Finished: 08 AM Sat 14 Feb 15 UTC
Spicy Tuna Roll
16 hours /phase
Unrated - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by saladinsmith (975 D)

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11 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Please remember that negotiations before the game begins are not allowed.
12 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Info: This is a choose your country game.
12 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi there! Newbie here!
12 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Hi. I'm pretty new myself. Just started playing Diplomacy a few days before the new year.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Very offensive opening there. Usually people move Budapest to Galicia so they can grab Warsaw in autumn. I'm interested to see how this works out.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Indeed, thats the first time I am playing.. so, forgive me if I am a little bit dumb or agressive on my moves.. It takes a while to click.. and I believe I am playing here more like Risk than anything else.. have to learn to have patience.. Is there any difference in the seasons?
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: I've played a lot of Risk too. It’s similar in the strategy, though of course diplomacy is much more important in Diplomacy, when you're playing with more than two people.

The difference between the seasons is that you build after autumn, and only the supply centers that you hold in autumn matter. So you passed through Venice, which is a supply center, but you were there in spring, not autumn, so it didn't change to red, and it didn't give you a build.

The other major difference between this and Risk is the fleets. Fleets allow you to convoy, which is the only way that units can move more than one space in a turn.

Lots of people underestimate the importance of the water territories -- especially the Ionian. This is a variant where that's especially important. Austria is stronger in this map. Austria can usually keep French armies from reaching Berlin, Rome, and any points east of those, so France really needs to rely on fleets. If France can get into the Ionian, that traps Austrian fleets in the Adriatic, and France can take Italy, Turkey, and the Balkans easily.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: Thanks for the tips, now it does make sense why it didnt turn red.. lets see how this goes now you are in advantage against the newbie here.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: Thanks for the tips, now it does make sense why it didnt turn red.. lets see how this goes now you are in advantage against the newbie here.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: Might put me on equal footing. My strategy has me getting two builds a year, which leaves me weak. I'm not sure whether this works yet.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: Thanks for the tips, now it does make sense why it didnt turn red.. lets see how this goes now you are in advantage against the newbie here.
12 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Lets see what are your plans on crossing the Ionian Sea..
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: How's that work for you? :)

Good job grabbing Venice. Maybe with a fleet in Trieste, plus the two you already have, you can push me out of Italian waters.

You've left Munich unguarded, and Kiel can support Burgundy in. If Berlin supports Tyrolia in, both of us will bounce out, and it will stay red.

You could also use Silesia to guarantee that Tyrolia makes it in, but that would mean that you don't get Warsaw until next year.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Interesting moves..true.. I wont get Warsaw until the next year.. but at least Munich is safe for one more round.. but its time to make sure both north and south seas are safe from the French.. otherwise I will have to start to defend myself from all directions and that definitely doesnt sounds like a good position to be..
12 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1904: Good call. You wouldn't have been able to use Warsaw's build anyway, since all three of your home centers were already building. Though if you had supported with Berlin as well, you could have gotten Tyrolia in, and we wouldn't be bouncing this turn as well.
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Great try.. but it won't be cheap for you to have Munich.. great move to St. Petersburg! That was kind of unexpected.. game is starting to become more interesting :)
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Good job..
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: So.. when I invade a territory, you don't lose your troops? They are kicked to a territory nearby? Just trying to understand things here..
12 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: Right. Unless you have them cornered. Like if you attack an army, and there are no provinces it can retreat to, either because they're all occupied, or because they're all water territories, I'll be forced to disband it.

And St. Petersburg can be tricky too. Sometimes people don't know that it borders Norway, so you can be sneaky like that. :)

Course I can't do anything else there, because my fleet can't move inland.
13 Feb 15 UTC Two more supply centers, and I have the 18 I need to win. I'll take Edinburgh and Portugal this turn, and you can't stop that. You're taking Trieste though, which knocks me back down to 17. You need to hold Trieste and maybe take something else from me, without allowing me to take anything else, like Greece or Venice.