Finished: 05 AM Thu 02 Jul 15 UTC
Private Sparrow (IT)
1 day /phase
Pot: 2 D - Autumn, 1906, Finished
1 excused NMR / no regaining / extend the first 2 turn(s)
Game won by Deinodon (1179 D)

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01 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Tell me the tales of how you named these games.
01 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1903: Also, how many of these have you already had practice on before you played me?
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Some times the names don't make sense to anyone but me. But like in the game where you were Russia/Turkey and I was France/Germany you get why I named it the Lion and the Whale don't you? A France German alliance is sometimes called the Sea Lion. Russia Turkey, as you know, is called The Juggernaut. I thought a whale was a good representation of this. Thus... the lion and the whale.
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: I haven't practiced at all.
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Others I have named based on wars or conflicts and made the passwords allusions to treaties or other significant events in those wars. This one is a little more convoluted. Basically a Turkey is a bird and the Italian National bird is an Italian Sparrow.
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: In Russia there is a saying about shooting sparrows with cannons. So I made the password cannon. Am I insane?
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: But no, I haven't had any practice before playing these with you.
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1903: Yes, you are insane, but clever. :)
01 Jul 15 UTC Autumn, 1905: Hey! Trieste was not fair!
02 Jul 15 UTC Spring, 1906: If you could only be one country for the rest of your diplomacy career, who would it be and why?
02 Jul 15 UTC Tough question.Probably Russia, I never feel trapped as Russia. That would suck though, I haven't played Germany or France near enough to stop playing them forever.
02 Jul 15 UTC Well at least it was pretty close. Good game.
02 Jul 15 UTC yup, won it by a hair.