Finished: 12 AM Tue 05 May 15 UTC
Private Friends of Physics-2
2 days /phase
Pot: 280 D - Autumn, 1908, Finished
Classic, PPSC, noProcess:Sat
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 1 turn(s)
Game won by TheJesster (1152 D)

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13 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: (Menkara): How are countries determined? Random? Pref's? Are there restrictions on communication? What about "press" releases?
13 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: (wheelerj): This game, countries are randomly assigned. No restrictions on communication. You can send private messages or post globally. I'm not sure what you mean about "press" releases.
21 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: As Germania, naturally it is my duty to strike fear and death into the heart of the pathetic Romans and to conquer their civilization in a swift blitz.
21 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: jk ^_^
22 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: To the esteemed leaders of the peoples of Europe and the Near East, 1901:

I send you greetings, and hope that my salutations find you in good health.

I regret to admit, but I fear that times of diplomatic tensions have befallen our fair continent. My advisors inform me that war is imminent as soon as this fall. Of course, the highest responsibility of each of thy highnesses is to protect and advance the well-being and prosperity of your peoples. But I believe that it would befit us if we would employ the ancient art of cunning diplomacy to ensure that the loss of life is minimized across our fair continent, and regardless of the result of this conflict the great peoples of Europe continue to flourish.

I eagerly anticipate working alongside your majesties in resolving the oncoming conflict.

Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary
22 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: To the less than fortunate rulers and it's burdened countrymen of this torn side of the Earth:

Spring 1901,
I regret having to make myself known in these unpleasant times, but before a possible large scale conflict may occur I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Nicholas Bronakowinołwski III, Czar of the mighty Russian empire. I have been ruler of this great nation long before my life, in my father's rule and my father's father's rule. This great nation has seen many conflicts in the past, and inner turmoil, but now I am faced with having to use my knowledge of war. I very much dislike the idea of force as a solution but I've been pushed.

I understand from tensions between the superpowers of Europe that no longer can we live at peace without shoving ideals down each other's throats and expect to live in peace. I cannot understand however how such a goal to achieve victory was ever so deviously devised to conquer and then called "Diplomacy". This act of violating peace on this continent will not stand by me and my whole nation without retaliation.

Prepare to see what mighty nations can do to one another, my fellow invaders and dictators, when a goal must be met - By force.

I hope a swift and painful fate meets the instigators of this conflict and a righteous saving of the innocent who dare be dragged into such devaluing turn of events.

Nicholas Bronakowinołwski III, May God help those who serve justice and punish those who walk with evil.
22 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: England voted for a Extend. If 2/3 of the active players vote Extend the the current phase will be extend by 4 days. Please consider backing this. If the majority is not reached by "Spring, 1902" the votes will be cleared.
22 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: We have a number of players who have not yet submitted orders. I would recommend that all currently active players scroll down to below your orders panel and find "votes:" and click on "extend." This will make this turn 4 days longer, allowing our friends more time to get into the game.
22 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: GameMaster: Per 2/3 majority vote the gamephase got extended by 4 days.
(Voters: Russia / England / Italy / Austria / Turkey)
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: The last couple of days, with the quality of the communication, have been fun. I hope that all of us continue to be "into" the game, at least this much, throughout the WHOLE game. Thanks again, and "don't forget to write..."
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: So it looks like everyone is listed as "ready" (I see all green check marks)...why hasn't the next round commenced?
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Friends and fellow Europeans,

Are we not all civilized? Have we not learned from the millennia of war that have wracked our continent that there is no benefit to be had in constant expansion? We look beyond our borders and see the dust of moving armies. With deepest sympathy for our people, our bowels are stirred with pity for the mothers and children who will be left without their husbands and fathers as the result of bloodshed. While we are indeed moving our troops to best defend our borders, we urge each of you, please do not take to the field of battle lightly. To those of my esteemed colleagues who count themselves kings: are we not charged by Holy God to rule over our people with wisdom and goodness? How, then, can we say we have done this if we jump headlong into a fray that will undoubtedly leave many thousands of men dead? And to those who are elected or appointed by their people: does not this appointment connote a duty on your part to protect and defend your constituency?

We propose instead a diplomatic shifting of borders. Forasmuch as the pen is mightier than the sword, so we should rather swing with strokes of the pen than with strokes of the sword, and so, slay the hearts and minds of our enemies having never drawn a drop of their blood, for we are not a tyrant or a despot.

We intend to hold our lines and supply centers, yes. And indeed, if we are assaulted, we will push back with ruthless violence in defense of ourselves, our culture, and our people. But we do not seek open warfare with any of your sovereign selves, for we are all men of learning and of courage. This we write as a firm but brotherly offer of warning and caution to each of you. Let us seek to reconcile our differences peacefully. And if a nation lashes out in aggression and violence to seize a territory from one of our sovereign states, let that nation be reviled and the territory promptly returned to its rightful owner. Those who are in favor of this gentleman's arrangement, please say so candidly and forthrightly in so common a manner as we have done here that the letter of purpose might be circulated to all the leaders of Europe. And let those who so oppose a peaceful solution again be solemnly warned: we will not tolerate or permit the violent ceasing of territories but will, with our many allies, repel and rebuff you. Long may peace bless our lands. But should the drums of war sound, may they beat swiftly and fiercely that the shedding of blood be not prolonged.

Wilhelm II, Holy Monarch of the indomitable German people
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Right... Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: -50 DKP for Holy Grail reference. And from the wrong country, too! That should definitely have come from France. Also, I believe if you look at the script you will find that the exact quote was, "Your mother was a *humpstress* (i.e. woman of ill repute) and your father smelt of elderberries" but I digress....
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: As the representative of France, I find it my duty to correct Germany's error. The quote was, indeed, "your mother was a hampster." As a hampster is a rather fecund and fast-breeding animal, the insult contained within that phrase is evident. Furthermore, elderberries were used in the production of a cheap and rather nasty alcoholic beverage, implying a certain want of character on the part of the insultee's father as well.
26 Feb 15 UTC Spring, 1901: Hear, hear!
27 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Indeed. In other news, I would like to remind your royalties that the game has progressed to the Fall, and your orders will be eagerly anticipated on the fronts.

So it begins.
27 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Wow! Fecund AND fast-breeding, both! Who would have suspected?!?
28 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Nonsense! There is no such thing as a hamPster. While there is such a thing as a hamster, the French ka-nigit in question clearly intoned a "p". You're all being simply boorish at this point.
28 Feb 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Rumors, rumors everywhere. Oh how I do love a good rumor. When will the shark strike and when will the prey fall. Oh so many rumors indeed...