Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for LovelyPinkEgg (1780 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
24616 Ура СССР!! ColdWar Survived -7 993
24648 Fra v Aus-75 ClassicFvA Survived -8 985
24709 2 Player Live-2 ClassicFGvsRT Won 8 993
24713 2 Player Live-5 ClassicEvT Survived -8 985
24580 Redrum ClassicFog Survived 7 992
24853 Love Street ClassicGvI Won 5 997
24857 Love Street-2 ClassicGvI Won 8 1005
24915 Treaty of Vergun-2 TreatyOfVerdun Survived -5 1000
24933 Everything Happens in South America SouthAmerica4 Defeated -19 981
24768 Descent into Anarchy AnarchyInTheUK Won 221 1202
24845 Rinascimento Rinascimento Defeated 0 1202
24745 Stalin's playground WWII -42 1160
24789 Beast of No Nation Africa Defeated -31 1129
24831 Does This Fleet Make My Butt Look Big? FirstCrusade Defeated -27 1102
24628 Claustrophobia ClassicCrowded Defeated -27 1075
25310 diplomacy-3 ClassicEvT Survived -8 1067
25295 ClassicFvA ClassicFvA Won 1 1068
25061 r.u.ready.2.sail.across.the.Aegean.Sea? GreekDip Survived 42 1110
24873 )¨¨).,lol"§! .,-- FirstCrusade Survived -24 1086
25461 (FT)-18 ClassicVS Defeated -6 1080
25579 Gruntboat ClassicIER Drawn 0 1080
25016 Old Days Europe1600 Defeated -26 1054
25217 1066 D TenSixtySix_V3 Survived -17 1037
25642 New game (IR) ClassicVS Won 7 1044
25570 derdnuH Hundred Drawn 0 1044
24958 Two is company, 11 is a crowd ClassicCrowded Defeated -25 1019
25444 Unrated ClassicEconomic Defeated 0 1019
25454 Atlantic Shenanigans AtlanticColonies Survived -12 1007
25095 Meanwhile... Europe1600 Drawn 91 1098
25177 Samurai Showdown Sengoku5 Drawn 63 1161
25115 Divide et impera AberrationV Defeated -30 1131
25947 F vs L ClassicGvI Won 6 1137
25948 F vs L (2) ClassicGvI Defeated -8 1129
25568 Tree of Blindness ClassicFog Survived 0 1129
26009 F vs L-2 ColdWar Won 6 1135
25439 Europe 1939-2 Europe1939 Drawn 0 1135
25453 Grand Funk ClassicFog Defeated -36 1099
26010 F vs L (2)-2 ColdWar Won 6 1105
25592 For Fun!-2 ClassicGreyPress Drawn 0 1105
26088 LPEvAK 1 ClassicFGvsRT Defeated -4 1101
26089 LPEvAK 2 ClassicFGvsRT Defeated -8 1093
25956 Around the World War2020 Drawn 83 1176
25410 Cute plushy bear with chocolate eyes. FantasyWorld Drawn 87 1263
25790 seasider doll Sengoku5 Defeated -8 1255
25867 Mistick Carrot Classic Defeated -46 1209
25508 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island ClassicChaos Defeated 0 1209
26332 FogOfWar short gunboat ClassicFog Survived -5 1204
25305 Colonial 1885-3 Colonial1885 Defeated 1 1205
26070 1880 Classic Classic1880 Drawn 20 1225
25893 click and run ! Colonial Defeated -32 1193
25843 Sengoku, Rise of the Shogun Sengoku5 Survived -42 1151
26483 Live Game? AncMed Drawn 39 1190
26291 Ankara Crescent-2 ClassicAnkaraCrescent Survived -46 1144
25830 Dream diplo FantasyWorld Defeated -35 1109
26439 Again-2 ClassicFog Survived -30 1079
26238 Martina (Rinascimento) Rinascimento Defeated 0 1079
26382 Yeah, you know what to do! Classic1897 Drawn 52 1131
26681 Diplomacy Mare AncMed Defeated -26 1105
25937 America Wars Empire4 Defeated -19 1086
24687 Gasparro's Half Dollar AmericanConflict Defeated -13 1073
26868 TeoSam ClassicFGA Survived 0 1073
25044 Fletch Europe1600 Defeated -22 1051
26547 Apple Pie Europe1600 Survived -40 1011
25113 Imperial_Game Imperial2 Defeated -28 983
26293 Diamond Jigsaw ClassicFog Defeated -19 964
25166 Monarchy & Deposition Europe1600 Survived -5 959
26441 Hot Carpet YoungstownRedux Drawn 49 1008
27044 Ouch Colonial Drawn 2 1010
26953 select * from game where variantid=12 Colonial Defeated -8 1002
26279 Name of this game. KnownWorld_901 Defeated -25 977
26722 Enlighten Europe Enlightenment Drawn 65 1042
27004 Ships and Fire DarkAges Defeated -33 1009
27001 God save ? Zeus5 Drawn 44 1053
25789 drowsy strum Pirates Survived -14 1039
26757 NATO vs Warsaw Pact Modern2 Drawn 81 1120
26803 Medieval Mosh Pit FirstCrusade Defeated -18 1102
26911 World war 2-3 WWII Defeated -1 1101
27229 Dark Necessities? RHCP <3 Chromatic Defeated -19 1082
26810 -> Name <- WWII Defeated -24 1058
27564 Wole ClassicGvI Defeated -2 1056
27587 teste(IA) ClassicVS Defeated -1 1055
26736 Know What? Simonbutt. Europe1600 Defeated -13 1042
26766 WW III World -17 1025
27209 Abject KnownWorld_901 Survived -11 1014
27770 2 player live game-3 ClassicFvA Won 8 1022
26656 Imperial 1: The Japanese Awakening Imperial2 Drawn 1 1023
27256 Imperialist Imperial2 Defeated -8 1015
27544 Richard the Lionheart-2 FirstCrusade Drawn 33 1048
27600 foggy I ClassicFog -28 1020
27568 Zizala Classic Survived -16 1004
26241 World War Stun World Defeated -7 997
24701 GobbleEarth GobbleEarth Survived -2 995
27610 The following error ClassicFog -19 976
27614 Hell 0 Classic -43 933
27594 Mary Jane ClassicSevenIslands -20 913
28000 What you got.LIVE Empire1on1 Won 0 913
27624 Italian Wars Rinascimento Defeated 0 913
27671 Win this! Classic Survived 10 923
27696 Vampire 1 Mars Drawn 12 935
27426 Total Domination Classic1897 Drawn 0 935
27867 Might of the Blue Water Habelya Survived -13 922
27874 Akon Africa Defeated -21 901
27726 Nakasendo KnownWorld_901 Defeated -6 895
28224 Two amos, one shot, shotgun! ClassicFog Survived -8 887
28255 Some Cheese? RatWars -7 880
27534 War, war never changes Imperial2 Drawn 73 953
28940 LotarioLotarioLotario TreatyOfVerdun Resigned -13 940
27662 After The BrExodus Modern2 Survived -3 937
29000 William the bastard is back TenSixtySix Defeated -13 924
26939 Can we do this? WWIV -15 909
27797 Bratři v triku ClassicFGA Drawn 0 909
28267 Master of Silence Imperial2 Drawn 81 990
28158 foggy VIII ClassicFog Defeated -23 967
28786 Classic-8 Classic Defeated -12 955
27798 Sorry Austria Imperial2 Drawn 64 1019
28495 Something different! ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -14 1005
29027 T-Day Classic Classic Drawn 48 1053
29479 Vykis Empire1on1 Defeated -1 1052
28289 NOT HOLLAND AGAIN Imperial2 Drawn 172 1224
27950 Chaoctopi 2016 ClassicChaoctopi Defeated 0 1224
29181 Sixteen Europe1600 Drawn 39 1263
27828 Imperial 3: The Sick Man of Europe Imperial2 Drawn 38 1301
29778 Sail Ho... SailHo2 Survived -6 1295
29840 mrdec mexipes ClassicGvI Won 2 1297
29408 WTAF ClassicFog Defeated -16 1281
29389 Fog Machine ClassicFog Drawn 45 1326
29323 What happened to India? YoungstownRedux Survived 10 1336
29656 Kiss Poseidon's A AncMed Survived -27 1309
29658 Say No to neutrals! ClassicNoNeutrals Drawn 15 1324
29764 Blind O.o ClassicFog Drawn 21 1345
29110 Ragu Tagliatelli Rinascimento Defeated 0 1345
29391 Hep Cats HeptarchyIV Defeated -32 1313
29679 Vikings!!-2 Viking Survived -20 1293
28859 Be quiet! Imperial2 Drawn 60 1353
30120 Rise the sun Sengoku5 Drawn 35 1388
29454 The African Queen Africa Drawn 28 1416
29811 foggy XXVI - WTA ClassicFog Defeated -38 1378
29707 Save Gibraltar! Modern2 Defeated -43 1335
30226 Free Candy If You Join BuildAnywhere Won 157 1492
30119 WorldWar2 Axis vs Allies Europe1939 Drawn 6 1498
30423 He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out ColdWar Defeated -4 1494
30424 He's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' now ColdWar Won 2 1496
29271 ImperialDiplo(negotiations/treaties encouraged!) Imperial2 Drawn 29 1525
28566 Diplomacy Supreme WWIV Defeated -54 1471
30359 Balkan Wars BalkanWarsVI Drawn 27 1498
30381 chilly days ColdWar Won 4 1502
30190 foggy XXVII ClassicFog Defeated -46 1456
30008 Two Gunboats! ClassicLayered Drawn 2 1458
30007 I see London, I see Youngstown YoungstownRedux Survived 23 1481
30236 Colonial Shakedown AtlanticColonies Survived 3 1484
30554 CAN YOU DEFEAT ME-2 ClassicFvA Defeated -5 1479
30399 Gunboat Europe 1600 Europe1600 Drawn 26 1505
30277 Easy Rider 2 Colonial Survived -25 1480
30393 Stalemateless Game AtlanticColonies Survived -11 1469
30112 The sound of silence-15 Modern2 Drawn 13 1482
30385 foggy XXX - WTA ClassicFog Won 163 1645
30367 Original Abstraction3 Drawn 18 1663
30221 7 Islands 7 Nations 7 winners? ClassicSevenIslands Defeated -18 1645
29548 Have I done this variant before? Colonial1885 Drawn 27 1672
30483 foggy XXXI ClassicFog Survived 12 1684
30097 As long as I live Imperial2 Defeated -43 1641
30468 Diplomacy Dream Europe1600 Drawn 23 1664
30220 No chat just fun WWII Defeated -30 1634
30384 foggy XXIX ClassicFog Drawn 7 1641
30378 She'll be right MateAgainstMate Defeated -42 1599
30342 Fall of The American Empire III Empire4 Defeated -48 1551
30852 Easy Rider 8 SouthAmerica5 Survived -33 1518
30957 Ariollo SouthAmerica4 -24 1494
28019 Yeahhhhh... GL WWIV_V6 -40 1454
31125 Dirty Rat 2 RatWars Defeated -27 1427
31227 Dues vult my brother FirstCrusade 0 1427
31224 Why not?-6 Imperial2 Defeated -11 1416
31700 Old school-2 Enlightenment Survived -27 1389
31993 Anchovy Mediterranean ><> AncMed Won 29 1418
31916 Legacy of the Great War ClassicMilan Survived 13 1431
31767 Unfair War I Colonial1885 Defeated -11 1420
31815 Chaos is a ladder ClassicChaos Defeated -35 1385
31868 Plugger AgeOfPericles Survived -21 1364
32011 Historical war WWII -16 1348
31732 mountain of light Maharajah Drawn 39 1387
31973 foggy XXXXVIII ClassicFog Drawn 15 1402
31521 War ... war is never fair II Colonial1885 -34 1368
32138 Tricky one! Europe1600 Defeated -14 1354
32436 Colosso di Rodi GreekDip Defeated -31 1323
32671 william goes conquering TenSixtySix_V3 Won 23 1346
31970 WTA GOONBAT-2 Alacavre Won 152 1498
31866 Häst och vagn över äng och kär AberrationV Defeated -21 1477
32431 20th Century Classic Drawn 28 1505
32415 Public Press Foggy ClassicFog Drawn 36 1541
32401 Summthin Runndome Europe1600 Won 186 1727
30000 Launching of WWX WWIV Defeated -47 1680
32444 Run and Gun Hussite Defeated -57 1623
32356 No chat just fun 5 - New map Balkans1860 Defeated -31 1592
31675 Honey, have you seen the news today? Imperial2 Defeated -17 1575
32572 The Race for Africa 2.0 Africa Defeated -45 1530
32381 The Empires strike back Imperial2 Defeated -46 1484
32585 Napoleonic communication skills Napoleonic Drawn 29 1513
32773 We will take Jerusalem! FirstCrusade Defeated -50 1463
32652 Can't Whisper Napoleonic Survived -26 1437
32885 Vikings-4 Viking Survived -25 1412
33020 Shogunate-2 Sengoku6 Drawn 0 1412
33019 Kamikaze Coastlines Sengoku6 Drawn 11 1423
33061 Deus Vault! FirstCrusade -31 1392
32985 The Spoils of War Napoleonic Won 323 1715
33125 Something Different - 3 Pure Defeated -53 1662
32659 °Schwifty in Here° AberrationV -56 1606
32018 GE GobbleEarth Defeated -2 1604
32821 1939 - Time to Revisit Europe1939 -56 1548
32761 Sengoku Jidai-2 Sengoku5 Defeated -53 1495
32599 Little Man Syndrome Napoleonic -33 1462
32846 In space, no one can hear you scream Mars -13 1449
32721 known world 901-4 KnownWorld_901 -41 1408
32756 Pirate's Life Pirates Defeated -6 1402
33105 broken sword Sengoku6 -40 1362
32742 The Many Faced God KnownWorld_901 -37 1325
33520 I like WTA ClassicFog Defeated -9 1316
30895 Circle Of Doom Colonial -9 1307
33713 WW901 sssh WesternWorld_901 Defeated -25 1282
33658 Western World 901 gunboat WesternWorld_901 Defeated -18 1264
33106 division Empire4 Drawn 15 1279
33098 Lord Emperor Colonial1885 -14 1265
33860 foggy 67 ClassicFog Survived 39 1304
33820 Treaty of Utrecht-Rastatt-Baden Enlightenment -25 1279
33670 Western world 901 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -21 1258
34184 too many slow phase games! YoungstownWWII Drawn 15 1273
33334 Santamus KnownWorld_901 Defeated -16 1257
34279 Touchy-2 ClassicTouchy Drawn 43 1300
34038 foggy 69 ClassicFog Survived 17 1317
33652 new-8 WesternWorld_901 Defeated -11 1306
33613 World War II - Gunboat WWII -38 1268
34113 Back to Renaissance Rinascimento Defeated 0 1268
34463 Play fast and gentle BuildAnywhere Survived 28 1296
34310 foggy 71 ClassicFog Survived 15 1311
34349 Canton Won't Canton Defeated -35 1276
34342 Asian Gunboat Canton Drawn 24 1300
34311 No chat just fun 17 Classic Won 81 1381
33595 G'day-2 MateAgainstMate -50 1331
34339 Graveyard of Empires Canton Won 25 1356
34505 All in, no clue. Edwardian Drawn 0 1356
34897 C'mon, let's get on with it! TreatyOfVerdun Won 26 1382
34628 No chat just fun 15 - WTA Classic Defeated -35 1347
34460 No chat just fun 19 Classic1913 Defeated -41 1306
34511 Cheap Edwardian Edwardian Defeated -40 1266
34595 Pick your side AustrianSuccession Defeated -37 1229
34848 I'm feelin' a little ratty RatWars Survived -10 1219
34465 Play fast and smart CustomStart Survived 50 1269
34578 Another gunboat-3 AustrianSuccession Drawn 23 1292
34259 SJ Diplomacy 2: Electric Boogaloo Empire4 Defeated -18 1274
34956 Spicy SpiceIslands Drawn 20 1294
34415 JUST FOR FUN-5 Colonial1885 Defeated -18 1276
34629 King George’s War Redux AustrianSuccession Defeated -27 1249
34961 Spice Islands Gunboat SpiceIslands Survived -35 1214
34957 Edwardian Edwardian Drawn 19 1233
34876 Strongest army in Europe vs A season EmpiresCoalitions -23 1210
34284 WILHELM II. Imperial2 Defeated -3 1207
34494 Silent madness Edwardian Defeated -14 1193
34866 foggy 76 ClassicFog Defeated -22 1171
34417 Abrrtn AberrationV -33 1138
34564 No Talking Chaos AustrianSuccession Defeated -27 1111
35032 Testing New Crusades Crusades1201 Defeated -30 1081
34993 Crowding In ClassicCrowded -11 1070
34905 The Emperor’s Old Clothes Imperial2 Drawn 70 1140
34840 America Rising Empire4 -27 1113
35267 (Listen to the) Flower People WWII Survived -7 1106
31381 Colonial! Imperial2 -6 1100
33046 Public WWIV WWIV Defeated -7 1093
34937 On a cloudy day II ClassicFog -10 1083
34880 Cruel lord EmpiresCoalitions -10 1073
35331 March of the Eagles Baron1900 Drawn 7 1080
34934 No chat just fun 21 Classic Defeated 6 1086
33396 Walking in a Nuclear Winter Wonderland WWIV_V6 Defeated -14 1072
35028 The Civil Warld Imperial2 -12 1060
34233 IN THE HEART OF THE HOLY SEA Rinascimento Defeated 0 1060
35555 Old Med PunicWars Survived -14 1046
35065 Remove Kebab Crusades1201 Defeated -2 1044
35958 En passant Duo Defeated -8 1036
34584 Play fast and gentle 3 Modern2 -25 1011
35586 foggy 82 ClassicFog Survived -12 999
35733 Country-spirit! Baron1900 Drawn 26 1025
35630 axis vs allies YoungstownWWII Defeated -25 1000
35671 Ojyucr5uohfswe Enlightenment Survived -34 966
35472 Guadal KnownWorld_901 Drawn 76 1042
35854 It's time to party like it's 1900 Baron1900 Won 247 1289
36150 Salt air and blood NorthSeaWars Survived -14 1275
36082 Is the American dream dead? ManifestDestiny Survived -16 1259
35898 Take the Taj Mahal Maharajah Defeated -34 1225
35870 On a cloudy day V ClassicFog Defeated -34 1191
34637 Embassy Cable GobbleEarth Defeated -2 1189
35859 Fight for Fantasyland FantasyWorld Defeated -29 1160
36228 Talkin' 2 Myself Napoleonic Defeated -20 1140
36256 Big and Small EmpiresCoalitions -47 1093
35911 FallAmerican Empire4 Defeated -21 1072
36651 Foursquare (GIRT) ClassicVS Survived -15 1057
35868 German Younification Imperial2 -4 1053
35918 No chat just fun 27 CustomStart Survived 67 1120
36196 Diplodocus FirstCrusade Drawn 24 1144
36701 Cavort GreekDip Defeated -16 1128
36356 The Italian Job Machiavelli Drawn 59 1187
36135 When there's no game for me, I create a new game ClassicTouchy -43 1144
36104 Habelnut Habelya Survived 4 1148
36830 Foggy Gunboat II ClassicFog Defeated -39 1109
36304 Teepee Trouble GreatLakes -11 1098
36866 Setec Astronomy-4 ClassicFog -5 1093
36819 Age of Absolutism Europe1600 -12 1081
36942 I love Classic Classic Defeated -9 1072
36387 Gobble-Earth-3 GobbleEarth Defeated 0 1072
36313 Gobble-Earth-2 GobbleEarth -37 1035
36863 40x40 Europe1600 -8 1027
33781 Divided States of 'Murica Divided_States -7 1020
37582 Duel-60 ClassicFvA Won 8 1028
37230 Guarda la mia barca FleetRome -35 993
36609 Rinascimento-3 Rinascimento Defeated 0 993
35242 Fast Fifty State (again) Divided_States Defeated -7 986
36457 Imperial World Imperial2 -19 967
37335 My mother was Mona Lisa Renaissance1453 -18 949
37067 something different-4 Modern2 -24 925
38230 Civil sar Empire1on1 Won 8 933
37609 Cheap Florence ClassicFlorence Defeated -21 912
38338 Chair ClassicGvI Defeated -7 905
37997 Military Supremacy Canton Defeated -6 899
38598 Calica CelticBritain -13 886
39945 Verdun-21 TreatyOfVerdun Won 13 899
40075 Cold War 10102019 ColdWar Defeated -3 896
39341 foggy 1898-3 Classic1898Fog Drawn 24 920
40195 Bruhone-6 ClassicFvA Won 7 927
39993 To the holy lands on a boat Crusades1201 Survived -17 910
40222 EvT-42 ClassicEvT Won 10 920
39986 No Neutrals!! ClassicNoNeutrals Defeated -17 903
39956 Island hopping-3 ClassicSevenIslands Drawn 45 948
40084 VIKING WORLD! Viking Drawn 37 985
38292 WWII Global Boogaloo WorldAtWar1937 0 985
40176 Public Asia Canton Drawn 5 990
39630 European Conquest III Europe1939 Won 149 1139
39932 Foggy 1898-7 Classic1898Fog Survived 28 1167
40209 Old but Gold AncMed Defeated -20 1147
39992 Coalition Gunboat EmpiresCoalitions Won 278 1425
40466 Gunboat- Egypt ClassicEgypt Survived -30 1395
40341 Victoria-2 Europe1600 Defeated -43 1352
40649 Not this daisho II Sengoku5 Won 194 1546
40263 Classic 1898-4 Classic1898 Survived -33 1513
40118 Bored at Work Battles Empire4 Survived 0 1513
40841 Черт с ними! AustrianSuccession Survived -56 1457
40606 A modern Gunboat Europe A_Modern_Europe Drawn 66 1523
40918 Foggy 1898 - 17 Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1523
40756 Christmas is still war ClassicFog Won 149 1672
40693 You fools, 7333 was prime! Prime, I tell you! Classic Defeated -34 1638
40657 Brexited Out KnownWorld_901 Survived -50 1588
34103 Ununited States of America Divided_States Defeated 0 1588
40988 Classic Gunboat-9 Classic Drawn 15 1603
41232 libertas quæ sera tamen-2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -44 1559
41271 Classic Gunboat-12 Classic Won 81 1640
41143 Ye it's a modern Europe A_Modern_Europe -65 1575
41793 Hard Times-2 Edwardian3 Survived -25 1550
41350 Mongols Galore MongolianEmpire Drawn 55 1605
39947 EU IV Europa_Renovatio -43 1562
43315 Who's gonna fall under England's rule? Scottish_Clan_Wars Survived -44 1518
41933 soviet Imperial2 -39 1479
45814 Shipshooters Classic -45 1434
40130 Europa Imperatoria Europa_Renovatio Defeated -41 1393
42805 Culling the Herd 2: Electric Boogaloo Europa_Renovatio Defeated -36 1357
46280 Denmark is OP (Gunboat) Europe1600 Survived -30 1327
46905 Be quiet, something's coming Napoleonic Survived -52 1275
46628 Brexited out-2 World10 Drawn 94 1369
46309 Easy.....,..,.. Classic1898 Won 74 1443
46194 Salut Modern Europa Modern2 Survived -15 1428
47488 totally symmetric Migraine Won 110 1538
40316 pick your poison Europa_Renovatio -24 1514
47628 Blood for Luxury ClassicEconomic -36 1478
47569 20 SC for the victory! FoW ClassicFog Drawn 33 1511
48470 TE-3 ClassicEvT Won 10 1521
48628 FvA-146 ClassicFvA Defeated -5 1516
48629 GvI-106 ClassicGvI Defeated -7 1509
47577 No name-10 Enlightenment -65 1444
48368 Errare Humanum Est-2 AtlanticColonies Won 18 1462
48381 Foggy 1898 V Classic1898Fog Drawn 21 1483
48217 Yalla mashallah MongolianEmpire -18 1465
48799 0CT0PUS ClassicOctopus Survived 7 1472
48199 funGoat 15 WTA Modern2 Won 285 1757
49936 CantonDiplomacy Canton -84 1673
48352 High Renovatio Jackpot Europa_Renovatio -35 1638
54815 Viking Gunboat-7 Viking -35 1603
54858 Gunboat Classic-2 Classic -32 1571
54784 Gunboat 1489-2 Abstraction3 -31 1540
57083 Atlantic Gunboat-17 AtlanticColonies Won 59 1599
57232 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-31 ClassicGvI Won 6 1605
57231 1v1 - American Secession War-112 Empire1on1 Defeated -3 1602
57140 WTA W II WWII Survived -41 1561
56904 98Fog Circuit II - Smyrna! (#02) Classic1898Fog Defeated 0 1561
57202 Mediterranean Gunboat-7 AncMed Defeated -34 1527
57296 1v1 - Germany vs Italy-33 ClassicGvI Won 6 1533
57315 1v1 FxJ ClassicFGvsRT Won 4 1537
57283 Mediterranean Gunboat-8 AncMed Drawn 11 1548
57068 Free-for-all classic Classic Won 163 1711
57242 Sengoku Gunboat Sengoku5 Defeated -59 1652
57299 Fog of Gunboat ClassicFog Survived -23 1629
57275 Foggy Gunboat -2 Classic1898Fog Defeated -51 1578
57464 Random countries (GF) ClassicVS Defeated -4 1574
57481 A Little Medieval Gunboat TreatyOfVerdun Won 33 1607
57084 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 675 Colonial1885 Drawn 27 1634
57081 1900 Gunboat Baron1900 Defeated -27 1607
57186 Youngstown Gunboat -14 YoungstownRedux Defeated -39 1568
57388 Das Gunboat-36 WWII Drawn 4 1572
57523 Wok Germany1648 Drawn 9 1581
57480 Classic -5 Classic Defeated -35 1546
57201 Imperial Gunboat-12 Imperial2 Drawn 19 1565
57540 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 2) Iberia1065 Drawn 60 1625
57227 Playing through all the variants: #5: 1600 Europe1600 Defeated -54 1571
57219 Viking Gunboat-10 Viking Drawn 63 1634
57862 Playing through all the variants #8: 843: Verdun TreatyOfVerdun Won 21 1655
57521 long time no America Empire4 Defeated -31 1624
57414 Imperial Gunboat Extravaganza Imperial2 Drawn 22 1646
57530 Taifa Kingdoms (Test 1) Iberia1065 Drawn 84 1730
57398 Playing through all the variants: #6: 1800 EmpiresCoalitions Defeated -40 1690
57518 This one is better Colonial1885 Won 320 2010
57160 Europe 2023 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -63 1947
57437 Old world Gunboat KnownWorld_901 -11 1936
57960 In Bloom-2 Classic1897 -39 1897
58025 Florence Gunboat-2 ClassicFlorence -52 1845
57858 Maddern Gunboat IV Modern2 -44 1801
57746 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 5511 Colonial1885 -34 1767
57264 Gobble Gunboat-2 GobbleEarth -51 1716
56035 Terra-2 WWIVsealanes -82 1634
57706 Colonial 1885 Gunboat-12 Colonial1885 -64 1570
57734 Paths of Glory Baron1900 -27 1543
58662 Classic France vs. Austria-83 ClassicFvA Defeated -4 1539
57786 Colonial 1885 , gunboat 222 Colonial1885 -29 1510
58692 šmakuláda (EA) ClassicVS Defeated -1 1509
57017 Just Like A Dream Europa_Renovatio -37 1472
58695 šmakuláda ClassicEvT Drawn 0 1472
57722 Europe's Playground WWII -12 1460
57448 Sussy amogus impostor World10 -41 1419
58716 Dusty Bottoms Classic1898Fog Defeated -32 1387
58857 A Gunboat Ruler for Asia Canton Defeated -35 1352
58642 Das Gunboat-45 WWII Survived -2 1350
58688 What a Classic Defeated -30 1320
58798 Atlantic Gunboat-26 AtlanticColonies Drawn 10 1330
57409 It's the best variant Europa_Renovatio -44 1286
58833 Viking Gunboat-13 Viking -29 1257
58976 Italy-7 Rinascimento 0 1257
57477 Europe In Flames Europa_Renovatio -56 1201
59054 Classic Foggy Gunboat ClassicFog Won 253 1454
59536 Colonies-7 AtlanticColonies Survived 0 1454
59174 Where the hell is this? Habelya Drawn 18 1472
58910 High Stakes Gunboat FirstCrusade Defeated -23 1449
59544 romo 8th Classic -27 1422
59752 Playing through all the variants #15: Alacavre Alacavre Won 149 1571
60005 classic gunboat-42 Classic Drawn 11 1582
60277 Punic Wars Gunboat PunicWars Survived -20 1562
59706 Viking Gunboat-14 Viking -34 1528
60237 FoggyGunboat -3 Classic1898Fog Survived -51 1477
59479 now for real Imperial2 Defeated -33 1444
60016 Playing through all the variants #16: American Con AmericanConflict -35 1409
60394 Rollorollo DarkAges Drawn 31 1440
58613 Day Day Up Europa_Renovatio Defeated 0 1440
60135 FoggyGunboat-2 ClassicFog Defeated -36 1404
60583 Anarchy in UK gunboat AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 7 1411
60605 Finkelboat-63 NorthSeaWars Survived -18 1393
60566 FoggyGunboat-8 Classic1898 Drawn 45 1438
60493 Gunboat1900-2 Baron1900 Won 214 1652
60570 King of the World Zeus5 Won 123 1775
60677 Playing through all the variants #20: Balkans 1860 Balkans1860 Survived -46 1729
58498 Terra-3 WWIVsealanes Defeated -42 1687
61121 Playing through all the variants #22: Caucasia Caucasia Drawn 17 1704
61009 Youngstown Gunboat-12 YoungstownRedux Won 64 1768
61117 Is this thing on? Classic Resigned -39 1729
56552 Felt cute, might imperialize Imperial2 Drawn 47 1776
60842 Classic - Economic ClassicEconomic Drawn 4 1780