A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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jason4747 (1633 D)
20 Nov 17 UTC
"Biggest Game of All Time Completed"- worth a look
By the nice people at WebDip.
Pot: 31,500  - Spring, 1918, Finished - Germany dominates at 17
10 replies
The Real Wheat (969 D)
16 Nov 17 UTC
New Maps
I'm super new to the site and I was curious how new maps were made and/or submitted. I noticed a lot of the maps look a bit old and it got me thinking about what it would take to create a higher resolution version of a game map. Are there certain file formats a map must be in or is this all a responsibility for site admins only? Thanks!
11 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
17 Nov 17 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy
Under the variants, I noticed one called Imperium Diplomacy, but was not able to create a game using this variant. Is it a discontinued variant, or under a different name? It looks like an interesting one, especially the beginning turns.
5 replies
DemonOverlord (910 D)
07 Oct 17 UTC
Vdip colour scheme
Hi, I think vdip would be more successful with a different colour scheme. Also less painful to look at.
31 replies
rebecca02 (1000 D X)
15 Nov 17 UTC
locks of hair
1 reply
JECE (1534 D)
10 Nov 17 UTC
Custom phase bug
This might be better in the Mods section, but I thouht I'd post here first to see if other users have any input.

I'm trying to create a new game with a custom phase length. When I select "Custom" from the drop-down menu, nothing happens. However, when I select "2 days, 2 hours", I've given the option to input a phase length. Hopefully this is an easy fix.
3 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
01 Nov 17 UTC
WWII Update Errors
Hello, I am currently in a game of WWII and I was just informed that it has been updated, "fixing" problems with dual coasts. This supposedly means that Palestine now has two coasts. However, I have a fleet in the Red Sea and it can no longer move to Palestine! Please fix?
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
20 Oct 17 UTC
Replacement Player(s) Needed
I need replacement players game sitters for several games:
13 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
I have reported 2 Issues for vdiplomacy to kestasjk/webDiplomacy
Bug 1: "Turn limited vDip games should end after possible retreats" (Issue 261)

Bug/Questions 2; "How does vDip decide who the winner is?" (Issue 262)
17 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
25 Oct 17 UTC
not quite ready, but... SE Asia 800
going to refine Balkans 1860 and Sengoku: Nagashino as needed before trying to implement this one. Thought I would just give y'all a peek behind the curtain. Thoughts welcome! (it has a few known imbalances to address, but it's close.)
6 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
This is the game thread for vDip Mafia, Episode 1

Please DO NOT post in this thread if you are not playing in the Mafia game.
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Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC


Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game (for the town majority) is to kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. The game is typically very active, so the thread will get big quickly. However, it is essential to read the thread to play the game.


0. The GM reserves the right to adjudicate individual scenarios that arise during the course of the game at his discretion.
1. All players must vote at least once per game day, and post at least twice per game day.
2. All players are forbidden from posting screenshots of their role PMs.
3. All players are forbidden from using encryption.
4. All players are forbidden from using non-sanctioned PMing, or copied mechanics.
5. All spectators and players who have been eliminated are forbidden from posting on all comment threads related to the game notes.
6. All players are forbidden from cheating.
7. All players are required to play to win.
8. Players and/or teams may not concede the game in public.
9. All players must not +1 other players' posts.


0. Given a lack of omniscience, the GM cannot create a rule to resolve all possible scenarios pre-emptively. To compensate for this, the GM is permitted to resolve a given scenario however they see fit, within the remit of the rules listed above, in the interest of all participants. The GM will resolve all scenarios as closely as possible to the intention of the rules, and will present an explanation regarding the adjudication to the greatest possible detail (which does not compromise anything in-game) and as closely in accordance with the written rules as possible.

1. You MUST cast a vote at least once during each day phase. You may vote and then 'unvote' (see below) if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an 'unvote' in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted. During each day phase, every player MUST make at least two game-related posts. The GMs will use reasonable discretion when applying this rule.

2. All role PMs have been posted in the setup information below. The point of this rule is to forbid "gaming" the role PMs to determine alignments; after all, the fun of this game is reading people, not outguessing the GM.

3. Encryption is defined as posting an encoded message on public channels that an average person would require outside software or other tools to decode. It is perfectly acceptable to leave "hidden messages" in your posts (for example, spelling out "I AM THE COP" with the first letters of every sentence), but as a rule of thumb, if you don't think the average vDip user could decode it without a decryption service, don't post it.

4. All in-game communications should be kept within the thread. Only GM endorsed QuickTopic threads can be used for communicating with one another outside of the main game thread; aside from this, there should be no other forms of private messaging between players. You may PM the GM with questions or instructions.

5. Players who have been removed from the game are no longer playing the game, and will not be permitted to comment on it in private messages or comment threads. A special QuickTopic "God Thread" will be opened for individuals who wish to spectate on the game, or players who have been eliminated. Use this channel to discuss the game while it is still ongoing.

6. This is a catch-all rule intended to preserve the spirit of the game. If you are considering saying or doing something that may be against the spirit of the game, message the GM about it before saying/doing it and the GM will let you know whether it is allowed or not.

To clarify further: Players may not copy and paste any game related Mechanics. Players may not doctor, and create fake game related mechanics. Players may not share personal correspondence between GM to player under any circumstances. The GM will not confirm any claims, or adjudicate based upon anything that could easily be sorted out through questioning and evidentiary circumstance.

7. This rule simply means that your actions should in some conceivable way advance your win condition as stated in your role PM. This rule is somewhat subjective, because the difference between a mistake and sabotage is sometimes hard to determine; the GM will exercise caution and restraint in observing this rule. This also means that if you need to leave the game for any reason, you should not simply drop out, but should message me first so I can determine the best course of action.

8. If someone wishes to concede defeat, they must PM the GM, or post in their relevant QT thread for the GM to check it over. Public concessions are not permitted.

9. You are not permitted to click the "+1" on any other player's in-game posts. Giving +1s to the GM, by contrast, is actively encouraged.


The penalty for breaking one of the above rules is decided at the GM’s discretion, up to and including immediate removal from the game and/or sanctions from future games. Removal and/or sanction are instruments of last resort and will be used only if absolutely necessary. Sanctions such as future bans will be determined by the consensus of the active player base after the game has concluded. A player removed from the game may or may not have their role revealed on removal, depending on the circumstances surrounding their removal.

If you are a Power Role or otherwise have any actions to take, please PM your action the GM. Night actions will be processed at the end of the night and can be changed up to that point. Mafia's night kill will be voted on in the mafia QuickTopic thread.


Spamming (defined as excessive content-free posting; or, excessive posting regarding subjects irrelevant to the game) is not mod-killed by rule in this game. The in-game voting mechanic exists to curb any advantage that spamming as a tactic may confer; please reference the “VOTING” section below for more information. Suffice to say that spamming is not worth anyone’s time in this setup, and will be frowned upon, so while you may not be lynched or mod-killed for spamming, please refrain from doing so.

Players that have other participants on their mute list are asked to remove them for the duration of this game. Disputes stemming from outside of this game should not carry over into the gameplay. If they do, the GM reserves the right to address these issues and potentially remove or sanction players if it becomes a disruption.

If a player is silenced on the forum by the site moderators/admins, an alternate will take their place for the duration of their silence. The silenced player will then have the option to take their position back over or leave it in the hands of the alternate. As long as the silence does not stem from actions involving the mafia thread, there will be no in-game sanctions for a forum silence.

A player wishing to drop out may be replaced at the GM's discretion. Individuals wishing to serve as potential replacements must NOT join the out-of-game God QT. Replacement is not guaranteed.

This game’s Day phases will last 72 hours and Night phases will last 24 hours, unless cut short by in-game mechanics (e.g., hammer). Extensions may be granted at the GM’s discretion, but don’t count on it. Phase shifts will be at 10pm GMT.


There are three types of voting within this game: collective voting to execute perceived Mafia in Day phases, collective voting to end a Day or Night phase, and Mafia voting to kill town members in Night phases.

“Lynch” vote: The first level of voting is for whom you intend to kill. Notate this vote with a pair of hash symbols before your intended vote target. (e.g., ##VOTE ZULTAR) You do not need to spell out your intended target's username fully; as long as the GM can understand who you're referencing. In the event of a tie during an execution vote, no one shall be killed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not use double hashtags your vote will not be counted, for reasons of fairness but also because it is unlikely the GM will see your vote using the CTRL+F feature and this rule thus prevents vote miscounts.

Must Vote: At the end of the Day phase, all participating players must have their vote on a candidate. You may ##VOTE and then ##UNVOTE if you change your mind as the Day progresses, however you may not end the phase with an ##UNVOTE in place. Anyone violating this rule will be modkilled unless there are very extenuating circumstances. Ending the day with a vote on “No Lynch” is permitted.

Hammer Vote: The second level of voting is whether or not to employ the hammer mechanic. By default, days are set to 48 hours long, and nights to 24 hours long; however, players may instead elect to activate the hammer mechanic. Notate this vote with a pair of hashes before the word end. (EX: ##END). The day will end as soon as a majority of players are voting to endhammer the same player. If you are not able to vote before the hammer is dropped, you will not be penalized for failing to vote during that day. Night phases may not normally be hammered - any exception to this will be announced by the GM.

Mafia Vote: The third level of voting refers to Mafia members choosing their NK (nightkill) target during Night phases. The mafia members will use their separate QuickTopic thread to discuss this. Please make your votes in bold, like so: kill Zultar (< b > kill Zultar < / b >). Mafia NK will be decided by majority vote. In the event of a tie, the oldest vote will break the tie. The oldest vote determines which member of the Mafia team actually performs the kill.


This game’s GM is Jamie_T. PM him with any questions or concerns and he'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC

The game has not started yet, please do not post.
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
~~~ SETUP ~~~

THEME: It is a time of peace on the planet of Eternia. But He-Man and his friends rest uneasily in Castle Greyskull. It has been some months since they saw or heard of the evil Skeletor. The silence, rather than bringing comfort, leads them to fear that Skeletor is plotting some great scheme. In fact, Skeletor and a select group of minions have already infiltrated the castle, lurking among them.

Will Skeletor finally dispose of He-Man and take possession of the secrets of Castle Greyskull? Or will he meet his final defeat? Find out now in VDIP MAFIA EPISODE 1 - the MAFIAS OF THE UNIVERSE!


1. DemonOverlord
2. Bozo
3. Brainbomb
4. ubercacher16
5. Mouse
6. Ezio
7. Ghug
8. Snowy801
9. CaptainMeme
10. Teacon
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC

Please continue not posting. Game starts at 10pm GMT / 6pm EST
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
~~ ROLES ~~

MAFIA team consists of 1x GOON and 1x HOOKER
TOWN team consists of 1x COP, 1x DOCTOR, and 6x VANILLA TOWNSFOLK


You are a GOON of the Mafia. During the day you must make an accusation against someone by posting ##VOTE <PLAYER> in the game thread. The candidate who reaches a plurality will be executed at the end of the day. You win when the Townsfolk have all been eliminated or nothing can stop this from happening. Each night, you may converse with your team mate(s) [REDACTED] in the Mafia QT at: [REDACTED]

You are the HOOKER of the Mafia. During the day you must make an accusation against someone by posting ##VOTE <PLAYER> in the game thread. The candidate who reaches a plurality will be executed at the end of the day. You win when the Townsfolk have all been eliminated or nothing can stop this from happening. Each night, you may visit another player by PM-ing the GMs with the order ##ROLEBLOCK <NAME>. If that player attempts any night actions, they will fail. They will learn that they were roleblocked. Each night you may also converse with your team mate(s) [REDACTED] in the Mafia QT at: [REDACTED]

You are the town's DOCTOR. During the day you must make an accusation against someone by posting ##VOTE <PLAYER> in the game thread. The candidate who reaches a plurality will be executed at the end of the day. You win when the Mafia have all been eliminated or nothing can stop this from happening. Each night, you may visit a player by PM-ing the GM with the order ##SAVE <NAME>. At the end of the night, if they have been targeted by the mafia nightkill, or if they are shot during the night, you will save their life. You will know if you successfully perfomed a save. Your target will learn of your visit ONLY if you save them. You may not visit the same player on consecutive nights.

You are the town's COP. During the day you must make an accusation against someone by posting ##VOTE <PLAYER> in the game thread. The candidate who reaches a plurality will be executed at the end of the day. You win when the Mafia have all been eliminated or nothing can stop this from happening. Each night, you may visit a player by PM-ing the GM with the order ##INVESTIGATE <NAME>. Your target will not be aware of your visit. At the end of the night, you will learn the alignment (not the specific role) of that player.

You are a regular ordinary townsperson of Eternia. During the day you must make an accusation against someone by posting ##VOTE <PLAYER> in the game thread. The candidate who reaches a plurality will be executed at the end of the day. You win when the Mafia have all been eliminated or nothing can stop this from happening.

Please continue not posting. Game starts at 10pm GMT / 6pm EST
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC

By popular demand the DAY phases in this game will be 72 hours long, rather than the normal 48.

Night phases will last 24 hours, as usual.
One post to say "Oh God! Not here!" and then muting the thread.
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Please do not post in here, Draugnar.
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
"Bwahahaha! Soon the orb of magic will be mine!" cackled Skeletor. "With the diamonds of disguse, we can blend in as simple townsfolk. That muscle-bound meathead He-Man and his nit-witted friends won't be able to spot us, and we can polish them off one-by-one during the night. Bwahahahaha!"

So saying, Skeletor donned his disguise and slipped away. Would the goodly inhabitants of Castle Grayskull be able to find him and his minions, or would his despicable plan succeed?

Time will tell, as DAY ONE begins. The game is afoot!

ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
We start with a day phase?
ghug (1012 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC

##VOTE DemonOverlord
ghug (1012 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Oh good, town is OP.

Is that a problem, uber?
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
It doesn't make sense. There is nothing to talk about.

##VOTE ghug.
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC

Starting with a day phase is the normal approach taken on webDip, and for this first game I did not see fit to depart from that.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
I just always started with night when I played FtF.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
In other news. Good luck and have fun! Unless your mafia.
ghug (1012 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Unless my mafia what?
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Then bad luck, but still have fun I guess.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Oh, I see what you mean.

*Unless you're mafia.
ghug (1012 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
And here I thought ND wasn't playing...
snowy801 (1009 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
I'm here
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Getting one of the two posts out of the way, eh?
ghug (1012 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Have you met snowy?
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
I will be doing the vote counts manually like in the olden days. Here is what a vote count looks like:


Ghug (1) - Ubercacher16
DemonOverlord (1) - Ghug

Currently NOBODY is set to be lynched.

You have two days and 23 hours remaining in Day One.
bozo (2302 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
It will be different playing without the tracker.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
04 Oct 17 UTC
We could go all-out old school and have a spreadsheet :)
bozo (2302 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
@ubercacher: Why the vote for ghug?
bozo (2302 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
@Captain: It is good to see you in a game rather than running it.

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1560 replies
Flame (1073 D)
23 Oct 17 UTC
Austrian question once again!
Please help with testing a map "War of Austrian Succession"

Fast gunboat.
1 reply
Flame (1073 D)
05 Oct 17 UTC
Classic 1898 Variant adaptation
I do the adaptation for 1898 variant. Who knows the author of the variant to mention him in the description. Or it's Hasbro itself?
7 replies
In year one when you just meeting everyone, maybe there anonymous but for sure you don't know any of them. How do you know who to trust?
They can be lying through their teeth and text doesn't show tone of voice or eye contact so you have no idea. If you believe them they may stab you. If you don't you venture into a DMZ and piss them off. Ask around to others and you get rumors or nothing. This game seems so much better suited to face to face.
15 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
17 Oct 17 UTC
Classic Mini-Tourney - Is there interest?
I thought about making a mini-tourney - comprising a single game - using a similar scheme to most Face-to-Face scoring systems.

Basically it'll be a Classic game, running until Fall 1907 and a PPSC structure. The bet would be 100 points - for a ultimate pot worth 700 points.
26 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
13 Oct 17 UTC
Unable to enter certain orders. How to contact GM
Can someone help. I am playing one of the odder variants. New for me. I’ve read the variant page repeatedly and seems I ought to be able to enter a certain order. But it’s not available as an option. (Maybe I’m missing something. Or maybe a bug). Emailed the mods. But how do I contact GameMaster min a gunboat game?
2 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
09 Oct 17 UTC
I love vDip
Enjoying this new golden age of variant development.

Hat tip to Oli and those building variants and supporting their development in the background.
5 replies
FafevPlinskv (1039 D)
10 Oct 17 UTC
Taking over
Need help with a gunboat game, good position but sadly don't have time for it for a moment. PM for more details
0 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
08 Oct 17 UTC
Hey, where are the neutrals?

0 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
10 Sep 17 UTC
vDiplomacy Forum Mafia
Would anyone be interested in playing forum based Mafia / Werewolf here, on the vDip forum?
154 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Reliability system
I looked over Google but couldn't find any topic explaining the reliability system - can anyone hand out an example, and explain how noobs are handled? Thanks a lot in advance!
10 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
19 Sep 17 UTC
Win Conditions less than majority
Some of you with a bit more experience at vDip can clue me in here.

How does vDip currently adjudicate when more than one player meets the SC requirement for victory simultaneously? More details below.
38 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
01 Oct 17 UTC
Varients my style Skippin paddy wagon rattle dash colum mile Flyin off the handle and I dial Clone pile vna for my DNA Rabid as a rattler in a CNA gettin paid like the Destin Pa Handle this festive kudza On a fish. Get you lil bliss Gimme smooch. Im a wish.
4 replies
Flame (1073 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Habelya variant bug?
In Habelya-variant: Fleet from Bay of Holgii can support move S.Holgii (Sc) from Holgian Sea.
Is it bug or normal situation?
6 replies
Anyone else have hobbies outside of Diplomacy or gaming in general?
I am into model railroading as well as fine scale modeling (military), and balsa & tissue aircraft building. What are you all into?
52 replies
Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
27 Apr 17 UTC
Word Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this on WebDip. We start with a word, and you then post the one word that pops into your mind after you read that word. The first word is FIRST.
838 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Sep 17 UTC
Live game anyone?
If anyone likes live games (gunboat, anon) let's see if we can get one going. Only an hour to sign up!
2 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
14 Sep 17 UTC
While I'm going through the long slog of rebuilding Sengoku...
...any interest in a vDip implementation of my most recent, and arguably best balanced variant that rolled off the assembly line before my last long Dip sabbatical?
21 replies
NManock18 (1019 D)
18 Sep 17 UTC
Are there any tips on software to use for designing a variant? Thanks!
5 replies
faded box (1101 D)
05 Sep 17 UTC
anyone up for a live 1v1? u can choose map if u dont like one i got posted
2 replies
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