Finished: 11 PM Mon 21 Apr 14 UTC
Private rool
3 days /phase
Pot: 6 D - Year: 1470, Finished
Hundred, WTA
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by Feeniks (1024 D)

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21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: making sure i understand...dijon supported flanders into calais.? paris supported calais.?...probably so burgundy doesn't get that supply center? toulouse attack failed because i didn't move.? thanks
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: Yeah...Paris supported Calais. Dijon also supported Flanders, but since it was 2 on 2 (Dijon and Flanders vs. Paris and Calais) the attack failed. Toulouse attacked Guyenne, but since you didn't move, the 1 on 1 (Tolouse vs. Guyenne) attack failed. Ties always go to the defender.

Ryan has played a lot of these "gunboat" style games where there is no negotiation--just putting in orders. Part of these types of games is reading what other players are doing since they aren't saying anything. If you're not sure why an attack succeeded or failed, I'm happy to help. The motivation behind a move, though, is up for you to interpret.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: thanks
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: I'm putting in grades for my last Geography test, and I had a student score a 32%. When I put it in the gradebook, it actually brought his grade up by 1%. Winning.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: One thing to note on this map. You can build anywhere you control and has an open spot for building. Not just your starting territories.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1430: Also, on this site, you can look at all the variants by clicking on the Variants link. There you can rank the variants by number of games complete. I think that's not a bad judge of how popular a given variant is.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1440: if i leave scotland now, does that mean i don't get the build?
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1440: Yes. You have to be in the territory at the end of the fall phase in order to get the build.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1450: andrew...did you support my move to calais? was that just a guess?
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1450: I've actually supported that move for a few turns in a row. Yes, it was a guess.

Ryan, sorry if I'm giving away too much, but in the spirit of a "learning" game:

The way I understand it, players will support one and other as a way of non-verbally trying to indicate their intentions. If I support hold one of you, I'm sending a message to you. If I help you support-move, I'm also sending a message. What you see that message as or what you do with it is up to you.

Clicking on the two boxes with an arrow icon under the map (fourth from the left) will bring up a larger map with all of the orders on it. Supports or convoys that fail aren't always shown on the primary map, but the enlarged map shows all the orders, so you can better see if someone is trying to support you.
21 Apr 14 UTC Year: 1455: got it. thanks
21 Apr 14 UTC Well played. Mind if I pick the next one?