A place to discuss topics/games with other webDiplomacy players.
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Anon (?? D)
26 Feb 23 UTC
Country Switch in this map
Hi, I am Thailand on this map:
I am really busy these days, trying to find a new player to replace me.
I do not want it turns into an open position because I do not want Thailand to miss turns in this game. Is there an experienced player who wants to replace me?
6 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
03 Oct 22 UTC
Putin & your Dip spidey senses
As Diplomacy players I think we’re particular attuned to seeing a geopolitical situation get out of control….
116 replies
Anon (?? D)
27 Feb 23 UTC
Europa coming
This is an new Europa! With 4 excuses and extend never!this will allow fluent playing and no worry about an drop out!please come in and enjoy the game!
0 replies
David Hood (976 D)
23 Feb 23 UTC
North American Diplomacy Championship - May 2023
Registration for Dixiecon 37/Dipcon 52 is now up and running. The event will be held in Chapel Hill NC. Last weekend of May - all registration and booking details are now available at, including options to stay in the dorm (tournament location) or in local hotels. Register today! This event will include a face-to-face tournament for the variant Ancient Mediterranean, in addition to the normal Dip tournament and Team Tournament.
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Enriador (1507 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
To the East Indies we go!
Thanks to the hard work of @tobi1, David E. Cohen's 'East Indies' variant is open for playtesting!
24 replies
Synarus (938 D)
16 Feb 23 UTC
Empire City Variant: The Battle for New York
Has anyone ever played this variant? It looks cool. (pg. 13)
3 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
08 Feb 23 UTC
Message at top of page
Never seen a message at the top of the page. Is this a new addition?
19 replies
Squashywand0 (998 D)
12 Feb 23 UTC
Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3 Sign ups open!
ADA3 (Armistice Diplomacy Alpha 3) sign ups are officially open for all to join! Armistice diplomacy is a 22 player variant set in 1919 with a vast many nations---all with different sizes, strengths, and weaknesses. Make sure to join up soon, cause the spots will go fast! The community is really a blast, and the ui is just as good as you would expect from any other site.
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bigTVBganggang (1272 D)
07 Feb 23 UTC
Custom Variant
Has there been any progress on resuming allowing people to add custom variants, and if so, what is that process?
4 replies
Nova42_ (1141 D)
01 Feb 23 UTC
diplomacy ranks?
What are all the different ranks and how do you get them?
4 replies
Mitomon (2187 D)
05 Feb 23 UTC
Do any of you play political rp minecraft or some other game?
I joined a political roleplay minecraft server recently where we build nations both physically in the game and on a custom map that looks similar to a diplomacy board. I've had a bit of fun making redstone farms and such to increase our economy, claim more land, and even make alliances with other nations. Does anyone else here have experience with minecraft political rp specifically or perhaps some other online multiplayer game?
2 replies
Xenon Radon (2112 D)
03 Feb 23 UTC
How does game limit work?
Currently I can't join public games. It said, "Due to game limits you cannot join games."
However, when I click into "game limits" to check the details, it told me "=> No game limits apply".
Yet I still can't join games. I wonder how does this limit actually work, or is it a bug?
2 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
03 Oct 22 UTC
We need something to resurrect the forums. Any ideas?
Cars, politics, sports or even Jesus if it comes to it. We need to talk about something. It hurts to see the Winning thread dying. Maybe it is time to replace it with something completely new...
93 replies
han-shahanshah (1671 D)
22 Jan 23 UTC
Advertising: a public press ER game
gameID=54632, 30 spots left!
0 replies
Anon (?? D)
16 Jan 23 UTC
Classic - With a custom start, No messaging, Anon, PPSC

Three spots left!
2 replies
David Hood (976 D)
19 Jan 23 UTC
January 2023 Deadline News from DBN
Latest episode of Deadline News from DBN was just released - featuring an interview with new NADF President Zachary Moore, a panel discussion about what is hot or not in the Diplomacy hobby, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy. Panelists include Floridaman (Douglas Rintoul), Christopher Ward, and Tommy "Tombstone" Anderson.
0 replies
Qapoleon (1000 D)
19 Nov 22 UTC
Variant Cataloging
I've been trying to keep track of variants made. Recently Stephen Agar came back on the scene and I am helping him amass variants over the past 20 years or so of his inactivity. I've made a google spreadsheet that contains the ones he's cataloged on his various websites and added a bunch that I knew of. I've also made a form to submit variants to be cataloged.
12 replies
gopher27 (1606 D Mod)
29 Nov 22 UTC
To my German friends on here...
...wasting time on the internet today...and came upon a Uniper announcement about gas-to-oil switching at a power station and saw reference the German Federal Government's policy around "Ersatzkraftwerkebereithaltungsgesetz".
11 replies
Lord Saviour (1407 D)
27 Dec 22 UTC
Who is your favourite LOTR character and why?
For LOTR fans.
24 replies
JECE (1534 D)
12 Dec 22 UTC
New Diplomacy tactic?
"North Korean cyber spies deploy new tactic: tricking foreign experts into writing research for them"
5 replies
David Hood (976 D)
09 Dec 22 UTC
December 2022 Deadline News is out!
Deadline Episode for December just released on the Diplomacy Broadcast Network - this month we interview NADF President Siobhan Nolen, talk to Meta team member Noam Brown about their Cicero bot (which plays Diplomacy well enough to have won Blitzcon !), and report on all the other headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
postsbest02 (1000 D X)
09 Dec 22 UTC
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4 replies
Minihugo (797 D)
20 Nov 22 UTC
Post a variant?
Hey guys! Im wondering is I can suggest a variant to be added to the site? and if so how?
13 replies
Tulkas (2491 D)
02 Dec 22 UTC
African gunboat without Canaries
Join this African variant: Game ID:54319
If you join this game, please, accept this rule:
Canary Islands territory is IMPASSABLE.
6 replies
Fake Al (1673 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
Best map variants ever made
Which maps variants are best designed in your opinion. Not necessarily your favorites. I’m thinking those that give fun and interesting gameplay for all players, but you can use your own criteria.
Arado (1301 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
Cold War 1v1
Bonatogether (1179 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
A World at War - 1937 by michaelb
erikip107 (2584 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
I've not played much of A World at War - 1937, but I think it might become one of my favorites if it gained sealanes. It's a little stalemate-y for my liking, in the 1 maybe 2 takeovers I've had.

Colonial 1885 is one of my personal favorites as well; I love it when powers are not contiguous and as a result have to interact with more players out of the gates. Though being build-at-home and being riddled with very easy stalemates makes it nearly impossible for some countries like China from actually winning the game. And RIP Turkey lol.

I think Europa Renevatio is very nice and well designed: big, sealanes, and not many perfect stalemates. And has Venice and Genoa for non-contiguous powers!

Divided States would also be a top-tier, but it's too easy to stalemate large chunks of board for my liking.
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
25 Aug 22 UTC
Mine. LOL
CYFI (1927 D)
26 Aug 22 UTC
I like Duo, I just think it is an interesting map because it is perfectly symmetrical yet so many different strategies can emerge. It poses the touch question of, "I could take this SC in the first year, but should I as it will hinder next year's moves?"
ubercacher16 (2126 D)
26 Aug 22 UTC
Alacavre, it's good and balanced and the best one.
drano019 (2710 D Mod)
26 Aug 22 UTC
NWO Dip - PBEM for the win!

Alacavre is also a fantastic one! Nice call out by Uber!

Colonial 1885 needs either a wrap around map or sea lanes and build anywhere and it'd be even better. As erikip mentioned, it's super stalematey and very difficult to win for powers like china that have a hard time getting units past some of the stalemates due to restricted building. But still a fun map to play.

I've also got a soft spot for Rinascimento and Imperial II. The unbalanced starts are a personal favorite.
Enriador (1507 D)
26 Aug 22 UTC
Canton and 843: Treaty of Verdun are definitively among my favorites. Pirates gain major points for creativity, never saw a variant that had roaming hurricanes in it.
Qapoleon (1000 D)
27 Aug 22 UTC
1862 - by SuperstitionDawn: modular maps that span the globe. Has a really cool mechanic of controlled territory. Well balanced.

Sengoku Jidai - Ben Hester: Build anywhere gets a lot of down-nosing. Works really well on this one. Very fun

World Diplomacy - TheHillsHaveAviators - really popular on discord

I have a channel on The Embassy that asks for people's top lists, you might be interested:
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
28 Aug 22 UTC
Thanks Enriador ;)
Spice Island & Europa Renovatio
Qapoleon (1000 D)
29 Aug 22 UTC
There's a lot of data on games here. Would be neat to sort variants by the standard deviation of the 'performance' values.
G-Man (2466 D)
30 Aug 22 UTC
MODERN DIPLOMACY II is brimming with tension and has great playability.


A few of the larger 20+ player variants come close, but I feel they all suffer from lack of play testing and game creators who have burned out on the variant before they can create the ultimate iteration.
Thanks, Lei. :)
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
02 Sep 22 UTC
Europa Renovatio - my current favourite
Greek Diplomacy - yup, hard to argue with the unique starting rules
Known World 901 - loved this one to bits
Rinascimento - love it despite the imbalances
USA - because it's not a war without the USA
World War IV (I prefer the sealanes version)
Zeus 5 - doesn't get enough love
mouse (1776 D)
03 Sep 22 UTC
imo any variant can be improved by playing it 'Public Press Only'.

But it especially takes Europa Renovatio and Divided States from high tier to S-rank.
Retillion (2304 D (B))
03 Sep 22 UTC
By far : Known World 901.
Captainmeme (1400 D Mod (B))
05 Sep 22 UTC
Another vote for KW901 here
fourofswords (968 D)
06 Sep 22 UTC
The best variant ever made is Bronze Age Diplomacy. 9 players, large map, balanced. I play it every time the opportunity arises. I also like the 1648 Hapsburg Germany variant. Very challenging.
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
10 Sep 22 UTC
Thank you, kaner406, Retillion and Captainmeme.
Quarantino (1485 D)
17 Sep 22 UTC
It is 1900 for me. A fine rework of the original concept, in my opinion.
JECE (1534 D)
07 Oct 22 UTC
1600 and 1900 are the ones that appeal to me the most, but some of the variants mentioned above sound really interesting!
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
07 Oct 22 UTC
Atlantic Colonies is just awesome. Great Design, Great Balancing.
Rekma (1542 D)
30 Nov 22 UTC
What is the „Bronze Age” variant mentioned by fourofswords? I could not find it now
GOD (1791 D Mod (B))
30 Nov 22 UTC
A variant that has been in development, but sadly got stalled. It is on the site but not currently playable.
Rekma (1542 D)
01 Dec 22 UTC
Thanks for the link! Looked great indeed

26 replies
Paddy (1156 D)
28 Nov 22 UTC
Phase Swap?
In the "Create a New Game" tab, when you select the "custom phase length" option, a new drop-down menu appears: "Time Until Phase Swap." It has options ranging from "No phase switch" to 6 hours. I can't find any documentation on what this does. Does anyone know? Does it make retreats and builds shorter than movement turns? Any help would be appreciated!
1 reply
kaner406 (2061 D Mod (B))
24 Nov 22 UTC
Artificial Intelligence for Diplomacy has arrived
Check out the author list as well...
14 replies
David E. Cohen (1000 D)
17 Nov 22 UTC
vDip Discord Server?
Why isn't there one? It seems like every other large or small forum or group has its own Discord server.
11 replies
David Hood (976 D)
18 Nov 22 UTC
November 2022 Deadline News is out!
Latest edition of Deadline News is out, from the Diplomacy Broadcast Network. Lots of hobbyist interviews from World Dipcon, a discussion with Ed Sullivan about his experiences arguing a case at the US Supreme Court, and headlines from around the World of Diplomacy.
0 replies
The Ambassador (2140 D (B))
22 Apr 22 UTC
Ankara Crescent
London to Bulgaria
Edinburgh to Naples
Liverpool to Ionian
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