Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for thelastChris (1962 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
21399 DIpsoc Game-2 ClassicFog Won 0 1000
24276 King of Boots Chromatic Survived -5 995
24382 Frustum WWII Defeated 0 995
25038 Eternal Damnation Haven -19 976
32240 Mediterranean Game AncMed Drawn 18 994
33646 Haven Time Haven Defeated -21 973
35566 1900-Game Baron1900 Won 215 1188
35939 Let slip the fog of war ClassicFog Won 161 1349
38559 EdwardVII Edwardian3 Won 129 1478
40656 Real life 2 WWII Drawn 0 1478
39135 Kill Lithuania and also Scotland Europa_Renovatio -39 1439
40976 Gothic Revival Europa_Renovatio Drawn 478 1917
45366 Clan war diplomacy Scottish_Clan_Wars Drawn 10 1927
41211 The Most Dangerous Game Europa_Renovatio Drawn 158 2085
46420 Viking diplomacy game Viking Won 123 2208
47248 World War Joy 2 WorldAtWar1937 -48 2160
50184 Classic Gunboat-31 Classic Drawn 6 2166
50189 Iron Century KnownWorld_901 Drawn 22 2188
50717 Why does Axum never win? KnownWorld_901 Defeated -62 2126
50734 Where am I in the fog? Classic1898Fog Survived -45 2081
49951 Serial Imperial III Imperial2 Defeated -43 2038
49860 The Art of the Possible Europa_Renovatio Defeated -59 1979
52487 Terraformed Mars Mars Won 62 2041
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio -49 1992
56642 Known World Gunboat-8 KnownWorld_901 -67 1925
56567 Europa Moderna-3 A_Modern_Europe -94 1831
61264 Punic FOW Gunboat PunicWars Won 25 1856
61257 1898 Fog of gunboat Classic1898Fog Drawn 44 1900
61367 Atlantic Gunboat-50 AtlanticColonies Won 8 1908
61449 98-fowgb-12: Budapest Classic1898Fog Survived -43 1865
61255 Modern Gunboat-9 Modern2 Drawn 35 1900
61547 Trakanus AncMed Won 67 1967
61447 98-fowgb-10: Marseilles Classic1898Fog Drawn 10 1977
61785 98-fowgb-43: Amsterdam Classic1898Fog Won 79 2056
61697 98-fowgb-31: Kazan Classic1898Fog Survived -50 2006
61502 Youngstown Gunboat -17 YoungstownRedux Resigned -44 1962