Details on the calculation of the vPoint-Rating.

Stats for BohemianRapCity (979 D):

Game Name Variant Status Change Total
32600 Chaos is a pit ClassicChaos Defeated -31 969
34684 ManifestDestiny ManifestDestiny Defeated -19 950
34732 Fievel Goes West ManifestDestiny -7 943
33046 Public WWIV WWIV -51 892
35675 It's time for Africa-2 Africa Survived -7 885
36710 CivilWar-3 Empire1on1 Won 9 894
36715 CivilWar-4 Empire1on1 Won 11 905
36790 Civil War-68 Empire1on1 Resigned -7 898
36393 The Way of the Exploding Fist Canton -13 885
35486 THIRDTRY AnarchyInTheUK Drawn 0 885
38885 Downfall of Rome Imperium Drawn 29 914
38742 Loneliness Classic1898 Drawn 33 947
38685 No chat just fun 45 WTA Classic1880 Defeated -22 925
38860 If you see something, say nothing ClassicFog Survived -19 906
39236 Ooga Chaka GreatLakes Survived -38 868
39154 Hail Europe! Europa_Renovatio Drawn 119 987
38842 Holy Empire Europa_Renovatio Defeated -5 982
38813 EU5 Europa_Renovatio -44 938
44515 ch Colonial1885 Survived 60 998
37407 American Funboat Divided_States -17 981
47729 Its All Greek To Me AgeOfPericles -19 962
51124 Ancient Mediterranean -2 AncMed Survived -7 955
50998 gunboat-15 YoungstownRedux Survived -3 952
51560 Fuck 'em suck 'em robots AtlanticColonies Survived -14 938
51507 African Gunboat-5 Africa Survived 115 1053
51463 Imperial Gunboat-4 Imperial2 Defeated -5 1048
51809 Fogettaboudit Classic1898Fog Defeated -27 1021
52374 Yeehaw Viking Survived -16 1005
52074 Imperial Gunboat-5 Imperial2 Defeated -16 989
53828 Dumb Enlightenment Enlightenment Survived 30 1019
53615 europe36 gb Europa_Renovatio -40 979
57034 TTC081923-2 SouthAmerica4 Drawn 0 979