Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Bochucl (1877 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
24522 To World War, or not to World War WWII Drawn 5 1005
24827 Balthazar ClassicFog Defeated -29 976
24845 Rinascimento Rinascimento Drawn 0 976
24837 Going Dutch DutchRevolt Survived -5 971
24873 )¨¨).,lol"§! .,-- FirstCrusade Defeated -19 952
25065 A New Republic AncMed Defeated -16 936
25227 Nobunaga's Ambition-3 Sengoku5 Won 299 1235
25047 Youngstown WWII Style YoungstownWWII Drawn 33 1268
25788 trilobed petter Africa Survived -50 1218
26086 I Hear Everything! HeptarchyIV Won 166 1384
25893 click and run ! Colonial Survived -20 1364
26112 1880-2 Classic1880 Survived -26 1338
24670 Fun in Greece GreekDip Survived -13 1325
26545 WWII-18 WWII Drawn 18 1343
26521 American beauty? Empire4 Drawn 28 1371
26953 select * from game where variantid=12 Colonial Survived 23 1394
26981 Modern Fair War War2020 Defeated -44 1350
24864 Marò, Droga e Pastorizia KnownWorld_901 Drawn 163 1513
25789 drowsy strum Pirates Defeated -30 1483
26911 World war 2-3 WWII Won 27 1510
24961 1600! Europe1600 Won 317 1827
27361 The Century of Lights Enlightenment Drawn 20 1847
27256 Imperialist Imperial2 -13 1834
27595 South America-12 SouthAmerica5 -41 1793
27356 Race For The Throne HeptarchyIV -14 1779
27986 Dip Dip Potato Chip ColdWar Won 2 1781
27624 Italian Wars Rinascimento 0 1781
27234 'Turkey joke here' FirstCrusade -12 1769
27603 The Italian Wars Rinascimento 0 1769
27572 Lets dance Modern2 -30 1739
27809 Aller aller aller! WWII Won 36 1775
28290 Turkey FTW Modern2 Drawn 32 1807
29048 Classic +7 ClassicSevenIslands Survived -59 1748
29520 The Great War of 1901 ClassicMilan Defeated -30 1718
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1718
29679 Vikings!!-2 Viking Won 114 1832
29523 Kingdom of Heaven-2 FirstCrusade Survived 18 1850
30236 Colonial Shakedown AtlanticColonies Won 11 1861
30610 Classic 1 v 1-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 2 1863
30585 A peace conference gone wrong WWII Won 43 1906
30232 Remember the 90's Modern2 Defeated -52 1854
30668 Liberia OP Zeus5 Drawn 27 1881
29743 Guns, Germs, and Steel-2 Imperial2 Defeated -30 1851
30382 AFCON Africa Drawn 16 1867
30502 Easy Rider 3 Colonial Drawn 15 1882
30886 Race For Switzerland Modern2 Defeated -63 1819
30541 Crusader Emperors 2 KnownWorld_901 Drawn 45 1864
29573 Lorem Ipsum KnownWorld_901 Defeated -46 1818
31233 denk na DutchRevolt Survived -26 1792
31104 L'Age de Raison Enlightenment Defeated -36 1756
31093 Harmattan 5 Africa Defeated -40 1716
31384 All About Agamemnon AgeOfPericles Defeated -46 1670
31783 Crowded Confusion ClassicCrowded Defeated -40 1630
32180 Cradle of Civilization AncMed Defeated -36 1594
31805 Good ol' classic Classic Won 103 1697
32659 °Schwifty in Here° AberrationV Survived -57 1640
32599 Little Man Syndrome Napoleonic Drawn 48 1688
33917 EvT-28 ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1688
32460 Gunboat 'n Ready-3 Habelya Defeated -41 1647
32847 East is east Colonial Won 29 1676
34040 Duel Kingdoms-8 ClassicFGvsRT Won 3 1679
34085 Duel Kingdoms-11 ClassicFvA Won 3 1682
34151 Duel Kingdoms-15 ClassicGvI Survived -12 1670
33992 Cold War 03072018 ColdWar Survived -12 1658
33926 Napoleonic Dynamite II Napoleonic Defeated -39 1619
33945 Freaks and Greeks AncMed Drawn 10 1629
34595 Pick your side AustrianSuccession Drawn 14 1643
34935 No chat just fun 22 Balkans1860 Drawn 12 1655
31823 Furnace of Affliction WWIV_V6 Defeated -46 1609
33821 1000 megawats of fun WWIV_V6 Defeated -48 1561
33396 Walking in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland WWIV_V6 Defeated -54 1507
35461 Wars of attrition AustrianSuccession Drawn 45 1552
34584 Play fast and gentle 3 Modern2 Defeated -26 1526
34830 Colonial Gunboat-3 Colonial1885 Survived -53 1473
35472 Guadal KnownWorld_901 Defeated -55 1418
35547 Pity Party YoungstownWWII -16 1402
36658 Colonial1885-3 Colonial1885 Drawn 30 1432
37485 Europewar-2 ClassicGvI Won 4 1436
37495 Global War YoungstownWWII Survived -27 1409
37931 Miles Davis Classic Won 108 1517
38253 One Night in Bangkok Canton Drawn 29 1546
37678 New Variant!-2 World10 Survived -24 1522
38822 My Island Home AnarchyInTheUK Survived -16 1506
38306 The War to End All Wars 2 WorldAtWar1937 Drawn 61 1567
39778 IG-4 ClassicGvI Defeated -7 1560
39746 War (FGRA) ClassicVS Won 23 1583
39452 I've Got the World on a String DarkAges Survived 7 1590
39870 Just another European war AustrianSuccession Defeated -39 1551
39850 More Coffee and More Africa Drawn 40 1591
40246 Super fun hit Europe1939 Drawn 32 1623
40249 Organ Trail ManifestDestiny Survived -47 1576
40725 Classic 1898-8 Classic1898 Drawn 20 1596
40333 Classic-Egypt ClassicEgypt Survived -40 1556
40763 The Empire strikes back-2 Germany1648 Defeated -47 1509
40650 Europ3 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -14 1495
40604 A modern pickle A_Modern_Europe Survived -31 1464
41745 Easy...... Classic Drawn 32 1496
43400 ch no.1 Viking Won 141 1637
42866 Colonial Gunboat II Colonial Survived -8 1629
41744 Just in Time VII Classic1898 Won 50 1679
43679 I Will Do Anything for Dots (But I Won't Do That) WesternEurope1300 Survived -31 1648
43850 Peloponnesian League AgeOfPericles Defeated -46 1602
44013 Easy........-2 Classic Won 61 1663
44418 Here Kitty Kitty Africa Drawn 27 1690
43892 World War 0 KnownWorld_901 Defeated -56 1634
46173 Cold War-128 ColdWar Defeated -9 1625
45645 Imperial Gunboat-3 Imperial2 Survived -32 1593
45641 Gunboat Africa Africa Won 187 1780
46303 No chat just fun 92-2 Classic1880 Defeated -37 1743
46431 Easy....-2 Classic1880 Defeated -40 1703
43656 (En)Joy Division Europa_Renovatio Defeated -33 1670
46070 In Europe we are all brothers A_Modern_Europe Defeated -43 1627
46194 Salut Modern Europa Modern2 Defeated -17 1610
45710 Pointy Pointy Stabby Stabby Imperial2 Drawn 62 1672
47007 Easy 438 - WTA Classic1898 Won 165 1837
48022 World in Flames WWII -43 1794
47008 Easy,......... Classic1913 Defeated -38 1756
47969 Gunboat WTA - 16 SC for the victory Classic1898 Defeated -33 1723
44413 ME-2 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 61 1784
48197 funGoat 13 CustomStart Survived -22 1762
47958 Classic Gunboat-26 Classic Won 144 1906
48734 Octopus 4 ClassicOctopus Drawn 6 1912
48323 Mount Fuji Sengoku5 Defeated -61 1851
48422 Libertas quæ sera tamen-8 SpiceIslands Drawn 19 1870
49062 Karibu 2 Africa Defeated -34 1836
49640 Dutch Revoltboat DutchRevolt Survived -10 1826
48820 Conquerers in the Colonies in Covid-Times Colonial1885 Defeated -49 1777
48932 Karibu Africa Won 160 1937
49641 FirstCrusadeboat FirstCrusade Defeated -52 1885
49413 European Rumble!!! A_Modern_Europe Defeated -30 1855
49897 Epic Gunboat KnownWorld_901 Defeated -63 1792
50360 Cuttlefish-2 AncMed Drawn 14 1806
49970 Great War of Africa Africa -62 1744
50152 napoleon total war Napoleonic Defeated -63 1681
50692 Turn of the Century -2 Edwardian3 Survived -42 1639
50994 My Island Home-5 AnarchyInTheUK Defeated -37 1602
50168 Lsß A_Modern_Europe Survived 229 1831
51968 Modern Mingling Modern2 Defeated -40 1791
51574 Four Heralds Winterkorn Bloodbath Europa_Renovatio Drawn 136 1927
48358 No name-11 Divided_States Defeated 0 1927
53095 Help me play all the variants-3 Edwardian3 Won 98 2025
53043 Classic Gunboat-38 Classic Defeated -58 1967
53363 Four Corners Gunboat (RTFE) ClassicVS Survived 5 1972
53431 LUCKY SEVENS GUNBOAT Classic Defeated -51 1921
53372 Mellow Africa Game Africa Defeated -52 1869
53308 world gunboat World10 Drawn 93 1962
53441 Austria rejects the Diet AustrianSuccession Won 146 2108
53970 Restore Byzantium Balkans1860 Defeated -44 2064
54313 GREEKS GreekDip Drawn 1 2065
54149 Europe10 GB #03: Belgrade! Modern2 -43 2022
54293 Europe10 GB #06: Minsk! Modern2 Drawn 17 2039
54364 Africa now Africa Survived -22 2017
54350 Europe Modern2 Defeated -65 1952
54528 Gunboat 1472 Classic Defeated -43 1909
54858 Gunboat Classic-2 Classic Drawn 12 1921
55039 Gunboat-20 Classic Drawn 8 1929
54770 Caribbean Gunboat-8 Karibik Defeated -51 1878
55415 Wakanda wars Africa Won 132 2010
55474 African Gunboat-13 Africa Survived -9 2001
53329 Mistletoe grinding shoepolish mudcake Europa_Renovatio Defeated -48 1953
55439 Modern Gunboat 1.0 Modern2 Defeated -42 1911
55067 press ready when ready-2 Colonial1885 Drawn 32 1943
56198 Napoleon was actually average height for the time Napoleonic Defeated -61 1882
56287 Fun-15 MateAgainstMate Survived 11 1893
55150 Redux fun YoungstownRedux Survived 3 1896
56398 WSTSL -2 Classic Won 93 1989
56627 Sengoku-5 Sengoku5 Defeated -54 1935
56659 Gungnir Viking Survived 0 1935
56691 WOW-4 AberrationV Drawn 19 1954
56693 Sand boat EmpiresCoalitions Drawn 15 1969
57027 No Talking Classic1898 Survived -33 1936
57028 Public Communication AberrationV Defeated -59 1877
56973 HO! HO! HO! AberrationV Defeated -46 1831
57081 1900 Gunboat Baron1900 Survived 8 1839
57341 Third congo war Africa Drawn 18 1857
57711 MEN FROM THE NORTH Viking Survived -3 1854
57721 Classic gаme Classic Won 96 1950
57660 Aberrant Gunboat AberrationV Won 147 2097
57657 HO! HO! HO! 2 AberrationV Drawn 9 2106
57960 In Bloom-2 Classic1897 Drawn 13 2119
58291 Happy new year Classic Defeated -62 2057
58610 A lost generation. Classic Defeated -58 1999
58086 Aberrant Gunboat II AberrationV Defeated -33 1966
58839 The War-9 WWII Won 29 1995
58934 Southern Cross SouthAmerica8 Survived -8 1987
58954 Speed Europa (rulebook messaging) SpeedEuropa Drawn 2 1989
56567 Europa Moderna-3 A_Modern_Europe Drawn 104 2093
59491 Balkanized BalkanWarsVI Drawn 16 2109
58082 Playing through all the variants #9: Modern Europe A_Modern_Europe Defeated -36 2073
59317 Modern-3 Modern2 Drawn 4 2077
59646 Classic Egypt Gunboat ClassicEgypt Defeated -53 2024
59884 Verdun-42 TreatyOfVerdun Won 7 2031
59812 ClassicGunboat-2 Classic Survived -52 1979
60047 ClassicGunboat-4 Classic Defeated -44 1935
59613 Austrian Succession Gunboat, plz ready your orders AustrianSuccession Defeated -42 1893
59706 Viking Gunboat-14 Viking Defeated -49 1844
60252 ClassicGunboat-10 Classic Drawn 24 1868
59992 GunboatEurope1939 Europe1939 Drawn 10 1878
60294 Austrian Succession Gunboat-4 AustrianSuccession Survived -48 1830
60093 Austrian Succession Gunboat-3 AustrianSuccession Defeated -45 1785
60505 Classics, but improved ClassicFlorence Survived -31 1754
60592 King Richard-2 DarkAges Survived -55 1699
60674 Misc. Gunboat-3 SouthAmerica8 Survived -33 1666
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies Defeated -43 1623
60688 Maddern Gunmboat V Modern2 Survived -37 1586
60689 Das Gunboat-65 WWII Drawn 5 1591
60851 Das Gunboat-67 WWII Survived -28 1563
61033 Non atrocitate, non clementia mutabatur CelticBritain Won 174 1737
61362 Das Gunboat-73 WWII Won 33 1770
61296 Africa for ever Africa Won 85 1855
61198 Rinascimento Gunboat Rinascimento Drawn 0 1855
61643 wwii gunboat-4 YoungstownWWII Drawn 10 1865
61762 Caribbean Gunboat -5 Karibik Survived 22 1887
61694 Das Gunboat-77 WWII Won 33 1920
61971 Gaius Hannibal Xerxes AncMed Survived -43 1877