Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Antiloquax (1238 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
23401 Queen Victoria Vampire Hunter Imperial2 Defeated -3 997
23750 The Great Elector's War Germany1648 Survived -12 985
24324 setec astronomy -2 cheaper ClassicFog Defeated -27 958
24543 Sail Ho!-3 SailHo2 Survived -22 936
24161 Diplomacy 7 Islands ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -32 904
23975 Budding Empires Classic1897 Defeated -22 882
24344 Once more unto the breach-2 Classic1897 Drawn 25 907
24743 Greek hailfire GreekDip Defeated 0 907
24224 Youngstown World War II-4 YoungstownWWII Drawn 71 978
24509 1897 Swag Classic1897 Defeated -23 955
24057 Webdip-Vdip Love Viking Survived -17 938
24350 Little Italy Rinascimento Drawn 0 938
23974 big money, no wammy Rinascimento Defeated 0 938
24583 Adriano Celentano's Legacy Rinascimento Defeated 0 938
24755 Lax Security AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -27 911
24958 Two is company, 11 is a crowd ClassicCrowded Defeated -31 880
25030 Hardrada Viking Survived -14 866
25084 Australia Day Jan 26-2 MateAgainstMate Defeated -18 848
26414 Great Electors Germany1648 Defeated -19 829
25384 Europe 1600 Europe1600 Drawn 100 929
26722 Enlighten Europe Enlightenment Drawn 68 997
25789 drowsy strum Pirates Defeated -12 985
26803 Medieval Mosh Pit FirstCrusade Drawn 67 1052
25970 Posterior Purloiners Pirates Drawn 94 1146
27154 Lasciate ogni speranza Rinascimento Defeated 0 1146
27361 The Century of Lights Enlightenment Drawn 56 1202
27091 Theatre of War AberrationV Defeated -18 1184
27207 Foggy McFogface ClassicFog Defeated -18 1166
27600 foggy I ClassicFog Defeated -26 1140
27356 Race For The Throne HeptarchyIV Defeated -15 1125
26147 Gghh CustomStart Drawn 41 1166
25795 Known World-2 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -14 1152
24898 Imperial Diplomacy-2 Imperial2 Survived 0 1152
27801 Death NorthSeaWars Survived -19 1133
27426 Total Domination Classic1897 Defeated 0 1133
27946 Black Forest Brawl Germany1648 Drawn 44 1177
27662 After The BrExodus Modern2 Survived -30 1147
28609 Barsoom Mars Drawn 30 1177
28890 Blitzkrieg -2 Europe1939 Drawn 36 1213
29199 Shinuyama Sengoku5 Drawn 23 1236
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1236
27906 ...-5 ClassicCataclysm Defeated 0 1236
29788 news: Inauguration style SouthAmerica8 Survived -8 1228
27868 Quick slow growth Classic1897 Survived -14 1214
27791 1939 should be good... Europe1939 Defeated 0 1214
30614 Game ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ ClassicAnkaraCrescent Defeated 0 1214
30502 Easy Rider 3 Colonial Defeated -5 1209
27907 Test Game (I am new here and testing this tool out Colonial Defeated -36 1173
31040 Tokugawa Ieyasu Sengoku5 Defeated -21 1152
31134 Dunkel War Again Germany1648 Drawn 42 1194
31135 Popes, Princes and Paupers Rinascimento Drawn 0 1194
31332 Deus Vult-3 FirstCrusade Defeated -29 1165
32102 Eastern trouble Abstraction3 Defeated -27 1138
31977 old faithfull YoungstownRedux Drawn 21 1159
32300 Balkans 186o Balkans1860 Defeated -39 1120
32211 YR Gunboat YoungstownRedux Defeated -25 1095
32849 HRE-3 Germany1648 Survived 66 1161
32761 Sengoku Jidai-2 Sengoku5 Defeated -39 1122
32599 Little Man Syndrome Napoleonic Defeated -21 1101
33105 broken sword Sengoku6 Drawn 25 1126
33594 The 7th Island ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 23 1149
30895 Circle Of Doom Colonial Defeated -33 1116
33820 Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt-Baden Enlightenment Drawn 13 1129
33619 It's all greek to me-2 GreekDip Drawn 42 1171
33952 Something Different - 11 AtlanticColonies Survived -12 1159
33461 Habemus Magnās Nubēs Rinascimento Defeated 0 1159
34460 No chat just fun 19 Classic1913 Drawn 48 1207
34586 Hapsburg AustrianSuccession Drawn 60 1267
34861 The Great French War EmpiresCoalitions Survived -25 1242
34563 War of Austrian Succession gunboat AustrianSuccession Drawn 73 1315
35032 Testing New Crusades Crusades1201 Drawn 18 1333
35414 Hannibal's March PunicWars Defeated -21 1312
35332 The Spice Must Flow SpiceIslands Defeated -42 1270
34598 Helter Skelter-2 CelticBritain Survived -45 1225
35331 March of the Eagles Baron1900 Drawn 15 1240
35215 Dawn of the Century Baron1900 Drawn 2 1242
35409 Charlemagne's Legacy AberrationV Defeated -39 1203
35710 Tiny Epic Diplomacy NorthSeaWars Defeated -15 1188
34885 Talleyrand's Ghost EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 31 1219
35386 Der Krieg ist nicht forbei FirstCrusade Defeated -20 1199
35630 axis vs allies YoungstownWWII Survived -12 1187
35856 Mulan Diplomacy ClassicMilan Survived -23 1164
36273 Mars...Cuz why not? Mars Survived -18 1146
35897 Gods and Heros AgeOfPericles Defeated -6 1140
36598 Machiavelli-2 Machiavelli Defeated -28 1112
36601 Down in Nagasaki Sengoku6 Drawn 21 1133
36358 Fantasy-2 FantasyWorld Drawn 22 1155
36393 The Way of the Exploding Fist Canton Survived 19 1174
37193 A Suffusion of Yellow Germany1648 Drawn 12 1186
37124 Opportunity is bald behind. AncMed Defeated -20 1166
36984 Revolting People DutchRevolt Drawn 18 1184
37257 1453 Fall of Constantinople Renaissance1453 Defeated -24 1160
33789 American Gunboat -2 Divided_States Defeated -21 1139
37160 Italian Shoes Continuum Rinascimento Defeated 0 1139
37641 That's just like your opinion, man DarkAges Defeated -48 1091
37507 An Army Marches on its Stomach Napoleonic Defeated -11 1080
37806 This Variant Hasn't Been Played Enough Renaissance1453 Survived -33 1047
38071 Peckerwood Mars Drawn 42 1089
38250 Classic - 7 Islands-2 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 25 1114
38340 Enlightenment Defeated -41 1073
38192 ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouCan'tJoinTenPointGames-7 Napoleonic Survived -28 1045
38238 1913 Classic1913 Drawn 53 1098
37983 Napoleonic Napoleonic Survived 46 1144
38580 Dark Ages-3 DarkAges Drawn 59 1203
38442 Squares Rinascimento Defeated 0 1203
38816 Clash in Canton Canton Survived 0 1203
38997 Japan in 1946 Sengoku5 Defeated -31 1172
39129 Skyat Enlightenment Defeated -38 1134
38949 A game of Europe 1939 - 1 Europe1939 Defeated -36 1098
39670 Willie Fistigash ManifestDestiny Survived -10 1088
39679 The weekly random Rinascimento Drawn 0 1088
39652 Das Kriegenspiele I Germany1648 Survived 2 1090
39668 Cowboys and Indians ManifestDestiny Won 36 1126
39542 This map is fun Europe1600 Survived -10 1116
40669 World Dipcon Bangkok 2021 SpiceIslands Defeated -17 1099
40530 1900 - A year to remember Baron1900 Drawn 48 1147
40472 another Classic-1898 FoW-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Survived -31 1116
40892 Greek-3 GreekDip Defeated -17 1099
40918 Foggy 1898 - 17 Classic1898Fog Defeated -9 1090
40985 libertas quæ sera tamen Classic1898Fog Defeated -40 1050
40513 Otto Enlightenment Defeated -20 1030
40332 The fight for Italy Rinascimento Defeated 0 1030
41081 Phileas Fogg Redux ClassicFog Drawn 29 1059
41149 Niebla Classic1898Fog Survived -28 1031
40917 foggy 129 ClassicFog Survived -10 1021
41366 Gunboats in the Fog III ClassicFog Survived -1 1020
40846 Crusader Kings -2 Crusades1201 Defeated -23 997
41257 El Psy Kongroo Sengoku5 Drawn 76 1073
41555 Classic-14 Classic Drawn 37 1110
42270 Gunboats in the Fog IV ClassicFog Survived -29 1081
41199 1900 Baron1900 Defeated -25 1056
41742 Just in Time V - WTA Classic1898Fog Survived -35 1021
42949 Foggy 1898 I Classic1898Fog Survived -17 1004
42768 Das Kriegenspiele 2 Germany1648 Survived -31 973
41948 Keep It Dark, Italy Rinascimento Defeated 0 973
43065 AM-3 AncMed Defeated -18 955
43339 Sengoku Jidai-3 Sengoku5 Defeated -29 926
42790 Jeg er Hungary for Turkey Balkans1860 Defeated -23 903
42789 Saxofón AustrianSuccession Drawn 66 969
42487 Fog of War - 2 days - press ClassicFog Defeated -30 939
43223 Battle of the Slavs Viking Survived -23 916
44040 Western Quintuple WesternEurope1300 Defeated -14 902
44239 foggy 1898 - 25 Classic1898Fog Survived 3 905
44282 Epic Games Edwardian3 Drawn 53 958
44809 Help Me Play All The Variants Europe1600 Defeated -22 936
45060 Napoleon-3 EmpiresCoalitions Survived -9 927
45386 Vikingolos Viking Defeated -7 920
46389 Machiavelli's Balance of Power Machiavelli Defeated -10 910
46088 Rinascimento? Rinascimento Defeated 0 910
46438 Easy...,... WTA Modern2 Defeated -14 896
45918 Fog of War - Slow Classic1898Fog Defeated -16 880
46919 Fashionable Fight Scottish_Clan_Wars Defeated -11 869
46885 Thank linus Europe1939 Defeated 5 874
47434 1898 fow-2 Classic1898Fog Survived 10 884
47675 Sic Semper Tyrannis AustrianSuccession Drawn 68 952
47593 Anime Sengoku5 Defeated -25 927
47784 1898 FoW again Classic1898Fog Survived 5 932
48590 The Battle For the Purple Stone Classic Defeated -21 911
46856 Divided We Fall-3 Divided_States Defeated 0 911
49883 Turn of Last Century Baron1900 Survived 7 918
50114 14th Rock From the Sun Habelya Defeated -25 893
50047 Coalition Janus EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -10 883
51349 Merooog Viking Survived 49 932
51282 Classic - For Under 1000 Rated Players! Classic Survived -10 922
51367 The Fate of the Hapsburg imperium AustrianSuccession Drawn 117 1039
51801 Dank Druids CelticBritain Defeated 0 1039
52165 Bananas CustomStart Drawn 25 1064
52703 War Beneath the Sun-2 Sengoku5 Defeated -23 1041
53527 Epic game of coolness #2 Enlightenment Drawn 127 1168
53848 WTA w/Press - Does it Matter? ManifestDestiny Survived -13 1155
54456 Viking Gunboat-5 Viking Survived 39 1194
54920 Skald! Viking Drawn 56 1250
54923 Don't talk to me GreekDip Survived -5 1245
54682 Choose to loose AberrationV Defeated -20 1225
54418 Let's appreciate the best variant Baron1900 Defeated -21 1204
56125 :-) AustrianSuccession Drawn 87 1291
56105 Misc. Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Survived -43 1248
55893 Western World 901 No Msg Pick’em WesternWorld_901 Drawn 44 1292
56124 Europe but old Europe1600 Defeated -26 1266
56558 Iberia 1065 Gunboat Iberia1065 Drawn 0 1266
56659 Gungnir Viking Survived -6 1260
56345 Western World 901 Gunboat -3 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -10 1250
56973 HO! HO! HO! AberrationV Drawn 107 1357
57279 Shoot first never ask questions ClassicBrazilian Drawn 14 1371
57742 Crescent & Cross Crusades1201 Defeated -29 1342
57732 Silesian War AustrianSuccession Defeated -37 1305
58686 Don't die of dysentery ManifestDestiny Defeated -18 1287
60160 Dark Age Britain HeptarchyIV Defeated -43 1244
60937 High Rated 1939 Europe1939 Survived -6 1238