A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Game needs to be canceled.
Sorry, I was teaching at this summer program and I got all my kids to sign up and start a game of diplomacy, but now it's over they've all basically dropped it, so we need to cancel the game if that's possible. I don't want to get a win on record by everyone CDing
3 replies
Gumers (1801 D)
27 Jul 13 UTC
Bug in the elo Hof?
In this game I´ve draw with spartan and get only 10pts qhile he got 15... bug?
11 replies
Chaqa (1586 D)
28 Jul 13 UTC
A Look Back

There is no gameID=1, for whatever reason. I can't believe I was in the first recorded game. Look how far we've come.
0 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
26 Jul 13 UTC
Well, It's Been A While Since I've Made A Map...
...But I have something for you all to look at...
Now, I'll admit, it's a bit of a monster to look at, but that's why I'm asking for some opinions. Before you ask any questions about it, please read everything I stated in the post, so that I'm not repeating myself. Thanks...
7 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Jul 13 UTC
colonial 1885
Anyone interested in a colonial 1885? If you are please join gameID=15259
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Lukas Podolski (1234 D)
26 Jul 13 UTC
WorldDipCon and such
Does anyone know where every year's WorldDipCon is held? Is it always at the same place or is there a rotation?

Plus, are there any kind of DipCon held somewhere in Asia? Because from what I know and iirc, ManorCon and MidCon are held (mostly) in the UK ...
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kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
23 Jul 13 UTC
New variant test time:
25 replies
Mapu (2086 D (B))
22 Jul 13 UTC
Cross-gaming on this site
It is against the rules but it's hard to prove. It's also rampant, ruins what could be good games, and is pretty much the baseline here. Perhaps more games should be anon. Regardless, I've had my fill of going up against it.
Gumers (1801 D)
22 Jul 13 UTC
Yes, anon is the way to go...
G-Man (2466 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
I try to only play non-anon when a group of reputable high-quality players set up a game, or when I'm about the last person to sign on and I can again see that everyone involved is respectable. Otherwise, I play anon every game. Although, it's not impossible for players to use "code" (or basically, specific phrasing to attract other players they know) or, as we've seen, for one player to have multiple accounts.
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
23 Jul 13 UTC
Unfortunately it's endemic on the internet. We have tools to try and defer this behaviour, and we try to keep an eye on things. The best way of dealing with suspicions remains that you report suspicious behaviour in the mod forum. We look into every case presented.
Gumers (1801 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
no-press anon is the way to go...
cypeg (2619 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Mapu, you havent seen nothing yet. Loyalties to players, friendships, heck am starting to think that some can cast magic spells on others.

I agree that anon is the preferable way to go, and some invite games (we thoroughly enjoyed our last game even though I got my ass kicked).
no press is just to take your mind out of the game, not a game.
Alcuin (1454 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Sorry, but where's the fun if you cheat? I might try to mess people up in the same game if vengeance is all that's left, and there are people I won't knowingly play with, but really? Carrying alliances and emnities from game to game? Life's too short.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Yes, mapu, you have seen nothing, current game I am in I have never seen plays like this, it is modern map and the odds are 8-2, and it appears the two are the non deciples, maybe one other is not. Players with easy advantages are holding for no apparent reason then they just like sitting around, it's a joke.
Seriously considering just holding my units, what's the point, it's stacked.
Anonymous yes, or invite with players honest to the game.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
1 vs 1 is the way to go...
Retillion (2304 D (B))
23 Jul 13 UTC

This is a Diplomacy game ! Anything can happen !

Do you know that you have only written 2 (TWO !) messages to me during that whole game so far ! What do you expect ? Do you really hope to be succesful in a Diplomacy game with such a communication ?

Also, I would please like to remind you that it is against the rules to discuss an ongoing game.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Retillion I didn't way what game, I will deal with in the game.
Argotitan (1182 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Is this really a problem?

Sometimes, it makes sense to offer cross-gaming to motivate other players to draw out. For example, if you have 3 people with 5 SCs, 3 SCs, and 2 SCs, and the 2SC player is an idiot who wants to fight to the bitter end, the 3 SC player can offer to cross-game so the 2 SC player is motivated to team up and force a draw against the 5 SC player.
Decima Legio (1987 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC

I don’t know if your post was meant to be serious.
If it was, you may need to read the rules page of this website before joining some multiplayer game.
In particular the section:

2. No Meta-gaming
You can't make alliances for reasons outside a game, such as because you are friends, relatives or in return for a favour in another game. This is known as metagaming and is against the rules because it gives an unfair advantage to those involved. If you are worried that you can't stab someone because you want to stay friends, then that's fair enough but you can't join a game with them.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Sadly this community is infected with an epidemic of cross-gaming encompassing incidents of revenge, favors, friendships, points, etc. It's sickening (pun intended), and even more disgusting that some of the "better' players here engage in it. It's extremely easy to spot, but nearly impossible to prove. The only way to stop it is to stop tolerating it as a community. As kaner406 has mentioned the moderators try to track this stuff, but it's very difficult because evidence of it doesn't necessarily occur through actual conversations on the site (yes, the moderators can read all of your messages). The reality is that while it's against the rules, there's next to nothing that the moderators can do to stop it unless they unearth overt evidence of quid pro quo behavior occurring across games.

Metagaming is the wrong word for it, because there are applications where metagaming is perfectly valid (tournaments, series of games, and SRGs). But Cross-gaming is just out and out cheating, and it destroys the integrity of the games and the community.

The answer to this is to build a community where players enforce this rule against cross-gaming thorough mutual respect of each other, and condemnation of the behavior when it goes on. There's no way to effectively penalize it officially, but if enough people cared about it passionately, the behavior would stop because you reputation in the community would suffer if you're observed doing it.

Ideally we could all just play on our honor and not do this. But they are many here who do not respect the game, and do not respect the rest of us as fellow players enough to give the common courtesy of playing each game with a clean slate, free of any off board influence.

I say that the problem is at an epidemic level when otherwise respected players here engage in this behavior routinely, and it goes unmentioned and unsanctioned. Everyone can always hide behind the' it's not allowed to discuss cheating on the forums' clause to shield them, thus killing any public observation of it. And then the only remedy is to approach the moderators, can only prove the sloppiest and most overt cases of cheating. I understand the reasons for keeping cheating accusations out of the public forum, but there's got to be a better solution than sweeping it under the carpet and saying it doesn't exist. It does exist, and it's destroying the community. But then again, there I go again assuming that anyone actually cares if this place has any respect for itself.
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
you're a bs player, Ruffhaus, and you should be penalized for slander. You're trying to justify your actions and accusations with these legitimate-sounding posts, but in the end, when things don't do your way, you contend that there are off-board agendas and cheating going on. Spill your beans somewhere else.
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Methinks thou doth protest too much.... It not all about you Raro, and no one named you as part of the problem, except you of course.
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
no? Should we have the mods check out our correspondence?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
If you want. That conversation is between the two of us and has nothing to do with this conversation. If you think they need to see it fine. I don't care. I've got nothing to hide. In the meantime, you're trolling here, so offer something on the topic at hand, or zip it.
DEFIANT (1311 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Ruffhaus is right, you have multiple players saying the same thing, some really good players are saying it. You have a community supporting only anonymous or invite only games, why is that? There is alot of time spent on these games and to find out it is fixed or stacked is just horrible. We just had a game where I was doing well(finally) and got cancelled due to cross gaming.

I am not one to run to mom because it is unfair, like to handle it within the game format but sometimes you just can't.
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
I don't dispute the fact that some players act unfairly in games. I've seen it myself, and been a victim of it before. I guess I was just quick to throw out a response, because I've been accused of cross-gaming totally without warrant, and nothing could be further from the truth. I start every game with a clean slate and open to diplomacy with each and every player. Right or wrong, my actions derive only from the scenario in each game. I think that just sometimes people are paranoid and throw out accusations much too carelessly, not saying that sometimes they are not warranted. I, too, prefer anonymous games, but the catch is that you're more likely to run into blatant meta-gaming in anon games, and there's no way of knowing whether or not you're playing with quality players. Nothing is more annoying than dedicating months to a game only to find out afterwards that you've been cheated the whole time. With non-anon, you can at least see who might by guilty of suspicious activity, and confront it head-on rather than after the fact. I guess it is just a risk that we all take by playing diplomacy online.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
However, it should be said that not all claims of cross-gaming are legitimate. I was recently accused by someone in this very thread of doing just that and it was complete and utter BS. Being an ally with a player in more than one game does not necessarily equate to cheating.

DEFIANT (1311 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
that's correct raro, it can happen anytime(anonymous or non) and your answer is the textbook protocol to playing the game. It is just less likely to happen in anon, IMO, because you can't use your buddies to form a grand alliance to walk the board.

That's the other little stickler, is someone sore that they got stabbed or is it cross gaming like bluecthulhu said. We all get along with different personalties on this board, we work well with some and not so well with others. So when you get into a game, you are "naturally" more likely to work with players that you get along with, you see things the same way. That's why it is so hard to distinguish between cross gaming and players just playing well together. For instance, lets take the most recent Raro/Ruffhaus situation, they are not too happy with each other right now, those feelings will carryover into another game, can't help it, but i also know that if they were situated into a position that enhanced both their strengths in the next game, they would jump at the opportunity. That's the way this has to be played. Anything less corrupts the game. It happens to all of us, sometime you don't even realize you are doing it, but it needs to be pointed out by others players when it occurs.
cypeg (2619 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
no matter what diplomacy you have done in a game the moves in the game me and Defiant are talking about, are just plain sick! I lost plenty of games, but to be targeted so obviously..

@bluecthulhu no it is not cheating t have the same ally, but it is cheating when someone or wo-three others target one person.

I dont mind if one person, i.e bluecthulhu is targeting me in a game because I didnt make a good first impression to him, but a good player should see beyond that. In a new game I would gladly open talks with him if the situation is beneficial for both of us / Now if he is willing to do so that is another matter. another example Ruffhaus, Mapu have been ruthless enemies to me and prevented solos but can also be my best allies in other games. Can you do that?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Cypeg: Is that addressed to me? If so, I really do want to make it clear that I never attack someone because of grudges held from previous games. But, like Defiant said, there are players who naturally get along and those who dont. I would gladly work with you if that was the smart thing to do. I honestly dont hold a grudge vs anyone on this site. Furthermore, I have no problem attacking anyone on this site, friend or otherwise. I love to stab!!
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Oh and I didnt really understand your point about three others targeting one person.
Three players are not allowed to ally? Were you referring to something in particular?
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
@Decima Legio

I'm not exactly sure, but I think Argotitan is just mis-interpretting the meaning of "cross-gaming". It's sounds like he may just mean switching alliances to force a draw. I'm not sure though, perhaps he can clarify. If he did in fact mean "cross-gaming" in the sense that it is negotiating future games, then I agree it will be important for new players such as these to understand the rules considering such actions.

@Argotitan, can you please explain what was meant by your post?
cypeg (2619 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Blue: I just took you as an example. not addressing you per se.
A 3way alliance of course can take place, but would you feel it is ok if this 3way gang was in a 6 man game, made truce with the other two, and target one player in particular?
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Hmm. If all those events happened naturally within the game, then I would not have a problem with it at all. The two players in your example would be the ones at fault for not trying to reestablish balance and I would consider them the "bad" players in the example. While it may not be the most fun game, I don't see any cheating in that case. Of course, If they decided to kill the solo player before the game even started, then that is clearly cheating.
Anon (?? D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
A good anon, wta, game that hasnt filled for 10 days now.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
For me, the pertinent thing about cross-gaming is the fact that we do build up models of each other in our minds before each game. If Player A has stabbed me in the 1st five turns of every game for the last ten games, it would be foolish to not incorporate that information into your decision making process. That does mean that I will be more defensive towards Mapu or Cypeg even on the very first turn. It is not done from emotion or revenge or malice but a rational model of expected behavior. Is that cross-gaming?
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
that's precisely where the blurry line occurs, and where invite-only anon games are preferable.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
I agree to a certain extent. While I definitely want more people signing up for anon WW4 games (hint, hint, hint), I really do enjoy interacting with the personalities on this site and seeing if I can use the caricature model that I have built up to accurately predict player's moves. Those are probably the most satisfying moments that I have had playing this game; when you just know that a player is gonna act a certain way based on many games of experience - ya feel smart and you own that other player!
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Of course, with my zero victories on my record to date, that feeling is mostly hypothetical :)
tiger (1653 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
You should play some 1v1s blue
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
Ha! Where is the diplomacy in that??
Nope, win or lose, I really like the crazy dynamics of large maps. My dream is for us to take it to the next level and construct a 60 or so player world map.
Raro (1449 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
ten or so would cd, meta-gaming would probably occur on a grand level, and that's even if you could ever start one. I think 24 players sounds like a good template, as was recommended in an earlier thread.
bluecthulhu (1815 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
yep. it is certainly a fantasy for now...
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
23 Jul 13 UTC
wasnt the mars map nearly that big?

is still couldnt get the point you were making, cypeg...why not gang up against a single nation?
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
23 Jul 13 UTC
It's not that 24 players makes a better variant, it's that we can not get 35 serious players for the WW4 games. It wouldn't be bad to have a 24 player variant, but developing one should not preclude the exploration of large maps.

Crossgaming and civil disorder/game abandonment is already rampant across the community, so it wouldn't be any better or worse in a 60 players game. It's a given that it's going to occur. It would simply be proportionate to the size of the map.
Dr. Recommended (1660 D Mod (B))
24 Jul 13 UTC
cypeg you are still not allowing for the possibility that you are just wrong in the case you are referring to. I've given you my reasons for my moves, and whether you agree with them or not they are purely based on the circumstances of that game. You are painting everyone involved with a very broad brush and it is unfair and irresponsible. I don't disagree that there are problems, and I don't disagree that there may well be problems in this case, but you are too quick to assign labels and blame, holding onto what supports your case while ignoring any evidence and arguments to the contrary.

Discussions like this are absolutely needed and should continue, so that everyone can understand what the issues are and we can come as close to a consensus as is possible, so players new and old understand what codes of conduct they are expected to uphold. It's next to impossible to achieve on an internet forum, but progress is only going to come from clear, reasoned discussion. When you leap immediately to judgement and start pointing fingers with a narrow focus, you're only going to diminish the strength of your arguments.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
I think in this thread some people are confusing the various forms of meta-gaming. I think Mapu makes a good point and maybe cross-gaming is actually a better way to describe the actual cheating-quadrant that resides in the metagaming sphere. I think that if you are playing non-anonymous games there are parts of it that exist because they need to.

Personally, I do not believe it is against the rules to consider what you know of your opponents from past experience when making decisions. If you are playing with people you know, of course you need to think about what you know about those people. Otherwise you're at a disadvantage.

That being said, this is way different than using from your pre-conceptions to guide your goals. This is against the rules. As is refusing to accept current press and to stagnate relationships. I believe this is against the spirit of the game.

Playing non-anon in press, in my opinion, is the best way to do it. Because it does add another layer of complexity to the game. The caveat is if people diplom cross-games or opt to play for anything other than a solo first, stopping it second they can ruin games.
Jimbozig (1179 D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
As an aside, I don't believe I have ever encountered meta-gaming in any of the press games I've played on this site.
Anon (?? D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
lets all get along and play giraffe gameID=15134

or join this other sweet game

then we can get past this cause itll be anon.
mfarb (1338 D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
ANON IS THE ANSWER dun dun duuuunnn
mfarb (1338 D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
i agree with what the anon guy two posts above me just said. good call
Leif_Syverson (1626 D Mod)
24 Jul 13 UTC
I get cross-gamed all the time and the HoF is to blame. (or rather people who can't figure out a way to improve their HoF score other than targeting people higher on the HoF than they are).

If you want a fix: Let's all just group hug and draw every game so that you all don't have to complain about listening to all the whiners (either from the cross-gamed crowd, or the cross-gamer crowd).

Anyways, I've been told I can be picked out of an anon crowd like a hippie at an NRA convention, our community isn't big enough for anon to be truly anon.

So, I'll just keep playing games I enjoy and ignore people I don't enjoy and of course I'll try to remember to pack my towel. See you on the other side of the galaxy!
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
24 Jul 13 UTC
Hi all,

Please try to refrain from referring to specific examples in this thread. While the general discussion of such issues is not against the rules (and can help the community) making veiled cheating accusations is. If you have suspicions, please report it in the ModForum so we can look into it for you.

Feel free to keep discussing this, but please keep the conversation clear of cheating accusations!

46 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
24 Jul 13 UTC
colonial 1885
I've made a colonial 1885 please join we need 8 more players. It's gameID=15287
2 replies
Decima Legio (1987 D)
15 Jul 13 UTC
24 players variant
Having a look at the Variants page, there’s a big dark hole from the 19 players Haven to the giant variants Chaos and WWIV, respectively 34 and 35 players.
13 replies
Alcuin (1454 D)
20 Jul 13 UTC
Draw at all costs or points?

First of all, congratulations to Ruffhaus (Turkey) in winning this game. It's also interesting to see a game in which all of the global powers (Britain France and Holland, plus the biggest regional power (Russia) were defeated.
24 replies
mendax (1260 D)
19 Jul 13 UTC
Conflict in the Rinascimento rules

The text at the top states 33 SCs to win, the text lower gives a requirement of 30. Which is the case?
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
19 Jul 13 UTC
Chaos Gunboat
Anyone interested please join. gameID=15187. Seems like it will be a lot of fun and challenging. Not like your typical game.
0 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
17 Jul 13 UTC
Replacement Needed

Italy CD, still has good enough position for you to take over.
1 reply
butterhead (1272 D)
16 Jul 13 UTC
I need to step away...
Over the last couple of months, I have slowly been drifting away from Diplomacy. What used to be the excitement of coming online to see what has happened, has began do fade out. I realized that I have stopped thinking about the game with my head. That is why I must (temporarily) leave the game behind.
10 replies
King Atom (1186 D)
16 Jul 13 UTC
WebDip Has Surpassed This Site in Disappointment...
I see more CD's/NMR's on WebDip, I get much more frustrated with the range of talent between players on WebDip, and there's often even a language barrier when I play on WebDip.

7 replies
PlanetXXX13 (1198 D)
16 Jul 13 UTC
Anyone happy to play against my 11 year old son?
Thinking about a EvT game, just so he can get use to the movement first. It will be on my account, probably a 2 day turnaround. If someone else has son or daughter who would also like to learn, then we could pitch them against each other. Let me know and I'll set something up.
2 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
14 Jul 13 UTC
Aberration V's Story
Here is a link to a variant that my friend and I are working on coding.
(inside for details)
17 replies
cypeg (2619 D)
11 Jul 13 UTC
Forum FAQ ;) or FAP
Over the year we exchanged ideas and raised problems in some interesting topics i.e. the default setting of Viking and WW4, improving the site, etc. I think it will be good to gather these links and have them either in the Help or some kind of a permanent forum post called FAProblems.

that way all this knowledge will not be lost in the wilderness. Plus, these are problems and puzzles that will frequently arise as more and more people encounter them.
6 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
04 May 13 UTC
Anyone up for a Known World 901 15x15 battle?
I've been wanting to play each power in this variant since I converted it to php, but mostly I have only played several different powers. The idea is simple: 15 games, 15 players, in each game you take control of a different power. Each game will be semi-anon (sign up below), 1 1/2 day phases, WTA, gunboat (this will dramatically cut down on the time commitment to messaging). So who's up for it?
37 replies
11 Jul 13 UTC
A question about orders
Hello! I have a question about a scenario that happened to me in a game for about a month ago. I hope somebody has time go look at it! I will post the question and map below.
12 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
09 Jul 13 UTC
Movies you gotta see!
So, summer nights are here, and I'm looking for some good movies to watch. Taking suggestions. :D

15 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
10 Mar 13 UTC
Brainstorming about the extend-vote
What's your thoughts about the current state of this feature?

The idea of the extend is meant to prevent NRMs and spoil the game. Using this as a diplomatic tool is not an option. That's why the mods usually extend games on request. The 3/4-majority is just introduced, so a few minor powers couldn't abuse the system to take a game on hostage indefinitely (and cause more work for the mods again).
53 replies
Anon (?? D)
10 Jul 13 UTC
I will be gone for the next three days so I would appreciate an extend for A Midnight Walk gameID=13814 (it is gunboat so I cannot post in the game itself)
0 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
08 Jul 13 UTC
WW2 Facebook account
For those Dippers who like history mixed up with a modern take:
17 replies
zultar (1241 D)
08 Jul 13 UTC
Best Diplomacy Website
Hey guys, I was wondering what your most preferred Diplomacy website?
I am playing in playdiplomacyonline website as well but honestly I prefer this one more since it is more tactical and does not punish you for making wrong clicks.. What do you guys think?
8 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
25 May 13 UTC
New feature, very early development-stage....
Interactive map.
You can use you mouse to make give orders to your armies.
43 replies
pyrhos (1268 D)
06 Jul 13 UTC
Germany 1648
We have a Germany 1648 starting in 16h somebody please join we need one more player
1 reply
Anon (?? D)
06 Jul 13 UTC
WW4 gunboat starting in 24 hours - players needed
Please consider joining gameID=14993. We've got half the players, just need some more.
2 replies
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
28 Jun 13 UTC
variant test time
3 replies
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