Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for Tränenreich (1586 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
36915 foggy 100 WTA Star game ClassicFog -1 999
39502 Layered gunboat-2 ClassicLayered Survived -25 974
40005 Foggy 1898-8 Classic1898Fog Won 271 1245
40471 Classic-1898 FoW-Gunboat Classic1898Fog Defeated -26 1219
40613 Foggy Gunboat VIII ClassicFog Drawn 32 1251
40754 I am Italy - spoiler ;)) Classic1898Fog Won 258 1509
41268 Spice Island Gunboat! SpiceIslands Won 162 1671
42045 The world is not enough-2 ClassicLayered Drawn 11 1682
44086 1v1-266 ColdWar Won 4 1686
41085 Level Killing Field A_Modern_Europe Defeated -59 1627
43537 Foggy forever ClassicFog Defeated -49 1578
44065 Classic Gunboat Series - 1880 Classic1880 Survived -27 1551
44072 Classic Gunboat Series - Croatia ClassicCroatia Drawn 21 1572
45604 Cold War 08312020 ColdWar Won 5 1577
45612 Time..... FoW - WTA Classic1898Fog Won 170 1747
45713 One World Is Not Enough ClassicLayered Defeated -50 1697
47148 No chat just fun 104 Classic1898 Defeated -34 1663
47532 Tahir - WTA ClassicEgypt Defeated -45 1618
46359 WWWoww WWIV Defeated -44 1574
47970 FoW gunboat WTA - 16 SC for the win Classic1898Fog Won 168 1742
48489 World Dominion World10 Resigned -45 1697
49006 Rise of an Empire KnownWorld_901 Defeated -42 1655
52075 Classic Fogboat-2 Classic1898Fog Survived -27 1628
52022 Classic Gunboat-36 Classic Survived -38 1590
52463 2 Maps, 1 War ClassicLayered Defeated -30 1560
52678 Squirm in the Dark Classic1898Fog Survived 3 1563
52978 Youngstown Gunboat -7 YoungstownRedux Defeated -50 1513
54720 Youngstown Gunboat -11 YoungstownRedux Won 322 1835
54860 Just a Layered Gunboat ClassicLayered Drawn 28 1863
55453 Modern Europe Gunboat-2 A_Modern_Europe Defeated -48 1815
56589 Ready when ready gunboat HeptarchyIV Survived -44 1771
60028 Double Trouble-2 ClassicLayered Survived -50 1721
60818 Fog of war Classic1898Fog Defeated -35 1686
59952 Island Hopping-4 EastIndies Defeated -44 1642
60893 Delfi GreekDip Drawn 25 1667
61256 Fog of gunboat-2 ClassicFog Survived -45 1622
61112 World Diplomacy Gunboat (never say you're sorry!) World10 Defeated -36 1586