A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Amwidkle (1351 D)
01 Aug 13 UTC
Opening strategy guide, WWIV
Spinning off bluecthulhu's excellent idea into a new thread.
93 replies
SandgooseXXI (1294 D)
22 Aug 13 UTC
Is the phase there yet... T__T
So of all the games I am in, the next phase processes in approx 12 hours, I go through diplomacy withdrawls...keep checking the site for information etc. Do YOU go through withdrawls too? Or is it just me?
13 replies
Synapse (814 D)
17 Jul 13 UTC
Playtesting (WWII, version 2)
I've made some improvements to WWII and would like some help testing balance issues. The first game is here:
22 replies
Synapse (814 D)
19 Aug 13 UTC
Wiki article on balancing variants
I don't know TOO much diplomacy theory, can anyone help me out with this?
5 replies
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
18 Aug 13 UTC
1066 V3
do the Normans start with a fleet in CI?
Because it says nothing about that in the the Vikings have some fleet in the sea too?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
16 Aug 13 UTC
Test group
There's a real issue with testers for the lab.
12 replies
Firehawk (1231 D)
15 Aug 13 UTC
Another Test for the First Crusade
My First Crusade map has gone through a few changes and I'd like to test them. Here's the link, feel free to tell me what u think of the map also.
7 replies
Rancher (1207 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
Phases Played?
in keeping with the % thread
9 replies
Tristan (1258 D)
17 Aug 13 UTC
anyone for a fast one?
0 replies
Oli (977 D Mod (P))
17 Aug 13 UTC
Small 1066 error fixed.
But I needed to cancel the 2 games that started already.
0 replies
Safari (1530 D)
11 Aug 13 UTC
Testers Needed for New 4 Player Variant
Hi Everyone! I'm looking for players to test my variant Atlantic Colonies on the vdiplomacy lab. Ideally I'd like to have more than one game going so that glitches and balance issues can be rooted out as quickly as possible and it can go live!
8 replies
Anon (?? D)
12 Aug 13 UTC
Two needed for New Game.
0 replies
Spartan22 (1883 D (B))
01 Jul 13 UTC
Spartan's Summer Fun- Chaoctopi Signup Thread
Hello all! As part of my summer series of trying to play all variants, I want to play Chaoctopi. Considering that is a large undertaking, I figured I would make a signup thread. Post here if you are interested!
62 replies
mfarb (1338 D)
21 Jul 13 UTC
WW4 Gunboat Anon 3 point bet! WTA ca caw!
16 hour phase, random country assignment, target sc: 40, NO min rating or # of phases
16 replies
Anon (?? D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
Classic gunboat
1 reply
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
WWIV Opening Strategy -- Illinois
New opening article.
7 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
08 Aug 13 UTC
Just checking: drawing and left players
Hi all. In a game where 2 players have left and the remaining 3 players want to draw. Just checking that the left players (still on the board) don't get a share of the pot if the 3 of us draw. Or do we have to wait until we've taken all their SCs?
4 replies
Synapse (814 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Colonial 1885 - Britain always wins
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
07 Aug 13 UTC
lead the way Synapse.
Synapse (814 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Barring a joint effort by all the other powers to constrain Britain, Britain will win due to it's amazing starting position. All the other powers don't recognise this, leading to Britain winning.

either the mod should be adjusted for balance or the description should describe this clearly that Britain is the strongest, so that players know to work against it
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Ooh don't tell Ruffhaus! This variant is apparently the closest thing he has to a son. Don't tell daddy that his little boy is not all that Daddy thinks he is!
Darkarus (929 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Well here is the thing Britain starts big and and can yes grow very fast but it has bits and pieces everywhere which are smaller then the near by countries so Britain is less one country and more like 5 if I remember correctly it is like Russia in Classic it starts with 4 SC's but it more like 2 separate parts due to the nature of St. Petersburg and Sevastopol
Synapse (814 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Yes but that's negated if it always wins. The way the game works, Britain should have to gain more SC's to win so that the win conditions are proportionate. Atm it only needs to expand a little bit to win completely
Fauxlosophe (1191 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Smart play can reverse this but the records definitely show an advantage in Britain's favour which I think relates them having their fingers in just about every pie [A power base in India and units scattered across map] and their control of the Indian Ocean against the fairly underpowered Ottoman, Dutch and French powers.

An Anglo-Russian alliance or players generally ignoring Britain due to more immediate threats generally ends in tragedy.

There are a few possibilities to help counteract this if you wanted to rebalance the map;

One is to turn back the clock a little to 1840 or earlier; Removing the French completely, Strengthening the Dutch to be a serious Rival in the East Indian Ocean, Putting China in a much stronger position and getting rid of the distant English ports.

The downside is that this removes the French who had a major role, would make the historical Decline of China less likely and make Japan's position very difficult unless they get a good alliance with the Dutch or Russians.

Alternatively, if you want to keep the era, the Dutch, Ottomen and French positions could be strengthened to balance the threat abit; the handful of French ports in India might be worth an SC there [admittedly this is the weakest claim], The Dutch could be given New Guinea [possibly include part of "New Holland" on the map for Australia as a neutral SC] and Syria could definitely afford to be upgraded to an SC. I don't know what the results of this would be but it seems like an improved foothold for this powers and a sudden question mark on India would definitely be cause to make old England nervous and make the players of these powers feel less left over a barrel.
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
As someone who soloed playing Britain on Colonial 1885 I have to agree they are a strong power. How it happened was that I happily went along with Germany's plan to destroy France while having peace with everyone else. Just taking neutral SCs, French SCs, and a couple SCs from the collapse of China made me very large, perhaps in the mid-30 ish SC range. Then Germany and I stabbed Holland which gave me another 5-ish SCs. Then I stabbed Germany for another 5 SCs and picked up my last 5 from anywhere I could find them around the world from the other powers that had finally declared war. What made this divide-and-conquer strategy work was how very other power adopted a deer-in-the-headlights look as I raced up to 45-ish centers. Maybe my promise to take no centers from certain powers in return for neutrality prolonged this. So it wasn't a completely skillless victory, but the bigger factor by far was the continued underappreciation of Britain as a threat.

However, I am in another Colonial 1885 game where Britain was one of the first powers defeated (by myself playing Germany and my French ally). (This happened a long time ago and the game is almost over now so I feel I can talk about it). So I would say based on my experience that it is more like both Britain and France are both very strong, but mutually exclusive, colonial powers (if either one gains the upper hand the other is doomed). Maybe Britain is inherently a little stronger than France. But I feel like the real story here is no matter what you do, on colonial-style maps (including Imperial II) the chances of a colonial power soloing are always going to be much greater than the chances of a regional power solo, particularly when the game involves players with a severe mismatch in skill levels (as it often does) and the default Victory Condition is set at less than 1/2 the total SCs. So perhaps if you kept the VC at 1/3 for regional powers but made colonial powers had to get all the way to 1/2 of the SCs I think you would see more coalitions forming to stop them. But this would really just be a crutch for those who cannot perceive a solo threat in time to stop it.
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Also, if going with the tougher VC for colonial powers, would you apply the 1/2 VC to Germany (who starts out a little weaker than Britain/France)? Or to Holland (who is really more of an East Asian regional power because Holland's presence in Europe and Africa is laughable)? And what about Russia, who is one contiguous nation but so large that it in effect has a global reach -- but in no way has any stake in Africa?
Jimbozig (1179 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
Personally I think the map is fine. If Britain is always winning your matches it speaks more about the players in the game than the map itself
caliburdeath (1013 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
You might consider doing as the rinasciamento variant does. Each power has a proportion of the total map power at the beginning of the game, and, though small power is highly unlikely to win, If they get a significant number of centers in PPSC they get a much higher reward than if a large starting power does. It's comparative to their original percentage of power.
Amwidkle (1351 D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
I like caliburdeath's idea. I always wondered why this rule was only ever in effect for Rinascimento. It could be used on any map with large imbalances in starting SCs
RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
Ninjanrd: Nice try troll.... I've never played this map, nor have I offered an opinion about it. You'll have to climb a taller tree to snipe at me dimwit.

Having look it over briefly now Jimbozig's commentary is spot on. This game isn't unbalanced in favor of Britain, it's the level of players in the games that is imbalanced. There's no need for weighted buy in's or rewards on this map though, or any other map simply because there are different starting positions and numbers. To suggest that this is so scream of inexperience and an unsophisticated analytical ability that is fixated of SC counts. As is the case on several other so called imbalanced" maps, Britain is actually one of the most vulnerable nations on this map. Convincing myopic dot-grabbers of the need to engage in diplomacy and geopolitical tactics is an uphill climb. The PPSC and point chasing behavior of players here only serves to feed these myths.

RUFFHAUS 8 (2490 D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
Darkarus +1 as well. You nailed it as well.
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
My bad, It looks similar to your pet. I apologize, I misinterpereted the map.
butterhead (1272 D)
08 Aug 13 UTC
What Darkarus said is true... Britain is more like 5 countries. and that can be both an advantage and disadvantage... You can use that as a mask, saying "oh, I only have 3 centers near you, I am no threat to you" to cover up the fact that you have 30 centers already... But at the same time, if you stumble in one area, you have to either let yourself be vulnerable in another to cover it, or let that area fall, thus extinguishing your influence in an entire corner of the map. It is a burden as much as a gift to have so many centers in so many different places. But it isn't overpowered by any means, just slightly stronger than the others.

15 replies
caliburdeath (1013 D)
06 Aug 13 UTC
New rough map- "Fall of the Carthaginian Empire"
I've made a rough alternate history map, and I want some critiques.
15 replies
Anon (?? D)
07 Aug 13 UTC
North Sea Wars Gunboat WTA
We need a new Norse in the game. great position. arguably the best on the board. gameID=15355
0 replies
Aranith (1355 D)
24 Jun 13 UTC
Won, but less points than 2nd placed

Can anybody tell me why I got less points than the second placed player, although I won?
20 replies
Jimbozig (1179 D)
06 Aug 13 UTC
FoW Gunboat
Needing one more player for a WTA FOW gunboat. PM me for password.
3 replies
Halt (2077 D)
18 Jun 13 UTC
1 v 1 Challenge
I have recently played with someone 1 v 1 who believes that in an FvA scenario, and given that Austria plays properly, France has zero chance of winning.
61 replies
equator (1514 D)
02 Aug 13 UTC
searching games
how can I search a game using its name? is it possible?
1 reply
mfarb (1338 D)
16 May 13 UTC
Anon WWIV game
I have been trying awfully hard to get a anon WWIV game started. For my third try, I shall start a forum to get at least 25-30 people committed. Post here with your commitment, the game will be anonymous random country assignment, so it shouldnt matter if anyone sees your name, but if you want to remain a little more anon, just PM me
127 replies
GabeLincoln (1088 D)
03 Aug 13 UTC
Bug: Support failed?
Hi, This is my first time reporting a bug, so I hope I'm doing it right.
3 replies
Elm (992 D)
01 Aug 13 UTC
removing finished games?
Hi, sorry if this is a dumb question, but at my Home screen, it shows under My Games games that I have been defeated in. How do I remove these? Or officially leave a game if I am close to dying?

Thanks for helping a noob out!
3 replies
adalephat (733 D)
01 Aug 13 UTC
a Pure game?
0 replies
SlawDawg77 (1377 D)
31 Jul 13 UTC
Modern Diplomacy advise needed
I'm playing as Russia and was just betrayed by Ukraine. My forces are split between Scandinavia and Asia Minor/Middle East. Is my best move to move my forces in the Middle East back up to try to defend my center (which has one tank) or keep moving south into the Middle East against a weakened Turkey? I have 6 units in the area vs. 9 Ukraine, 5 Turkey and 4-5 potentially hostile Italian units.
33 replies
Ninjanrd (1248 D)
30 Jul 13 UTC
Aberration V Test Game
Inside for details.
5 replies
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