Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for pyrhos (1268 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
12975 World War 2 Europe1939 Defeated 0 1000
13556 1 on 1; England vs. Turkey ClassicEvT Survived -6 994
13703 nujnen! ClassicFGA Survived -16 978
13864 Hrodna TenSixtySix_V2 Survived -4 974
13764 123581220 ClassicIER Defeated -16 958
13553 Euroderby Europe1939 Defeated -31 927
13856 WW II Gunboat... Europe1939 Survived 0 927
13571 Die Adolf, Die! WWII Survived -13 914
13272 world wide conflict Imperial2 Drawn 58 972
12086 HopWorld 3000 WWIV Defeated 0 972
14020 Monarchies of europe Enlightenment Drawn 60 1032
13744 just for fun-3 DutchRevolt Survived -16 1016
13369 Just a Classic for busy people Classic Defeated -15 1001
14294 another game ww2 game YoungstownWWII Survived 9 1010
13383 world at war 1861 Imperial2 Defeated 0 1010
13609 Cheap Italian Food Rinascimento Defeated 0 1010
15344 Greek confliw AgeOfPericles Defeated -22 988
15074 Germany on fire Germany1648 Defeated -24 964
15823 England VS Turkey (ET) ClassicVS Drawn 0 964
15693 Spartan's Summer Fun- Ancient Med AncMed Drawn 11 975
15201 the dark hour DarkAges Drawn 44 1019
15771 Open War password "war" ClassicSevenIslands Survived 23 1042
15943 Heptatchy iv first try HeptarchyIV Defeated -34 1008
14874 Hillary Clinton on a T-Rex Imperial2 Drawn 104 1112
16575 War between the States-5 Empire1on1 Survived -3 1109
16579 War between the States-6 Empire1on1 Survived -3 1106
16168 time killing WWII Defeated -14 1092
16491 Capture Your Capital Modern2 Defeated -3 1089
15697 Spartan's Summer Fun- Youngstown World War II YoungstownWWII Survived -24 1065
16763 1x1 FvA semi live ClassicFvA Survived -7 1058
16170 Pirates vs. Colonists Pirates Defeated -10 1048
16765 Duo 1x1 - semi-live-2 Duo Survived -6 1042
16789 1x1 Civil War semi-live-3 Empire1on1 Survived -6 1036
16259 Imperial Diplomacy - 01 Imperial2 Defeated -22 1014
16586 America at war AmericanConflict Drawn 39 1053
16087 dark times AberrationV Drawn 65 1118
17146 mini tornay ClassicFvA Survived -9 1109
17155 mini torney 2 ClassicFvA Survived -9 1100
17204 mini tourney 3 ClassicGvI Survived -9 1091
17251 Join!!! Hundred Survived 1 1092
17253 mini tourney 4 ClassicGvI Survived -8 1084
17123 Mexican Stand Off ClassicIER Survived -15 1069
17320 1x1 Duo semi-live-7 Duo Survived -5 1064
16436 Tornado Enlightenment Defeated -31 1033
16758 The Great War, Part Deux WWII Drawn 13 1046
17458 1x1civil war semi-live-2 Empire1on1 Survived -4 1042
17559 West vs East ClassicFGvsRT Survived -8 1034
17492 union vs confederate states Empire1on1 Survived -8 1026
17585 Francostria ClassicFvA Survived -7 1019
17601 Another One ClassicEvT Survived -7 1012
17627 GI War ClassicGvI Survived -7 1005
17660 German-Russo War Part 2 ClassicGvR Won 8 1013
17682 Frankstria ClassicFvA Survived -7 1006
17754 1v1-110 ClassicEvT Survived -8 998
17764 reverse rematch ClassicEvT Survived -8 990
17487 TMS 141 (TFRI) ClassicVS Survived -11 979
16806 Imperial Diplomacy - Beginners Preferred! Imperial2 Drawn 42 1021
17758 Civil War 1x1 - Semi-live-25 Empire1on1 Survived -4 1017
17915 Francoaustrian war ClassicFvA Survived -7 1010
17499 TMS 144 (TFRI) ClassicVS Survived -12 998
17387 Conquest Over Europe. ClassicSevenIslands Survived -11 987
18017 Classic variant ClassicGvI Survived -8 979
17497 TMS 142 (TFRI) ClassicVS Drawn 7 986
16934 Build your Empire Imperial2 Defeated -14 972
17498 TMS 143 (TFRI) ClassicVS Survived -24 948
17040 Early 1900s Abstraction3 Defeated -14 934
18141 TMS 1232 (REGF) ClassicVS Survived -3 931
18359 English Swag ClassicIER Drawn 0 931
18078 TMS 1231 (REGF) ClassicVS Defeated -5 926
17692 A game for men by men 2! WWII Drawn 84 1010
18143 TMS 1234 (REGF) ClassicVS Survived -16 994
18142 TMS 1233 (REGF) ClassicVS Drawn 0 994
17551 first crusade FirstCrusade Survived 43 1037
18414 Rat Wars AHS RatWars Survived -12 1025
17980 Fantasy Team Game FantasyWorld Defeated -39 986
17646 Imperial game Imperial2 Drawn 30 1016
18241 vSopIII Classic Drawn 0 1016
19156 TMS 1334 (RIGA) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1016
19155 TMS 1333 (RIGA) ClassicVS Defeated -13 1003
19154 TMS 1332 (RIGA) ClassicVS Drawn 11 1014
19152 TMS 1331 (RIGA) ClassicVS Survived -16 998
18533 This should be fun ClassicCrowded Won 278 1276
18421 Treaties Game YoungstownRedux Drawn 0 1276
18428 So when's the next Apocalypse? WWIV_V6 Drawn 0 1276
18760 ++ 卐 ++ Colonial1885 Survived 0 1276
16662 WWIV Let's Do This! WWIV_V6 Defeated -32 1244
17923 first global GobbleEarth Defeated -44 1200
19447 Waiting for the medicine show (FTRI) ClassicVS Survived -10 1190
19197 Goose's groove Classic Survived 0 1190
19678 Atlantic colonies test AtlanticColonies Won 0 1190
17936 Marquess Queensberry Rules GobbleEarth Drawn 75 1265
17855 Imperial Diplomacy II Imperial2 Drawn 40 1305
19838 Dark Ages DarkAges Drawn 16 1321
17270 Entre le Royaume des Vivants et des Mort Imperial2 Drawn 26 1347
19535 lol-10 Colonial1885 Drawn 18 1365
19130 The King is Dead - Vikings! Viking Drawn 0 1365
19960 TMS 1411 (GFTI) ClassicVS Survived -22 1343
19983 TMS 1413 (GFTI) ClassicVS Defeated -15 1328
19984 TMS 1414 (GFTI) ClassicVS Drawn 0 1328
19797 Hablabla KnownWorld_901 Defeated -17 1311
19982 TMS 1412 (GFTI) ClassicVS Defeated -15 1296
18403 Can Into Imperialism? Remake Imperial2 Drawn 33 1329
20270 ALLIES VS AXIS WWII Survived -23 1306
14594 Colonial 1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 37 1343
15993 Autumn & Empire WWIV Defeated -15 1328
20516 Sieze the Shogunate Sengoku5 Survived -27 1301
20745 Theyvotedno:D AnarchyInTheUK Won 60 1361
20977 Harmattan Africa Drawn 22 1383
16774 Shadow of a doubt WWIV_V6 Defeated -32 1351
21877 The Cold War ColdWar Survived -5 1346
21934 Colder War ColdWar Survived -4 1342
21636 Pillow Fight! GobbleEarth Survived -35 1307
21913 I enjoy these Empire1on1 Survived -11 1296
21046 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 2 YoungstownWWII Defeated -28 1268
21047 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 3 YoungstownWWII Defeated -21 1247
21045 TeamsT Stage 1 Group C Game 1 YoungstownWWII Drawn 0 1247
22303 All variants gunboat: Atlantic Colonies AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1247
22069 Machiavelli Rinascimento Drawn 0 1247
21590 Bo-lieve in yourself Imperial2 Drawn 41 1288
19986 Imperialsim anyone? Imperial2 Drawn 61 1349
21983 1860 and all that Imperial2 Drawn 0 1349
21490 imperialism anyone? Imperial2 Defeated -27 1322
21714 WWIV - Sealanes - UNRATED WWIVsealanes Defeated 0 1322
23011 The Panic of 1881 Classic1880 Drawn 27 1349
23491 WWII Public Press WWII Drawn 9 1358
23966 my reentry into Vdiplomcy Viking Survived 0 1358
23226 Wassap-2 Imperial2 Survived 4 1362
24474 As brothers, you say? Hmm... (AG) ClassicVS Survived -11 1351
24170 Amazonas SouthAmerica8 Defeated -45 1306
24481 eradication by strength, glory by conquest Modern2 Defeated -39 1267
24523 Confederate Mexican French Fries AmericanConflict Drawn 3 1270
25016 Old Days Europe1600 Drawn 21 1291
25048 Hydra Gunboat Imperial2 Drawn 35 1326
26657 King's Diplomacy Maharajah Defeated -26 1300
27042 RAT RULES ClassicEconomic Drawn 0 1300
27828 Imperial 3: The Sick Man of Europe Imperial2 Defeated -32 1268