Finished: 06 PM Fri 10 Apr 15 UTC
Private A New Learning Game
1 day /phase
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by DeviousWeasel (1139 D)

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07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Would I be correct in assuming that to start a convoy you just need to have army units in the same territory as a fleet and then select convoy and choose a location?
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Only one unit can occupy a territory at a time. You can use support orders to make that unit stronger, but you must support the target territory. IE, if you support a move to Tyrolia, order the Vienna unit to support move Tyrolia from Trieste. You couldn't make that order from Budapest because it can't target Tyrolia. It could do a support hold Trieste though.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Convoy is more like skipping over water. If I had an army in Picardy, Belgium, or Brest, I could convoy it to Wales or London via the fleet in the English Channel.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: The units never 'stay' in the fleet, they just move over it like a bridge. You can even chain-convoy if the water territories are adjacent.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: Would I be correct in assuming that to start a convoy you just need to have army units in the same territory as a fleet and then select convoy and choose a location?
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: To practice convoys, move Trieste to Adriatic, Vienna to Trieste, and Budapest to Rumania for this turn. Next turn (after the build phase) you'll be able to convoy.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: I probably should have done that to get an extra supply center. That's a bit of a shame. oh well.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1901: I probably should have done that to get an extra supply center. That's a bit of a shame. oh well.
07 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1902: Don't worry too much about it, this is just to learn the rules. I'll convoy next turn.
07 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1902: I probably should have done that to get an extra supply center. That's a bit of a shame. oh well.
07 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1902: I probably should have done that to get an extra supply center. That's a bit of a shame. oh well.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1902: I'll convoy from Picardy to Norway. My orders look like: Army Picardy Move to Norway via Convoy. Fleet English Channel convoy to Norway from Picardy. Fleet North Sea convoy to Norway from Picardy.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: So how did you get from Norway to St. Petersburg? Also, can fleets capture coastal areas? Finally, in a game with more people is the diplomacy simply based on agreements or is there a built in mechanic?
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: It's just based on agreements.

Norway and St. Petersburg share a land border. For reference, St. Petersburg has two coasts, fleets must be on one and can't move to the other except by moving all the way around Scandinavia. It's important because Russia begins with a fleet at the South Coast.

Fleets can capture territories, yes. They function like armies except for movement. They can support hold/move Armies, and armies can support move/hold them as long as the target territory is a coastal land area.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Deception, betrayal, and outright lying are a part of this. People trusting you in the first place is important though.
07 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: So how did you get from Norway to St. Petersburg? Also, can fleets capture coastal areas? Finally, in a game with more people is the diplomacy simply based on agreements or is there a built in mechanic?
08 Apr 15 UTC Autumn, 1904: You won't see the arrows on the map, but it's listed in the orders: I attacked Venice from Piedmont with support from Tuscany. Since you attacked Tuscany from Rome, my support order was cut and you kept Venice. Cutting support is an important defensive tool.
08 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1905: Awesome! So far I'm really liking this game. It's a lot like Risk, but with quicker rules.
08 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1905: I should be able to put orders in until around 4pm today. The main game ended last night, so I expect to make the next one tomorrow or Friday.

I'll start attacking you more so you can practice defense. Hold and support hold orders are only half of it, causing bounces with movement orders and cutting support with movement orders are almost more important.
08 Apr 15 UTC Spring, 1905: You've probably noticed, but just in case: You only take possession of a supply center after the Autumn turn. If you occupy it in Spring but leave in Autumn, you don't get a unit from it.