- Rank: Pro (1,639 )
- Position: 176/3862 (top 5%)
- Available points: 276
- Points in play: -3
- Total points: 276
- Game messages: 4,427
- All Game stats:
- Won: 6 ( 7% )
- Drawn: 32 ( 35% )
- Survived: 20 ( 22% )
- Defeated: 33 ( 36% )
- Total (finished): 91
- Civil disorder: 0
- Civil disorders taken over: 2
- Playing: 0
- Classic:
- Won: 1 ( 20% )
- Drawn: 1 ( 20% )
- Survived: 1 ( 20% )
- Defeated: 2 ( 40% )
- Total (finished): 5
- Classic Press:
- Won: 1 ( 20% )
- Drawn: 1 ( 20% )
- Survived: 1 ( 20% )
- Defeated: 2 ( 40% )
- Total (finished): 5
- Classic Ranked:
- Survived: 1 ( 100% )
- Total (finished): 1
- Variant stats:
- Won: 6 ( 6% )
- Drawn: 43 ( 41% )
- Survived: 20 ( 19% )
- Defeated: 37 ( 35% )
- Total (finished): 106
- Reliability:
- Reliability rating: 85%
"Sulla got the Grass Crown in the Social War, meaning he has touched more grass than us."
- Last visited:
- Forum posts: 11
/ Likes received: 5 - Joined:
- User ID#: 20266