Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Taishi Ci (1617 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
15943 Heptatchy iv first try HeptarchyIV Defeated -32 968
16103 Emperor Aberration V AberrationV Defeated -26 942
16327 Bella Italia Rinascimento Defeated 0 942
15938 Camelot HeptarchyIV Survived 23 965
17512 The African Wars. Africa Drawn 12 977
21030 Minnesota Vikings Viking -12 965
20996 La gentil culla dell'arte Rinascimento Defeated 0 965
20988 Aqueducts and Assassins Rinascimento Defeated 0 965
21048 Check this game often AncMed Survived -11 954
21443 High Seas Hijinks Pirates Defeated -31 923
21420 No talk Viking 2day Viking Won 69 992
22180 Layered Gunboat ClassicLayered Drawn 15 1007
21869 Colonial1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 69 1076
22120 after this, lets go to Space Imperial2 Defeated -9 1067
21960 Imperial Imperial2 Drawn 74 1141
22096 Like no tomorrow Imperial2 Survived 28 1169
22860 Hapsburg Hell Germany1648 Survived -35 1134
22970 Rule the Waves-2 Imperial2 Defeated -23 1111
23450 Fog of War! ClassicFog Drawn 25 1136
23542 Great Lakes GreatLakes Defeated -33 1103
23645 Africa-12 Africa Defeated -26 1077
23659 Holy Lands FirstCrusade Defeated -22 1055
23595 For the LOLZ ClassicFog Survived -24 1031
23501 Addicted to Exploitation of the Natives Imperial2 Defeated -22 1009
23858 The old world-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 982
24057 Webdip-Vdip Love Viking Defeated -18 964
24579 Europe in love Modern2 Survived -14 950
25449 Ex Pluribus Pauca Empire4 Drawn 48 998
26238 Martina (Rinascimento) Rinascimento Defeated 0 998
25937 America Wars Empire4 Defeated -15 983
26110 Asia Colony Colonial Drawn 39 1022
26706 The cookie jar gunboat Classic Defeated -24 998
24756 imperial-2 Imperial2 Defeated 13 1011
26356 NMS fantasy Haven Defeated -24 987
26730 Imperial 2: The Sun Never Sets Imperial2 Drawn 32 1019
27256 Imperialist Imperial2 Survived 10 1029
27600 foggy I ClassicFog Won 102 1131
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Defeated -15 1116
27800 Sorry Austria-2 Imperial2 Defeated -32 1084
27846 The Crusader's Path FirstCrusade Defeated -9 1075
26939 Can we do this? WWIV Defeated -32 1043
28267 Master of Silence Imperial2 Drawn 71 1114
27798 Sorry Austria Imperial2 Defeated -18 1096
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1096
28859 Be quiet! Imperial2 Defeated -19 1077
29201 Renzi KnownWorld_901 Defeated -27 1050
30297 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames AtlanticColonies Survived -14 1036
29390 1885 Colonial1885 Survived -12 1024
30908 Diplomacy War Victory Classic Survived 0 1024
31748 foggy XXXXV ClassicFog Survived -1 1023
31521 War ... war is never fair II Colonial1885 Survived -23 1000
32773 We will take Jerusalem! FirstCrusade Defeated -33 967
32523 Carbon-13 ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -6 961
32600 Chaos is a pit ClassicChaos Defeated -29 932
33140 Something Different - 4 AgeOfPericles Defeated -19 913
33098 Lord Emperor Colonial1885 Survived 75 988
33459 Please help new players grow 3 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 159 1147
33396 Walking in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland WWIV_V6 Defeated -39 1108
35768 Don't turn around - 5 Europe1939 Survived -8 1100
35916 Africa-16 Africa Defeated -11 1089
36609 Rinascimento-3 Rinascimento Defeated 0 1089
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States -14 1075
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Defeated -3 1072
38789 Know the World KnownWorld_901 Defeated -12 1060
38933 Finest_Gunboat1885 Colonial1885 Drawn 76 1136
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -27 1109
38804 Choose Your Weapon Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1109
38799 Unholy Roman Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1109
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio Defeated -22 1087
38844 Globalisation WWIV_V6 Defeated -27 1060
40452 The Epic of Theseus Haven -21 1039
40548 Imperial 2 lads(13players!) Imperial2 Defeated -30 1009
38825 Cry God for Harry! Europa_Renovatio Defeated -25 984
40286 Culling of the Herd Europa_Renovatio Defeated -15 969
39159 Here for the long haul Europa_Renovatio Defeated -24 945
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -29 916
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio Defeated 8 924
41361 This is Trumps fault Divided_States Defeated 0 924
42752 State Your Business Divided_States Drawn 188 1112
43522 Sennacherib Imperial2 Survived -10 1102
42463 Lockdown Renovatio Europa_Renovatio Defeated -26 1076
42494 The vDip Quarantine Classic Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1076
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -20 1056
37407 American Funboat Divided_States Defeated -18 1038
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated -12 1026
46408 What is Known / What is Unknown KnownWorld_901 Defeated -15 1011
44455 Disintegration of the U.S. Divided_States Defeated 21 1032
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio -10 1022
48083 Gunboat Vikings! 111 Viking Survived -14 1008
46359 WWWoww WWIV Drawn 377 1385
48509 Imperial Gunboat Express Imperial2 -48 1337
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 1337
49013 Colonial PPSC Pub Colonial1885 Drawn 24 1361
49006 Rise of an Empire KnownWorld_901 Drawn 221 1582
41200 DSA Divided_States Defeated 0 1582
51406 Free for all Colonial1885 Defeated -40 1542
49949 Serial Imperial I Imperial2 Defeated -34 1508
47046 Gang Bang in Europe Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1508
49118 This is madness II Europa_Renovatio Defeated -30 1478
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Defeated -8 1470
52510 Papacy and Pasta Rinascimento Defeated 0 1470
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated -14 1456
49954 WWIV -2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -24 1432
50269 European Vacation II Europa_Renovatio Drawn 314 1746
53422 Known World Gunboat-6 KnownWorld_901 Won 219 1965
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio Defeated -49 1916
55215 To the East Indies! EastIndies Defeated 0 1916
52930 Terra WWIVsealanes -47 1869
57201 Imperial Gunboat-12 Imperial2 Drawn 13 1882
56783 Choose a World to Know a World-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated 0 1882
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes Defeated -35 1847
56336 The Fifty Nifty Divided States! Divided_States Survived 0 1847
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio Defeated -47 1800
56031 The Big Gunboat (Gun Galley?) Europa_Renovatio Defeated -41 1759
58524 Asia Gunboat EastIndies Defeated -49 1710
58525 Is this world any better? World10 Survived -56 1654
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -37 1617