A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
20 Mar 17 UTC
Fixing the Pirates variant
With the new Lab up and running, as discussed in the DiplomacyGames podcast I'm keen to iron out the bugs in Pirates that people hate...
51 replies
jason4747 (1633 D)
20 Nov 17 UTC
"Biggest Game of All Time Completed"- worth a look
By the nice people at WebDip.
Pot: 31,500  - Spring, 1918, Finished - Germany dominates at 17
10 replies
The Real Wheat (969 D)
16 Nov 17 UTC
New Maps
I'm super new to the site and I was curious how new maps were made and/or submitted. I noticed a lot of the maps look a bit old and it got me thinking about what it would take to create a higher resolution version of a game map. Are there certain file formats a map must be in or is this all a responsibility for site admins only? Thanks!
11 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
17 Nov 17 UTC
Imperium Diplomacy
Under the variants, I noticed one called Imperium Diplomacy, but was not able to create a game using this variant. Is it a discontinued variant, or under a different name? It looks like an interesting one, especially the beginning turns.
5 replies
DemonOverlord (910 D)
07 Oct 17 UTC
Vdip colour scheme
Hi, I think vdip would be more successful with a different colour scheme. Also less painful to look at.
31 replies
rebecca02 (1000 D X)
15 Nov 17 UTC
locks of hair
1 reply
JECE (1534 D)
10 Nov 17 UTC
Custom phase bug
This might be better in the Mods section, but I thouht I'd post here first to see if other users have any input.

I'm trying to create a new game with a custom phase length. When I select "Custom" from the drop-down menu, nothing happens. However, when I select "2 days, 2 hours", I've given the option to input a phase length. Hopefully this is an easy fix.
3 replies
KingCyrus (1258 D)
01 Nov 17 UTC
WWII Update Errors
Hello, I am currently in a game of WWII and I was just informed that it has been updated, "fixing" problems with dual coasts. This supposedly means that Palestine now has two coasts. However, I have a fleet in the Red Sea and it can no longer move to Palestine! Please fix?
1 reply
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
20 Oct 17 UTC
Replacement Player(s) Needed
I need replacement players game sitters for several games:
13 replies
peterlund (1080 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
I have reported 2 Issues for vdiplomacy to kestasjk/webDiplomacy
Bug 1: "Turn limited vDip games should end after possible retreats" (Issue 261)

Bug/Questions 2; "How does vDip decide who the winner is?" (Issue 262)
17 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
25 Oct 17 UTC
not quite ready, but... SE Asia 800
going to refine Balkans 1860 and Sengoku: Nagashino as needed before trying to implement this one. Thought I would just give y'all a peek behind the curtain. Thoughts welcome! (it has a few known imbalances to address, but it's close.)
6 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
This is the game thread for vDip Mafia, Episode 1

Please DO NOT post in this thread if you are not playing in the Mafia game.
1560 replies
Flame (1073 D)
23 Oct 17 UTC
Austrian question once again!
Please help with testing a map "War of Austrian Succession"

Fast gunboat.
1 reply
Flame (1073 D)
05 Oct 17 UTC
Classic 1898 Variant adaptation
I do the adaptation for 1898 variant. Who knows the author of the variant to mention him in the description. Or it's Hasbro itself?
7 replies
In year one when you just meeting everyone, maybe there anonymous but for sure you don't know any of them. How do you know who to trust?
They can be lying through their teeth and text doesn't show tone of voice or eye contact so you have no idea. If you believe them they may stab you. If you don't you venture into a DMZ and piss them off. Ask around to others and you get rumors or nothing. This game seems so much better suited to face to face.
15 replies
Enriador (1507 D)
17 Oct 17 UTC
Classic Mini-Tourney - Is there interest?
I thought about making a mini-tourney - comprising a single game - using a similar scheme to most Face-to-Face scoring systems.

Basically it'll be a Classic game, running until Fall 1907 and a PPSC structure. The bet would be 100 points - for a ultimate pot worth 700 points.
26 replies
Grahamso1 (1912 D)
13 Oct 17 UTC
Unable to enter certain orders. How to contact GM
Can someone help. I am playing one of the odder variants. New for me. I’ve read the variant page repeatedly and seems I ought to be able to enter a certain order. But it’s not available as an option. (Maybe I’m missing something. Or maybe a bug). Emailed the mods. But how do I contact GameMaster min a gunboat game?
2 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
09 Oct 17 UTC
I love vDip
Enjoying this new golden age of variant development.

Hat tip to Oli and those building variants and supporting their development in the background.
5 replies
FafevPlinskv (1039 D)
10 Oct 17 UTC
Taking over
Need help with a gunboat game, good position but sadly don't have time for it for a moment. PM for more details
0 replies
The Ambassador (2164 D (B))
08 Oct 17 UTC
Hey, where are the neutrals?

0 replies
Jamie_T (895 D)
10 Sep 17 UTC
vDiplomacy Forum Mafia
Would anyone be interested in playing forum based Mafia / Werewolf here, on the vDip forum?
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DemonOverlord (910 D)
27 Sep 17 UTC
Isn't 9 the number used on mafiascum anyway?
Jamie_T (895 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Here is a brief explanation of the roles:

Mafia Goon is the basic Mafia member. They can secretly talk to other Mafia team members at night, and vote with them to decide the Mafia team's night kill. They have no other powers.

Mafia Hooker is as above, but in addition they may role-block one player each night. If their target has a night action, it fails.

Mafia strongman is as a Mafia goon, but in addition may force through the Mafia kill, once per game, such that the Doctor (or any other relevant power) cannot prevent the kill.

The Cop is town aligned. Once per night, the Cop can investigate one other player, and will learn their target's alignment.

The Doctor is town aligned. Each night they may visit a player. If their target is attacked that night by the Mafia, or shot at by the Vig, the Doctor will save their life. They may not target the same player on consecutive nights.

Vigilante is Town aligned. Once per game they may shoot another player, during the night. Their target will be killed.

Vanilla Townie is the basic town role. They have no power beyond their vote.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Can doctor save themselves?
brainbomb (662 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Its a GM call.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Ok, I have played that way in FtF so just wondering.
brainbomb (662 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
We have played both styles before. Its fairly common to allow self saving. But its best to verify that
Jamie_T (895 D)
29 Sep 17 UTC

The Doctor *can* self-target, yes. As with any other target, they may not target themselves two nights in a row.
mouse (1776 D)
29 Sep 17 UTC
Isn't the point of the scum role-block to mitigate follow-the-cop, without preventing the doctor from saving them successively?
Jamie_T (895 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
Hi Mouse.

The role-block can be used both to try to block the Doctor, and to attempt to directly block the Cop. In more complex scenarios there would be other town-aligned Power Roles which might also be role-blocked, but for this first game I'm trying to keep it simple.
mouse (1776 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
Yes, I'm disputing the necessity for a "can't target the person you did last night" restriction to all roles, as the scum roleblock sufficiently counters any actual abuse that can be done with that.
President Eden (1588 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
Usually the "no consecutive save" clause on doctors is to allow doctors to self-save while preventing newer players from distorting power role balance by playing "selfishly" (i.e. saving themselves every night). While it's true that the scum roleblock is functionally a good enough counter to abusive interactions like follow-the-cop, a "no consecutive save" clause provides a useful extra buffer (for scenarios where, for example, the roleblocker is lynched before the cop or doctor are outed/killed), provides a balancing benefit to the GM, and doesn't significantly interfere with gameplay.

Probably the most disappointing consequence of a "no consecutive saves" rule is not being able to save the strongest townie indefinitely, but in some sense that's also a positive (the scum's nightkill is their best tool for trying to control town discussion, so having it potentially neutered by being unable to deal with a dominant town player through the night phase is pretty rough for scum).
mouse (1776 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
I would strongly disagree that's a positive, from any perspective - essentially what disallowing the doctor from targetting a person a second night is doing is setting up a guaranteed "x is going to die tonight" situation, rather than allowing the natural second-guessing debate about who to kill and who to save. It completely eliminates the tension of 'can't go for the preferred target, because doctor will save them, except they know that, so they'll save the other likely target instead, blocking that, except...', which is basically the only night-fun a doctor actually gets.

Basing your balance around assuming people are going to play poorly, whether deliberately or through inexperience, is... not actually balancing the game.
Whether or not the doctor has interesting decisions at night has no bearing on the scum team, which means that from the scum team's perspective, giving them some more certainty regarding their night actions working as intended is a positive.

It's clearly a negative for the doctor in all respects (increasing the number of interesting decisions, raw power level of the role), but it's not a negative for all players.

And there's no implicit assumption that people will play the doctor role poorly, the rule simply prevents one method of poor doctor play from occurring. It's a common enough happening in games with a newer community that taking action to prevent it might help the balance (preventing a poor line of play that happens a minuscule number of times in an experienced community is of dubious merit, while preventing that same line of play that happens, say, 80+% of the time in a newer community may have more merit).

FWIW when we started on webdip, I made the roleblock a factional power and allowed the doctor to save whoever they wanted except for themselves. I think that's probably the best compromise of the different tensions at play. But I'm also not involved in this game, likely won't be involved in any emerging vDip forum mafia community, and thus don't have a vested interest in any particular outcome. I'm also not really familiar with how the webDip forum mafia community evolved, so it's possible Jamie's decision to use this set of doctor rules is rooted in experiences I'm not aware of. I thought to give my 2c as someone who has a little experience in running these games and creating formats that help grow mafia communities while still giving veterans meaningful decision-making with their roles.
Jamie_T (895 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
Thanks Eden. (And thanks Mouse for sharing your views)

This is one of the big old debates in Mafia game balancing. The policy I've gone for in this game is the most common solution on webDip these days and in my experience it works pretty well, balance wise.

A reasonably popular option #2 is to allow the Doctor to consecutively save, but make them unable to self-target.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
30 Sep 17 UTC
Actually please withdraw me from the line up. I simply don't think I will have the time to commit to this game for this round.
DemonOverlord (910 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
If I can commit to this as a 1L then you can definitely commit to it as well.
Jamie_T (895 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
What's a 1L ?
brainbomb (662 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
As long as the roleblock is not a *must act* this seems fair
brainbomb (662 D)
30 Sep 17 UTC
A cop is pretty OP in a small setup with no lawyer or godfather but if scum gets lucky towns in deep poo poo
DemonOverlord (910 D)
01 Oct 17 UTC
Jamiet, you should maybe consider using a jailer if there is a 9 person set up
Jamie_T (895 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
There are no "must act" roles in this game.

Seriously what's a 1L ?
brainbomb (662 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
So are we confirmed? This starts wed at? 5?
brainbomb (662 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
Askin 4 a frand
Jamie_T (895 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC

Kaner's withdrawal takes us down to 9 players.

1. DemonOverlord
2. Bozo
3. Brainbomb
4. ubercacher16
5. Mouse
6. Ezio
7. Ghug
8. Snowy801
9. CaptainMeme


A: Fluminator
B: bo

Would either of our subs be willing to step into the starting roster?

Will Kaner change his mind?

Will anyone from the recently-ended webDip game join us here?
brainbomb (662 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
Find out on the next episode of Jamie and Scooby!
Fluminator (1265 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
9 people is a very nice number for a game.
brainbomb (662 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
Agreed. 9 is quite nice. Plus you cant ask for a better player pool.
teacon7 (1674 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
I'm thinking about playing. Should I play?
brainbomb (662 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
Jamie_T (895 D)
02 Oct 17 UTC
You would be very welcome, Teacon.

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Enriador (1507 D)
04 Oct 17 UTC
Reliability system
I looked over Google but couldn't find any topic explaining the reliability system - can anyone hand out an example, and explain how noobs are handled? Thanks a lot in advance!
10 replies
nopunin10did (1041 D)
19 Sep 17 UTC
Win Conditions less than majority
Some of you with a bit more experience at vDip can clue me in here.

How does vDip currently adjudicate when more than one player meets the SC requirement for victory simultaneously? More details below.
38 replies
brainbomb (662 D)
01 Oct 17 UTC
Varients my style Skippin paddy wagon rattle dash colum mile Flyin off the handle and I dial Clone pile vna for my DNA Rabid as a rattler in a CNA gettin paid like the Destin Pa Handle this festive kudza On a fish. Get you lil bliss Gimme smooch. Im a wish.
4 replies
Flame (1073 D)
28 Sep 17 UTC
Habelya variant bug?
In Habelya-variant: Fleet from Bay of Holgii can support move S.Holgii (Sc) from Holgian Sea.
Is it bug or normal situation?
6 replies
Anyone else have hobbies outside of Diplomacy or gaming in general?
I am into model railroading as well as fine scale modeling (military), and balsa & tissue aircraft building. What are you all into?
52 replies
Argentinean Empire (1606 D)
27 Apr 17 UTC
Word Association Thread
Hello! I saw a thread like this on WebDip. We start with a word, and you then post the one word that pops into your mind after you read that word. The first word is FIRST.
838 replies
Major Problems (1364 D)
23 Sep 17 UTC
Live game anyone?
If anyone likes live games (gunboat, anon) let's see if we can get one going. Only an hour to sign up!
2 replies
BenjaminHester (1035 D)
14 Sep 17 UTC
While I'm going through the long slog of rebuilding Sengoku...
...any interest in a vDip implementation of my most recent, and arguably best balanced variant that rolled off the assembly line before my last long Dip sabbatical?
21 replies
NManock18 (1019 D)
18 Sep 17 UTC
Are there any tips on software to use for designing a variant? Thanks!
5 replies
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