A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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CptMike (1575 D)
20 Aug 19 UTC
FvA championship

I propose to launch a FvA championship with 5 players.
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Strider (1604 D)
29 Oct 19 UTC
Reliability rating penaltys
5 replies
Can somebody make this a map?
I asked in the mod forum and nobody has answered me yet.
20 replies
Lei Saarlainen (1137 D)
21 Oct 19 UTC
Ready / Non Ready
for be ready what i must read ?
is not a stupid question it can be
1/ i read ready so mean i am ready
2/ i read redy so i must push the button for be ready
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ingebot (1922 D)
17 Sep 19 UTC
Suggestions for Europa Renovatio to be improved
Firstly, I'd like to congrat and thank Technostar on making an amazing variant. I've just got a few suggestions for improvement:
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How do I create maps?
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BobMcBob (1281 D)
26 Aug 19 UTC
Did GvR just get removed?
And why was it a variant in the first place?
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Mittag (1396 D)
15 Oct 19 UTC
Scoring systems?
The "create new games"-page currently has WTA and PPSC as the two options for scoring systems.
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diplopoet (739 D)
08 Oct 19 UTC
Anonymous games
I've noticed that most of the new games on this website are set to "anonymous". Why is that? Why do the people setting up new games like "anonymous" so much?
16 replies
Frozen Dog (1472 D)
08 Oct 19 UTC
What happens if you lose all of your units but still control a non-home supply centre?
I don't mean according to the Calhamer ruleset, but on this site; would you be defeated or live on as a zombie completely at the mercy of others?
4 replies
tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
03 Oct 19 UTC
Looking for new moderators
We are looking for new members of the moderator team:
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tobi1 (1997 D Mod (S))
19 May 19 UTC
Game processing paused
We are currently having some problems after another WebDip code merge with some deep changes to the codebase. Game processing has been paused until this is resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
56 replies
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
28 Sep 19 UTC
Very superstitious
I've got myself into doing a certain thing in my games here and recently changed what I did, for it to go very wrong...
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Cromig (1409 D)
28 Sep 19 UTC
4 Spots Left on great South America map!
Come join the South America game!
3 replies
MagicalSand (1822 D)
25 Sep 19 UTC
V Dip Discord?
This is simply a question im curious with. Would it be a good idea if V Dip had a discord server? just curious what people would think about that.
9 replies
Diplomacy Poll
Hello all, I’m trying to make a poll on what people consider to be their favorite parts of diplomacy. I’ll be reading every response and making a chart of what people enjoy the most here, so please help me out and give me some words.
2 replies
Anon (?? D)
24 Sep 19 UTC
Anyone want to take this world game?
I'm playing in World Peace Simulator-2, gameID=39267 , but I'm about to go away and am unsure if I'll be able to input my moves. If you are interested, PM me and I'll tell you what country I'm playing. I don't want to just say it here as the game is anonymous. Then I can use the country switch tool to give it away. Please take a look if you are interested.
1 reply
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
23 Sep 19 UTC
London vDip players?
Calling London Diplomacy fans... we need your help! Trying to track down from the British Library some 1970's articles in the old school mag Games & Puzzles about our great game. Any locals who can help with a little research in the Reading Room? Thanks :-)
5 replies
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
22 Sep 19 UTC
For those curious...
1 reply
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
13 Sep 19 UTC
Rise of the Bots at webDip
While I dearly love vDip, I am blown away by this development at webDip.
The Ambassador (2159 D (B))
13 Sep 19 UTC
Artificial intelligence has come to Diplomacy. And these bots are good. REAL GOOD. Prepare to be challenged!

Experience it at and listen to our interview about it with jmo and peterwiggin at, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play etc.
Magnetic24 (857 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Although we're down temporarily as we're experiencing a huge strain on our servers, we hope to see some of you in the near future!
Magnetic24 (857 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
We're all up and ready to go! The bots are excited to play wth *you*! Again, hope to see you there and have a great time!
BobMcBob (1281 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Define ready. The site still lags on and off. The bots are really good though, they provide a nice challenge.
champ11228 (775 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
How do you negotiate with bots?
@champ - you don't. Consider it gunboat.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Again, this game is called Diplomacy, not Tactics.
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
@champ and @gopher.

The bots are currently only usable in gunboat, not in full press. Using them in press is a further multi-year project. They can correctly read gunboat alliances, and will recognize signals such as support holds. However they only have a one-turn memory. If you stop a support hold for a year, they'll take it as you're no longer an ally.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Sep 19 UTC
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Meaning you can conduct diplomacy with them, in a fashion. Its not straight tactics
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Sep 19 UTC
You miss my point. Gunboats are not this game. "Bots" are not playing Diplomacy.
ingebot (1922 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Will a bot stab an ally? When and how?
ingebot (1922 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
Also, can the bot perceive its ally turning against them, through troop movements elsewhere, while still doing support holds?
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
14 Sep 19 UTC
I'm willing to believe for the point of argument that a bot can look for a rock to pick up, but can it say "nice doggie" while doing so?
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
14 Sep 19 UTC
What a disturbingly acute analogy.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Sep 19 UTC
Are people unfamiliar with Will Rogers?
The bots work in 1 v 1’s right?
Can a mod set 7 bots against each other on classic to see which country is actually the best?
goldfinger0303 (2136 D)
15 Sep 19 UTC
@gopher - ah, I understand then. You're of the opinion that gunboat isn't real diplomacy. I used to be like that.

@alex - yes, they can work on any classic map that doesn't have special rules, so they can do 1v1s. And the bots played hundreds of games against each other to train, but I wouldn't give much stock to any results from it.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
15 Sep 19 UTC
This is rather definitional. A Diplomacy game with no diplomacy is not Diplomacy. It is Tactics. However, the tactics within this game are purposefully VERY simplistic because the game is Diplomacy.
Chumbles (1380 D)
15 Sep 19 UTC
The 'bots should of course be called Skynet 1, etc. "We're here for your playing pleasure" ;) ... whilst muttering into the ether 'Diplome THIS...' as they launch their attacks.

If a player CDs, the position should be taken by a Skynet... pretty soon there will be vast regions of maps uninhabited by sentient beings or me where Skynet 'bots roam chewing up supply centres...
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
15 Sep 19 UTC
So I have to say, I'm a bit displeased to see such flippant dismissal of the bot project, especially by someone officially representing this site.

This is the largest project that has happened in the diplomacy space online since it's inception, with a University putting in tens of thousands of developmental dollars into a project that massive benefits to the Diplomacy community as a whole. Their work is groundbreaking as being the first Machine Learning standard for a non-cooperative game and the bot can, with a decent degree of skill and accuracy, understand alliance offers in gunboat games and when to take/reject them. Its offers of support have a higher success rate then human players.

The statement that "the tactics within this game are purposefully VERY simplistic because the game is Diplomacy" is without question the most inaccurate I've seen since the bot's release. Tactics in diplomacy are astonishingly complex and coming from someone with 3 classic game completed, the statement takes on an extra level of absurdity. Becoming skilled in tactics in the game takes a decent amount of work, and the bots will be an amazing tool for people to work up to that point.

The bot work here is setting the stage for future projects which will eventually lead to a press version of the bot being able to communicate with others. See existing press technology like ( It also makes diplomacy as a whole competitive with other gaming sites and apps which offer instant gratification in the form of opening a site/app and having immediate available game play options which has resulted in a falling off of new people into the diplomacy hobby.

It's also discouraging and frankly, insulting for the Diplomacy community to be dismissive of the work put in by outside groups taking the time to work with our communities for free, to deliver to us, improvements to the game. That type of collaboration with outside researchers is rare and should be appreciated and encouraged.

Not to mention that it's also insulting to myself and other devs who contribute towards the overall code base that both sites share.

So to sum it up, the bots are a massive technological breakthrough, immensely beneficial to the Diplomacy hobby, lay the groundwork for future press communicating versions, and the largest research collaboration in the Diplomacy hobby to date. So if you don't have anything nice to say about them, kindly be quiet.
TCB (1907 D)
15 Sep 19 UTC
One (of many) potentially useful application of the bots would be playtesting variants for balance. The bots would be able to far more quickly go through variants, giving their creators and users additional statistics. For this reason alone, we should be supportive of this project.
TCB (1907 D)
15 Sep 19 UTC
Although reading the paper it does seem the current bots were trained on existing human classic diplomacy games, so perhaps the variants would have to be similar for now? I'm curious as to how they would deal with even a simple change like Fleet Rome.
CCR (1957 D)
15 Sep 19 UTC
Well said Jmo. Do you know if this project absorbed any of the developments achieved by the Daide Project? <> Their champion bot, the Albert bot, was not only able to play in any map the were put in, but, after playing or watching a human against six bots several times in both platforms (daide server and webdip) I have to say the Skynet bots are not superior to the Albert bots in many ways, e.g.: ganging up the leader when he threats soloing (Alberts play to stop solos and shift alliance to make it happen); change their set of moves when the chosen set doesnt work (i see skynet bots repeating their whole set of orders for years in a row for no gain while things are happening in the other side of Europe ); realize animosity from moves that don't actually takes centres from them (Albert); adjust their strategy upon what happens around (a sum up of all the above).
I know the bots are not under webdip dev team control, but hey, could you point the Albert level in Daide playform to the actual developers? tx.
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
16 Sep 19 UTC
Challenging people's credentials is always the mark of someone with a strong case.
bo_sox48 (937 D)
16 Sep 19 UTC
Trolling a thread celebrating an incredible development and accomplishment for the online Diplomacy community and speaking out on poorly informed opinions without any credibility is likewise always the mark of someone with a strong case.
Enriador (1507 D)
16 Sep 19 UTC
Exciting project! Can't wait to try it out. AI development in Diplomacy has always been quite niche and limited (even when it's reasonably good like the DAIDE project), so putting it on the webDip family is nothing short of amazing.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
16 Sep 19 UTC
@CCR - These bots were trained against top level Albert, as you can see in section 6.2 of the paper:

DipNet solos in roughly 30% of games against 6 Albert AIs, whereas 1 Albert AI solos about 6% of games against 6 DipNets. There are definitely some aspects Albert does better at than DipNet, but overall DipNet is far stronger.
ScubaSteve (1234 D)
16 Sep 19 UTC
This is pretty fascinating. I'd be curious to see how the bots performed in non-gunboat situations. I bet they could be pretty good. I have played against (and with) players that I presumed were not native speakers of English. I bet a bot could be amazing. The tactics a bot would need are not complicated. Identical situations arise time and time again. Combining a competent machine focused upon passing a Turing test with the simplistic (relatively) tactics that they need would be the interesting test.
Those are very interesting points, TCB.
CCR (1957 D)
17 Sep 19 UTC
Wow. So, if they are taught what A. already knows about holding lines, teaming up at the right time, silent moves, and the others' goals, then they become our Deepest Blues.
Chumbles (1380 D)
17 Sep 19 UTC
Ye ghods, bo_sox48, an admin! I guess "incredible achievement" and "community" rather give it away... DipNet vs SkyNet would be interesting ... Seriously good to see you in here. A serious use of the bots would be to have them sub in for a CDing player, which would get rid of the kamikazi low-RR stand-in...
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
17 Sep 19 UTC
I am hoping the tech will be available for me to be uploaded when I die. If so, I will gladly take on a slew of full communolication Dip games at that time!
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
19 Sep 19 UTC
Going off what Chumbles said; you could have the bots enter orders for players who would have otherwise NMRed. There are several problems with this, but it could be an interesting idea to explore.
BobMcBob (1281 D)
19 Sep 19 UTC
"Coming soon will be an option on all games (starting with gunboats but eventually rolling out to all games) called "Allow Bot CD Ordering". Which will allow a bot to submit orders for, but not takeover a position for someone in CD." - jmo1121109

So yeah, this was already an idea they'd been working on. It's definitely a cool idea. I like it.
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
20 Sep 19 UTC

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KingOfSwords (1497 D)
04 Sep 19 UTC
Crashed Europa Renovatio Games
At least two games of the new Europa Renovatio variant have had problems and crashed, although so far most of these crashes have been resolved. This is the first time I've encountered this issue here at vDip. How concerned should we players be about this?
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Dawaldo (1000 D)
26 Jun 19 UTC
"New World" forum game?
There's a text-based turn-based forum game set on a fictional New World continent. Some on here may be interested.
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AJManso4 (2318 D)
05 Sep 19 UTC
Sealanes Europa Renovatio

Basically england skipped a unit to convoy to my mainland

More info: as reply
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Sky_Hopper (365 D)
30 Aug 19 UTC
Issue that prevented me entering moves
See below.
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Anon (?? D)
28 Aug 19 UTC
This is really a message for mods. .. but I am not getting any response in the ModForum. I have been unable to load orders in the above game for a number of days now .. and am receiving increasingly threatening messages about missing turns and a possible ban. I can't communicate with any of the other players in the game. Does anyone know what is going on?
1 reply
jmo1121109 (1200 D Mod)
25 Aug 19 UTC
Nexus Tournament Open for Registration
You can now register for the Nexus Tournament. See inside for more.
3 replies
BBQSauce123321 (2026 D)
07 Aug 19 UTC
"Theoretical" Game
So there's a map called Fubar ( Let's say I created a game called "HA! Pranked!" where it was choose your own country (So I choose the big one), and then I make the SC count to win 8 (greater than any other country has, except the big one which starts with 10). 5 other people are foolish enough to join the game. Would I just win automatically then?
23 replies
AJManso4 (2318 D)
07 Aug 19 UTC
Sealanes Question
Say I am in the Sealane territory of X SW, and I’m attacking an adjacent Y sea territory, but the Y itself not Y SW/N etc. And I support myself in, can the Y territory retreat into my exposed X sea territory, despite me attacking from X SW?
2 replies
kevdog8 (1780 D)
29 Jul 19 UTC
Move Didn't Go Through
I was looking for clarification from the Mod team as to why a certain unit was not dislodged in a gunboat game with 1.5 day phases, so I sent a message in the Mod forum yesterday morning. I haven't received a response and the next phase of the game is about to go through. What is the proper action in this situation? Should I vote extend and hope for a last-minute extend? Thanks for advice.
2 replies
HQDominator (757 D)
19 Jul 19 UTC
Discord Server
I don't use this website much but I know ya'll do, would you be interested in making a Discord for you to discuss this game on?
6 replies
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