way It Was Meant To Be Classic Drawn 41 1836
14564 Whittle Down Final: Take 2! Hundred Drawn 0 1836
13116 tiger's awesome team game WWIV Defeated -59 1777
15788 The Amazing Team Tournament: R1 Rinascimento A Rinascimento Drawn 0 1777
16491 Capture Your Capital Modern2 Won 46 1823
16519 Double Day WW2-4 WWII Drawn 7 1830
16418 The King is Dead! Classic1897 Drawn 8 1838
18770 Winners Bracket Fantasy (ATT) FantasyWorld Drawn 18 1856
16661 A New Era WWIV_V6 Drawn 77 1933
30102 North Korean Nu...eh,noodle supply ColdWar Defeated -10 1923
29858 WorldWar1 Alternate History Roleplay Imperial2 Drawn 2 1925
30120 Rise the sun Sengoku5 Drawn 14 1939
30480 1 v 1 Practice ClassicEvT Won 2 1941
30469 Drain the Drano ClassicFvA Won 13 1954
29579 Pasta, Pizza, and Popes! Rinascimento Drawn 0 1954
30107 We're the first crusade! FirstCrusade Drawn 20 1974
30097 As long as I live Imperial2 Drawn 12 1986
30737 Deus Vult!! FirstCrusade Won 40 2026
30957 Ariollo SouthAmerica4 Drawn 7 2033
30887 Hiding In Iceland - It's WWII WWII Drawn 12 2045
30959 Und Morgen die Welt WWII Won 27 2072
29573 Lorem Ipsum KnownWorld_901 Survived -27 2045
30278 "Et tu Brute?" WWIV_V6 Drawn 45 2090
31564 atlantic colonies-6 AtlanticColonies Won 18 2108
34184 too many slow phase games! YoungstownWWII Drawn 4 2112
34817 SA2 - Civil War Empire1on1 Won 2 2114
33646 Haven Time Haven Drawn 36 2150
34563 War of Austrian Succession gunboat AustrianSuccession Drawn 19 2169
34876 Strongest army in Europe vs A season EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 10 2179
34890 FIGHT! Colonial1885 Survived -7 2172
35028 The Civil Warld Imperial2 Drawn 7 2179
35897 Gods and Heros AgeOfPericles Won 64 2243
35868 German Younification Imperial2 Drawn 30 2273
36819 Age of Absolutism Europe1600 Drawn 14 2287
38097 what have the romans done for us? PunicWars Won 6 2293
36705 American Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo Divided_States Drawn 52 2345
38789 Know the World KnownWorld_901 Drawn 8 2353
39706 Not this daisho Sengoku5 Won 11 2364
39870 Just another European war AustrianSuccession Drawn 8 2372
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 11 2383
37278 Choose Your State Divided_States Drawn 5 2388
41083 Oh sweet colonies Colonial1885 Drawn 10 2398
39719 World War Bone 2 WWIVsealanes Drawn 33 2431
43732 Civil War-84 Empire1on1 Won 0 2431
43275 Fight for North America ManifestDestiny Won 14 2445
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio Drawn 32 2477
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Drawn 17 2494
43154 A Humble Low Stakes Match Modern2 Defeated -51 2443
43352 The Ambassador should join, because they need to b Europa_Renovatio Drawn 14 2457
43868 Another Herd Needs Culling Europa_Renovatio Drawn 91 2548
46490 Brujas A_Modern_Europe Drawn 13 2561
48088 Return again Modern2 Drawn 13 2574
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States 0 2574
49210 1885 Colonial War Colonial1885 Drawn 1 2575
51731 No Colonials Allowed Africa Won 30 2605
51569 1900 Variant Baron1900 Drawn 4 2609
52965 1v1-390 ClassicFvA Won 1 2610
53019 Olden diplomacy (please join) Europe1600 Drawn 4 2614
53044 WW1 all over Imperial2 Won 71 2685
52928 Colonial forever Colonial1885 Drawn 1 2686
51275 Wait, how many stars and stripes?! Divided_States Drawn 24 2710
53194 Colonial Chaos IIIII Colonial1885 Drawn 4 2714
53903 Greek Fire Boat GreekDip Drawn 2 2716
52627 Dirty Valley High Europa_Renovatio Drawn 26 2742
56695 The 3rd Great Emu war MateAgainstMate Drawn 0 2742
53173 EU4 Roleplay-2 Europa_Renovatio Drawn 24 2766
56122 Well, rip us Divided_States Drawn 38 2804
57956 For Opium! V5.0 Imperial2 Won 47 2851
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio -141 2710
57747 America 2024 Divided_States Drawn 59 2769
59840 Europa Renovatio Europa_Renovatio -156 2613