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Special rules/information:
This variant is based on Scenario I (The Balance of Power) from Machiavelli Version 2.
The start date is Spring 1454.
Every country can build on all supply centers they own.
Starting Positions:
Austria (A), A Austria, A Hungary, A Tyrol
France (F), A Avignon, A Swiss, F MarseillesFlorence (L), A Arezzo, A Florence, F PisaMilan (M), A Cremona, A Milan, A PaviaNaples (N), A Bari, A Messina, F Naples, F PalermoPapacy (P), A Bologna, A Perugia, A Rome, F AnconaTurkey (T), A Albania, F Durazzo, F TunisVenice (V), A Padua, A Treviso, F Dalmatia, F VeniceBackground: About the year 1454, the five major Italian powers, having reached a rough parity in strength, sought to create an anti-aggression peace alliance among themselves. The geopolitical situations had advanced a great deal since 1400. Many independent states had been absorbed, and five great states now dominated the political scene: Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples and the Papal States. Venice was now a major land power, as well as retaining much of her sea empire and mercantile wealth. Florence had expanded and now was a sea power as well as a mercantile power. The Papacy had been restored to Rome, and under such dynamic Popes as Martin V, reasserted its sovereignty over the Papal States. With the resources and contributions of the faithful all over Europe, the restored, renewed, but now thoroughly secular Papacy was a force to be reckoned with. Milan, having failed in its bid to dominate the peninsula was still, under Francesco Sforza, one of the most powerful centralized Italian states. Finally, Naples, after being unified once again with Sicily by Alfonso of Aragon, was now a major maritime and land power. A new complicating factor was the interest in Italy by outside powers such as France and Austria, but especially by the Ottoman Turks. The Turks, unified and eager to expand, fresh from victory at Constantinople, were ready to move against Venice in the Balkans or Naples in southern Italy.
Province abbreviations:
Austria (A)
TYR - Tyrolia
AUS - Austria
HUN - Hungary
CRI - Carinthia
France (F)
AVI - Avignon
SWI - Swiss
MAR - Marseilles
PRO - Provence
Florence (L)
FLO - Florence
PSA - Pisa
ARE - Arezzo
PST - Pistoia
Milan (M)
MIL - Milan
PAV - Pavia
CRE - Cremona
PAR - Parma
FOR - Formova
Naples (N)
CAP - Capua
NAP - Naples
AQU - Aquila
SLE - Salerno
BAR - Bari
OTR - Otranto
MES - Messina
PAL - Palermo
Papacy (P)
ROM - Rome
PER - Perugia
PAT - Patrimony
SPO - Spoleto
ANC - Ancona
URB - Urbino
BOL - Bologna
Turkey (T)
TUN - Tunis
DUR - Durazzo
ALB - Albania
HER - Hergozovina
BOS - Bosnia
Venice (V)
VEN - Venice
DAL - Dalmatia
PAD - Padua
TRV - Treviso
VER - Verona
FRI - Friulia
BER - Bergamo
IST - Istria
Neutral Provinces
SAV - Savoy
SLU - Saluzzo
TUR - Turin
MON - Montferrat
GEN - Genoa
MOD - Modena
MAN - Mantua
TRN - Trent
CRN - Carinthia
SLA - Slavonia
CRO - Croatia
FER - Ferrara
LUC - Lucca
PIO - Piombino
SIE - Siena
RAG - Ragusa
SAR - Sardinia
COR - Corsica
GOL - Gulf of Lyon
LIG - Ligurian Sea
WES - Western Mediterranean
TYN - Tyrrhenian Sea
GON - Gulf of Naples
CEN - Central Mediterranean
ION - Ionian Sea
LOW - Lower Adriatic Sea
UPP - Upper Adriatic Sea